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Which FE games have you cleared HM on?

Big Klingy

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So, whick games have you cleared in Hard mode?

In my case:

FE6: I'm not even goint to touch HM, Normal was frustrating enough (The RNG HATES me)

FE7: Beat Eliwood Hard Mode and was playing HHM... until I loaded the game one day and found that ALL my files were gone (I didn't use the 'delete all data' function or turn it off while saving, has this happened to anyone else?)

FE8: Tryed it... and Erika died in the prologue due to a string of extremely bad luck. I havn't played it since.

FE9: Was about to try it, but thought I should do my RD transfer file on a lower setting so it's easier to level up characters (unfortunatly I chose easy, I just hope that the PAL version of RD fixes the glitch...)

FE10: Hasn't come out yet (soon though)

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FE6: HM was very painful up until Chapter 9, and then it became somewhat of a breeze

FE7: Only attempted LHM, but that doesn't really count...

FE8: Finished Ephraim HM at least. I played very sloppily (on purpose) and had 4/5 of all the characters die on me

FE9: Like FE6, I found HM slightly hard near the beginning, but then the difficulty became almost NM-like after several chapters

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Hard mode? Closest I got was like Chapter 23 on Maniac mode for Souen (FE9). And finishing Thracia.

I don't really care for the harder modes for me--they never seem to add much more other than higher stats. Needs to be a tad more like its sister Nintendo Wars and, you know, change up the units a little more, load brand new maps, add FoW to a few, and the like.

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  • 2 weeks later...

FE6: I'm nearly completed the HM but I just haven't getting it around lately.

FE7: Finish HHM and it was a total pain. Never going there again.

FE8: I single handily beat it. Not that challenging IMHO.

FE9: I haven't getting around it lately.

FE10: Haven't attempted that yet, so maybe later.

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I beat Hard in PoR. I don't really see the point in replaying more than once (to get the other characters in RD, or to beat the different storylines in SS), and I don't have time. So I probably won't beat Hard mode on RD. Stuff to do, especially with AP, SAT II, and college apps approaching. Junior year. Gotta hate it.

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  • 2 months later...

FE7-FE9 Hard Modes done, including both stories of Eliwood/Hector and Eirika/Ephraim.

In the process of doing FE10.

Also, FE8's hard mode is the hardest one, assuming you didn't abuse the tower.

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