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Fire Emblem or The Sacred Stones?


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Hello. This is my first post here, so yay! :D: I am a new Fire Emblem fan, and I don't have a DS or a 3DS, but I have a GBA. So I wanted to have your opinions on what game I should get first: The original FE, or The Sacred Stones. So what one is better?

Thanks ^_^

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Fire Emblem, (AKA Fire Emblem Blazing Sword or FE7) its a longer story and is more compelling, its also a nice challenge, but if you want more overall content I think Sacred Stones has more overall (More classes and more things to do), to conclude tho I would say go with Fire Emblem as if you finish that one and want more from that story as well you can try and get The Binding Blade

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Do you have a Wii u? If so, both games are on the virtual console and probably cheaper than if you were to find a physical copy.

I love FE7. Favorite gba title and 2nd favorite in the series. Lyndis normal mode is a bit obnoxious to sit through. But overall the game is solid IMO.

Sacred Stones is okay. I feel it is overall easier. And it is shorter. Both are good choices for games to start with IMO

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They're both great games, my personal favourite is Sacred Stones so I will recommend you to start with this.

SS is also the easiest of the two so maybe you want to play this first and start the original Fire Emblem, which is longer and difficult, when you have a little more experience with the series.

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Sacred Stones gives you the ability to grind your team between story battles, as well as having a decent postgame dungeon. Fire Emblem has a more compelling campaign, a wider cast of characters, and greater replayability. Both games have two separate modes for the main campaign (although Fire Emblem doesn't give you a choice which to choose for your first playthrough), so it's worth it to play both twice for the full story regardless. Fire Emblem also has a 10-chapter tutorial that's mandatory on your first playthrough (on your second run, you can turn the tutorial off or opt to skip it completely).

It's also worth noting that of the two, Sacred Stones is the newer title, and as such has some added features, but mechanically they use the same engine and are pretty similar.

If you like to complete everything and have a 'perfect' file, Sacred Stones may be more up your alley. If you like playing through multiple times to try out new things, or if you plan on getting both eventually anyway, I'd recommend going with Fire Emblem first.

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Do Blazing Sword. JUST DO IT.

Being serious here though, while Sacred Stones is a better place to start due to it's many similarities with Awakening, Blazing Sword not only is a better challenge but also has a better story and presented the series to newcomers before Awakening did it again.

If you are not a challenge person and want a more character driven game however, Sacred Stones is the ideal choice since even though it's story is more barebones than most other installments, it has a bigger focus on characters (mostly the supportive cast ones and villains)

The choices are yours and yours alone.

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Do you have a Wii u? If so, both games are on the virtual console and probably cheaper than if you were to find a physical copy.

I love FE7. Favorite gba title and 2nd favorite in the series. Lyndis normal mode is a bit obnoxious to sit through. But overall the game is solid IMO.

Sacred Stones is okay. I feel it is overall easier. And it is shorter. Both are good choices for games to start with IMO

Why yes, I do have a Wii U! I didn't know that they were on Virtual Console! Thanks! :) By the way, my friends let me borrow Awakening. Chrom is so awesome!

And to everyone else, thanks for the help. I will keep thinking about it. I will most likely play the first Fire Emblem first, since I am planning on getting both eventually anyway. Thanks again for all of the help, and I am glad I joined here. :)

EDIT: Since I am a couple hours into Awakening, I am going to finish that first, and then go back to the original/7th. Gosh, I wish I had a 3DS so I could buy Fates! Corrin is epic in Smash. Especially since I am a dragon fanatic LOL :D:

Edited by Scootch
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Yeah, Robin is awesome. By the way, I don't see a like button for posts. Is it just me being dumb or does this site not have one?

The site doesn't have a 'Like' option, it just has Quote, MultiQuote and Report options.

On topic, FE7 is the better option for you since it is more friendly towards people new to the series. FE7's first ten chapters (Lyn's campaign) serves as an introduction to the game's structure and mechanics and it is done beautifully.

It is true that FE8 is far easier but in terms of introducing a beginner to Fire Emblem (in general), Blazing Sword is the best choice. This series has a great replay value, so you won't regret it.

Also, I echo the idea of FE7 and 8 on Virtual Console on the Wii U, don't waste time, money and effort on the GBA and the classic cartridge, it was good in past times, but is not suitable nowadays. Get FE7 and FE8 on VC for $7.99 (IIRC).

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  • 2 weeks later...

FE6-8 are all top tier GBA games. I would suggest that you try all of them.

FE6 was a real breakthrough and landmark of FE series, and the best seller of GBA FE in Japan for several years. FE7 inherit major settings from FE6 with a polished story and more details, but with only a little improvement on graphics and sound (2002-2003 witnessed graphics enhancement of many GBA game series). FE8 greatly improve graphics, sound and post-story mode content, but less inspired plot and far less challenging difficulty.

Edited by Brucknerian
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