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weeeeew lads, color splash reactions


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This guy needs a chill pill.

Honestly, I don't know how to feel about this. This looks a lot like Sticker Star and I'm very disappointed in that, but I won't judge this game.... yet.

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It seems to me to be basically Sticker Star with cards and colours. Like, no, we want the old Paper Mario not Sticker Star HD.

Edited by Silverhawk
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It's as if that one little trailer is attracting the hate Federation Force was getting

I feel like some sort of props needs to be given

I'd say Nintendo's biggest problem is that they're not making good trailers, at least if they're meant to be aimed at the original fans. BTW, there is a big topic for this game in General Gaming.

Edited by Zera
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I'm going to try and stay as optimistic as possible and just act like Nintendo made shitty trailers

Maybe they just showed very limited game play of Paper Mario and its actually super good and doesn't circle around a shitty gimmick, and maybe it'll have a good plot too.

Probably not though

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people cant just be happy a new paper mario game even exists smh. one day the only game nintendo will care about anymore is super cash bros and it'll be the "fans" fault.

welcome to the world we live in now

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people cant just be happy a new paper mario game even exists smh. one day the only game nintendo will care about anymore is super cash bros and it'll be the "fans" fault.

while I am not saying anything about this game's quality, nor am I saying that I expect it to be bad

that won't necessarily be a bad thing if all the new paper mario games are bad

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while I am not saying anything about this game's quality, nor am I saying that I expect it to be bad

that won't necessarily be a bad thing if all the new paper mario games are bad

paper mario only had one not-so-great game. thats it. besides, you know nintendo loves to throw away franchises

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I remember when the Paper Mario series had great stories, creative ideas, and strategic, challenging, rewarding gameplay.

Then, everything changed in Sticker Star. The story was paper thin (literally), the creative worlds, characters, and ideas became generic, and the gameplay became simpler, easier, less rewarding.

And I thought, "Wow! Did Intelligent Systems really make this on their own without subtractive input from Ninten ---"


"--- DARN it!"

And then I played Kirby: Triple Deluxe and felt much better. HAL should make a Paper Mario game.

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