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They didn't censor her yay!


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I haven't been on Serenes in a while (I was pretty surprised Ms. Strober came on though :D) due to my binge playing FE. Finished Birthright and man that ending ;~; BUT IT'S SOO GOOOD!!!

Gonna start Conquest soon and finish up with Revelation.

But I'm probably really late to this and thousands of people probably pointed it out by now but THEY DIDN'T CENSOR CAMILLA'S CUTSCENE AT ALL LOL.

They censor Soleil's Support S (the date R8p one) they censor skinship (which wasn't even that bad) they even censor tons of other stuff but they don't censor Camilla's scene which is... what? o.o

But no offense to Paula Tiso she made Camilla sound like an old lady ._.

Anyways, THEY DIDN'T CENSOR HER ONE BIT. I saw the cutscene and burst out laughing LOL they didn't touch her one bit.

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That's great. I was worried the localization would accidentally give people the impression that IS actually gives a shit about their worlds, stories, characters and themes. Nothing quite like getting a good look at your supposed sister's boobs and ass in an fourth wall-breaking cutscene in order to destroy that illusion.

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Soleil and Skinship were localized, not censored.

oh yes it was localized alright to a small platitude...

you could at least add a few more quotes than just two ._. loving comments get old if used over and over (I had Haku my MU marry Azura and the "Bond" feature got annoying to press after like... 4 times, there were a few special parts but even so)

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I don't think it's the T&A that makes the scene a poor inclusion, it's how it's presented. I like sensual characters too but when a scene is "shot" to focus on a character's assets, it's not about atmosphere or character, it's 4th wall breaking fap material. There is a problem when the developers want to simultaneously make the player feel like this is your sister but also want to bone her.

All that said, putting curtains in front of Camilla's goods wouldn't improve the scene. If the goal is fanservice (it is), you aren't doing anyone a favor by meeting it halfway.

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I really like Camilla's cutscene (not because she's hot) she's just so bad ass and so powerful (and I love her hair). I find it really funny how some thought they'd localize/censor the cutscene...But never mind that. I think Fates still has an option to skip the scenes just in case people can't handle Camilla (not sure) >.>

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All that said, putting curtains in front of Camilla's goods wouldn't improve the scene. If the goal is fanservice (it is), you aren't doing anyone a favor by meeting it halfway.

Who said anything about putting curtains in front of them? That wouldn't make any sense. I figured they would just cut out the parts that focused on her ass, boobs, and vagina all together. It would start with the feet part, then go straight to the "I see you missed your big sister" part.

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Who said anything about putting curtains in front of them? That wouldn't make any sense. I figured they would just cut out the parts that focused on her ass, boobs, and vagina all together. It would start with the feet part, then go straight to the "I see you missed your big sister" part.

But half the cut scene is T&A, cutting all that out would make it quite short. lol

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But half the cut scene is T&A, cutting all that out would make it quite short. lol

That doesn't matter to me. And technically, PoR has a really short cutscene: Mist holding Lehran's Medallion. :P

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While we're at it, how about Kagero? Her boobs are ridiculous, there was effort put in to make them jiggle in combat. At this point this game might as well be called Fire Emblem: Dead or Alive Extreme Beach Volleyball edition.

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While we're at it, how about Kagero? Her boobs are ridiculous, there was effort put in to make them jiggle in combat. At this point this game might as well be called Fire Emblem: Dead or Alive Extreme Beach Volleyball edition.

I don't think Dead or Alive deserves to be compared to Fire Emblem. I recall an interview where some folks from Team Ninja were saying that there were all kinds of activities for the Extreme series that they considered, but rejected because they were worried about how this would reflect on the characters, something that IS clearly doesn't worry about.

I think it's worth nothing that there is a DoA game for the 3DS and it does not have some kind of touching mini-game or anything like that. There is all kinds of stuff they could have done with their assets and the hardware but there is no such thing in that game. The only thing that one can do, is to use the gyro controls in order to make the breasts of the collectible figurines jiggle. On a sidenote, Samus probably had her most dignified appearance in that game since the Metroid Prime Trilogy.

Besides, as juvenile as Team Ninja may be, I never had the impression that they were also prudes like the folks at IS are these days. Like that CorrinXSolei support in it's original form, which had Corrin shame Solei for wanting some physical intimacy ("Please treasure yourself more") while also claiming that he can't touch a woman before marriage despite the fact that the game has an entire mechanic dedicated to prove otherwise.

Maybe there is something like this in one of their games, but from what I've seen I find it hard to imagine. From my limited impression, they most certainly like boobs but I never got the impression that they mind women actively showing of their bodies or that they do something shameful if they don't keep themselves "pure" until marriage.

Edited by BrightBow
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I'm glad that they didn't get rid of the cutscene.

I think it's fun.

I also don't find boob jiggling offensive. My boobs jiggle while I walk and you can see it if I'm wearing a V-neck shirt or dress. It's normal unless you're really flat. I wouldn't have minded if they cut the zooming in on the butt, but removing her boobs jiggling while she walks would seem ridiculous to me.

Edited by Camilla
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I'm glad that they didn't get rid of the cutscene.

I think it's fun.

I also don't find boob jiggling offensive. My boobs jiggle while I walk and you can see it if I'm wearing a V-neck shirt or dress. It's normal unless you're really flat. I wouldn't have minded if they cut the zooming in on the butt, but removing her boobs jiggling while she walks would seem ridiculous to me.

But do you jiggle your boobs in people's faces? I doubt it. Because that's how I felt when the camera zoomed in on Camilla's boobs.

EDIT: I never noticed Kagero's boobs jiggling in combat. Then again, I haven't used her a lot because I favored Kaze and Saizo over her...

Edited by Anacybele
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While we're at it, how about Kagero? Her boobs are ridiculous, there was effort put in to make them jiggle in combat. At this point this game might as well be called Fire Emblem: Dead or Alive Extreme Beach Volleyball edition.

This is such an over-exaggeration it's hilarious.

Last time I checked, the DoA Extreme series was entirely fanservice and such, with little focus on the actual gameplay (and what gameplay there was designating it firmly as a spin-off).

What we have in the localized version of Fates is (for the most part very well done and solid) gameplay with a few questionable things here and there.

Also, as for the bolded text: and it would look kind of funky if they didn't do it. It's not exaggerated or anything. Really, I'd sooner complain about the art direction that brought it about in the first place.

Really, Camilla is the most fanservice there is in the game. The localization cut skinshipping and swimsuits and the stupid stuff like that. I have a feeling that they would've done something to this scene as well if it weren't tricky to actually alter CG cutscenes.

We've got stuff that specifically says IS themselves were conflicted about a certain thing, and other stuff suggesting that they are at least on the receiving end of some very stern words from their superiors.

TL;DR no it's really nothing like DoA you're over-exaggerating and people on both sides need to chill out.

Edited by The DanMan
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But do you jiggle your boobs in people's faces? I doubt it. Because that's how I felt when the camera zoomed in on Camilla's boobs.

EDIT: I never noticed Kagero's boobs jiggling in combat. Then again, I haven't used her a lot because I favored Kaze and Saizo over her...

They weren't jiggling in your face, they just zoomed in one them for a split second as they did with other parts of the body (feet, butt, hips, chest, hands, mouth, face). They were trying to show off every angle of her character. I'm sure if they did the same type of introduction (one where they zoom in on as many different parts of the body as possible to show off the characters full design) on a character with smaller boobs people would complain about it less. Which is sad. God forbid we have a curvy woman. If we see big cleavage we'll all get cooties and die.

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They weren't jiggling in your face, they just zoomed in one them for a split second as they did with other parts of the body (feet, butt, hips, chest, hands, mouth, face). They were trying to show off every angle of her character. I'm sure if they did the same type of introduction (one where they zoom in on as many different parts of the body as possible to show off the characters full design) on a character with smaller boobs people would complain about it less. Which is sad. God forbid we have a curvy woman. If we see big cleavage we'll all get cooties and die.

Except due to Camilla's design and personality (and the fact they didn't do that with anybody else) heavily suggests that the intent was purely fanservice.

The last part of your post isn't even trying to have a productive discussion; if anything, it's baiting.

Edited by The DanMan
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Except due to Camilla's design and personality (and the fact they didn't do that with anybody else) heavily suggests that the intent was purely fanservice.

The last part of your post isn't even trying to have a productive discussion; if anything, it's baiting.

Elise gets a cutscene like that too, actually.

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Except due to Camilla's design and personality (and the fact they didn't do that with anybody else) heavily suggests that the intent was purely fanservice.

The last part of your post isn't even trying to have a productive discussion; if anything, it's baiting.

I don't really care what their intention was. I care about the fact that people act like boobs jiggling when a woman walks is the lewdest and most unspeakable thing in the world, when it's actually pretty natural. I'm merely pointing out how ridiculous some people come off as when they complain about a character having big boobs.

Edit: I'll also add that I'm not the type of person to complain about fanservice. I don't think that fanservice is a terrible thing as long as it is brief or done tastefully. It has to reach Neptunia levels, where boobs jiggle for five minutes while they are standing in place and defy the laws of gravity, before I will complain about fanservice being terrible.

Edited by Camilla
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Elise gets a cutscene like that too, actually.

I forgot about that one.

Well, the camera doesn't linger as long and she's generally much less fanservicey (though one could easily make the lolicon argument).

I don't really care what their intention was. I care about the fact that people act like boobs jiggling when a woman walks is the lewdest and most unspeakable thing in the world, when it's actually pretty natural. I'm merely pointing out how ridiculous some people come off as when they complain about a character having big boobs.

Edit: I'll also add that I'm not the type of person to complain about fanservice. I don't think that fanservice is a terrible thing as long as it is brief or done tastefully. It has to reach Neptunia levels, where boobs jiggle for five minutes while they are standing in place and defy the laws of gravity, before I will complain about fanservice being terrible.

The person you were replying to didn't say anything innately negative about the slight jiggle on Kagero. And either way, mocking the other side will only escalate things.

And most of the people here are fine with slight amounts of fanservice. The thing is that Camilla pushes over the edge for many of us and goes well beyond "tastefulness".

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I agree, I'm fine with fanservice if it's little optional things. Like how I wanted to put Ike in a swimsuit for a sec just to see those sexy muscles of his. :P (I still hate that I can't do that, man... At least I've got the skills to draw it!) But Camilla goes WAY too far.

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