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Best Child Character?


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Hey guys! So... who do you think is the best child (paralogue) character in the game (for each path) and why? Best stats/master seal potential/support potential? I've just reached chapter 17 in birthright, and I'm taking some time to 'scout' and do challenges so I can marry characters and open up paralogues so I can optimize my units before moving forward! (Playing casual - respawn after chapter ends if someone dies)

Also, what was your favorite paralogue and why? (possible spoilers).

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Kiragi's paralogue is my favorite if you go for it late enough. Instant Kinshi Knight with Aerial Superiority makes him MVP of his own Paralogue.

As far as the best kid goes, Percy has a good class and can be recruited very early with good stats.

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So far I have Kana, Shigure, Dwyer, and Asugi

Shigure is a beast as a Falcon Knight and I like Dwyer as a Strategist although even though he can use tomes, I can only equip Rat Spirit to him. Is that a level up issue? Or do certain characters only have the ability to use certain tomes??

I used a master seal for Kana as well, so she is a Hoshido Noble which allows her to use a great variety of weapons and healing rods.

I have paralogues waiting for Sophie, Shiro, Kiragi, and Selkie available to play which I will do later today! haha

I'll look into Rhajat and Percy as well if it's possible for me to 'make' them! lol

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I didn't like any of the children in Conquest very much. Forrest was alright I guess.

As for Birthright, Selkie and Hisame seem like they might be likable, so hopefully I'll like at least one of them.

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So far I have Shiro, Shigure, Kana, Dwyer, Asugi and Kiragi. Shiro is a beast for me with Rend Heaven and Lancefaire. Apparently he's good enough to boost the power of my sister's wifi team by 100 points.

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I love Shiro

His paralogue does take a bit more foresight (bring 2 rescue staves) but it's rly easy otherwise, but really I like him as a person--he isn't ridden with annoying gimmicks and just feel like this good-natured chill bro who feels like a real character. Being my fav's son also helps.

But also he has Xander-tier defense in the mode where enemies won't avoid you for being too tank and then doubledebuff enemies, so

What a great unit

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Shiro and Midori have been especially good for me.

I used Kagero!Shiro with Darting Blow and usually everything was getting wrecked/doubled. Didn't get Lancefaire on him yet though.

Midori is just doubling everything for me. Plus her accessible class trees are great, too. I liked her paralogue the most.

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The prize for best character would probably go to Shiro as Thor Odinson has already pointed out; he's just a swell guy who's got some well-written supports. I don't like the kids in this game since it feels like a tacked on thing to capitalize on Awakening's popularity, and the explanation is too stupid for words, so I'm sad we couldn't have seen him as a regular unit.

Best design and unit gameplay-wise would have to go to Velour for me. I tend to pair Felicia and Flannel up so she gets Tomebreaker and then I can just let her loose on whoever's dumb enough to stand in her way. It might just be because she looks like Nah, and I always liked her design. It's too bad Velour only has one gimmick and it's not a very charming one.

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Shigure is a beast as a Falcon Knight and I like Dwyer as a Strategist although even though he can use tomes, I can only equip Rat Spirit to him. Is that a level up issue? Or do certain characters only have the ability to use certain tomes??

Dwyer's Tome rank starts at E when he promotes to Strategist, so he can only use Fire and Rat Spirit and some of the randomly found weapons right away.

If I had to pick a favorite so far on Birthright, it'd probably be Shigure or Kiragi. I like their supports with their parents and the other kids so far, and they've both turned out pretty good. Out of the other kids: Kana, Midori and Selkie are adorable, I actually like Caeldori because she feels more down to earth than Cordelia did for me (even though I liked Cordelia), Shiro's pretty cool, Sophie is pretty much Cynthia who I didn't particularly like, Asugi being based on Gaius does nothing for him and feels tacked on, Mitama is basically Azama without the occasional funny moment that makes him bearable, Rhajat...exists, and Dwyer > Jakob because Dwyer isn't a huge jerk. I think that's everybody? EDIT: Nope, I forgot about Hisame. Mostly because even with the pickle thing I didn't find anything particularly memorable about him.

Statwise, none of the kids has let me down so far, but I haven't finished catching them up to the rest of the army yet since I got them all before the point where you get the Child Seals.

Edited by AzureSen
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I'm gonna have to go with Forrest. I felt the initial conversation before the battle gave some insight--albeit a bit negative--on Leo. The ending conversation made me squeal at how cute and heartwarming it was. I do like that, while he does appear to rather effeminate, Forrest, to me, comes across just as a guy that likes dressing up in cute clothing and sewing. His voice actor (who I still do not know), I think, did a very good job at portraying him and I like the majority of his supports--especially his with Ophelia, my other cinnamon bun child.

I'm just now starting on Birthright but I do have my eye on Shiro and Kiragi as potential favored children. I thought about marrying Shiro but found I liked the thought of being his mother more because I like his support with his mother as it is so endearing. The Asugi!Mother support makes me feel the same way.

Edited by SaiSymbolic
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I'm gonna have to go with Forrest. I felt the initial conversation before the battle gave some insight--albeit a bit negative--on Leo. The ending conversation made me squeal at how cute and heartwarming it was. I do like that, while he does appear to rather effeminate, Forrest, to me, comes across just as a guy that likes dressing up in cute clothing and sewing. His voice actor (who I still do not know), I think, did a very good job at portraying him and I like the majority of his supports--especially his with Ophelia, my other cinnamon bun child.

I'm just now starting on Birthright but I do have my eye on Shiro and Kiragi as potential favored children. I thought about marrying Shiro but found I liked the thought of being his mother more because I like his support with his mother as it is so endearing. The Asugi!Mother support makes me feel the same way.

He's voiced by Max Mittelman. Same VA as his dad.

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My personal vote goes to Soleil because I'm super biased towards Olivia's family. Also Soleil is basically me.

Statwise stuff though, I'd go with Velouria. She's so tanky and just refills her own HP without me needing to heal her.

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Best child gameplay wise is Percy. Gets Fighter from Pop, can join early. Wyvern rocks. He's also my favorite because Anthony Del Rio.

Fighter really ain't that special, if ya ask me... But I digress.

Personally, I'm rather fond of Ophelia because she's just too cute. (That said, I still don't have the game)

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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