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What's your opinion on Azura?


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I like her in Birthright, not so much in Conquest because of her nonsensical plan. Even from what I've seen in Revelation, she's not the sharpest knife in the drawer, and I don't like how she's forced to keep secrets that get people killed all because of silly plot mcguffins. She's not what I was expecting her to be. What do you think of Azura?

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I like her in Birthright, not so much in Conquest because of her nonsensical plan. Even from what I've seen in Revelation, she's not the sharpest knife in the drawer, and I don't like how she's forced to keep secrets that get people killed all because of silly plot mcguffins. She's not what I was expecting her to be. What do you think of Azura?

I think Azura is one of those Love her or Hate her characters. I don't mind her.

Her voice is spot on in the English version I find and made me like her more despite some of her odd choices.

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Word of advice folks, tread carefully here. Any insult towards Azura might provoke Philius into, well.... I'm sure you have an idea of what I'm saying.

As for Azura, wasted potential, just wasted potential. The only parts of her I liked were her supports, especially the ones with Corrin.

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I like her! She's really pretty and her singing is awesome. She's so kind and willing to put others before herself. She was willing to go through a lot of pain for the sake of others, man.

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Worst waifu.

Fight me Philius.

She's... in words, a disappointment. She's fine in Birthright, a part of the problem in Conquest, and needlessly, overly mysterious in all three routes. (Seriously you guys LANDED IN VALLA IN CONQUEST WHY DIDNT YOU JFKNFDH)

As far as other things...

Design wise, she's lovely, voice wise, she's beautiful, support wise, she's actually pretty interesting.

But main plot wise, dear lord.

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Worst waifu.

Fight me Philius.

She's... in words, a disappointment. She's fine in Birthright, a part of the problem in Conquest, and needlessly, overly mysterious in all three routes. (Seriously you guys LANDED IN VALLA IN CONQUEST WHY DIDNT YOU JFKNFDH)

As far as other things...

Design wise, she's lovely, voice wise, she's beautiful, support wise, she's actually pretty interesting.

But main plot wise, dear lord.

Yes I actually think she's quite charming in her supports. Same with many of the other characters like Xander for example, he's a completely different person in his supports than he is in the plot.

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I honestly find her boring and uninteresting. The only thing I like about her is her design, but the are other female characters with better designs than her.

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Let's start with the positives:

Both her Japanese and English voices are great, which is necessary for her character.

Her supports can be sweet.

Aaand...that's about it. She's one of the biggest problems in the entire story, given her role. She's also mysterious for the sake of being mysterious, rather than acting like Kreia from Knights of the Old Republic II, my favorite video game character of all time.

She also seems fine with murdering the people who raised her, so you know...there's some dissonance between what she says and what she does, much like Xander.

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I think she is a charming, rather endearing character that the plot thoroughly abused. I love her design, she has great supports and I enjoy bringing her on missions. I paired her with Saizo on my birthright run, and I eventually want to do a run where I pair her with Takumi. Haven't totally decided what I'm going to do with her in Conquest yet--on one hand, there are lots of great guys I could pair her with. On the other: well, either you know it or you don't. (It's sad, but I figured "it" worked with Saizo's overall themes.) Anyway... I can see the appeal of Azura while still recognizing the issues with her (use as a plot device).

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She's decent, but suffers greatly from the actual plot making her an exposition bot mostly bereft of character (but then again, doesn't everybody except Elise and Leo in Birhtright get screwed over personality-wise by the plot?).

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She's decent, but suffers greatly from the actual plot making her an exposition bot mostly bereft of character (but then again, doesn't everybody except Elise and Leo in Birhtright get screwed over personality-wise by the plot?).

I found it ironic that the plot makes her an exposition bot who refuses to expose anything useful or helpful to the cause.

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Everything outside the main story is fine. I love her design, voice, supports etc, but by God, main story is a no.

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She's kinda pretty boring and bland.

Oh no you didn't.

Azura has fantastic supports and a great amount of characterization. She's stoic and distant, yes, but that's because she has trust issues and fears opening up to people, only to get rejected or be let down. Her supports with her sisters and Corrin are top-notch because you get to see this usually-cold woman open up and relax, revealing herself to be a bit mischievous, such as trolling Sakura with ghost stories. She's blunt and snarky, and that in combination with aforementioned trust issues means she doesn't have good social skills, which means people usually avoid or distrust her, which means it's even harder for her to open up to them--that's the reason behind her mysteriousness. It's a vicious cycle she can't escape from, a brutal deconstruction of mystery making someone appealing, and it all stems from her traumatized past in the Nohr courts. It's also implied she has self-worth issues, just seeing herself as a replacement for Corrin in regards to his Hoshidan family. And despite all this, despite everything she's been through and all her issues and how cynical and melancholy she can be, she doesn't let it stop her from being nice or trying to help people. She's one of the most fleshed-out, non-gimmicky characters in the game.

Onto other things: her design is gorgeous, her voice acting and singing are excellent, and refreshers are almost always (sorry Olivia) useful. Her role in Conquest sucks, but as everyone involved in Conquest's plot sucks, to the point of acting out-of-character, I tend to blame the shoddy writing and not hold it against them as a whole. She shines much more in Birthright, getting more time dedicated to her friendship with Corrin, her relationship with the Hoshidan siblings, and how her powers affect her. Even in Revelation, where she's unfortunately reduced to exposition dump, she still has her share of touching moments, such as the aftermaths of Chapters 22 and 23.

Basically: Azura is one of my favorite characters ever and insult her at your peril.

Edited by Abvora
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As a character, she's great. As a person, I have no opinion. As a unit, she's terrible. Of course this is all my personal opinion, and my opinion on her as a unit is based off my experience with her, so others will quite likely have different opinions on that front.

Either way, as a character, she's fine. I kept expecting her to stab me in the back at some point in Conquest, and that feeling hasn't changed in Birthright. Maybe Revelations will be different, but I keep getting this vibe that she's going to be an eventual enemy. I don't know if that's true, and I don't want to know until I've fully played all three routes of the game.

The reason I have no opinion one her as a person is related to my reason I dislike her as a unit, so I'll get to that first.

My experience with her as a unit is subpar at best. She had some use in Conquest to give me an extra healing if I needed it, or an extra chance to take down an enemy, or block off a route to an injured ally. Mostly, she wasn't required however, as having another decent fighter or healer was usually enough to warrant not using her. Not to mention bringing her in was always a risk because she's so damned weak unless you spend a serious amount of time leveling her up via singing.

In Birthright, I haven't touched her at all yet, and I've gotten to Chapter 20 already.

Now, because I don't use her very often as a unit, almost never, I have yet to bother wasting time getting her supports. I work too much to have such spare time. As a result, no opinion on her as a person yet. If forced to give my opinion despite this, I'd say she's pretty bland and boring. However, I suspect I'll probably like her well enough once I get through her supports. But that'll come when I've beaten all three routes, and have some spare time to mess around getting all the supports.

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Oh no you didn't.

Azura has fantastic supports and a great amount of characterization. She's stoic and distant, yes, but that's because she has trust issues and fears opening up to people, only to get rejected or be let down. Her supports with her sisters and Corrin are top-notch because you get to see this usually-cold woman open up and relax, revealing herself to be a bit mischievous, such as trolling Sakura with ghost stories. She's blunt and snarky, and that in combination with aforementioned trust issues means she doesn't have good social skills, which means people usually avoid or distrust her, which means it's even harder for her to open up to them--that's the reason behind her mysteriousness. It's a vicious cycle she can't escape from, a brutal deconstruction of mystery making someone appealing, and it all stems from her traumatized past in the Nohr courts. It's also implied she has self-worth issues, just seeing herself as a replacement for Corrin in regards to his Hoshidan family. And despite all this, despite everything she's been through and all her issues and how cynical and melancholy she can be, she doesn't let it stop her from being nice or trying to help people. She's one of the most fleshed-out, non-gimmicky characters in the game.

Onto other things: her design is gorgeous, her voice acting and singing are excellent, and refreshers are almost always (sorry Olivia) useful. Her role in Conquest sucks, but as everyone involved in Conquest's plot sucks, to the point of acting out-of-character, I tend to blame the shoddy writing and not hold it against them as a whole. She shines much more in Birthright, getting more time dedicated to her friendship with Corrin, her relationship with the Hoshidan siblings, and how her powers affect her. Even in Revelation, where she's unfortunately reduced to exposition dump, she still has her share of touching moments, such as the aftermaths of Chapters 22 and 23.

Basically: Azura is one of my favorite characters ever and insult her at your peril.

Meh, you're no Philius, that guy is more obsessed with Azura than Tharja is with Robin.

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Meh, you're no Philius, that guy is more obsessed with Azura than the Fire Emblem community is with Tharja

Fixed that for you.

Seriously, I don't see the appeal in Tharja or Camilla; they're both extraordinarily creepy.

...I do like Noire though, which probably means that Tharja kills her off camera after Grima's been killed.

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Fixed that for you.

Seriously, I don't see the appeal in Tharja or Camilla; they're both extraordinarily creepy.

...I do like Noire though, which probably means that Tharja kills her off camera after Grima's been killed.

Same. I can get the appeal but I don't feel the same. Especially Tharja - parental abuse is a big nono.

Noire is great though.

Rhajat is almost as disappointing as Azura. Especially compared to the JP version.

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Fixed that for you.

Seriously, I don't see the appeal in Tharja or Camilla; they're both extraordinarily creepy.

...I do like Noire though, which probably means that Tharja kills her off camera after Grima's been killed.

I always killed Tharja and never bothered to recruit her. Already faced the wrath of the community for doing that!

Thought that I was not going to like Camilla either but surprisingly I found her "okay".

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I always killed Tharja and never bothered to recruit her. Already faced the wrath of the community for doing that!

Thought that I was not going to like Camilla either but surprisingly I found her "okay".

I didn't like Camilla too much until I read her supports with Niles, which shed some light on her character traits, odd as they may be.

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I wish she wasn't in the game. It would've been better to me if each of the routes focused mainly on Corrin and the siblings. Parts of the story would have to be different for that to be, which I'd be perfectly fine with.

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