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So.. Fates timeline?


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I just finished all 3 routes, and now I'm wondering if anybody has made a timeline for Fates. I'm interested in rewriting/reworking the plot but I'd like to have something I can reference easily. I know others have been doing the same thing, which is why I'm hoping somebody has written out a timeline(preferably with things pre-game). If not, I can proooobably do it myself, but it'll take me a very long time.

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We can safely assume Revelations is the canon path and I dunno if DLC is legit but Chrom says something about Hoshido and Nohr being history in his world sooooo.... Fates is the beginning???

As far as Hoshido and Nohr routes we can assume they're just "What if" scenarios/ alternate timelines like Lucina's timeline in Awakening.

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We can safely assume Revelations is the canon path and I dunno if DLC is legit but Chrom says something about Hoshido and Nohr being history in his world sooooo.... Fates is the beginning???

As far as Hoshido and Nohr routes we can assume they're just "What if" scenarios/ alternate timelines like Lucina's timeline in Awakening.

I actually disagree with this, because of outrealms honestly. I think all 3 routes are canon, but are split among Outrealms.

It's timeline placement in comparison to Awakening is the greatest mindfuck in the history of mindfucks tho. It takes place both thousands of years before and apparently around the same time according to the Before Awakening DLC, yet it also takes place AFTER Awakening, if Odin, Laslow, and Luna are any indication. The ONLY workable explanation for this is outrealms and alternate timelines, all of which are canon, but you have to figure out which ones actually matter.

This is the same logic I use to believe that every potential pairing is canon in every FE game

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I actually disagree with this, because of outrealms honestly. I think all 3 routes are canon, but are split among Outrealms.

It's timeline placement in comparison to Awakening is the greatest mindfuck in the history of mindfucks tho. It takes place both thousands of years before and apparently around the same time according to the Before Awakening DLC, yet it also takes place AFTER Awakening, if Odin, Laslow, and Luna are any indication. The ONLY workable explanation for this is outrealms and alternate timelines, all of which are canon, but you have to figure out which ones actually matter.

This is the same logic I use to believe that every potential pairing is canon in every FE game

Pretty sure there's time travel involved with that case.

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I'm not too sure about the details either, and it also depends on which events you wish to place on the timeline....

I myself would like to know, and although I have my own idea, I'm not sure if the idea I have in mind is the correct one

Like, we know the order of the siblings and what not, but it's still, I dunno, somewhat....

Like I personally would say that (it's not really spoilers)

the age of the avatar when (s)he is kidnapped by Garon, honestly it's hard to tell, mostly because the avatar appears to be young, but I myself am not sure (plus localization might have changed some facts) as the ages are, I think, bounded by what Sakura and Elise may say (and things other say related to that), plus Kaze I believe? And Azura in this case. This is so confusing I'm not even sure what to type anymore.

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I think it's more of a multiverse/parallel theory like Awakening. In the Before Awakening DLC, Chrom mentions that Nohr/Hoshido are mythical places, not from history. Laslow, Selena, and Odin are the same three kids who went back to help Chrom defeat Grima in their timeline, and then went back to defeat Grima in their original timeline. The three then found themselves transported to the mythical land of Nohr and Hoshido after defeating Grima. So anything that happens in Fates happens after the time where Grima destroyed the world and was then beaten by Lucina. I haven't played the Xenologues though, so I'm not exactly sure on how the three made it to Nohr or why they had to take on new names. Probably some Naga thing. But yeah, Fates takes place after Awakening. The Before Awakening DLC is just time travel nonsense to give us funny dialogue between Corrin, Jakob, Laslow, Selena, Odin, and Ophelia.

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But yeah, Fates takes place after Awakening.

You mean "before", right? The last bit about Before Awakening sounds contradictory otherwise.

To clarify, in the grand scheme of things, the events of Fates occur well before the start of Awakening. Odin for instance keeps telling Ophelia that he and the others come from the distant future. It might also explain why Chrom and co. call Hoshido and Nohr "mythical", because they're that old.

BUT because of time travel, it's not quite that simple. From our--the player's (and Odin's)--perspective, Awakening occurs first since Grima has to be defeated before Odin can go back in time to the world of Fates.

Then you've got more time travel nonsense with Before Awakening, where Corrin and co. momentarily jump to the point just before Awakening started.

Think of it this way: the Outrealm Gate is definitely more than a portal between places--it's also a portal between times. Even as far back as Blazing Sword, they said the Dragon's Gate could connect different realms and eras and the Outrealm Gate is heavily implied (more so in Fates) to be the same thing as a Dragon's Gate.

Honestly, I've love to see a diagram of all the time-hopping XD


Something like this?

                      normal passage of time
Events of Fates ---------------------------------> Before Awakening / Events of Awakening / After Awakening
^        |                                                 ^                                        |
|        |                                                 |                                        |
|        ---------------------------------------------------                                        |
|                      Before Awakening DLC                                                         |
|                                                                                                   |
                                            Hidden Truths DLC
Edited by VincentASM
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You mean "before", right? The last bit about Before Awakening sounds contradictory otherwise.

To clarify, in the grand scheme of things, the events of Fates occur well before the start of Awakening. Odin for instance keeps telling Ophelia that he and the others come from the distant future. It might also explain why Chrom and co. call Hoshido and Nohr "mythical", because they're that old.

BUT because of time travel, it's not quite that simple. From our--the player's (and Odin's)--perspective, Awakening occurs first since Grima has to be defeated before Odin can go back in time to the world of Fates.

Then you've got more time travel nonsense with Before Awakening, where Corrin and co. momentarily jump to the point just before Awakening started.

Think of it this way: the Outrealm Gate is definitely more than a portal between places--it's also a portal between times. Even as far back as Blazing Sword, they said the Dragon's Gate could connect different realms and eras and the Outrealm Gate is heavily implied (more so in Fates) to be the same thing as a Dragon's Gate.

Honestly, I've love to see a diagram of all the time-hopping XD

... *throws my post out the window* To be honest, my Odin died due to bs in my playthrough, so I never got a lot of his supports. Go figure that he happens to be the one thing that breaks my idea.

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You mean "before", right? The last bit about Before Awakening sounds contradictory otherwise.

To clarify, in the grand scheme of things, the events of Fates occur well before the start of Awakening. Odin for instance keeps telling Ophelia that he and the others come from the distant future. It might also explain why Chrom and co. call Hoshido and Nohr "mythical", because they're that old.

BUT because of time travel, it's not quite that simple. From our--the player's (and Odin's)--perspective, Awakening occurs first since Grima has to be defeated before Odin can go back in time to the world of Fates.

Then you've got more time travel nonsense with Before Awakening, where Corrin and co. momentarily jump to the point just before Awakening started.

Think of it this way: the Outrealm Gate is definitely more than a portal between places--it's also a portal between times. Even as far back as Blazing Sword, they said the Dragon's Gate could connect different realms and eras and the Outrealm Gate is heavily implied (more so in Fates) to be the same thing as a Dragon's Gate.

Honestly, I've love to see a diagram of all the time-hopping XD

I actually intend to make one once I've beaten all three routes and all of the DLC

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We can safely assume Revelations is the canon path and I dunno if DLC is legit but Chrom says something about Hoshido and Nohr being history in his world sooooo.... Fates is the beginning???

As far as Hoshido and Nohr routes we can assume they're just "What if" scenarios/ alternate timelines like Lucina's timeline in Awakening.


All paths are canon due to the multiverse.

We're even getting a canon path dlc if you failed in a variant of the Revelation path.

We're also visiting alternate Nohr and Hoshido for support talks dlc.

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All paths are canon due to the multiverse.

We're even getting a canon path dlc if you failed in a variant of the Revelation path.

We're also visiting alternate Nohr and Hoshido for support talks dlc.

By the way, where did that piece of information come from? I don't recall seeing/hearing it anywhere.

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It's map pack 2, it's about the kids.l running the show. Their parents are dead or mia.

Sorry, I meant who said it's related to Revelation?

Of course I know about the DLC itself : P

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I like to think that the timelines and what not work like Dragon's Dogma's does. "the world we know is but a single leaf upon a vast tree" or something like that. Basically there are thousands of parallel worlds going on at once. For example each time a player starts a new game in any of the FE game that forms another world.

...Of course I might be giving IS too much credit and they just threw caution to the wind and are doing what they want without caring about timelines.

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