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Fates Eastern Aesthetic: Yay or Nay?


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(Hopefully we can get some Southeast Asia aesthetic someday)

Honestly, I would have liked Hoshido to be East Asia instead of just Japanese. Like a mix of China, Korea and Japanese with so many different and interesting classes throughout the period.

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Either works. Maybe Apep for fighters as well.

Bastet for Myrmidons, Geb for Knights and Thoth for regular Mages? Maybe Sekhmet for them fancy physical/magical hybrids.

What about mounted and flying classes?

Central Asian theme would be nice too I think. I've read too much Otoyomegatari

Edited by Sylphid
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Bastet for Myrmidons, Geb for Knights and Thoth for regular Mages? Maybe Sekhmet for them fancy physical/magical hybrids.

What about mounted and flying classes?

Central Asian theme would be nice too I think. I've read too much Otoyomegatari

So it's been a slow day (I'm still recovering from a day of paintball) and I didn't have anything better to do, so I decided to do it myself. Let it never be said that I don't deliver the goods.

[spoiler=Base Classes]

First-Born: Lord's Class (Mounted- Chariot)

Weapons: Lances- C, Hidden Weapons- D

Max Stats:

HP: 40

Str: 24

Mag: 16

Skl: 18

Spd: 21

Lck: 24

Def: 22

Res: 18

Mov: 7


Divine Lineage: Experience gained x 1.5

Royal Guard: While this unit is the lead unit in pair-up, +2 damage given and -2 damage received.

War Priest: Avatar's Class

Weapons: Spells- C *Can use both Light and Dark Magic, Swords- D

Max Stats:

HP: 35

Str: 19

Mag: 21

Skl: 21

Spd: 20

Lck: 22

Def: 19

Res: 21

Mov: 5


Noble Lineage: Experience gained x 1.2

Righteous Fury: +15 to hit against foreign enemy units

Acolyte of Horus

Weapons: Lances- B

Max Stats:

HP: 40

Str: 23

Mag: 15

Skl: 24

Spd: 23

Lck: 19

Def: 20

Res: 19

Mov: 5


Seal Defence: After battle, enemy's defence -6

Dunestrider: Units with this skill have terrain costs reduced to 1

Acolyte of Apep

Weapons: Spells- B *Can use Dark Magic

Max Stats:

HP: 40

Str: 18

Mag: 22

Skl: 18

Spd: 18

Lck: 19

Def: 24

Res: 20

Mov: 5


Heartseeker: While fighting adjacent to an enemy, enemy's avoid -20

Curse of Undeath: When this unit defeats an enemy, there's a Mag x 0.5% chance that it will be raised as an allied specter.

Acolyte of Imhotep

Weapons: Staves- B

Max Stats:

HP: 35

Str: 15

Mag: 23

Skl: 20

Spd: 22

Lck: 25

Def: 16

Res: 23

Mov: 5


Miracle- Lck% chance of surviving a lethal attack with 1 HP

Rally Luck- +8 Lck to all allies within 3 tiles

Acolyte of Ra

Weapons: Spells- B *Can use Light Magic

Max Stats:

HP: 35

Str: 15

Mag: 24

Skl: 24

Spd: 20

Lck: 20

Def: 17

Res: 18

Mov: 5


Magic +2: Magic +2

Healing Aura: If their are allies within a two tile radius, unit recovers 10% HP at the start of the users turn.

Changeling (1-40)

Weapons: Stones- A

Max Stats:

HP: 60

Str: 29

Mag: 29

Skl: 29

Spd: 29

Lck: 32

Def: 29

Res: 29

Mov: 6


Evenhanded: +4 damage on even-numbered turns

Beastbane: While this unit is a Changeling, their attacks are effective against Beast units

Even Better: Recover 40% HP at the start of even-numbered turns

Grisly Wound: The enemy's HP is reduced by 20% after the battle

Acolyte of Set

Weapons: Axes- B

Max Stats:

HP: 45

Str: 24

Mag: 15

Skl: 21

Spd: 19

Lck: 20

Def: 24

Res: 16

Mov: 5


+5 HP: +5 HP

Frenzy: If there are no allied units within three tiles, +3 damage dealt and -1 damage received

Acolyte of Geb (Mounted- Camels)

Weapons: Lances- C, Axes- C

Max Stats:

HP: 40

Str: 23

Mag: 15

Skl: 22

Spd: 21

Lck: 20

Def: 21

Res: 22

Mov: 7


Elbow Room: When user fights in terrain with no terrain effects, damage +3 during battle

Food Reserves: If their are no allied units within three tiles, user recovers 10% HP at the start of the turn

Acolyte of Anhur

Weapons: Bows- B

Max Stats:

HP: 40

Str: 19

Mag: 18

Skl: 23

Spd: 21

Lck: 22

Def: 21

Res: 19

Mov: 5


Locktouch: User can open doors and chests without requiring keys

Skill +2: Skill +2

[spoiler=Promoted Classes]

Pharaoh (Mounted- Chariot)(Armour)

Weapons: Lances- A, Hidden Weapons- B

HP: 65

Str: 33

Mag: 25

Skl: 29

Spd: 32

Lck: 28

Def: 34

Res: 32

Mov: 8


Wrath of Atum (Lvl-5): Skill x 0.5% chance of negating enemy defence (if using a physical weapon) or resistance (if using a magic weapon)

Rightful King (Lvl-15): +10% to Skill Activation


Weapons: Spells- A* Can use both Light and Dark Magic, Swords- B

Max Stats:

HP: 55

Str: 30

Mag: 32

Skl: 29

Spd: 31

Lck: 30

Def: 29

Res: 31

Mov: 6


Blessing of Atum (Lvl-5): Luck x 0.5% chance of negating enemy damage

Eclipse (Lvl-15): +5 to damage while equipped with a Light Tome, +20 to Hit while equipped with a Dark Tome

High Priest of Horus

Weapons: Lances- S

Max Stats:

HP: 60

Str: 35

Mag: 24

Skl: 34

Spd: 33

Lck: 26

Def: 28

Res: 27

Mov: 6


Rend Heaven (Lvl-5) Skill% chance of adding half the enemy's Strength (if user has a physical weapon) or Magic (if user has a magic weapon) as damage

Lancefaire (Lvl-15) +5 damage when user is equipped with a lance

Temple Guardian (Armour)

Weapons: Lances- A, Swords- B

Max Stats:

HP: 70

Str: 36

Mag: 25

Skl: 28

Spd: 25

Lck: 32

Def: 36

Res: 36

Mov: 6


Oath of Protection (Lvl-5): If this unit is the support unit in pair-up and the lead unit would take damage, this unit is hit instead

Oath of Servitude (Lvl-15): If this unit is the support unit in a pair-up, all stats +1 for lead unit

High Priest of Set

Weapons: Axes- S

Max Stats:

HP: 70

Str: 40

Mag: 15

Skl: 28

Spd: 30

Lck: 25

Def: 38

Res: 26

Mov: 6


Death or Glory (Lvl-5): +4 damage and +20 crit, -20 Avoid and Crit Evade

Counter (Lvl-15): When an adjacent enemy triggers the battle and inflicts damage, the enemy receives the same damage

High Priest of Geb (Mount-Elephant)(Armour)

Weapons: Axes- A, Lance- B

Max Stats:

HP: 80

Str: 40

Mag: 15

Skl: 26

Spd: 20

Lck: 25

Def: 40

Res: 32

Mov: 6


Overbearing (Lvl-5): While mounted, +5 damage against non-mounted units

Stampede (Lvl-15): Negates beast and armour weakness while mounted on an elephant

Chariot Rider

Weapons: Bows- A, Lance- B

Max Stats:

HP: 65

Str: 33

Mag: 25

Skl: 27

Spd: 30

Lck: 28

Def: 35

Res: 35

Mov: 7


Ram (Lvl-5): If this unit moves the maximum distance possible, +10 damage while attacking an adjacent enemy

Second Rider (Lvl-15): While this unit is mounted on a chariot, the support unit in pair-up can trigger Dual Strikes, but enemy dual strikes are not passively negated

High Priest of Anhur

Weapons: Bows- S

Max Stats:

HP: 55

Str: 31

Mag: 25

Skl: 33

Spd: 33

Lck: 28

Def: 32

Res: 30

Mov: 6


Aimed Shot (Lvl-5): If this unit doesn't move, +20 to hit and +1 range

Bowfaire (Lvl-15): +5 damage when user is equipped with a bow

High Priest of Ra

Weapons: Spells- S *Can use Light Magic

Max Stats:

HP: 45

Str: 25

Mag: 36

Skl: 38

Spd: 34

Lck: 28

Def: 27

Res: 28

Mov: 6


Sol: Skill% chance of restoring half the damage dealt to the enemy

Blinding Radiance (Lvl-15): When user triggers battle and is equipped with a Light Tome, Skill x 1.5% chance of reducing the enemy's hit by 50 until the next turn

High Priest of Apep

Weapons: Spells- S *Can use Dark Magic

Max Stats:

HP: 60

Str: 25

Mag: 34

Skl: 29

Spd: 28

Lck: 30

Def: 35

Res: 30

Mov: 6


Vengeance (Lvl-5): Skill x 1.5 % chance of adding half the user's (Max HP- Current HP) as damage

Smothering Darkness (Lvl-15): While user is equipped with a Dark Tome, skill x 0.5% chance of putting the enemy unit to sleep until the next turn

High Priest of Imhotep

Weapons: Staves- S, Tomes- A

Max Stats:

HP: 50

Str: 26

Mag: 34

Skl: 32

Spd: 30

Lck: 35

Def: 28

Res: 34

Mov: 6


Renewal (Lvl-5): Recover 30% health at the start of the User's turn

Tomefaire: +5 damage when user is equipped with a Tome


Prf. Weapons

Heqa Scepter (Type- Lance, Rank- E, Mt- 5, Hit- 90, Crit- 0: Its true power is sealed)

Was Scepter (Type- Hidden Weapon, Rank- E, Mt- 3, Hit- 80, Crit- 0, Rng- 1-2: Its true power is sealed [-2 to str and spd].)

Radiant Heqa: (Type- Lance, Rank- E, Mt- 20, Hit-70, Crit- 10: +5 Res while equipped)

Radiant Was (Type- Hidden Weapon, Rank- E, Mt- 8, Hit- 90, Crit- 0: [-4 to all stats].)

Book of Thoth (Type- Tome, Rank- A, Mt- 0, Hit- 80, Crit- 0: Halves enemy HP. Kills if target is already at 1


Sobekstone (Type- Stone, Rank- E, Mt- 6, Hit- 90, Crit- 5: +5 Spd and +4 Skl, -3 Def and -2 Res. +10 Avd and Crit Evade)

Sobekstone+ (Type- Stone, Rank- B, Mt- 12, Hit- 90, Crit- 5: +8 Spd and +6 Skl, -5 Def and -4 Res. +10 Avd and Crit Evade)

Khepristone (Type- Stone, Rank- E, Mt- 9, Hit- 80, Crit- 10: +5 Def and +4 Str, -4 Spd and -3 Skl. +10 Crit Evade and can't double)

Khepristone+ (Type- Stone, Rank- E, Mt- 14, Hit- 75, Crit- 10: +8 Def and +6 Str, -5 Spd and -4 Skl. +10 Crit evade and can't double)

Sphinxstone (Type- Stone, Rank- E, Mt- 10, Hit- 90, Crit- 0: +5 Res and +4 Mag, -4 Def and -3 Lck. Magic weapon. +10 Crit evade and can't trigger crits.)

Sphinxstone (Type- Stone, Rank- B, Mt- 13, Hit- 80, Crit- 0: +8 Res and +6 Mag, -5 Def and -4 Lck. Magic Weapon. +10 Crit Evade Wielder can't trigger crits)

Light Tomes

Flare (Type- Tome, Rank- E, Mt- 1, Hit- 100, Crit- 0)

Shine (Type- Tome, Rank- D, Mt- 4, Hit- 95, Crit- 0)

Waveshine Purge (Type- Tome, Rank- C, Mt- 6, Hit- 90, Crit- 0)

Divine (Type- Tome, Rank- B, Mt- 10, Hit- 85, Crit- 0)

Ra's Sacred Light (Type- Tome, Rank- S, Mt- 13, Hit- 100, Crit- 10: Effective against monsters)

Thani (Type- Tome, Rank- D, Mt- 5, Hit- 95, Crit- 0: Effective against armour and beasts, ineffective otherwise)

Aureola (Type- Tome, Rank- C, Mt- 6, Hit- 90, Crit- 0: Effective against flying units, ineffective otherwise)

Dark Tomes

Flux (Type- Tome, Rank- E, Mt- 5, Hit- 70, Crit- 0)

Nosferatu (Type- Tome, Rank- D, Mt- 8, Hit- 65, Crit- 0: Recovers HP equal to half the damage dealt. Can't trigger crits)

Yotsmungand (Type- Tome, Rank- C, Mt- 11, Hit- 60, Crit- 0)

Fenrir (Type- Tome, Rank- B, Mt- 15, Hit- 55, Crit- 0)

Apep's Unholy Darkness (Type- Tome, Rank- S, Mt- 18, Hit- 60, Crit- 10: Skill% chance to poison the target)

Waste (Type- Tome, Rank- A, Mt- 5, Hit- 50, Crit- 0: 2 Consecutive attacks when user initiates battle; magic half for next attack)

Ruin (Type- Tome, Rank- E, Mt- 10, Hit- 60, Crit- 30: x4 Crit damage, double attack threshold-5, enemy's double attack threshold +5)

Edited by Phillius
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I'd genuinely have preferred a warring states era chinese style army/dynamic to hoshido's "glorious nippon steel", it's still pretty ascetically though, no complaints there.

(If I have an irk its in the functionality, the collection of the least functional weapons in history, arbitrarily give huge stat boosts. I mean IS is at least self aware enough to ban hoshidan from getting braves/etc which holds back the historybuffrage. Still, ew)

Edit: To be entirely fair to IS the "western" weapons/classes are still way better outside of spearmasters vs generals (makes sense, I have no hate) and breakers (meh). They did a good job overall, and really showed off the pony/armor/weapons not made of brittle ass razor blades advantage, I just hate katanas. (I don't even hate samurai, they earn their rep, you have to be really fucking good to kill someone in armor with a kraptana)

Edited by joshcja
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So it's been a slow day (I'm still recovering from a day of paintball) and I didn't have anything better to do, so I decided to do it myself. Let it never be said that I don't deliver the goods.

[spoiler=Base Classes]

First-Born: Lord's Class (Mounted- Chariot)

Weapons: Lances- C, Hidden Weapons- D

Max Stats:

HP: 40

Str: 24

Mag: 16

Skl: 18

Spd: 21

Lck: 24

Def: 22

Res: 18

Mov: 7


Divine Lineage: Experience gained x 1.5

Royal Guard: While this unit is the lead unit in pair-up, +2 damage given and -2 damage received.

War Priest: Avatar's Class

Weapons: Spells- C *Can use both Light and Dark Magic, Swords- D

Max Stats:

HP: 35

Str: 19

Mag: 21

Skl: 21

Spd: 20

Lck: 22

Def: 19

Res: 21

Mov: 5


Noble Lineage: Experience gained x 1.2

Righteous Fury: +15 to hit against foreign enemy units

Acolyte of Horus

Weapons: Lances- B

Max Stats:

HP: 40

Str: 23

Mag: 15

Skl: 24

Spd: 23

Lck: 19

Def: 20

Res: 19

Mov: 5


Seal Defence: After battle, enemy's defence -6

Dunestrider: Units with this skill have terrain costs reduced to 1

Acolyte of Set

Weapons: Spells- B *Can use Dark Magic

Max Stats:

HP: 40

Str: 18

Mag: 22

Skl: 18

Spd: 18

Lck: 19

Def: 24

Res: 20

Mov: 5


Heartseeker: While fighting adjacent to an enemy, enemy's avoid -20

Curse of Undeath: When this unit defeats an enemy, there's a Mag x 0.5% chance that it will be raised as an allied specter.

Acolyte of Imhotep

Weapons: Staves- B

Max Stats:

HP: 35

Str: 15

Mag: 23

Skl: 20

Spd: 22

Lck: 25

Def: 16

Res: 23

Mov: 5


Miracle- Lck% chance of surviving a lethal attack with 1 HP

Rally Luck- +8 Lck to all allies within 3 tiles

Acolyte of Ra

Weapons: Spells- B *Can use Light Magic

Max Stats:

HP: 35

Str: 15

Mag: 24

Skl: 24

Spd: 20

Lck: 20

Def: 17

Res: 18

Mov: 5


Magic +2: Magic +2

Healing Aura: If their are allies within a two tile radius, unit recovers 10% HP at the start of the users turn.

Changeling (1-40)

Weapons: Stones- A

Max Stats:

HP: 60

Str: 29

Mag: 29

Skl: 29

Spd: 29

Lck: 32

Def: 29

Res: 29

Mov: 6


Evenhanded: +4 damage on even-numbered turns

Beastbane: While this unit is a Changeling, their attacks are effective against Beast units

Even Better: Recover 40% HP at the start of even-numbered turns

Grisly Wound: The enemy's HP is reduced by 20% after the battle

Acolyte of Apep

Weapons: Axes- B

Max Stats:

HP: 45

Str: 24

Mag: 15

Skl: 21

Spd: 19

Lck: 20

Def: 24

Res: 16

Mov: 5


+5 HP: +5 HP

Frenzy: If there are no allied units within three tiles, +3 damage dealt and -1 damage received

Acolyte of Geb (Mounted- Camels)

Weapons: Lances- C, Axes- C

Max Stats:

HP: 40

Str: 23

Mag: 15

Skl: 22

Spd: 21

Lck: 20

Def: 21

Res: 22

Mov: 7


Elbow Room: When user fights in terrain with no terrain effects, damage +3 during battle

Food Reserves: If their are no allied units within three tiles, user recovers 10% HP at the start of the turn

Acolyte of Anhur

Weapons: Bows- B

Max Stats:

HP: 40

Str: 19

Mag: 18

Skl: 23

Spd: 21

Lck: 22

Def: 21

Res: 19

Mov: 5


Locktouch: User can open doors and chests without requiring keys

Skill +2: Skill +2

[spoiler=Promoted Classes]

Pharaoh (Mounted- Chariot)(Armour)

Weapons: Lances- A, Hidden Weapons- B

HP: 65

Str: 33

Mag: 25

Skl: 29

Spd: 32

Lck: 28

Def: 34

Res: 32

Mov: 8


Wrath of Atum (Lvl-5): Skill x 0.5% chance of negating enemy defence (if using a physical weapon) or resistance (if using a magic weapon)

Rightful King (Lvl-15): +10% to Skill Activation


Weapons: Spells- A* Can use both Light and Dark Magic, Swords- B

Max Stats:

HP: 55

Str: 30

Mag: 32

Skl: 29

Spd: 31

Lck: 30

Def: 29

Res: 31

Mov: 6


Blessing of Atum (Lvl-5): Luck x 0.5% chance of negating enemy damage

Eclipse (Lvl-15): +5 to damage while equipped with a Light Tome, +20 to Hit while equipped with a Dark Tome

High Priest of Horus

Weapons: Lances- S

Max Stats:

HP: 60

Str: 35

Mag: 24

Skl: 34

Spd: 33

Lck: 26

Def: 28

Res: 27

Mov: 6


Rend Heaven (Lvl-5) Skill% chance of adding half the enemy's Strength (if user has a physical weapon) or Magic (if user has a magic weapon) as damage

Lancefaire (Lvl-15) +5 damage when user is equipped with a lance

Temple Guardian (Armour)

Weapons: Lances- A, Swords- B

Max Stats:

HP: 70

Str: 36

Mag: 25

Skl: 28

Spd: 25

Lck: 32

Def: 36

Res: 36

Mov: 6


Oath of Protection (Lvl-5): If this unit is the support unit in pair-up and the lead unit would take damage, this unit is hit instead

Oath of Servitude (Lvl-15): If this unit is the support unit in a pair-up, all stats +1 for lead unit

High Priest of Apep

Weapons: Axes- S

Max Stats:

HP: 70

Str: 40

Mag: 15

Skl: 28

Spd: 30

Lck: 25

Def: 38

Res: 26

Mov: 6


Death or Glory (Lvl-5): +4 damage and +20 crit, -20 Avoid and Crit Evade

Counter (Lvl-15): When an adjacent enemy triggers the battle and inflicts damage, the enemy receives the same damage

High Priest of Geb (Mount-Elephant)(Armour)

Weapons: Axes- A, Lance- B

Max Stats:

HP: 80

Str: 40

Mag: 15

Skl: 26

Spd: 20

Lck: 25

Def: 40

Res: 32

Mov: 6


Overbearing (Lvl-5): While mounted, +5 damage against non-mounted units

Stampede (Lvl-15): Negates beast and armour weakness while mounted on an elephant

Chariot Rider

Weapons: Bows- A, Lance- B

Max Stats:

HP: 65

Str: 33

Mag: 25

Skl: 27

Spd: 30

Lck: 28

Def: 35

Res: 35

Mov: 7


Ram (Lvl-5): If this unit moves the maximum distance possible, +10 damage while attacking an adjacent enemy

Second Rider (Lvl-15): While this unit is mounted on a chariot, the support unit in pair-up can trigger Dual Strikes, but enemy dual strikes are not passively negated

High Priest of Anhur

Weapons: Bows- S

Max Stats:

HP: 55

Str: 31

Mag: 25

Skl: 33

Spd: 33

Lck: 28

Def: 32

Res: 30

Mov: 6


Aimed Shot (Lvl-5): If this unit doesn't move, +20 to hit and +1 range

Bowfaire (Lvl-15): +5 damage when user is equipped with a bow

High Priest of Ra

Weapons: Spells- S *Can use Light Magic

Max Stats:

HP: 45

Str: 25

Mag: 36

Skl: 38

Spd: 34

Lck: 28

Def: 27

Res: 28

Mov: 6


Sol: Skill% chance of restoring half the damage dealt to the enemy

Blinding Radiance (Lvl-15): When user triggers battle and is equipped with a Light Tome, Skill x 1.5% chance of reducing the enemy's hit by 50 until the next turn

High Priest of Set

Weapons: Spells- S *Can use Dark Magic

Max Stats:

HP: 60

Str: 25

Mag: 34

Skl: 29

Spd: 28

Lck: 30

Def: 35

Res: 30

Mov: 6


Vengeance (Lvl-5): Skill x 1.5 % chance of adding half the user's (Max HP- Current HP) as damage

Smothering Darkness (Lvl-15): While user is equipped with a Dark Tome, skill x 0.5% chance of putting the enemy unit to sleep until the next turn

High Priest of Imhotep

Weapons: Staves- S, Tomes- A

Max Stats:

HP: 50

Str: 26

Mag: 34

Skl: 32

Spd: 30

Lck: 35

Def: 28

Res: 34

Mov: 6


Renewal (Lvl-5): Recover 30% health at the start of the User's turn

Tomefaire: +5 damage when user is equipped with a Tome


Prf. Weapons

Heqa Scepter (Type- Lance, Rank- E, Mt- 5, Hit- 90, Crit- 0: Its true power is sealed)

Was Scepter (Type- Hidden Weapon, Rank- E, Mt- 3, Hit- 80, Crit- 0, Rng- 1-2: Its true power is sealed [-2 to str and spd].)

Radiant Heqa: (Type- Lance, Rank- E, Mt- 20, Hit-70, Crit- 10: +5 Res while equipped)

Radiant Was (Type- Hidden Weapon, Rank- E, Mt- 8, Hit- 90, Crit- 0: [-4 to all stats].)

Book of Thoth (Type- Tome, Rank- A, Mt- 0, Hit- 80, Crit- 0: Halves enemy HP. Kills if target is already at 1


Sobekstone (Type- Stone, Rank- E, Mt- 6, Hit- 90, Crit- 5: +5 Spd and +4 Skl, -3 Def and -2 Res. +10 Avd and Crit Evade)

Sobekstone+ (Type- Stone, Rank- B, Mt- 12, Hit- 90, Crit- 5: +8 Spd and +6 Skl, -5 Def and -4 Res. +10 Avd and Crit Evade)

Khepristone (Type- Stone, Rank- E, Mt- 9, Hit- 80, Crit- 10: +5 Def and +4 Str, -4 Spd and -3 Skl. +10 Crit Evade and can't double)

Khepristone+ (Type- Stone, Rank- E, Mt- 14, Hit- 75, Crit- 10: +8 Def and +6 Str, -5 Spd and -4 Skl. +10 Crit evade and can't double)

Sphinxstone (Type- Stone, Rank- E, Mt- 10, Hit- 90, Crit- 0: +5 Res and +4 Mag, -4 Def and -3 Lck. Magic weapon. +10 Crit evade and can't trigger crits.)

Sphinxstone (Type- Stone, Rank- B, Mt- 13, Hit- 80, Crit- 0: +8 Res and +6 Mag, -5 Def and -4 Lck. Magic Weapon. +10 Crit Evade Wielder can't trigger crits)

Light Tomes

Flare (Type- Tome, Rank- E, Mt- 1, Hit- 100, Crit- 0)

Shine (Type- Tome, Rank- D, Mt- 4, Hit- 95, Crit- 0)

Waveshine Purge (Type- Tome, Rank- C, Mt- 6, Hit- 90, Crit- 0)

Divine (Type- Tome, Rank- B, Mt- 10, Hit- 85, Crit- 0)

Ra's Sacred Light (Type- Tome, Rank- S, Mt- 13, Hit- 100, Crit- 10: Effective against monsters)

Thani (Type- Tome, Rank- D, Mt- 5, Hit- 95, Crit- 0: Effective against armour and beasts, ineffective otherwise)

Aureola (Type- Tome, Rank- C, Mt- 6, Hit- 90, Crit- 0: Effective against flying units, ineffective otherwise)

Dark Tomes

Flux (Type- Tome, Rank- E, Mt- 5, Hit- 70, Crit- 0)

Nosferatu (Type- Tome, Rank- D, Mt- 8, Hit- 65, Crit- 0: Recovers HP equal to half the damage dealt. Can't trigger crits)

Yotsmungand (Type- Tome, Rank- C, Mt- 11, Hit- 60, Crit- 0)

Fenrir (Type- Tome, Rank- B, Mt- 15, Hit- 55, Crit- 0)

Set's Unholy Darkness (Type- Tome, Rank- S, Mt- 18, Hit- 60, Crit- 10: Skill% chance to poison the target)

Waste (Type- Tome, Rank- A, Mt- 5, Hit- 50, Crit- 0: 2 Consecutive attacks when user initiates battle; magic half for next attack)

Ruin (Type- Tome, Rank- E, Mt- 10, Hit- 60, Crit- 30: x4 Crit damage, double attack threshold-5, enemy's double attack threshold +5)

I'm NekoKnight and I endorse this theme.

Some comments:

-Should so many classes be "acolytes" of so-and-so god? I see the theme you're going for but concerning the worship of gods, I feel like it should be limited to spiritual classes like mages and priests. Why not name spells after certain gods?

-I already love Acolyte of Horus just because of the Dunestrider skill. Substitute? Get that shit out of here!

-Does turning into a Khepri make me one of these?


If so, we should fund this project immediately.

Edited by NekoKnight
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So it's been a slow day (I'm still recovering from a day of paintball) and I didn't have anything better to do, so I decided to do it myself. Let it never be said that I don't deliver the goods.

[spoiler=Base Classes]

First-Born: Lord's Class (Mounted- Chariot)

Weapons: Lances- C, Hidden Weapons- D

Max Stats:

HP: 40

Str: 24

Mag: 16

Skl: 18

Spd: 21

Lck: 24

Def: 22

Res: 18

Mov: 7


Divine Lineage: Experience gained x 1.5

Royal Guard: While this unit is the lead unit in pair-up, +2 damage given and -2 damage received.

War Priest: Avatar's Class

Weapons: Spells- C *Can use both Light and Dark Magic, Swords- D

Max Stats:

HP: 35

Str: 19

Mag: 21

Skl: 21

Spd: 20

Lck: 22

Def: 19

Res: 21

Mov: 5


Noble Lineage: Experience gained x 1.2

Righteous Fury: +15 to hit against foreign enemy units

Acolyte of Horus

Weapons: Lances- B

Max Stats:

HP: 40

Str: 23

Mag: 15

Skl: 24

Spd: 23

Lck: 19

Def: 20

Res: 19

Mov: 5


Seal Defence: After battle, enemy's defence -6

Dunestrider: Units with this skill have terrain costs reduced to 1

Acolyte of Set

Weapons: Spells- B *Can use Dark Magic

Max Stats:

HP: 40

Str: 18

Mag: 22

Skl: 18

Spd: 18

Lck: 19

Def: 24

Res: 20

Mov: 5


Heartseeker: While fighting adjacent to an enemy, enemy's avoid -20

Curse of Undeath: When this unit defeats an enemy, there's a Mag x 0.5% chance that it will be raised as an allied specter.

Acolyte of Imhotep

Weapons: Staves- B

Max Stats:

HP: 35

Str: 15

Mag: 23

Skl: 20

Spd: 22

Lck: 25

Def: 16

Res: 23

Mov: 5


Miracle- Lck% chance of surviving a lethal attack with 1 HP

Rally Luck- +8 Lck to all allies within 3 tiles

Acolyte of Ra

Weapons: Spells- B *Can use Light Magic

Max Stats:

HP: 35

Str: 15

Mag: 24

Skl: 24

Spd: 20

Lck: 20

Def: 17

Res: 18

Mov: 5


Magic +2: Magic +2

Healing Aura: If their are allies within a two tile radius, unit recovers 10% HP at the start of the users turn.

Changeling (1-40)

Weapons: Stones- A

Max Stats:

HP: 60

Str: 29

Mag: 29

Skl: 29

Spd: 29

Lck: 32

Def: 29

Res: 29

Mov: 6


Evenhanded: +4 damage on even-numbered turns

Beastbane: While this unit is a Changeling, their attacks are effective against Beast units

Even Better: Recover 40% HP at the start of even-numbered turns

Grisly Wound: The enemy's HP is reduced by 20% after the battle

Acolyte of Apep

Weapons: Axes- B

Max Stats:

HP: 45

Str: 24

Mag: 15

Skl: 21

Spd: 19

Lck: 20

Def: 24

Res: 16

Mov: 5


+5 HP: +5 HP

Frenzy: If there are no allied units within three tiles, +3 damage dealt and -1 damage received

Acolyte of Geb (Mounted- Camels)

Weapons: Lances- C, Axes- C

Max Stats:

HP: 40

Str: 23

Mag: 15

Skl: 22

Spd: 21

Lck: 20

Def: 21

Res: 22

Mov: 7


Elbow Room: When user fights in terrain with no terrain effects, damage +3 during battle

Food Reserves: If their are no allied units within three tiles, user recovers 10% HP at the start of the turn

Acolyte of Anhur

Weapons: Bows- B

Max Stats:

HP: 40

Str: 19

Mag: 18

Skl: 23

Spd: 21

Lck: 22

Def: 21

Res: 19

Mov: 5


Locktouch: User can open doors and chests without requiring keys

Skill +2: Skill +2

[spoiler=Promoted Classes]

Pharaoh (Mounted- Chariot)(Armour)

Weapons: Lances- A, Hidden Weapons- B

HP: 65

Str: 33

Mag: 25

Skl: 29

Spd: 32

Lck: 28

Def: 34

Res: 32

Mov: 8


Wrath of Atum (Lvl-5): Skill x 0.5% chance of negating enemy defence (if using a physical weapon) or resistance (if using a magic weapon)

Rightful King (Lvl-15): +10% to Skill Activation


Weapons: Spells- A* Can use both Light and Dark Magic, Swords- B

Max Stats:

HP: 55

Str: 30

Mag: 32

Skl: 29

Spd: 31

Lck: 30

Def: 29

Res: 31

Mov: 6


Blessing of Atum (Lvl-5): Luck x 0.5% chance of negating enemy damage

Eclipse (Lvl-15): +5 to damage while equipped with a Light Tome, +20 to Hit while equipped with a Dark Tome

High Priest of Horus

Weapons: Lances- S

Max Stats:

HP: 60

Str: 35

Mag: 24

Skl: 34

Spd: 33

Lck: 26

Def: 28

Res: 27

Mov: 6


Rend Heaven (Lvl-5) Skill% chance of adding half the enemy's Strength (if user has a physical weapon) or Magic (if user has a magic weapon) as damage

Lancefaire (Lvl-15) +5 damage when user is equipped with a lance

Temple Guardian (Armour)

Weapons: Lances- A, Swords- B

Max Stats:

HP: 70

Str: 36

Mag: 25

Skl: 28

Spd: 25

Lck: 32

Def: 36

Res: 36

Mov: 6


Oath of Protection (Lvl-5): If this unit is the support unit in pair-up and the lead unit would take damage, this unit is hit instead

Oath of Servitude (Lvl-15): If this unit is the support unit in a pair-up, all stats +1 for lead unit

High Priest of Apep

Weapons: Axes- S

Max Stats:

HP: 70

Str: 40

Mag: 15

Skl: 28

Spd: 30

Lck: 25

Def: 38

Res: 26

Mov: 6


Death or Glory (Lvl-5): +4 damage and +20 crit, -20 Avoid and Crit Evade

Counter (Lvl-15): When an adjacent enemy triggers the battle and inflicts damage, the enemy receives the same damage

High Priest of Geb (Mount-Elephant)(Armour)

Weapons: Axes- A, Lance- B

Max Stats:

HP: 80

Str: 40

Mag: 15

Skl: 26

Spd: 20

Lck: 25

Def: 40

Res: 32

Mov: 6


Overbearing (Lvl-5): While mounted, +5 damage against non-mounted units

Stampede (Lvl-15): Negates beast and armour weakness while mounted on an elephant

Chariot Rider

Weapons: Bows- A, Lance- B

Max Stats:

HP: 65

Str: 33

Mag: 25

Skl: 27

Spd: 30

Lck: 28

Def: 35

Res: 35

Mov: 7


Ram (Lvl-5): If this unit moves the maximum distance possible, +10 damage while attacking an adjacent enemy

Second Rider (Lvl-15): While this unit is mounted on a chariot, the support unit in pair-up can trigger Dual Strikes, but enemy dual strikes are not passively negated

High Priest of Anhur

Weapons: Bows- S

Max Stats:

HP: 55

Str: 31

Mag: 25

Skl: 33

Spd: 33

Lck: 28

Def: 32

Res: 30

Mov: 6


Aimed Shot (Lvl-5): If this unit doesn't move, +20 to hit and +1 range

Bowfaire (Lvl-15): +5 damage when user is equipped with a bow

High Priest of Ra

Weapons: Spells- S *Can use Light Magic

Max Stats:

HP: 45

Str: 25

Mag: 36

Skl: 38

Spd: 34

Lck: 28

Def: 27

Res: 28

Mov: 6


Sol: Skill% chance of restoring half the damage dealt to the enemy

Blinding Radiance (Lvl-15): When user triggers battle and is equipped with a Light Tome, Skill x 1.5% chance of reducing the enemy's hit by 50 until the next turn

High Priest of Set

Weapons: Spells- S *Can use Dark Magic

Max Stats:

HP: 60

Str: 25

Mag: 34

Skl: 29

Spd: 28

Lck: 30

Def: 35

Res: 30

Mov: 6


Vengeance (Lvl-5): Skill x 1.5 % chance of adding half the user's (Max HP- Current HP) as damage

Smothering Darkness (Lvl-15): While user is equipped with a Dark Tome, skill x 0.5% chance of putting the enemy unit to sleep until the next turn

High Priest of Imhotep

Weapons: Staves- S, Tomes- A

Max Stats:

HP: 50

Str: 26

Mag: 34

Skl: 32

Spd: 30

Lck: 35

Def: 28

Res: 34

Mov: 6


Renewal (Lvl-5): Recover 30% health at the start of the User's turn

Tomefaire: +5 damage when user is equipped with a Tome


Prf. Weapons

Heqa Scepter (Type- Lance, Rank- E, Mt- 5, Hit- 90, Crit- 0: Its true power is sealed)

Was Scepter (Type- Hidden Weapon, Rank- E, Mt- 3, Hit- 80, Crit- 0, Rng- 1-2: Its true power is sealed [-2 to str and spd].)

Radiant Heqa: (Type- Lance, Rank- E, Mt- 20, Hit-70, Crit- 10: +5 Res while equipped)

Radiant Was (Type- Hidden Weapon, Rank- E, Mt- 8, Hit- 90, Crit- 0: [-4 to all stats].)

Book of Thoth (Type- Tome, Rank- A, Mt- 0, Hit- 80, Crit- 0: Halves enemy HP. Kills if target is already at 1


Sobekstone (Type- Stone, Rank- E, Mt- 6, Hit- 90, Crit- 5: +5 Spd and +4 Skl, -3 Def and -2 Res. +10 Avd and Crit Evade)

Sobekstone+ (Type- Stone, Rank- B, Mt- 12, Hit- 90, Crit- 5: +8 Spd and +6 Skl, -5 Def and -4 Res. +10 Avd and Crit Evade)

Khepristone (Type- Stone, Rank- E, Mt- 9, Hit- 80, Crit- 10: +5 Def and +4 Str, -4 Spd and -3 Skl. +10 Crit Evade and can't double)

Khepristone+ (Type- Stone, Rank- E, Mt- 14, Hit- 75, Crit- 10: +8 Def and +6 Str, -5 Spd and -4 Skl. +10 Crit evade and can't double)

Sphinxstone (Type- Stone, Rank- E, Mt- 10, Hit- 90, Crit- 0: +5 Res and +4 Mag, -4 Def and -3 Lck. Magic weapon. +10 Crit evade and can't trigger crits.)

Sphinxstone (Type- Stone, Rank- B, Mt- 13, Hit- 80, Crit- 0: +8 Res and +6 Mag, -5 Def and -4 Lck. Magic Weapon. +10 Crit Evade Wielder can't trigger crits)

Light Tomes

Flare (Type- Tome, Rank- E, Mt- 1, Hit- 100, Crit- 0)

Shine (Type- Tome, Rank- D, Mt- 4, Hit- 95, Crit- 0)

Waveshine Purge (Type- Tome, Rank- C, Mt- 6, Hit- 90, Crit- 0)

Divine (Type- Tome, Rank- B, Mt- 10, Hit- 85, Crit- 0)

Ra's Sacred Light (Type- Tome, Rank- S, Mt- 13, Hit- 100, Crit- 10: Effective against monsters)

Thani (Type- Tome, Rank- D, Mt- 5, Hit- 95, Crit- 0: Effective against armour and beasts, ineffective otherwise)

Aureola (Type- Tome, Rank- C, Mt- 6, Hit- 90, Crit- 0: Effective against flying units, ineffective otherwise)

Dark Tomes

Flux (Type- Tome, Rank- E, Mt- 5, Hit- 70, Crit- 0)

Nosferatu (Type- Tome, Rank- D, Mt- 8, Hit- 65, Crit- 0: Recovers HP equal to half the damage dealt. Can't trigger crits)

Yotsmungand (Type- Tome, Rank- C, Mt- 11, Hit- 60, Crit- 0)

Fenrir (Type- Tome, Rank- B, Mt- 15, Hit- 55, Crit- 0)

Set's Unholy Darkness (Type- Tome, Rank- S, Mt- 18, Hit- 60, Crit- 10: Skill% chance to poison the target)

Waste (Type- Tome, Rank- A, Mt- 5, Hit- 50, Crit- 0: 2 Consecutive attacks when user initiates battle; magic half for next attack)

Ruin (Type- Tome, Rank- E, Mt- 10, Hit- 60, Crit- 30: x4 Crit damage, double attack threshold-5, enemy's double attack threshold +5)

Beautiful. You should do paintball more often if the result is stuff like this.

One nitpick though: Fenrir and Yotsmungand in Egyptian-inspired setting? I don't remember any similar beasts from Egypthian myths though, so who am I to nitpick.

Also Elephants being huge makes me want stuff like siege towers and units capable of transporting multiple allies but let's not go there

To complete the weapon triangle, here's notMyrmidon

Acolyte of Bastet

Weapons: Swords- B

Max Stats

HP: 40

Str: 19

Mag: 18

Skl: 23

Spd: 24

Luck: 22

Def: 18

Res: 17

Mov: 5


Rending Strike: When user triggers battle, critical rate +20%

Vantage: Always attack first if HP is below 50%

Promotion would pretty much be standard fair Swordmaster with Astra and Swordfaire.

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I appreciate mixing things up and like the class/skill variety it brings.

But I like the old fashioned bows/lances/swords over katana/naginta/spirit scrolls personally. We have both though so 10/10 etc

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Central Asian theme would be nice too I think. I've read too much Otoyomegatari

100x yes! I'd love something with an Otoyomegatari vibe.

Edit: Come to think of it, wasn't Lyn's background based around nomads and the like? I'd love to see the return of this with more detail.

Edited by Mathilde
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Im not exactly sure why i feel the Hoshidan aesthetic almost completely normal, but i do. It doesnt feel "exotic" and "different" as much as just really a part of that universe. It feels totally and utterly natural to me. And yeah, i really like it. Im the farthest thing from a weeb, so dont ask me why i feel the way i do about it.

Also those talking about Ancient Egypt inspired FE, sign me the fuck up!

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I think after 13 games of making Europe the dominant aesthetic of each FE, it's about fucking time they made one on their own culture. I'm fond of the aesthetic in general around the East Asia region considering that's where I come from, so it's pretty nice instead of 90% of the things = europe--branching out to new cultures also help alleviate design recycling.

That being said, China or Egypt would be super cool to see in the future as well. If they're gonna design China make me the art director pls

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100x yes! I'd love something with an Otoyomegatari vibe.

Edit: Come to think of it, wasn't Lyn's background based around nomads and the like? I'd love to see the return of this with more detail.

Yeah, Elibe had nomads of Sacae (Lyn, Guy, Rath, Sue, etc.) and Nomad the class, I was thinking more like that would be awesome. And since FE currently goes for more detailed designs, these could be gorgeous if they go all out. Give me characters clad in anything even remotely as detailed as Kaoru Mori's designs and I'll be ogling at the screen for hours.

And if we are going with that theme, they should go all out. Mount&Bow Emblem ahoy.

If they're gonna design China make me the art director pls


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I'm NekoKnight and I endorse this theme.

Some comments:

-Should so many classes be "acolytes" of so-and-so god? I see the theme you're going for but concerning the worship of gods, I feel like it should be limited to spiritual classes like mages and priests. Why not name spells after certain gods?

-I already love Acolyte of Horus just because of the Dunestrider skill. Substitute? Get that shit out of here!

-Does turning into a Khepri make me one of these?


If so, we should fund this project immediately.

The classes and item are named that way because coming up with original names is hard, okay? I could probably think of something else, but meh.

Also, Khepristone doesn't turn you into a Khepri, it turns you into a scarab. Khepri is simply the deity connected to scarab beetles. That is what it would look like if I had any say though, so let the funding begin!

Beautiful. You should do paintball more often if the result is stuff like this.

One nitpick though: Fenrir and Yotsmungand in Egyptian-inspired setting? I don't remember any similar beasts from Egypthian myths though, so who am I to nitpick.

Also Elephants being huge makes me want stuff like siege towers and units capable of transporting multiple allies but let's not go there

To complete the weapon triangle, here's notMyrmidon

Acolyte of Bastet

Weapons: Swords- B

Max Stats

HP: 40

Str: 19

Mag: 18

Skl: 23

Spd: 24

Luck: 22

Def: 18

Res: 17

Mov: 5


Rending Strike: When user triggers battle, critical rate +20%

Vantage: Always attack first if HP is below 50%

Promotion would pretty much be standard fair Swordmaster with Astra and Swordfaire.

Again, coming up with original names is hard. That's a pretty good Myrmidon though. There was also going to be an Acolyte of Nu for the ninja equivalent and the shared promotion for those two would be a Slavemaster type thing. I might add them latter, but right now I'm nursing so many welts.

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I would definitely love it if we got more region-based countries in the future.

As for Hoshido, I do like its look though I wish it wasn't so obviously good side.

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The classes and item are named that way because coming up with original names is hard, okay? I could probably think of something else, but meh.

Also, Khepristone doesn't turn you into a Khepri, it turns you into a scarab. Khepri is simply the deity connected to scarab beetles. That is what it would look like if I had any say though, so let the funding begin!

Again, coming up with original names is hard. That's a pretty good Myrmidon though. There was also going to be an Acolyte of Nu for the ninja equivalent and the shared promotion for those two would be a Slavemaster type thing. I might add them latter, but right now I'm nursing so many welts.

No Anubis? I think it would be a better fit for the dark caster than Set, being the god of the afterlife and associated with mummification. What would the specters be like? Sacred Stone phantoms?

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No Anubis? I think it would be a better fit for the dark caster than Set, being the god of the afterlife and associated with mummification.

Actually, I should probably change it up a bit. Apep is the one who tries to stop Ra's sun chariot and Set is Horus' arch-enemy. Excuse me while I swap them real quick.

What would the specters be like? Sacred Stone phantoms?

That'd work best. Something that can't take a hit at all, but can still do damage.

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I absolutely loved the Basara animations and the eastern buildings/maps of Hoshido. However, there is one thing I don't like about the Eastern aesthetics. The falcon knight class just looks weird to me. I feel like the costumes, as well the animations for that class could have been quite a bit better.

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Again, coming up with original names is hard. That's a pretty good Myrmidon though. There was also going to be an Acolyte of Nu for the ninja equivalent and the shared promotion for those two would be a Slavemaster type thing. I might add them latter, but right now I'm nursing so many welts.

Ah, makes sense.

Slavemaster sounds interesting. Perhaps a mix of Puppeteer from Fates and those personal skills of Orochi and Niles?

I just thought this up on the spot, but there could be a trainee class (like those from Sacred Stones) with access to all weapon types and possibility to promote to any base class. Logic here being that since trainee hasn't picked a god to worship yet, they don't have a weapon of choice either. Skills would be Aptitude and Discipline. That would at least be more interesting than Villagers

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From an artistic standpoint I found it to be gorgeous and very pleasing to the eye. The color schemes were great and I loved all the designs. Medieval European RPGs are a dime a dozen, so I appreciated something new and different. I hope that Fire Emblem tries more settings in the future, because it really breathes new life into the designs of the series.

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Well that went from zero to sixty pretty damn fast.

You may waifu the Cleopatra, but you might have to share with a Mark Anthony expy.

Can said-Mark Anthony expy look like James Purefoy?

I always got a really vague Egyptian vibe from the Plegians. And wasn't Jehanna Hall from Sacred Stones a pyramid?

But I know, it's not the same. Completely understand. Personally, I play Fire Emblem for its Medieval European fantasy, so it's a "Nay" from me.

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I like it well enough. I have a total hardon for all the creative new classes (and by 'creative' I mean new weapon combos and class traits basically).

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I like the physical setting itself and the music that comes with it. I love how inspired the game feels. Previous titles seem so generic in comparison.

That being said, I wish the excellence of design applied to characters as well. They're wearing some of the dumbest shit in the series, I tell you what.

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