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I can already feel that this game will get the same amount of hate as Awakening did...


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Fire Emblem is a strategy game not an RPG or at least should be so min/maxing is not the major appeal, and don' talk to me about mycastle being able to break the game you don't even know, awakening is broken on a base level, even with rule after made up rule it is broken. Higher difficulties in awakening straight up require you to use it broken rules as well so you can't ignore them. Fates requires two rules and it becomes one of the most balanced Fire Emblem games around, don't abuse my castle and don't grind, that is it! I needed sheets of rules to balance awakening out and even then the stategy in that game is almost nonexistent. The problem with awakening is it broke with normal play even without ever griding, in order to enjoy that game I felt like I had to Nuzlock it. I had to actively fight against the games systems in order to retain any resemblance of balance. In Fates you have to go out your way to one of those castles giving away free units so you can cheat yourself of the experience... But if you play the game as it was intended and as the game makers put it for to be and don't go against castles that purposely unequipped there units so that you can get overpowered units when you couldn't even beat them in the first place. Normally you could only recruit a new unit if you could beat said unit with the units that you have. You are therefore usually unable to get a unit that is overpowered because you would never win against said castle. But again things like the summonable unit in awakening never bothered me because they are not serious part of the experience if you want to play the game as it was actually intended (as shown by their lack of supports) you're supposed to ignore them it is blatantly obvious. As time moves forward more games offer easy out cards for people that want them and I have no problem with that if they want to ruin the experience for themselves that's their own prerogative. What bothers me is when those added systems actually interferes the gameplay of someone that doesn't want to cheat themselves out of the experience and that's what awakening did and Fates does not do.

Edit: Sorry for the novel, just the shear audacity of somehow claiming that Fates is more broken than Awakening pissed me off.

Actually Fire Emblem is an SRPG. Many people who enjoy srpgs or rpgs also enjoy min/maxing. You don't get to define what everyone else should want from the game/series.

Mycastle is more broken than anything in awakening. If you want to ignore that fact, as I suspect everyone will because they want to believe that Conquest is a "real fire emblem" and that awakening isn't, good for you - it doesn't change reality. You can play awakening just like classic FE if you want, you have to ignore systems in the exact same way you do in Fates. By your post it's evident you believe in "the right way to play" so you're not going to admit that Fates is more easily broken and sooner than Awakening, because you're biased against Awakening and playing into the "awakening baby, conquest true fan" bs that stinks up this and almost every other Fire Emblem board on the net.

Well said, Fates return to the roots of the older FE while still catering to those who wants to play their game with easy out. Just because its easy to cheat yourself doesn't mean other people does. Fates has been regarded has having a very polished gameplay because when you play the game as intended, especially conquest, its on-par with the difficulty of those of the older FE games.

Awakening in the other hand only has an artificial difficulty, Lunatic+? Yeah you can say that Lunatic+ is hard but why? Because it gives NPC ridiclous skill that people have to reset the game to avoid. It doesn't come out as a natural difficulty. Conquest basically caters to those who wants a real challenge but not to the point the game is cheating to challenge you. There is your reason why "hardcore" fans defends Conquest.

And your so called "I can just buy someone else's unit and smash the game", have you seen people gloating that they smash the game with someone else's character? I haven't. Did I & Many others uses super genetic min-maxing children to fight against Lunatic+? Yes. People are enjoying Conquest because you don't need a ridiclous min-maxing or pray to the RNG that they don't give NPC ridiclous skills to beat the game. Awakening's Hard is like playing Conquest in Normal. There's a reason why beating chapter 10 in hard without losing anyone feels like an accomplishment, because it takes an actual strategy to beat stages compare to Awakenings broken pair-up that you can just clear stages with ease.

You can impose challenges on yourself that don't use all the systems in Awakening and play them like old FEs as well. People just want to ignore this fact for some reason, I imagine because it doesn't fit into their "i'm hardcore" narrative that they enjoyed by crying about Awakening for the last 4 years.

You don't have to reset in Lunatic+ to play, I think Czar_Yoshi, Airship Cannon and many other people have proven that.

You don't even have to buy someones unit. It literally costs 0 resources. There was 0 need to min/max to enjoy Awakening either, it was simply extra things you could do and was practically post game outside of a few children if you played the game like Classic FE. My argument about min/maxing isn't really related to the breaking portion. That was the part where you were pretending like Awakening was waifu pandering, when fates commits this sin orders of magnitude worse.

Just as an aside: I like a lot of things about Fates. I just can't stand the elitist hypocrisy that fans are engaging in.

Edited by ckc22
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Actually Fire Emblem is an SRPG. Many people who enjoy srpgs or rpgs also enjoy min/maxing. You don't get to define what everyone else should want from the game/series.

Mycastle is more broken than anything in awakening. If you want to ignore that fact, as I suspect everyone will because they want to believe that Conquest is a "real fire emblem" and that awakening isn't, good for you - it doesn't change reality. You can play awakening just like classic FE if you want, you have to ignore systems in the exact same way you do in Fates. By your post it's evident you believe in "the right way to play" so you're not going to admit that Fates is more easily broken and sooner than Awakening, because you're biased against Awakening and playing into the "awakening baby, conquest true fan" bs that stinks up this and almost every other Fire Emblem board on the net.

No, My Castle is NOT more broken than anything in Awakening, you can buy skills yes, but the money for them is VERY hard to come by in Conquest, and with the exception of skill buying castles, which good luck finding without someone giving you the code to one btw, most players early game will not be able to beat the teams to get said skills, and even with good skills, Conquest can and WILL still kick the player in the balls with it's gimmicks. Honestly, the only unbalanced thing about Fates is the hackers, which could be just as easily said about Awakening.

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No, My Castle is NOT more broken than anything in Awakening, you can buy skills yes, but the money for them is VERY hard to come by in Conquest, and with the exception of skill buying castles, which good luck finding without someone giving you the code to one btw, most players early game will not be able to beat the teams to get said skills, and even with good skills, Conquest can and WILL still kick the player in the balls with it's gimmicks. Honestly, the only unbalanced thing about Fates is the hackers, which could be just as easily said about Awakening.

Actually yes, it is, and it has nothing to do with skill buying. You can become mega op without spending a single resource. Try again.

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Actually yes, it is, and it has nothing to do with skill buying. Try again.

Then don't claim skill buying is why you dislike it in the first place, or better yet, if it is, provide ACTUAL evidence, instead of just claiming that it is. Because if it truly is, then why is it that you are the only one who knows how to break the game with it?

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Then don't claim skill buying is why you dislike it in the first place, or better yet, if it is, provide ACTUAL evidence, instead of just claiming that it is. Because if it truly is, then why is it that you are the only one who knows how to break the game with it?

I apparently shouldn't have made more than one argument at a time, because it's made things too complex to follow. I don't like skill buying for a different reason, not because it breaks the game, although there is potential for it to.

Anyways... you can obtain OP corrin units for 0 resources as soon as you have access to mycastle, which is 1 chapter after branch of fate. There are topics on boards all over talking about how easy it is to break the game like this, far easier and quicker than anything you can do in Awakening. I'm hardly the "only one" this place just tends to be an echo chamber for whatever the majority opinion is.

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I apparently shouldn't have made more than one argument at a time, because it's made things too complex to follow. I don't like skill buying for a different reason, not because it breaks the game, although there is potential for it to.

Anyways... you can obtain OP corrin units for 0 resources as soon as you have access to mycastle, which is 1 chapter after branch of fate. There are topics on boards all over talking about how easy it is to break the game like this, far easier and quicker than anything you can do in Awakening. I'm hardly the "only one" this place just tends to be an echo chamber for whatever the majority opinion is.

I wasn't aware a crapton of glod = 0 resources, but okay.

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I wasn't aware a crapton of glod = 0 resources, but okay.

It costs you 0 gold to recruit.... If I'm going to provide "actual evidence" maybe you should know what you're talking about before you get snippy.


Do I think people should do this? No. Do I think it would ruin the game? Yes.

I think the basic gameplay of Fates is better than Awakening.

But I can't let people go on and on and on about Awakening being so "breakable" when this exists, and is easier and faster than the things in Awakening that are breakable. You can't make a claim about how easy Awakening is when you break it and then ignore the option to break Fates...

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^Are you referring to the method delineated in this video?

Because that is pretty broken, and sad considering something like this could be avoided if they had implemented a system that automatically equipped the opposing side with, say, bronze or iron weapons if the game detected that the team you were invading had no weapons equipped. Granted I don't know much about how possible that is in an online setting, but they really should have seen that kind of thing coming.

At least it'll mostly go away when online servers are down...

e: uh to be slightly more on topic for the thread itself I think the backlash is to be expected since as far as I was aware it was going on before the game even released in Japan.

Edited by Ambling Falchion
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^Are you referring to the method delineated in this video?

Because that is pretty broken, and sad considering something like this could be avoided if they had implemented a system that automatically equipped the opposing side with, say, bronze or iron weapons if the game detected that the team you were invading had no weapons equipped. Granted I don't know much about how possible that is in an online setting, but they really should have seen that kind of thing coming.

At least it'll mostly go away when online servers are down...

e: uh to be slightly more on topic for the thread itself I think the backlash is to be expected since as far as I was aware it was going on before the game even released in Japan.

The thing is, people deliberately set up their guys for that purpose, so its not really the game's fault, as much as people exploiting that. And sharing it. Another thing, is you can make your guys Hold position under tactics when setting up your streetpass/My Castle army. So players have to deliberately do this in order to allow other players to reap the boons of this.

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The thing is, people deliberately set up their guys for that purpose, so its not really the game's fault, as much as people exploiting that. And sharing it. Another thing, is you can make your guys Hold position under tactics when setting up your streetpass/My Castle army. So players have to deliberately do this in order to allow other players to reap the boons of this.

That's true, and to be fair I didn't even know it was a thing until today, but I can't say I'm content that it's a thing. I guess something like this was to be expected when they allowed online My Castle sharing, though, so I'll just continue to refrain from using it.

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You can get overpowered corrins from mycastle without expending any resources at all and only need to complete 1 chapter (a chapter that is even easier than ch1 of awakening) from branch of fate before you can do it. Again: you don't need to spend a single piece of gold to abuse mycastle and break the game. It is easier to break and earlier to break than awakening. My point about Conquest is that you can do this there too, but "hardcore" fans will defend it because they're biased.

This is an absurd argument to say that Conquest's gameplay is "broken". Buying OP units or skills via My Castle is completely optional. If people want to negate the difficulty by cheating, they can, but anyone dedicated to play the game for strategy or a challenge won't. Your next argument might as well be "Fates is so easy to beat by abusing the difficulty setting! Look, I set it to Normal Phoenix mode and my characters can't even die! No point to minmax here!"

Hey, I get that you are tired of people slinging mud at Awakening but you're not making a reasonable argument here.

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This is an absurd argument to say that Conquest's gameplay is "broken". Buying OP units or skills via My Castle is completely optional. If people want to negate the difficulty by cheating, they can, but anyone dedicated to play the game for strategy or a challenge won't. Your next argument might as well be "Fates is so easy to beat by abusing the difficulty setting! Look, I set it to Normal Phoenix mode and my characters can't even die! No point to minmax here!"

Hey, I get that you are tired of people slinging mud at Awakening but you're not making a reasonable argument here.

Can you break awakening? Yes.

Can you break fates even faster and more easily? Yes.

Seeing as neither game forces you to do it I don't buy this "optional" argument. It's optional both places. Nothing about these options is cheating... They're programmed into the game to work like that.

There's not much to really argue about here, just people doing circles to pretend like Conquest is somehow above the fold.

I don't care if you like Conquest more - great. But stop saying "oh conquest is so much better, awakening is a broken mess" when this exists. Hell, you can say that conquest has better mechanics/maps/objectives - I certainly think so. It's not better than awakening because awakening is breakable though - because so is Conquest.

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Can you break awakening? Yes.

Can you break fates even faster and more easily? Yes.

Seeing as neither game forces you to do it I don't buy this "optional" argument. It's optional both places. Nothing about these options is cheating... They're programmed into the game to work like that.

There's not much to really argue about here, just people doing circles to pretend like Conquest is somehow above the fold.

I don't care if you like Conquest more - great. But stop saying "oh conquest is so much better, awakening is a broken mess" when this exists. Hell, you can say that conquest has better mechanics/maps/objectives - I certainly think so. It's not better than awakening because awakening is breakable though - because so is Conquest.

I don't really see how Fates is more broken than Awakening, especially Conquest (not counting DLC). Please explain.

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Actually Fire Emblem is an SRPG. Many people who enjoy srpgs or rpgs also enjoy min/maxing. You don't get to define what everyone else should want from the game/series.

Mycastle is more broken than anything in awakening. If you want to ignore that fact, as I suspect everyone will because they want to believe that Conquest is a "real fire emblem" and that awakening isn't, good for you - it doesn't change reality. You can play awakening just like classic FE if you want, you have to ignore systems in the exact same way you do in Fates. By your post it's evident you believe in "the right way to play" so you're not going to admit that Fates is more easily broken and sooner than Awakening, because you're biased against Awakening and playing into the

You can impose challenges on yourself that don't use all the systems in Awakening and play them like old FEs as well. People just want to ignore this fact for some reason, I imagine because it doesn't fit into their "i'm hardcore" narrative that they enjoyed by crying about Awakening for the last 4 years.

You don't have to reset in Lunatic+ to play, I think Czar_Yoshi, Airship Cannon and many other people have proven that.

You don't even have to buy someones unit. It literally costs 0 resources. There was 0 need to min/max to enjoy Awakening either, it was simply extra things you could do and was practically post game outside of a few children if you played the game like Classic FE. My argument about min/maxing isn't really related to the breaking portion. That was the part where you were pretending like Awakening was waifu pandering, when fates commits this sin orders of magnitude worse.

Just as an aside: I like a lot of things about Fates. I just can't stand the elitist hypocrisy that fans are engaging in.

Well I had this long ass post and it was great really insightful and whatever but my browser crashed so yeah not doing that again such a flipping waste of my time I was almost done too that's the worst part oh well. I'll just give you the TLDR in the short awakening feels like I have to force it to play like fire emblem and is not as fun to play as far as it is intended to play (which is more like a poor man's Final Fantasy tactics with less customization). Whereas Fates feels like fire emblem when it's played as intended and it never feels forced. The singular broken a mechanic in fates never has felt like it encroached on my experience as visiting my castles is and always was entirely optional. But many of the things broken in Awakening did, now it could be said that using this broken mechanic in fates could ruin your experience even more than some of the broken mechanics in awakening and that I could agree with. But as sad as it is that there is this broken mechanic. it is not any Intercal part of the game, unlike the broken pair up mechanic, unlike the broken weapons, unlike the unbalanced classes/units this mechanic is not omnipresent. You are actually cheating the system if you do this whereas, the things in awakening is how it's intended to be, the game was intended to be all about been min maxing and creating children death machines. It's supposed to have brave weapon everywhere and other overpowered weapons to make your children death machines all the more death machines. Some classes are meant to not be useful because they are mostly there just to get their skill ( See the entirely useless War Monk, great skill, horrible class). All this makes it feel more like Final Fantasy Tactics where it's all about mixing and matching skills in order to create death machines, which is fun in it's own right but I don't think Fire Emblem is particularly good at it. I much rather leave that type of gameplay to Final Fantasy Tactics (which square desperately needs to make more of) who does it better. In short I want for Fire Emblem to be Fire Emblem and for square to release under another Final Fantasy Tactics game.

Wow this is really tangential and all over the place. Oh well I don't care I'm not typing what I did before again.

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Can you break awakening? Yes.

Can you break fates even faster and more easily? Yes.

Seeing as neither game forces you to do it I don't buy this "optional" argument. It's optional both places. Nothing about these options is cheating... They're programmed into the game to work like that.

There's not much to really argue about here, just people doing circles to pretend like Conquest is somehow above the fold.

I don't care if you like Conquest more - great. But stop saying "oh conquest is so much better, awakening is a broken mess" when this exists. Hell, you can say that conquest has better mechanics/maps/objectives - I certainly think so. It's not better than awakening because awakening is breakable though - because so is Conquest.

Something being an option doesn't make it a part of the intended experience. Codes (or "cheats" as some people call them) are programmed into many computer games but no one uses them as an argument for saying the game is easy to break. Using codes is an option, but it's obviously not how the developers intended you to approach the difficulty of the game. You know what else is optional but available to players? DLC (which is technically what using My Castle is). I guess the game is super easy because you can grind infinite exp, gold and weapons.

You argument against Conquest's difficulty is just plain dishonest. Conquest drastically improved the game balance and required strategy since Awakening but you use "B-but if I download OP characters from OTHER PEOPLES games it becomes too easy!" as your counterpoint? Really scraping the bottom of the barrel.

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Something being an option doesn't make it a part of the intended experience. Codes (or "cheats" as some people call them) are programmed into many computer games but no one uses them as an argument for saying the game is easy to break. Using codes is an option, but it's obviously not how the developers intended you to approach the difficulty of the game. You know what else is optional but available to players? DLC (which is technically what using My Castle is). I guess the game is super easy because you can grind infinite exp, gold and weapons.

You argument against Conquest's difficulty is just plain dishonest. Conquest drastically improved the game balance and required strategy since Awakening but you use "B-but if I download OP characters from OTHER PEOPLES games it becomes too easy!" as your counterpoint? Really scraping the bottom of the barrel.

I second this motion, and send it to be passed as law (seriously you said this more concise and better than I did, though this is what I thinking about). Edited by Locke087
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So what I'm reading is that if someone wants to snap the difficulty over their knee they can.

If they want to preserve difficulty and play Fates like an older Fire Emblem they can.

If they want some combination of the above they can do that too.

Long story short, Fates gives options. People can play the way they want to, the way they feel they will get the most enjoyment out of the game. For a game where a major point of advertising was how many options the player had, I think this discussion proves Fates fulfilled its goal admirably- at least in terms of gameplay.

Now why don't we just sit back and let each other enjoy playing through Fates in whatever way we choose, may it be with an army of super Corrins or an under leveled team of whatever units did not happen to be used on the last map and thus were spared from the rout that killed off their comrades.

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Well, you could waste time unnecessarily in much older games to trivialise the game for yourself, like milking an earlygame boss for experience or grinding up supports to A within two chapters in the GBA games. But did you really need to and was it a good display of skill? Absolutely not.

In Awakening, the problem was with Veteran and lack of balance when using Pair-Up, and that went well beyond finding cheap ways to make the game easier.

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Something being an option doesn't make it a part of the intended experience. Codes (or "cheats" as some people call them) are programmed into many computer games but no one uses them as an argument for saying the game is easy to break. Using codes is an option, but it's obviously not how the developers intended you to approach the difficulty of the game. You know what else is optional but available to players? DLC (which is technically what using My Castle is). I guess the game is super easy because you can grind infinite exp, gold and weapons.

You argument against Conquest's difficulty is just plain dishonest. Conquest drastically improved the game balance and required strategy since Awakening but you use "B-but if I download OP characters from OTHER PEOPLES games it becomes too easy!" as your counterpoint? Really scraping the bottom of the barrel.

My Castle is not DLC at all... it requires no external purchase, it is a base feature of the game.

If everyone wasn't so busy losing their minds over the fact that I dared say something negative about Fates maybe they could grasp my point. My argument isn't that Conquest didn't improve game balance and required strategy. I've said that it did at least 2-3 times in this thread alone. My argument is that it is just as breakable as (and potentially even more so than) Awakening is. People just can't seem to accept that fact.

Edited by ckc22
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My Castle is not DLC at all... it requires no external purchase, it is a base feature of the game.

If everyone wasn't so busy losing their minds over the fact that I dared say something negative about Fates maybe they could grasp my point. My argument isn't that Conquest didn't improve game balance and required strategy. I've said that it did at least 2-3 times in this thread alone. My argument is that it is just as breakable as (and potentially even more so than) Awakening is. People just can't seem to accept that fact.

DLC = Downloadable Content, Paid or Free if it requires the Internet to Download it, (which when you get these unit you are technically downloading them) it is DLC (for example in the halo games you could share forged maps many of these maps could be hacked. The game itself wasn't broken for having these someone else hacked there game and you downloaded their broken content, LittleBigPlanet is also a good example of things like this). And the point we're not trying to make is that there is not something broken inside Fate, the point were trying to make is that the things broken in awakening are key features of the offline game, whereas is the thing that is broken in Fates is entirely optional, technically cheating, and when servers go down will downright cease to exist! Many games can be broken from accessing downloadable or online content because in such systems hackers and cheaters thrive. The difference here is that when you use the broken thing in fates by using it you are cheating, but the broken things in awakening are core facets of the game. Therefore the example NekoKnight used is applicable, this is very much like using that cheat code or a glitch to make a game easier, especially since most of these free units in my castles are hacked. Edited by Locke087
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I'm done talking to a wall that posts walls of text.

Conquest/Fates is perfect. There's absolutely nothing wrong with it. Awakening is total trash shit.

There. Everyone happy now? FFS..... Maybe when FE15 comes out we can have a rational discussion.

There's your answer TC - Fates will never get the amount of hate that Awakening does, because the hardcore fans believe they got a game made entirely for them and they'll maintain onanistic fantasies about it forever and ever. Elitism is a powerful drug.

The difference here is that when you use the broken thing in fates by using it you are cheating, but the broken things in awakening are core facets of the game.

Bullshit. This argument fucking reeks. It's cheating in fates because you say it is despite the fact that it's all done legally within the confines of the game without hacking or using codes of any kind?

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I'm done talking to a wall that posts walls of text.

Conquest/Fates is perfect. There's absolutely nothing wrong with it. Awakening is total trash shit.

There. Everyone happy now? FFS..... Maybe when FE15 comes out we can have a rational discussion.

There's your answer TC - Fates will never get the amount of hate that Awakening does, because the hardcore fans believe they got a game made entirely for them and they'll maintain onanistic fantasies about it forever and ever. Elitism is a powerful drug.

Calm down. You can't really complain about not being able to have a rational discussion and then accuse everyone of being Elitist. If you want a rational discussion, maybe explain why Fates is more easily broken a bit more than you already have so that we can actually see your reasoning.

You mentioned buying skills for example; buying skills costs gold, which is a limited supply on Conquest without the DLC so you'll only really be able to afford it for one character, maybe two if you save up a fair bit, but then you're putting all your resources into just those two characters and leaving your others weakened. Not to mention that you get a lot less EXP from being higher levels in Fates than you do from Awakening, so putting all your resources into one or two guys isn't very effective.

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Calm down. You can't really complain about not being able to have a rational discussion and then accuse everyone of being Elitist. If you want a rational discussion, maybe explain why Fates is more easily broken a bit more than you already have so that we can actually see your reasoning.

You mentioned buying skills for example; buying skills costs gold, which is a limited supply on Conquest without the DLC so you'll only really be able to afford it for one character, maybe two if you save up a fair bit, but then you're putting all your resources into just those two characters and leaving your others weakened. Not to mention that you get a lot less EXP from being higher levels in Fates than you do from Awakening, so putting all your resources into one or two guys isn't very effective.

We've gone through this at least 5 times now. You can easily break fates by recruiting avatar characters for 0 gold/resources at all, which works just fine in conquest as well. Rather than just admit that fates is breakable even faster/easier than Awakening, everyone wants to make up bs about how this is supposedly cheating.

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We've gone through this at least 5 times now. You can easily break fates by recruiting avatar characters for 0 gold/resources at all, which works just fine in conquest as well. Rather than just admit that fates is breakable even faster/easier than Awakening, everyone wants to make up bs about how this is supposedly cheating.

You can get several Avatar characters without other players?

Edit: Well, at least I think that's what you're going for. Otherwise this would be like saying that you can easily break Pokemon by trading over a lv 100 Mewtwo from another cartridge or that you can break Shadow Dragon by having another player give you their LV20 Paladin Catria.

Edited by BrightBow
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I'm done talking to a wall that posts walls of text.

Conquest/Fates is perfect. There's absolutely nothing wrong with it. Awakening is total trash shit.

There. Everyone happy now? FFS..... Maybe when FE15 comes out we can have a rational discussion.

There's your answer TC - Fates will never get the amount of hate that Awakening does, because the hardcore fans believe they got a game made entirely for them and they'll maintain onanistic fantasies about it forever and ever. Elitism is a powerful drug.

Bullshit. This argument fucking reeks. It's cheating in fates because you say it is despite the fact that it's all done legally within the confines of the game without hacking or using codes of any kind?

Woo dude sorry I upset you, I not trying to agree objective fact (because everything is subjective really). I just wanted to help you understand my point of view. What I was trying to help you understand is the key difference in between the broken mechanics of these games. Let me level with you I LIKE Awakening (The only Fire Emblem I hate is Shadow Dragon) but many of the things in the game hampered my enjoyment, none of that is in Fates. It is really a selfish point of view, but the broken thing in the game doesn't really bother me therefore I just don't care. The game is not perfect no game is, and enjoyment is entirely subjective. BTW The reason I called this cheating is because these castles purposely unequipped their units so they don't give a fight so that you can get overpowered unit, any unit that you won fair and square would be in a similar power level to you. At least I think it would able too I don't know, I don't really use the my castle features much.

This much I will agree on the my castle abuse is more game breaking then anything in awakening (as far as I know), but since this feature doesn't in any way affect the standard gameplay I just don't care.

Edited by Locke087
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