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I can't go through this again. I CAN'T. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON WITH MY FAMILY'S LIVES?

It isn't a human this time, but it doesn't matter. We still love our dog of about nine and a half years.

And just months after we lose my brother, we find out one of our dogs has terminal cancer and only up to two months to live. Just... why? WHY, DAMN IT?!

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It does... I'd gone through a few of my late grandma's pets passing away, but never one of my own. Dogs and cats we had before the ones we have now we gave away before they died. We had kept them for a good several years, but we had to move overseas and couldn't take them with us.

And now...after my brother died too... I wish I could just die myself. But of course, I can't for obvious reasons...

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Sometimes life sucks and isn't fair. Sometimes life will just throw everything at you all at once, and it feels like it's too much to take. But it's those hard times that will make or break us. If anything, I think you have a strong will and you will make it through this and become stronger. There will be something in life to look forward to, once you get through this. And I'm sorry that all of this is happening to you.

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I know that you will. Right now, things may look bleak because life is just throwing everything at you all at once and it's almost too much to take in. But there are people who care about you, many good things that are still waiting to come. Try to think of and do things that make you happy instead of dwelling on the bad stuff going on.

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I don't know you, and you don't know me but I really wanted to say something. You're right. It doesn't matter if it's your dog or a person. Your family is still your family and I think you're really cool for considering your dog a part of it. Even though bad stuff will happen, it's important to cherish the wonderful moments you had with your dog right? I'm sure you can make it through this with enough time and effort. I lost a dog before, though I was really young and can't truly feel what you do. I'm... sorry if this isn't very encouraging. I'm kinda bad at this sort of thing.

You can do it. I'm sure of it.

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I think I've seen you around. But yeah, we don't really know each other.

And I don't see any good reason NOT to call a pet your family. I even sometimes feel like I love my dogs more than people.

Don't worry, your post is okay. Thanks... I want to get through this too. I just don't know how... I don't have a counselor appointment or support group meeting anytime soon... My next appointment is in March and my next meeting is in April. And my dog will probably be gone by the time that meeting comes around... *cries more*

Edited by Anacybele
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I'm really sorry you lost your dog Ana.

I know the pain and sadness must really be intense and blinding right now. But for now, focus on getting through the end of today. It'll become easier to handle, emotionally, as time passes. I know it may seem really hard to handle right now, and it's okay to be down by this. For now, just release and voice out your feelings and sadness, whether it's to us SF members or to your family. And trust me, it will eventually become easier to come to terms to with each passing day.

We got your back, Ana.

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My dog isn't gone yet, Rando. He still has two months at most to live, like I said...

But thanks, I hope it will get easier...again...

It's just that I was finally starting to really enjoy life again, and my brother's suicide wasn't weighing so heavily on my mind anymore. Now this happens...

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I am so sorry, like you I love my dogs like family ( half the time they treat me better then my human one) sadly dogs have a much shorter life span, I have lost several over my life and I still miss them. I know how it feels bur I have to go on and I feel like they want me to take care of other dogs while I am here on earth and that I will see them again one day. And yeah I know what you mean feeling like everything is out to make you sad, but you seem like a really strong person who will end up doing ok in the end.

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I know dogs have a much shorter lifespan... It's just that this is so sudden and not very long after my brother... I just hope I can prove all of you who are saying I'm strong right...

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You have all my sympathy, Anacy. You're just having a bunch of shit thrown your way and I'm so sorry to hear about it. Stay strong, vent if you need to vent. Our hearts all go out to you.

I hope for good things soon for you, man

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Losing pets dogs no less does suck. Alot especially with dogs since many of the times you lose them when you least expect it. You don't realize how much a part of your family they are until they're gone. I have two of my own who we adopted from the same litter 9 years ago I can't tolerate the thought of losing them (even though I've already lost one dog before) especially since they've been together since being born. I'm so sorry

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Sometimes life sucks. Sometimes it doesn't. I don't know if you believe in God but I will definitely be praying for you. Trust me, pain does get easier to bear with time. I have a form of extreme ocd (obsessive compulsive disorder), that causes me to have crippling anxiety at times, but you have to keep pushing. Push as hard as you can, and never stop fighting. Pm me anytime my friend.

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Well as evident from my name I am a Christian, Jesus said this in Matthew 11:28~30 "Then Jesus said, Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light. He wouldn't mind at all about talking to you about any of this, and neither would I.

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