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Conquest: Male or Female Kamui?


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For Lunatic Conquest I would definitely say female MC. Felicia isn't bad, but by the time she gets the Flame Shuriken she'll get spiked by pretty much anything enemy-phase, Jakob makes the initial levels immensely easier, not to mention he retains usefulness if you class change him. In Lunatic you don't really have the slots to deploy two staff users and most Hoshido units tend to be fairly resistant to magic anyway. Also immensely useful is Jakob's Gentilhomme if you have him reclassed and deployed with Elise, there's a lot of good early game synergy there.

I mean, do whatever you want ultimately, I don't really care much for story stuff, but if you're on a harder difficulty and want to get started on the right foot, I would say female MC definitely gets a much stronger start due to Jakob, whereas Felicia is basically transitioned out of a frontline role by the time she gets her weapon.

Also Xander is a babe, so there's that too.

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Here's another vote for Femui. While Joker doesn't have as much magic as Felicia, he doesn't really need it. Staves already heal a lot and you'll get a lot more benefit out of his fighting ability. Also, in Conquest, you can't really grind for experience so not getting a child prologue will hurt a bit more here than Birthright.

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Here's another vote for Femui. While Joker doesn't have as much magic as Felicia, he doesn't really need it. Staves already heal a lot and you'll get a lot more benefit out of his fighting ability. Also, in Conquest, you can't really grind for experience so not getting a child prologue will hurt a bit more here than Birthright.

Just finished a Lunatic Conquest run without any child prologue.

7 units hit lv20, 6 units ended as lv15+ and Jakob was Lv33. EXP is pretty enough.

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Just finished a Lunatic Conquest run without any child prologue.

7 units hit lv20, 6 units ended as lv15+ and Jakob was Lv33. EXP is pretty enough.

Yeah I know, but for the more casual player, they might appreciate more opportunities to grind. It's only one extra mission but there you go.

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Yeah I know, but for the more casual player, they might appreciate more opportunities to grind. It's only one extra mission but there you go.

Female corrin doesn't have one more mission than male corrin for those who "appreciate more opportunities to grind". These players will grind for all children and the number is always 5+8.

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Female corrin doesn't have one more mission than male corrin for those who "appreciate more opportunities to grind".

I mean you'll miss out on a child mission if you pick Mamui but don't marry either a second gen or kamui-sexual.

I'm not even sure why you're arguing. I'm just stating a point for why a player might choose a female avatar over a male one. It's not that important, but the OP asked.

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I mean you'll miss out on a child mission if you pick Mamui but don't marry either a second gen or kamui-sexual.

I'm not even sure why you're arguing. I'm just stating a point for why a player might choose a female avatar over a male one. It's not that important, but the OP asked.

And you will miss out a child mission if you pick Famui but Azura doesn't marry anyone.

It is always avoidable so I don't understand why it can become the reason to choose female/male.

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And you will miss out a child mission if you pick Famui but Azura doesn't marry anyone.

It is always avoidable so I don't understand why it can become the reason to choose female/male.

...what? Why wouldn't you marry Azura to someone?

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...what? Why wouldn't you marry Azura to someone?

...What? Why wouldn't you marry Mamui to either a second gen or kamui-sexual?

If Famui doesn't marry a 2-gen or kamui-sexual while all not-kamui-sexual female except Azura have married, there will be no man left for Azura.

It is not like you never need to worry about missing a child by choosing female.

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...What? Why wouldn't you marry Mamui to either a second gen or kamui-sexual?

Because some people choose a spouse that they like, and it might be a first gen character.

Am I getting punked? Are there cameras somewhere?

If she is too busy dancing people to build any meaningful supports for instance.

That's fair but you can always grind support points in my castle battles.

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Because some people choose a spouse that they like, and it might be a first gen character.

Am I getting punked? Are there cameras somewhere?

That's fair but you can always grind support points in my castle battles.

"You will miss one child if you choose the female you like! You should play Femui so you can't choose any Nohr female you like!"

It seems that you don't know Shigure is missable when you choose Femui.

Both choice may result in missing one child and both choice can avoid the missing.

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"You will miss one child if you choose the female you like! You should play Femui so you can't choose any Nohr female you like!"

Sigh... there's always one of you. That one person who just argues for the sake of itself. Here, take your internet cookie.

I never said what you're quoting so I'm not going to respond to it. But for the sake of the OP, I'll write out my opinion more clearly.

"If you choose Mamui and want to pair him off with a first-gen, non-Kamui exclusive spouse, you will lose access to one of the child paralogues. With that in mind, it might be preferable to choose Femui. If you don't mind pairing Mamui with a second gen or Kamui-exclusive spouse, this point is irrelevant however." And I'll add on "When thinking about your intended gender, consider what class you might want to share with another character that they don't get normally. You can share it by marrying them."

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Consider what your goals are as a player. Are you in it for story? If so, do you have characters in mind that you might marry? What gender are they?

Are you more into the gameplay? What difficulty are you aiming for? If you're into this end of things take a look at the advice others have given. I totally can't help you here; I'm a story player.

If you play as M!Corrin you need to marry Scarlet, Reina, Anna, Flora or a second gen female to ensure the rest of the men get wives and have their babies born. (In this game, males carry parentage outside of an F!Corrin and / or Azura).

If you don't want to miss Azura's son, make sure you build support between her and one of the guys. (Random thought: wouldn't failure to do this result in two missing children anyway? Doubly important, then.)

I hope this helps. Good luck.

FWIW I married my Birthright F!Corrin (Chisuzu) to Jakob and that's been fun. Still trying to decide who my F!Corrin in Conquest (Katryn) will marry. Having *such* a hard time with that! Too. Many. Choices.

Leo is best husband. It's why I didn't marry anyone in Birthright and have only married Leo in both Conquest and Revelation.

Play a girl Avatar and marry Leo.

Any particular reason(s) to back that up or is it a "just trust me" situation? XD It's between him, Niles or Keaton far as I can tell. Someone could prove me wrong--I'm being a bit more patient this time around--but that's quite a bold (or perhaps passionate would be the better word?) statement. :)

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Consider what your goals are as a player. Are you in it for story? If so, do you have characters in mind that you might marry? What gender are they?

Are you more into the gameplay? What difficulty are you aiming for? If you're into this end of things take a look at the advice others have given. I totally can't help you here; I'm a story player.

If you play as M!Corrin you need to marry Scarlet, Reina, Anna, Flora or a second gen female to ensure the rest of the men get wives and have their babies born. (In this game, males carry parentage outside of an F!Corrin and / or Azura).

If you don't want to miss Azura's son, make sure you build support between her and one of the guys. (Random thought: wouldn't failure to do this result in two missing children anyway? Doubly important, then.)

I hope this helps. Good luck.

FWIW I married my Birthright F!Corrin (Chisuzu) to Jakob and that's been fun. Still trying to decide who my F!Corrin in Conquest (Katryn) will marry. Having *such* a hard time with that! Too. Many. Choices.

Any particular reason(s) to back that up or is it a "just trust me" situation? XD It's between him, Niles or Keaton far as I can tell. Someone could prove me wrong--I'm being a bit more patient this time around--but that's quite a bold (or perhaps passionate would be the better word?) statement. :)

Oh i'm just incredibly biased and love Leo.

So a... "Just trust me" situation. I don't have any particular REASON to say marry Leo... aside from the fact he's awesome, occasionally looks adorable, and is simply great.

I like Leo. A lot. Ergo, I say everyone should marry Leo just because I love him and will only ever marry Leo in fates.

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Consider what your goals are as a player. Are you in it for story? If so, do you have characters in mind that you might marry? What gender are they?

Are you more into the gameplay? What difficulty are you aiming for? If you're into this end of things take a look at the advice others have given. I totally can't help you here; I'm a story player.

If you play as M!Corrin you need to marry Scarlet, Reina, Anna, Flora or a second gen female to ensure the rest of the men get wives and have their babies born. (In this game, males carry parentage outside of an F!Corrin and / or Azura).

If you don't want to miss Azura's son, make sure you build support between her and one of the guys. (Random thought: wouldn't failure to do this result in two missing children anyway? Doubly important, then.)

I hope this helps. Good luck.

FWIW I married my Birthright F!Corrin (Chisuzu) to Jakob and that's been fun. Still trying to decide who my F!Corrin in Conquest (Katryn) will marry. Having *such* a hard time with that! Too. Many. Choices.

Any particular reason(s) to back that up or is it a "just trust me" situation? XD It's between him, Niles or Keaton far as I can tell. Someone could prove me wrong--I'm being a bit more patient this time around--but that's quite a bold (or perhaps passionate would be the better word?) statement. :)

Yeah it all depends on what the player wants. Personally I don't care about the kids and have the extended same sex support hack so kids just don't happen in my game.

I do have a lunatic/casual save to recruit two of the bosses that appear in the kids prologue but that's as far as it goes on my end.

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The danger of female Corrin is that if you marry a first-gen male then marry off EVERY SINGLE OTHER first-gen female EXCEPT Azura, there won't be any dudes left for her to marry and thus no Shigure.

It's not even comparable to male Corrin's issue, though, where marrying any first-gen female immediately and unavoidably locks out a child. Female Corrin you have to pretty much be TRYING to render Azura forever alone, especially considering she joins up much earlier than others and will get at least some support built up from singing for the guys a lot.

So it's technically possible in the same way that it's technically possible to miss out on Cynthia in Awakening, except even more improbable.

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I played male MU in Conquest and married Camilla because it was in his nature as a socially maladjusted git to continue to be coddled by his older sister.

I didnt even want to get all the kids anyway.

Heyyy question to you guys. Can you still miss out on a kid in Revelation?

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Yes. No matter which route you play male Corrin has that problem.

rip. What about femui? Is there still enough ladies to go around for everyone in that route, if i say...married Benneh?

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The danger of female Corrin is that if you marry a first-gen male then marry off EVERY SINGLE OTHER first-gen female EXCEPT Azura, there won't be any dudes left for her to marry and thus no Shigure.

It's not even comparable to male Corrin's issue, though, where marrying any first-gen female immediately and unavoidably locks out a child. Female Corrin you have to pretty much be TRYING to render Azura forever alone, especially considering she joins up much earlier than others and will get at least some support built up from singing for the guys a lot.

So it's technically possible in the same way that it's technically possible to miss out on Cynthia in Awakening, except even more improbable.

Thanks, I was trying to express that to a guy above but he just wasn't having any of it. To add on to what you said, even if you are down for marrying a Kamui-sexual or second gen, it's still going to be more difficult. Anna is DLC only, Flora joins at the earliest chapter 19 and the children will also come later unless you go out of your way to support grind.

rip. What about femui? Is there still enough ladies to go around for everyone in that route, if i say...married Benneh?

Femui is fine on all routes.

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