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Learning pre-promote skills on promoted units?


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The new way the classes are done has me a bit confused as to how skills are passed down for promoted units. Let's say I want to learn the level 5 Knight skill on Hero, so I heart seal, can I reclass as a Great Knight or does it have to be a General?

If it's both, cool, no further explanation needed.

If it's not both, what determines which of the split promotes passes down the pre-promoted skills?

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If you got the Great Knight class because if the Cavalier skill tree, like if Arthur used the Heart Seal, you'll get Cavalier skills. If you got it from the Knight class tree, like if Charlotte got it from marrying Benny, you'll learn Knight skills. If you have both trees (like if Arthur or Silas married Effie) you'll learn both Cavalier and Knight skills.

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So it depends on the parents pre-promotes.

I guess I need to start keeping a notebook or something so I'm not constantly googling the original class of crap I class-changed multiple times a week ago.


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If you were talking about reclassing to learning that new promoted class's pre-promoted skills: You won't learn any new skills off the bat. If you reclass to a different promoted class, each time you'll level up you'll learn a new skill. In this case you'll first learn all of that class's pre-promoted skills first. If you were a Lvl 10 Paladin and reclassed to a Lvl 10 Swordmaster, the first skill you would learn upon leveling up would be the Samurai's Lvl 1 skill first then the lvl 10 base skill. It's hard to explain the process...sorry.

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