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What's your opinion on Azura?


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I didn't like Camilla too much until I read her supports with Niles, which shed some light on her character traits, odd as they may be.

Yeah, when I saw her I thought she was just going to be waifu fetish bait like Nowi who I also accidentally throw into enemies. But then I saw her supports and yeah she's just okay, her supportless ending did make me chuckle and I can see her doing that.

More on Aqua, I will admit some of her supports did make me laugh. She just suffers from what everyone else does. And that's having their actions and personality change depending on what the plot needs.

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She's a water elemental character, so as a personal rule of mine dictates, I like a lot.

Her supports are actually pretty good too. And I really like her personality.

Her voice is great as well.

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here's a hint, boobs

here's another hint, ass

here's a third hint

here's a fourth hint

The first link actually creeped me out a bit, felt like I was going to get raped by a vampire or be sadistically tortured. The dissonance between how she acted and the soundtrack set up quite a creepy mood, and made her come off as some supernatural seductress who was going to eat my soul after she had her way with me.

Heck, it could easily be a scene from a series where you fight monsters or demons or something.

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Fixed that for you.

Seriously, I don't see the appeal in Tharja or Camilla; they're both extraordinarily creepy.

...I do like Noire though, which probably means that Tharja kills her off camera after Grima's been killed.

I would start off by saying that Camilla isn't nearly as creepy as Tharja. Tharja becomes obsessed with a complete stranger and goes into crazy stalker mode. She also likes to curse people and use people as guinea pigs for her spells. She's just all around weird and crazy.

Camilla is like the over protective big sister or mother figure who doesn't want to see her children grow up. She can come off as a bit creepy because of how much she obsessively loves her family (to the extent she would kill everyone if anyone dared harm them). She also has really good supports, does some very cute things (like the secret map she keeps on her chest of all the places she would like to visit with the avatar), is a great unit, and has a very lovely design To clarify, I'm not referring to her boobs or butt when I say she has a lovely design. I think her hair style and color is gorgeous, the crown that she wears is very cute, and I like that she is tall and not as skinny as a twig.

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People arent obsessed with Tharja. People seem to be more obsessed with hating Tharja than otherwise. <.<

I would start off by saying that Camilla isn't nearly as creepy as Tharja. Tharja becomes obsessed with a complete stranger and goes into crazy stalker mode. She also likes to curse people and use people as guinea pigs for her spells. She's just all around weird and crazy.

Camilla is like the over protective big sister or mother figure who doesn't want to see her children grow up. She can come off as a bit creepy because of how much she obsessively loves her family (to the extent she would kill everyone if anyone dared harm them). She also has really good supports, does some very cute things (like the secret map she keeps on her chest of all the places she would like to visit with the avatar), is a great unit, and has a very lovely design To clarify, I'm not referring to her boobs or butt when I say she has a lovely design. I think her hair style and color is gorgeous, the crown that she wears is very cute, and I like that she is tall and not as skinny as a twig.

Arr. Tbh, Camilla is like if Cersei Lannister wasnt super evil and narcissistic. Its just a shame the game doesnt do more with her character. Theres lots of good reasons that Camilla is obsessively protective of her family, they just arent explored enough :(

As for Azura, i like her just fine. She just gets manhandled inappropriately by the plot sometimes.

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Ehhh... Azura's kinda boring to me, but to be fair, I don't like many characters like her either.

She's got a lil too much forced mystery going on, and it always feels like the game's trying to push her on me and Corrin, which is probably fine if you like her and/or paired her with Corrin, but as someone for whom neither applies it becomes rather off-putting.

She's got some supports I like (her Hinoka and Niles were nice), but often times she still directly plays or acts/speaks with undercurrents mysterious waif/poor unfortunate soul too much for her to appeal to me

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I found her more likable in Conquest then in Birthright. I married her in Conquest as well. Her voice is decent and her overall character isn't too bad. Her singing is awesome though, but I'd be chill with her singing it a little less.

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People arent obsessed with Tharja. People seem to be more obsessed with hating Tharja than otherwise. <.<

Arr. Tbh, Camilla is like if Cersei Lannister wasnt super evil and narcissistic. Its just a shame the game doesnt do more with her character. Theres lots of good reasons that Camilla is obsessively protective of her family, they just arent explored enough :(

As for Azura, i like her just fine. She just gets manhandled inappropriately by the plot sometimes.

As someone who is also a huge fan of Cersei, I would say that her and Camilla are nothing alike. The only things they have in common are that they are both females, they are both royalty, and they would both kill to protect their loved ones.

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As someone who is also a huge fan of Cersei, I would say that her and Camilla are nothing alike. The only things they have in common are that they are both females, they are both royalty, and they would both kill to protect their loved ones.

And they both go for their brothers.

I'll show myself out now.

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And they both go for their brothers.

I'll show myself out now.

Kiragi catches Camilla and Kamui while climbing around.

We know how it ends.

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And they both go for their brothers.

I'll show myself out now.


T I M E.

The only difference is the reasoning. Cersei literally sees her brother as an extension of herself. Camilla is obsessed with Corrin and the possibility of losing them.

Kiragi catches Camilla and Kamui while climbing around.

We know how it ends.


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The funny thing is that Corrin's Japanese voice is the guy who voiced Jofferey in the Japanese dub of Game of Thrones

Holy crap really?

Corrin and incest being tied together confirmed.

And we all know who the REAL incest pairing with him is...

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As far as other things...

Design wise, she's lovely, voice wise, she's beautiful, support wise, she's actually pretty interesting.

But main plot wise, dear lord.

This. Azura as a character doesn't deserve what the plot makes her do. But considering how critical a character she is in the plot, it's hard to ignore.

As someone who is also a huge fan of Cersei, I would say that her and Camilla are nothing alike. The only things they have in common are that they are both females, they are both royalty, and they would both kill to protect their loved ones.

Really. Apart from an incestuous desire for her brother (and even then, their reasons are different) they have almost nothing in common. Cersei is contemptuous, power hungry, vindictive, narcissistic and rarely thinks about the long-term consequences of her plans. In reality, the only people Cersei loves is herself and her children. These aren't things I'd use to describe Camilla.

The funny thing is that Corrin's Japanese voice is the guy who voiced Jofferey in the Japanese dub of Game of Thrones

Now I really wish we had an evil Corrin option.


They've both got the sash. Joffrin confirmed.

Edited by NekoKnight
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Holy crap really?

Corrin and incest being tied together confirmed.

And we all know who the REAL incest pairing with him is...

Yep, he is voiced by Nobunaga Shimazaki, and this is what I found on his TvTropes page.

Notable roles by Nobunaga Shimazaki:
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And they both go for their brothers.

I'll show myself out now.

But Corrin isn't her brother and she knows that all along, so I can't even count that towards her Cersei points. It's too much of a stretch.

This thread has turned into what's your opinion on Azure and Camilla lmao

Edited by Camilla
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I have been summoned by the talk of my waifu, and now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.

Everything good I could say about Azura has already been said by Abvora, so I'll let them say it for me.

Oh no you didn't.

Azura has fantastic supports and a great amount of characterization. She's stoic and distant, yes, but that's because she has trust issues and fears opening up to people, only to get rejected or be let down. Her supports with her sisters and Corrin are top-notch because you get to see this usually-cold woman open up and relax, revealing herself to be a bit mischievous, such as trolling Sakura with ghost stories. She's blunt and snarky, and that in combination with aforementioned trust issues means she doesn't have good social skills, which means people usually avoid or distrust her, which means it's even harder for her to open up to them--that's the reason behind her mysteriousness. It's a vicious cycle she can't escape from, a brutal deconstruction of mystery making someone appealing, and it all stems from her traumatized past in the Nohr courts. It's also implied she has self-worth issues, just seeing herself as a replacement for Corrin in regards to his Hoshidan family. And despite all this, despite everything she's been through and all her issues and how cynical and melancholy she can be, she doesn't let it stop her from being nice or trying to help people. She's one of the most fleshed-out, non-gimmicky characters in the game.

Gorgeous design, great voice, the majority of her supports are very well-written and her personality is right up there with Takumi in my opinion.

And in the story she winds up being relegated to a boring, mysterious-waif exposition-bot who despite being in the exact same situation as Corrin receives almost no attention at all from either set of siblings in both Conquest and Birthright. In Conquest, she contributes to two of the absolute worst moments in the story (the Crystal Ball and the invasion of Hoshido), her 'mysteriousness' and refusal to try and tell anyone about Valla is a forced method of forcing people to buy all three routes of the story and makes her responsible for the events of the other two routes through negligence (like when she and Corrin actually were in Valla in Conquest Chapter 15 and she mentioned none of the stuff she immediately dumps on your head in Revelation), with the ending scene of both basically telling you to buy the third route if you want the good ending and anything I in-depth response I could make about a certain reveal on Revelation would probably get me banned, so I'll just say that it is the worst moment in Fates because of it's pointlessness and move on.

Don't get me wrong, Azura is easily my favourite character in Fates and a contender for my favourite character in the entire franchise, but she has that role despite her role in the story rather than her role in the story being a factor of it and she is easily my ultimate example of my main complaint with Fates; that they had what is in my opinion what is easily the greatest overall cast of characters they've ever had and they squandered it on a terrible plot filled with OOC moments and Ass Pulls.

Meh, you're no Philius, that guy is more obsessed with Azura than Tharja is with Robin.

Fixed that for you.

Seriously, I don't see the appeal in Tharja or Camilla; they're both extraordinarily creepy.

...I do like Noire though, which probably means that Tharja kills her off camera after Grima's been killed.

I don't know how serious you guys are being, but I'm going to play it safe and say that I'm nowhere near as obsessive as I make my self out to be.

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Like most people here, I like Azura's design and voice. She's pretty, and I like the water thing she has going.

Character-wise I get... very little feel for her. I know what she does in the story, but very little about what she thinks. Even in the scenes in Conquest where she and Corrin discuss their attack on Hoshido are all about Corrin's feelings, Corrin's regrets, Corrin's nightmares... never about hers. Aside from showing some emotion over Ryoma, there just isn't much there in the main plot. I don't dislike the character, but she's underwritten, at least on Conquest.

Disclaimer that I haven't seen that many of her supports yet, despite deploying her constantly... singing doesn't seem to give many support points in this game? It's great to hear her supports flesh her out some.

here's a hint, boobs

here's another hint, ass

here's a third hint

here's a fourth hint

Honestly, posts like this kind of annoy me. If sex appeal is the reason for these characters' popularity, how do you explain that they're also popular among straight women? Posting stuff like this feels like a cheap way to attack these characters and their fans.

Anyway, I don't think the two characters are that alike. I find Tharja a pretty effective character at being creepy and I love some of her lines ("You're already dead.") Awakening's supporting cast is extermely silly, Tharja included, and I never took her seriously, which apparently helps, because yes in real life of course stalking and hexing people (if the latter were possible) would be uncool. But Awakening stopped taking its supporting cast seriously around the time it introduced Vaike, and I was happy to go along for the ride, so the negative reaction that some people had to Tharja (and Henry for that matter, who is one of my favourite Awakening characters) is one I personally find alien.

As for Camilla, I think it was already said better by Camilla (the poster). The character has a lot going for her in terms of design and supports, and is an interesting/memorable character in a game (or at least, route) that is relatively short on them. And while I don't disagree that there are some people who gravitate towards Camilla for her sex appeal, I've seen at least as many people who gravitate away from her because of it, and don't give the character a chance.

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Really. Apart from an incestuous desire for her brother (and even then, their reasons are different) they have almost nothing in common. Cersei is contemptuous, power hungry, vindictive, narcissistic and rarely thinks about the long-term consequences of her plans. In reality, the only people Cersei loves is herself and her children. These aren't things I'd use to describe Camilla.

Now I really wish we had an evil Corrin option.


They've both got the sash. Joffrin confirmed.

As much as I'm mostly "meh" on Camilla and I don't get the hype, this.

Camilla at least has the capacity to love others as much as she loves her inner family. Momilla plz.

Azura would have been even better if they just REMOVED THE FUCKING ASSPULL OF COUSINS? Why did you have to add that?! Why did you have to keep that in jfc

Edited by Ebony
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Just say to you this is Kamui's point of view and that's what he looks at first.

He becomes incredibly different, if you know what I mean.

somehow i doubt that kamui ran behind her to look at her ass, then quickly came back around to stare at her vagina

Honestly, posts like this kind of annoy me. If sex appeal is the reason for these characters' popularity, how do you explain that they're also popular among straight women? Posting stuff like this feels like a cheap way to attack these characters and their fans.

i was joking, i'm fully aware people like characters like this for reasons other than that

i personally dislike both of them for various reasons, nor do I really understand why people like them, but I am not actually saying that those are literally the only reasons people like her

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My comparison to Cersei was obvious in that if that character was devoid of the things that made her so horrible, she'd basically be Camilla. Or did you lot completely miss that point of my post? Looks like you did. Ill eat my fucking helm if the writers didnt have GoT on the brain when fleshing out Nohr.

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I don't know how serious you guys are being, but I'm going to play it safe and say that I'm nowhere near as obsessive as I make my self out to be.

I wasn't serious, I was poking fun at how pretend-crazy you can get whatever insults Azura. I still laugh whenever I remember that post on the joke thread where you pretended to threaten MCSProductions for calling your waifu shit. In trope-speak, it crossed the line twice.

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