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are you saying it's Astra not Meteor Sword?

If Wayu (Mia) was promoted to her third class (the one after Sword Master) I believe the classes instantly acquire their main skill. Their Capacity I think also increases, but to the most only enough to hold their new skill.

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are you saying it's Astra not Meteor Sword?

If Wayu (Mia) was promoted to her third class (the one after Sword Master) I believe the classes instantly acquire their main skill. Their Capacity I think also increases, but to the most only enough to hold their new skill.

Third teir for mia/zihark/edward/lucia/stefan is Trueblade

just thought you should know ;)

cuz they (well Zihark, Edward and Mia do. Dont about the other two) kick major ass

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Easy. It was amazing. Story wise, it beats every other FE. Play wise, it probably wins, maybe ties, but I had to keep Blazing Sword as my favorite because I would never play FE if not for it.

I'm surprised I seem to be the only one who has a little trouble enjoying the fact you play different teams throughout the game. Compared to the main Fire Emblem idea as I know it (raising a structural core and varying additions to stardom from beginning to end), it's a húge change to swap out even the main body of the team. Multiple times, even. To be honest, it feels a bit dissatisying, like drawing a picture only to get the paper taken away before I'm done.

(I'm still liking it overall, don't get me wrong. Just not as much as I thought I would. I'm also mourning the loss of substantial support conversations.)

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Playing different team every part make you able to use most of those 70+ characters. In PoR, I always have that same group of people sitting in the reserve cabinet who will never see the light. (Brom, Largo...)

FE10 make you use them all but still give you some freedom of building your prefer team.

And trust me, at the end you will have plenty of chances to play with your best team.

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I'm surprised I seem to be the only one who has a little trouble enjoying the fact you play different teams throughout the game. Compared to the main Fire Emblem idea as I know it (raising a structural core and varying additions to stardom from beginning to end), it's a húge change to swap out even the main body of the team. Multiple times, even. To be honest, it feels a bit dissatisying, like drawing a picture only to get the paper taken away before I'm done.

(I'm still liking it overall, don't get me wrong. Just not as much as I thought I would. I'm also mourning the loss of substantial support conversations.)

The switching around does get kind of annoying when you want to train up certain units and stuff. Theres also the problem with items, like trying to get some of your items from team to team via the characters switching teams. Supports are hard to get between certain characters too.

Your teams jump all over the place after Part 1. It goes something like:

Micaiah >

Elincia > Nephenee > Lucia > Geoffery > Elincia > Ike > Micaiah > Ike > Geoffery > Ike > Micaiah > Ike > Micaiah > Ike > Tibarn > Micaiah > Ike > Tibarn > Ike

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The switching around does get kind of annoying when you want to train up certain units and stuff. Theres also the problem with items, like trying to get some of your items from team to team via the characters switching teams. Supports are hard to get between certain characters too.

Your teams jump all over the place after Part 1. It goes something like:

Micaiah >

Elincia > Nephenee > Lucia > Geoffery > Elincia > Ike > Micaiah > Ike > Geoffery > Ike > Micaiah > Ike > Micaiah > Ike > Tibarn > Micaiah > Ike > Tibarn > Ike

That last one is Ike and Micaiah. They can both direct units.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I like it =3

And (on 4-P) accidentallly only giving Micaiah a hanful of useful units (Nolan, Edward... possibly Boyd) makes me curse myself XD

I did the same thing. I totally overrated the Dawn Brigade. Good thing I had Naesala or I'd've been screwed.

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RD was supposed to be released in Australia today but, due to a shipping error, it's pushed back till monday.

Words cannot describe how angry I am, anyone else having a problem with this?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I purchased a wii just for fire emblem rd, I'm in Aus too big klingy and i got mine on the 11th from JB Hi-Fi? have you tried them? EB is usless. I like the double stat system for laguz now, the old one only really made me want to use Nasir/Ena cause dragons pwn as well as the strike weapon skill affecting Mt, at least laguz are now usable.

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I think that you're wrong about that, they were better in PoR easily.

i dunno, RD has olivi grass and laguz gems. Those help A LOT. And they can retalliate untransformed

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i dunno, RD has olivi grass and laguz gems. Those help A LOT. And they can retalliate untransformed

these items made using laguz much easier (not that i used many, by the way)

mostly i just gave them to my herons so that they would be more useful, and also to my dragons in the final chapter.

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i dunno, RD has olivi grass and laguz gems. Those help A LOT. And they can retalliate untransformed

1. You shouldn't let untransformed Laguz near enemies anyway. The 5 HP damage they inflict is meaningless if you have to restart the game because they died.

2. Laguz in general got nerfed big time. Transformation gauges take too long to fill and disappear faster than you can say "Laguz suck."

3. Should we really have to rely on items to make a character even remotely useful...?

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1. You shouldn't let untransformed Laguz near enemies anyway. The 5 HP damage they inflict is meaningless if you have to restart the game because they died.

In 2-2, I was like WTF when Lethe got doubled by a random enemy while untrasformed.

The transform gains may be better, but their untransformed stats are probably worse than in PoR.

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they shouldnt be fighting untransformed

but it's good they can defened themselves (sorta) IF they get attacked... shit does happen...

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