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Ace Attorney 6 Thread


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The demo has now started on the stream

So, apparently Ace Attorney will be featured again in tomorrow's stream. I doubt they would just do the demo again, so I'm not sure what they'll show. Maybe a bit of the actual game?

Edited by DavidSW
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Wow, that "other" ranking is kind of weird. Oldbag at third is just WTF and this is coming from someone who actually finds her funny in English (I always assumed I was alone).

No Adrian is a personal tragedy for me and Pearl being relatively low is a surprise.

Fullbright and Blue Badger making it to top 10 is also pretty weird.

Not sure what to think of Phoenix/Edgeworth topping what I assume is a pairing poll. It's equal parts funny, weird and sad. And I honestly forgot there's been any ship tease between Edgeworth and Franziska until I saw them at third.

Surprisingly I don't actually have much to say about the lawyer poll. I would have preferred to see Mia higher, but at same time not sure who I would like to see lower so that's kind of moot.

What was in that demo? I unfortunately missed it.

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Not much new was shown aside from some localized names(Themp'ul Temple, Paht Rol, Ahlbi Ur'Gaid, man I love AA), there was a demonstration of how the insight mechanic works.

Edited by DavidSW
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So I've heard some general thoughts from people about Ace Attorney 6, as well as spoiled a character ending, and I really don't like what I've heard.

[spoiler=General, non spoilery second-hand information]The plot is apparently a mess, just like Dual Destinies. A lot of characters are just thrown in there again without any rhyme or reason and the writing seems shoddy, with a lot of repetitions and some flanderizations.

They also seem to have retconned a few characters' past.

[spoiler=Major character ending spoiler]Apollo stays in Kurain. What that means isn't clear, but it seems to imply that he'll be reduced to guest character status.

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So I've heard some general thoughts from people about Ace Attorney 6, as well as spoiled a character ending, and I really don't like what I've heard.

[spoiler=General, non spoilery second-hand information]The plot is apparently a mess, just like Dual Destinies. A lot of characters are just thrown in there again without any rhyme or reason and the writing seems shoddy, with a lot of repetitions and some flanderizations.

They also seem to have retconned a few characters' past.

[spoiler=Major character ending spoiler]Apollo stays in Kurain. What that means isn't clear, but it seems to imply that he'll be reduced to guest character status.

Aw, dammit, I couldn't resist looking at spoilers!

Weird ending though...

Also, back the DGS subject,

I was hearing about the game from a person that lives in Japan at Siliconera , and I think I found out why this game hasn't been localized, here, I'll post what the person wrote:

"The game requires an absolutely massive amount of cultural understanding. The west is not in a good place for that right now.

To be frank, most of the British characters (read: all of the British characters) talk down to Ryunosuke, and talk poorly about Japan's "reverted, backwards, ancient" ways. Jurors call Ryunosuke a Black Demon, a man with a small yellow face, accuse him of using "magic of the orient" among other things. These come off as harmless jokes in Japan just fine because when you're 99.5% homegenous, race isn't a popular topic of conversation (and they love making fun of themselves - just like at Atsugiri Jason, arguably the worst thing to happen to foreigners here in years) - but in a place like America, especially with pathetic uproars over small changes in localization with games like Fates, these issues are taken very seriously and the public response is often grave.

In addition, the game often comes off as incredibly anti-west, but in reality its just reflecting the very true conditions of the Meiji period. There's a problem - who cares about the Meiji period? No one, and no one can argue that it's common knowledge. It's a really fascinating period of history, but right now, people's glasses will probably bias them to seeing a part of the game that isn't necessarily there."

What do you all think?

Edited by Water Mage
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As someone who has absolutely studied AA6's plot because I have zero self-control, Thane's impressions aren't accurate.

[spoiler=Major Ace Attorney 6 spoilers in pretty much every facet of the game]First off, Apollo staying behind in Kurain has a ton of backstory that I won't even go into. He doesn't stay on a whim. It leads to a ton of great development for Apollo, and we get to find out exactly what happened to his father and brother. Thane believes that Apollo's past was retconned, but this is actually acknowledged in the game itself. Apollo's father's death is the exact same as AJAA painted it, but it was a little more than just a stage mishap.

There are no "flanderizations" if only because Maya has a really small role. Ema has a lot of plot relevance with Nayuta for some reason. Everyone else is completely consistent with their previous characterizations.

The culprits have great motives unlike Dual Destinies, but one case is so gloriously anime that it has to be seen to be believed. It's the one where you play as Athena with Blackquill as the co-council. I mean, if you have absolutely zero tolerance for anime, then you'll hate that case. But I'd at least give it a chance.

The overarching plot is interesting and is very similar to what you might find in the Investigations. However, the plot definitely has a lot of similarities with Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright in regards to the main antagonist.

The music is okay. Admittedly, it doesn't have the same oomph. A New Chapter of Trials has a great remix, but Courtroom Revolutionnaire is butchered.

But yeah, don't listen to other people's impressions before you actually play it. The contrivances are no more contrived than what you'd find typically in the series. Definitely nothing like The Monstrous Turnabout

Edited by Ms. Bunch
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So I've heard some general thoughts from people about Ace Attorney 6, as well as spoiled a character ending, and I really don't like what I've heard.

[spoiler=General, non spoilery second-hand information]The plot is apparently a mess, just like Dual Destinies. A lot of characters are just thrown in there again without any rhyme or reason and the writing seems shoddy, with a lot of repetitions and some flanderizations.

They also seem to have retconned a few characters' past.

[spoiler=Major character ending spoiler]Apollo stays in Kurain. What that means isn't clear, but it seems to imply that he'll be reduced to guest character status.

I'm kinda mad at you right now Thane.

Because you posted that spoiler,

About Apollo staying in Kurain

It got me curious, so I looked around in other sites, and before I knew it...I spoiled myself for the entire game!! Seriously, everything!

Because of you Thane, I won't be able to enjoy it, since I already know mostly everything!

What do you have to say for yourself young man?

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I'm kinda mad at you right now Thane.

Because you posted that spoiler,

About Apollo staying in Kurain

It got me curious, so I looked around in other sites, and before I knew it...I spoiled myself for the entire game!! Seriously, everything!

Because of you Thane, I won't be able to enjoy it, since I already know mostly everything!

What do you have to say for yourself young man?

I'm sorry for your lack of discipline, Mage of the Water!

Honestly I'm not sure this game will be worth the time and money; Yamazaki is not a good writer, and all of the problems I've predicted seem to exist in one form or another in the game.

Edited by Thane
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I'm sorry for your lack of discipline, Mage of the Water!

Honestly I'm not sure this game will be worth the time and money; Yamazaki is not a good writer, and all of the problems I've predicted seem to exist in one form or another in the game.

Well, if it helps, let me tell you my impression, without spoilers:

It may sound weird, but one thing that stood out for me, is that a lot things "happen". As in, it may be a little hard to keep to keep with the everything in the plot.

However, some of the twists are actually good.

I think Spirit of Justice's story is similar to Fire Emblem Fates's story, as in, it tries to do and be many things at once, but excess hurts a little.

Does it help, or was I to vague?

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As long as Ace Attorney 6 is better than Phoenix Wright vs Professor Layton, then I'll be happy. (PWvPL is my least favourite game in the entire series thus far)

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