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fates is so boring


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birthright had a much better plot than awakening. it's at about the quality you'd expect from an rpg in the mid 2000s. i haven't played more than ch7 from nohr but it's suiting up to be pretty dumb. there's more than 2 interesting characters compared to the previous release, so that's really good. design is good too.

the biggest problem i have with fates thus far is the fundamental philosophy behind the games: lack of a single cohesive video game. the choice between families is as interesting as the choice between choosing pokémon red and blue, hell they even threw their own version of yellow into the mix. i would have much preferred a revelations style single cartridge game that details the complexities of nohr and hoshido's relationship. even when a completely new writer is brought in, we're given the same fire emblem clichés and archetypes. it's lame af.

gameplay is pretty good though. stat inflation isn't too bad. but wtf is up with none of my characters having hp? no one approached 50 even at max level. azura had 33 hp with the help of 2fucking seraph robes lol

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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gameplay is pretty good though. stat inflation isn't too bad. but wtf is up with none of my characters having hp? no one approached 50 even at max level. azura had 33 hp with the help of 2fucking seraph robes lol

it's a strange design philosophy that they are substituting traditionally high hp growths with high(er) defense growths, primarily. I really haven't seen such low hp growths since like FE2. Edited by Tryhard
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gameplay is pretty good though. stat inflation isn't too bad. but wtf is up with none of my characters having hp? no one approached 50 even at max level. azura had 33 hp with the help of 2fucking seraph robes lol

and then you get life or death and it's like haha fuck hana both one shots and is one shotted by everything this is awesome

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we're the same age

............wow how did I not clue into this

I blame being on SF for too long

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Seriously I don't give a shit for the story.

A good strategical gameplay is the most important thing I expect from a FE good game.

A FE game with a bad story can still become decently for me, if the game mechanics are alright. (variety of mission objectives, good map design, variety of weapons and staves)

Same goes for FE13... but unfortunately this game had neither good plot nor good gameplay.

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uninspired trite could still be considered better than the rest of fire emblem

at some point I realise that comparing the badness of each is pointless and I expect nothing from them

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durr sigurd burst into flames hurr

i mean sure you could distill my point down to a single ridiculous soundbite

thanks for that, truckie

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