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Bond Unit (how to get it)


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Hi everyone, I'm going to explain how to create (I think is correct) a Bond Unit

I created a Bond Unit between the user KamuiSama (Male Corrin "Corrin" Valla) and Me (Female Corrin "Rosbell" Hoshido)

they are the characters


I visit his castle daily (and I hope he visited mineXD), in the first visit I saved his card and gave him accessories daily

in the 3rd day this message shown after a gave him the accessory


and then he appears in my team (they ask if you want to change his name)


he is a Ninja with "Optimist" as personal skill and his secondary classes are Nohr Prince and Wyvern Rider(Rosbell Secondary)

I hope this help you:)

Edited by luis_lara12345
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In order to get a bond unit, do both players need to have each other's cards? I've been training to gift people repeatedly after getting their cards, but so far I've had no success.

I guess so, I think this is the Bond

Did they fix the issue in the japanese version that causes them to be unable to return to their default class if it is not norh prince/princess for the us release?

I dunno, I don't want to try until I got all Ninja skills:) (very good class)

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