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I Need General help with conquest?


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So I just finished conquest and I hated how I rushed the whole game through. Halfway through the game I made Corrin a lodestar and just watched as he powered through the rest of the game with his great lord wife Selena. It was just too hard for me to spread out my exp without buying a dlc map. Also I honestly don't have any idea who to pair who with, what skills I should pass down to child characters, and what classes characters should become. Please help me out before I start a new game. Thanks!

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I can recommend always training Effie and the royal siblings. In the early game, Niles has a very nice niche since he's the only one who can use bows and he has incredible Resistance. I turned Effie into a General and Niles into an Adventurer and then a Bow Knight so he could deal with those pesky Ninja since he gets Shurikenbreaker.

As for kids, honestly the most important part is that you pair up some people so you get more EXP available to you. However, I CAN recommend Elise and Odin, since that produces an absolutely insane Ophelia in terms of Magic. I'm also fond of Keaton and Felicia, since that can give Velour access to Tomebreaker which works very well with her naturally high Defense.

As for other general hints, remember to always check what kind of skills unts have, especially named ones, since a lot of them have skills either outside of their class or even ones specifically made for them. Conquest, at least on harder difficulties, loves archers with Counter, and later on Generals with Magic Counter, for instance.

Edited by Thane
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Have you tried using an armor slayer or a hammer?


Anyway, strangely enough, you're not the first person I've heard of using Lodestar Corrin to solo the game today. Or in the past 15 minutes, even. Odd. I can only recommend what's already been said, really.

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First, leave the game on Normal Classic. Hard/anything is going to be an exercise in pain, starting from Chapter 10.

Second, figure out what you want. I play slowly, so I like running 2-3 staff users. I like magic users, but I don't need more than 2. Daggers are amazing, and I want a minimum of two competent ones on the field. I want at least one flying unit, so I can haul myself across the map if I absolutely must. An even mix of swords, axes, and lances make me happy. Bows are quite powerful, and my team should have a minimum of two. Lastly, Corrin will either rock that Dragonstone, or I use Keaton, because those stones are unaffected by the weapon triangle. Oh, and I want at least one other royal besides Corrin, for Dragon Vein's sakes. So, with that in mind. . .

1. Possible staff users are the various Adventurers, the various maids/butlers, whoever starts with a staff, and maybe Selena (though she needs a Heart Seal for that).

2. The magic users are slightly more limited. Camilla starts off as a flying magic user. Leo gets his own tome.

3. This points to Kaze and either a Dread Fighter or an amazing maid/butler (unfortunately, this is limited to Jakob and a specific type of Forrest - Flora/Felicia aren't exactly the best at it, as the Flame Shuriken can only go so far).

4. Camilla and her retinue can fly, though Selena requires a Heart Seal for that. There's also a couple of other people that can reclass, and Shigure.

5. That's most physical units, though Effie/Benny/Silas/Peri/some other guys that can reclass appropriately have the option of going Great Knight for full weapon triangle goodness. Odin can sort-of do this, too, but I'd rather have him as a Swordmaster.

6. You get at least one natural bow user, and Mozu can reclass into Archer (which is a huge help, and a better use of a Heart Seal than most of the suggestions I've thrown out so far). Underdog has been severely nerfed due to the new leveling system.

7. If I go with a non-magic partner on Corrin AND a magic flaw, Keaton will be a huge help. Velouria can fill the gap, too, but I'd rather have fun with her class.

8. All the royals have something they can bring to the table, whether it be weapons or class. Their kids inherit the ability to use Dragon's Vein, bringing the total number of Dragon's Vein users up to 13/14, if I did my math right (depending on Corrin's gender).

From my criteria, I should play as a female Corrin, to maximize my Dragon's Vein options, and to get Jakob (who is surprisingly competent at throwing things). Since Jakob's decent at healing (not godly), I'll probably want Elise on the team (she can go Strategist and be a magical unit). Supporting Elise is a pain in the neck, and IMO the fastest way to do it is to throw her in back. . .in this case, of Odin, because he can heal himself. For bows, Niles starts as one, and Mozu is a nuke once she gets going, so I'd go with those two. I'd throw Selena in as Niles' partner, because they give each other the stats the others want, and redheaded Nina is too adorable. I really like Silas and Mozu together, since they work pretty well, stat-wise (and Defender makes Silas all the more amazing). Kaze's the other dagger user, with Beruka behind him for mobility/defense (and she really likes what he gives out). I think that covers mostly everything, so here's who I have so far:

Corrin (female, +Mag/-Lck)






Mozu (as an archer)




This is an example of how I draft my teams. I don't know what you want out of your team, so make a list of things you like, then find people to fill those blanks! With this scenario, I'd marry Laslow/Jakob/Forrest (Laslow gives luck on personal stats, Jakob's Butler class gives luck, and Forrest does both, assuming that Leo married Effie).

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First, leave the game on Normal Classic. Hard/anything is going to be an exercise in pain, starting from Chapter 10.Second, figure out what you want. I play slowly, so I like running 2-3 staff users. I like magic users, but I don't need more than 2. Daggers are amazing, and I want a minimum of two competent ones on the field. I want at least one flying unit, so I can haul myself across the map if I absolutely must. An even mix of swords, axes, and lances make me happy. Bows are quite powerful, and my team should have a minimum of two. Lastly, Corrin will either rock that Dragonstone, or I use Keaton, because those stones are unaffected by the weapon triangle. Oh, and I want at least one other royal besides Corrin, for Dragon Vein's sakes. So, with that in mind. . .1. Possible staff users are the various Adventurers, the various maids/butlers, whoever starts with a staff, and maybe Selena (though she needs a Heart Seal for that).2. The magic users are slightly more limited. Camilla starts off as a flying magic user. Leo gets his own tome.3. This points to Kaze and either a Dread Fighter or an amazing maid/butler (unfortunately, this is limited to Jakob and a specific type of Forrest - Flora/Felicia aren't exactly the best at it, as the Flame Shuriken can only go so far).4. Camilla and her retinue can fly, though Selena requires a Heart Seal for that. There's also a couple of other people that can reclass, and Shigure.5. That's most physical units, though Effie/Benny/Silas/Peri/some other guys that can reclass appropriately have the option of going Great Knight for full weapon triangle goodness. Odin can sort-of do this, too, but I'd rather have him as a Swordmaster.6. You get at least one natural bow user, and Mozu can reclass into Archer (which is a huge help, and a better use of a Heart Seal than most of the suggestions I've thrown out so far). Underdog has been severely nerfed due to the new leveling system.7. If I go with a non-magic partner on Corrin AND a magic flaw, Keaton will be a huge help. Velouria can fill the gap, too, but I'd rather have fun with her class.8. All the royals have something they can bring to the table, whether it be weapons or class. Their kids inherit the ability to use Dragon's Vein, bringing the total number of Dragon's Vein users up to 13/14, if I did my math right (depending on Corrin's gender).From my criteria, I should play as a female Corrin, to maximize my Dragon's Vein options, and to get Jakob (who is surprisingly competent at throwing things). Since Jakob's decent at healing (not godly), I'll probably want Elise on the team (she can go Strategist and be a magical unit). Supporting Elise is a pain in the neck, and IMO the fastest way to do it is to throw her in back. . .in this case, of Odin, because he can heal himself. For bows, Niles starts as one, and Mozu is a nuke once she gets going, so I'd go with those two. I'd throw Selena in as Niles' partner, because they give each other the stats the others want, and redheaded Nina is too adorable. I really like Silas and Mozu together, since they work pretty well, stat-wise (and Defender makes Silas all the more amazing). Kaze's the other dagger user, with Beruka behind him for mobility/defense (and she really likes what he gives out). I think that covers mostly everything, so here's who I have so far:Corrin (female, +Mag/-Lck)JakobSilasEliseOdinNilesMozu (as an archer)SelenaBerukaKazeThis is an example of how I draft my teams. I don't know what you want out of your team, so make a list of things you like, then find people to fill those blanks! With this scenario, I'd marry Laslow/Jakob/Forrest (Laslow gives luck on personal stats, Jakob's Butler class gives luck, and Forrest does both, assuming that Leo married Effie).

Thanks for the advice! I think I know how to plan out my min max team now. The only thing I am still confused about is how forging weapons work and should I go for every chest I see to maintain gold.
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If you are having trouble with experience, one piece of advice I can give is:

-Do My castle battles to grind marriage supports

-Do paralogues.

Around chapter 17 I started to notice most of my team outside Corrin and the royals was under leveled (it is hard not to be, because you really do need to rely on the prepromotes for some sections. I took a break and did a couple of paralogues and then my units were back on track and able to handle the next chapter.

From then on basically save you paralogues for when you feel under leveled. No matter how hard the paralogues can get in the late game, it's worse to not have any left and be unable to win without resorting to the Exp DLC

EDIT: Yes, you should absolutely go for every chest and try to kill every enemy on defeat boss chapters- about half of them contain gold in increments like 5000 or 10000.

The forge works like this: you combine two of the same weapon to get a stronger version of that weapon. Example: you forge two Iron Swords to make one Iron Sword+1. The Iron Swords had Might 5, the Iron Sword +1 has Might 7. This is useful because many of the more powerful base weapons also have drawbacks, like stat debuffs or penalties to avoid. The forge costs gemstones to use, which are disposable items that you get from your castle and visiting other castles. They are basically infinite if you have the patience to farm them.

Edited by Chaotix
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I'm at ch.25 in Conquest and my squad is as follows:

- M!Corrin Str+/Res-, currently reclassed as a Hero which I'll probably remain as for remainder of the game (Nohr Noble is totally fine as well)

- all the royal siblings (reclassed Camilla to Wyvern Lord and upgraded Elise to Strategist, the dudes remain base class

- Camilla!Kana, Beruka!Velouria and Mozu!Midori are the only kids I've really used, though I only consistently use Kana

- as people have said, Effie is really good. I was lucky enough to get a forged Effie's Lance, which is fantastic with her massive Str and Wary Fighter from General. I also bought a Spear for her the moment lances were on sale and haven't regretted it, she's an amazing OHKO machine.

- Nyx and Charlotte are complete glass cannons before promotion, but are extremely good due to their Speed and their respective offense after promotion (Sorc and Zerker). Charlotte's crit rate with a Killer Axe is typically 50% or above, and Nyx can reliably ORKO most things with either Fimbulvetr or Calamity Gate (don't let them tank, though)

- Beruka's high skill lets her get a lot of nice crits with Killer Axe or Beruka's Axe (I used Ryoma's Club with her a lot earlygame, let her net a lot of OHKOs) and her defense makes her a good physical tank as well.

- Selena is a solid unit all-around, she got the best growths of my potential Heroes at least for me and has been pretty solid so far. Laslow seems like he could also be good

- Niles and Kaze are basically must-haves purely because of Locktouch, although both have amazing utility in their own right as well; Niles for access to bows (TBH he's good as either promotion option, I just happened to go with Adventurer because I wanted more healers) and Kaze for the support capabilities of shuriken.

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I ran ninja->master ninja corn @ +str -mag and she's REALLY good

With Rally Def from Cam and Wyvern Xander pairup, + tonics and cafeteria as far as chapter 20 goes she tanks about everything and only taking single digit damage, able to reach 34 defense and slightly lower res so mages are still no trouble at all, all at 1-2 range, and hunting knife removes fliers very effectively.

Wyvern Xander helps a lot in 19 because how bulky he is--might be overkill on Normal, but he trivialized the chapter on Lunatic.

If you have stat benchmarking trouble, remember tonics are relatively cheap and mess hall exists.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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