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Favourite Class?


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Hey guys,

So what is your favourite class so far out of all games? Please do NOT take skills or stats into account.

This is mainly based on the look of the class, the weapons, how awesome you think the class is and what you personally like the best.

E.g. Bow Knight in Awakening was pretty useless, but my main avatar file was a Bow Knight because I love bows, I love mounts and he gets to shoot arrows while riding a horse mount lol.

I'm curious to hear your answers

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Swordmaster & Sniper have always been my favorite FE classes.

I really like the new Ninja and Spear Fighter classes though, also Basara and Master of Arms both have very Dynasty Warriors like designs so I like them by default.

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I love the Great Lord. Aside from giving my avatar Lucy's outfit (I married Chrom in Awakening, and thus was Lucy's mom), the Great Lord class' outfit is simply adorable to me. I also like swords. Swords are coolio.

Aside from that, i'd definitely have to say Dark Knight and Swordmaster. I love those classes, Dark Knight looks really coolio (and the girl one is kinda nice looking to me) and Swordmaster has a definite classic Japanese look now that I love. Also my Owain in Awakening (and now Owain/Odin in Fates) ended up as a Swordmaster. So bonus points for Swordmaster. Dark Knight gets bonus points for Leo looking awesome and me marrying him.

Great Lord is my absolute favorite though.

Edited by Fallaner
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Out of new classes

please look at Blacksmith Ryoma

I really like both that and Oni Savage, for both genders. I'm not huge on Chieftain's torso armor, but I like buff.

Hero and Wyvern Lord are both pretty sweet as well.

I also like male Swordmaster (and Hana Swordmaster, but generic female SM has the coat short in the front and that's not my style I like long---Hana has a coat similar to Ryoma's but a color swap, possibly because she sees him as senpai, which I found really cute.)

male Paladin is also good shit.

Also I think female Berserker looks better than male Berserker. Could be buffer, but I like how the top looks on femzerk more than malezerk. I do like Berserker, though.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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I'm a sucker for mixed class like Grandmaster and Dark Flier in Awakening, and now we have Nohr Noble which can also use Dragonstone.. but I like Hoshido Noble design more. Also Ninja class and Kinshi Knight are awesome.

Edited by KamuiSama
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Swordmaster, Lodestar, Great Lord, Master Ninja, Dread Fighter, Hero.

I love sword users. And i've never liked mounted units, i almost never use them(with some exceptions).

edit: And holy lancers!

Edited by BruceLee
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I like a lot of units with balanced stats or mixed usage so Hero, Holy Lancer, Revenant Knight and War Priestess. Overall, most classes look SO GOOD that it's easier to list the classes I don't like.

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I absolutely adore the new direction they took with Archers/Snipers in this title. Both statistically and visually, they seem to have based Archers entirely on Hunters from the DS games. The fur pelt they have is just everything and it's by far my favorite class. For others, I really like Fem Merc, Fem Hero, Fem Wyvern Lord, and Fem Outlaw. Male Hero and Male Paladin are gorgeous. Generic Fem Elite Ninja is my preference since Kagero's has a little too much boobage tho her color scheme is great. Swordmaster!Hana's pink coat with the gold lining is really visually appealing.

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Oh yeah, shoutouts to the Wolfskin class, it reminds me of like a mixture of a wolf and the older SMT Wendigo designs (and I like wolves by default so yeah).

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I absolutely adore the new direction they took with Archers/Snipers in this title. Both statistically and visually, they seem to have based Archers entirely on Hunters from the DS games. The fur pelt they have is just everything and it's by far my favorite class. For others, I really like Fem Merc, Fem Hero, Fem Wyvern Lord, and Fem Outlaw. Male Hero and Male Paladin are gorgeous. Generic Fem Elite Ninja is my preference since Kagero's has a little too much boobage tho her color scheme is great. Swordmaster!Hana's pink coat with the gold lining is really visually appealing.

I also tend to prefer the female versions of most classes regarding design and animation. They feel more fluid when they move.

Edited by BruceLee
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Favorite from Fates has to be the Swordmaster, due to their Crit/Avo, plus I like samurai.

Favorite overall is Summoner, from Sacred Stones. Knoll is cool. More or less my favorite character too.

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Also that flip Adventurers do when they land a killing blow is sweet af.

I'm of the minority that doesn't like how the Hero looks in this game. Too many bits and pieces sticking out the model.

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Oh man animations though

I remember being very impressed with the Ninja/Elite Ninja animations. I really like Archer/Sniper finishers as well--When I was running arenas Takumi looked like he floated for a second and that was super cool.

Dual wielding SM is pretty cool too.

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I really like Blacksmiths and Great Masters. It's a shame that Great Master is so much of a hassle to get and use.

Also, everything about Wolfssegner is perfect. I love awkward unicorn-wolves.

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Sorcerers and Adventurers have very cool animations!

Sorceres, when equipped with a scroll, use their feet to cast! That kick is so cool!

Paladin and Hero in this game look so gallant!

Paladin Silas pretty much screams "knight in shinning armor".

I really like Diviners and Ninjas as well!

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