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Fates and Forbes

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The magazine Forbes actually published a piece on Fire emblem Fates. Its a piece devoted to the localisation of the game and its titled Fire Emblem Fates' And The Curious Case Of Localization Gone Terribly Wrong.

I don't agree at all with the article but it may be an interesting read for people.


What puzzles me about the article is that it seems to hold the curious view that it are the long term Fire emblem fans who are missing out thanks to self Censorship. Yet it were exactly those people I noticed the most resistance from when it came to Skinship.

Edited by Etrurian emperor
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I disagree with Forbes here.

The localization is pretty good with some improvements such as Soleil. Changes were needed.

All this talk, not Forbes in particular, over the changes is annoying. It's like saying you cannot enjoy sushi in the usa because it wasn't made exactly the same way with the exact same ingredients like in Japan.

Well, gosh darn it, the usa sushi tastes better in my opinion as its catered towards my American tastes.

Edited by Pretty_Handsome
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I disagree with Forbes here.

The localization us pretty good with some improvements such as Soleil.

All this talk, not Forbes in particular, over the changes is annoying. It's like saying you cannot enjoy sushi in the usa because it wasn't made exactly the same way with the exact same ingredients like in Japan.

Basically this.

There's some differences that are up to personal preference. If you really, really only care about the Japanese product, then get it and learn to read Japanese. I mean, if somebody's going to complain about the localization at damn near every single opportunity, it only makes sense to think that they have enough passion to be able to skirt around it entirely.

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I've never understood all the complaints about the localization; I've heard people throw around the "deaths by a thousand cuts" thing, but aside from a few minor mistakes that are to be expected in any localization, what is the problem? I would't say Soleil and Corrin's support was censored so much as it was FIXED - I've said it before and I'll say it again, Japanese entertainment media does not convey a healthy view on sexuality.

Is it because of the face touching? It's because of the face touching, isn't it?

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In the instance of Fates, the motive for changing the game is profit-driven

we are all completely blown away by this stunning revelation

wow. profit-driven. really? like a for-profit corporation?


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All this talk, not Forbes in particular, over the changes is annoying. It's like saying you cannot enjoy sushi in the usa because it wasn't made exactly the same way with the exact same ingredients like in Japan.

It comes from this (honestly baffling to me) mindset that if any content is removed for a game for whatever reason, even if its something as minor as a single line, it somehow means that the player is not getting the "full game experience." Never mind that the Corrin/Soleil support being changed does not affect the "experience" of most of the people complaining about the change in any way.

I'm not sure why I was expecting this article to be anything but a misinformed recycling of old information. But that's my fault for having expectations, I guess.

Edited by AzureSen
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Fates is really not an example of terrible localization. There are really only two decisions that I dislike (Beruka/Saizo C support and Hisame- and even then I do understand how some people view Hisame's change as for the better) and the rest has mostly been on par with Awakening's. Direct translation does not make for good localization.

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I have to see a localization worse than Azure Striker Gunvolt's before I call it bad.

Fates is really not an example of terrible localization. There are really only two decisions that I dislike (Beruka/Saizo C support and Hisame- and even then I do understand how some people view Hisame's change as for the better) and the rest has mostly been on par with Awakening's. Direct translation does not make for good localization.

I was under the impression that while Fates had some large cuts and changes along with a scattering of small ones, Awakening had consistent "moderate" changes that almost entirely changed the tone of the game (I've seen it said that the Japanese version took itself seriously, while 8-4 injected a bunch of Whedon-esque snark into the localization and lampshaded a bunch of stuff; while it's there, snark appears much less in Fates' localization).

Edited by The DanMan
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I have to see a localization worse than Azure Striker Gunvolt's before I call it bad.

I was under the impression that while Fates had some large cuts and changes along with a scattering of small ones, Awakening had consistent "moderate" changes that almost entirely changed the tone of the game (I've seen it said that the Japanese version took itself seriously, while 8-4 injected a bunch of Whedon-esque snark into the localization and lampshaded a bunch of stuff; while it's there, snark appears much less in Fates' localization).

Hmm, I have to say that tonally, I don't really feel that much of a difference between Awakening and Fates. That may be because I've only really looked at Birthright's script- perhaps Conquest has a darker tone.

Awakening is more snarky, but I think that most of it is in the supports. I guess that's where I feel the most similarity; I get the feeling that a lot of the supports in Fates have been tweaked to be more humorous.

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This is part of the reason I almost never bother paying attention to original content vs localization changes. Instead of enjoying a game for what it is, changes and all, I end up thinking about what changes were made, and whether the studio is good or not. It messes with my immersion, if that makes sense.

The only changes I've had any issue with is the changing of Effie's character from a more soft-spoken, still-feminine tank that keeps herself back-breakingly strong in the interest of protecting her friends and particularly her charge, to a tank that still wants to protect Elise, but only otherwise wants to be strong for the sake of being strong. Most of her supports that I've seen so far (I admit its only with about six characters) conveys the exact same information, and she got stale very quickly. It's a pity; I valued her early-game, but now that I'm approaching Conquest's mid-campaign, with Benny under my wings and Keaton soon-to-join, even if I were to waste use a Master Seal on her, I'd feel no true incentive to keep her. She's just too annoying and dull...And on that note, why did i have to be willing to let go of Beruka just to proceed past Mission 12?!

*smashes head on desk*

The only other issue I had with localization changes is that the team seemed to cave to misconceptions spreading on Tumblr and sites like Kotaku regarding the Soliel supports with Corrin/Kamui. I will, however, wait until I get Inigo Laslow married to someone before I can make a judgement...

Edited by Selena4Lyfe
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No they didn't.

Soleil is horrifying in the original version and comes off as extremely homophobic.

The NoA version is actually true to her character.

She likes girls, she's not just gonna shack up with every guy that looks her way.

I'm still not happy that the only gay options we did get are...

1 - Behind paywalls.

2 - Only 1 per gender.

3 - Only gay for Corrin, no one else. All other S Ranks are opposite gender.

4 - They're portrayed as sexual deviants, masochists, stalkers, sadists, outcasts, deviants and the such.

5 - Their appearence as well contributing to the above. They're intentionally made not to look like regular people.

Edited by Pretty_Handsome
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While I think the localization should generally stay faithful to the source material, in a sense, each version of the game can be considered as its own artistic endeavor. Some people will dislike the changes, and others will welcome them. The appeal of each version is subjective. I like Soleil's Mamui support being changed because Mamui was a super creeper in the original. I don't like how Hisame was flanderized into a pickle meme-lord. Who is that author to tell me my experience is "incomplete" if I like a change in the localized game? The only "incomplete" thing is cut features but even those have subjective appeal.

There are many elements of the Japanese version I prefer but the localization is serviceable. It's not 'gone terribly wrong' by any stretch of the imagination.

Edited by NekoKnight
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I can't wait for Bravely Second to come out so the angry mob will move onto that and everyone I know will stop coming to me about "I heard this and this was changed in that game you like". Having ignored all the stuff about the Japanese version, I'm thoroughly enjoying the US version and don't care what was/wasn't changed.

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