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Takumi, which was surprising given how he was a jerk initially, but his supports won me over. Honorable mentions go to Oboro, Leo, Kiragi, and Azura.

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Male character (aka no fucking contest)

Takumi: because I relate to him the most, and I think he is a well written character (outside of some the things Conquest does to him). Also he made archers great again.

Female characters (way too many)

Orochi: I like her attitude and the way she teases people, even if she does go a bit too far at time. She is just a really interesting character and did not deserve last place in the polls.

Charlotte: Her aupports are really well written and she is actually a very entertaining character who is a lot more complex than I initially though.

Sakura: Shy and sweet, but is also the proud owner of a backbone of steel. Don't mess with her.

Oboro: Really well-written, with great supports and an entertaining personality.

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Oboro for looks, personality and gameplay.

Here, another picture for your collection.

[spoiler=I know what you're thinking about when you look at her.]


And. It. Is. Disgusting.

Dats hot.

Although, as a stickler for and current major in Biology, I'm wondering about the 'logistics' more than anything. I mean, consider this:


and the fact that Corrin in Dragon Form seems a fair bit bigger than a horse, I don't see it happening without the possibility of major internal injuries and/or death. Don't think that'll stop the fanfiction though...

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I listed Oboro for my top female but for my top male, I'm going to put down Harold. At first I thought I was wasn't going to like him but after playing Conquest and I became so patriotic, a bald eagle exploded out of my chest I found him the right balance of ham but also good intentioned heroism. He can also be surprisingly insightful, like his Zero support. Harold is the true light of Nohr.

Dats hot.

Although, as a stickler for and current major in Biology, I'm wondering about the 'logistics' more than anything. I mean, consider this:


and the fact that Corrin in Dragon Form seems a fair bit bigger than a horse, I don't see it happening without the possibility of major internal injuries and/or death. Don't think that'll stop the fanfiction though...

I didn't mean to make you think about the 'logistics' of it.

Now, I'm thinking about the 'logistics' of it and I don't want to.


Life is without joy. Our existence is meaningless.

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I didn't mean to make you think about the 'logistics' of it.

Now, I'm thinking about the 'logistics' of it and I don't want to.


Life is without joy. Our existence is meaningless.

Come to this thread to see who likes what character and why they like them, stay for the discussion about the theoretical realism of having sex with dragons.

I guess if they use a lot of lube and didn't put it all in, it might work...

Edited by Phillius
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Ahhh, are we going to share details about why we like the characters? Alright. I won't do it for all my favorites (I'd be here quite a while), but I'll do it for my top three.


(1) I admire his loyalty to Corrin. The fact that he is with Corrin regardless of route is endearing. (I'm sure I'd like that about Felicia as well, but I tend to play girls usually.)

(2) He is a prickly character who can be sweet to people he cares about. I love that kind of layering in a character. Admittedly he doesn't make me work for it as Corrin, but considering Corrin's background--and the fact that two other characters I like / love (Niles and Takumi respectively) do that, that is fine with me.

(3) I may be wrong in this, but there *is* a pattern in how Jakob comes across to people. He seems to try and push his luck with people he resents for being above him (since he was born, and should have been, a noble) but is kind to people he does not preceive as a threat (or has a certain code he follows which keeps him from being needlessly cruel to people he views as potentially more delicate / kind / w/e -- like Azura, Sakura, Elise, etc. Alas, from what I hear this does not get extended to Felicia...) This is not the type of characteristic that makes someone traditionally "endearing", but it does make him "intriguing" (to me).

(4) This prickliness works, though, because it beautifully compliments how naive / overly kind / etc. Corrin is. I think Corrin needs a Jakob / Niles / Takumi type character to balance her out. Without someone like that to reel in the idealism I think she'd have a lot of problems and get taken adventage of (even more than she potentially does in the main story.)

(5) The accent. It grew on me as I played Birthright. Jakob's dialogue in generally totally cracks me up.

I'm going to feel like a monster not pairing him and Corrin in my Nohr playthrough. I need to figure out a suitable wife for him, though, because I do want to see how Corrin is with other guys.


Initially I started working on leveling Oboro because I knew I wanted to pair her with Takumi. I was admittedly on auto-pilot. You get her first and I still thought I was gonna hate his guts. (We'll get to that...) But I *love* the balance between her loving fashion and being elegantly girlie, while still being totally able to kick ass when she fights. I also think she's a great match for Takumi; their personalities really mesh well and they had a pretty solid support set. (Admittedly I felt there was a bit of overlap on their S / Corrin x Jakob's S--same theme different reasons--but what made Takumi x Oboro stand out despite this is how Takumi wants to support her in her love of fashion and make sure she's her own person. I was already starting to like him by the time i saw this, but that definitely added to my level of respect for him.) I also really liked how she was able to hold her own in her support with Jakob. A lot of times Jakob seems to be able to steam roll other characters if he wants to, but Oboro, while she did need to deal with the issue she had by the time I got them to A, had no problem expressing herself with him.


I thought I was going to hate him, but from the chapter I first got him in my opinion gradually began to change. I felt for him over what happened in that chapter. I loved getting to know him better via supports. I can't count the times as a unit that he has saved my group from disaster. I admire his honesty in telling people how he feels, even when that might not be what they want to hear. The gradual warm-up between him and Corrin, and his support with Sakura, were both really good. By the time I got to Hoshido 16 (?) and something had happened to him, I was really upset. I'm finally getting a chance to play with my copy of Conquest (my brother's working a lot so I'm using that when he isn't) and *ugh!* I don't want Takumi to be mad (and that's putting the feeling I'm getting from him mildly.)

My characters (Birthright is Chisuzu and Conquest is Katryn) aren't the same, but as the person sitting there controlling them I can tell you that I feel much more remorse at the idea of fighting the Hoshidan characters than I did when I started Birthright and knew I'd fight characters from Nohr. This is surprising, to me, since when I was waiting for the games to arrive I thought I'd be Nohr all the way.

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Come to this thread to see who likes what character and why they like them, stay for the discussion about the theoretical realism of having sex with dragons.

I guess if they use a lot of lube and didn't put it all in, it might work...

May I make a crass joke? Yes? Okay, let's do this.


Kamui is able to change the length and size of his "appendages" which could account for awkward positioning.



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