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Fates as an Origin Story (spoilers)


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So I'm playing through Revelation, and I just finished Chapter 15 where you get to the Rainbow Sage. He said that using the seal of flames, you must create the Fire Emblem and save the world. So I was just wondering... could Fates be the origin story of the Fire Emblem series? It takes place in a world that's entirely different from the other countries in the Fire Emblem series, not to mention the eastern aesthetic, which has never been seen before.

It kind of reminds me of Skyward Sword in the Legend of Zelda series. The setting is obviously not Hyrule, but it will become Hyrule, and the master sword is created through several trials, and will be passed down to the heroes (Link) of the timeline should the need to save the world arise. I feel like it's a similar scenario going on with Fates.

What do you think?

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That would be quite interesting. I can see some Nohrian influence on kingdoms such as Daein or Plegia, so there is a chance. If that is the case what they need to do moving forward from Fates is to have each game after have ruins, old landmarks, or the like that are kind of easter eggs towards Fates. It would hint at the possibility of a Cataclysm event fracturing the land of Fates, and creating all the continents we have now. I always kind of figures Tellius, Akaneia, and all the others were on the same world, just different continents.

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The thing is, the Fire Emblem is a different thing in pretty much every other world. In one game it's just as symbol of a noble family, in another it's an amulet with a ealed goddess inside and in a third it's a shield with gems in it; how would a sword turn into all of that, let alone jump between dimensions?

Also, ugh, Skyward Sword...while not an awful game, one of its main flaws is that it's one of the least humble games i've ever played. "Everything you liked about the series originates from here! Even Ganondorf, who came from this...completely bland monster thing."

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Well, per what we know about the Timeline, Fates predates Awakening by a long time, as Chrom refers to Hoshido and Nohr as mythical kingdoms, so this is definitely possible.

The problem is that Manaketes exist thanks to Corrin and Kana, meaning Tellius had to of already occurred, unless Dragon Laguz does not equal undegenerated Manaketes, which would violate the popular, and most logical belief that Laguz are non degenerated Manaketes, Taguel, Wolfskin, and Kitsune.

We also have Elibe, which many believed to be the FE story connecting Tellius and Archenea. Elibe has it's own Dragon's gate which the dragons supposedly fled to another world thru during the Scouring. The popular belief is that this world is Archenea, but what if it was actually Fates' world, and these fleeing Dragons were the "First" Dragons spoken of in Fates' lore. If this is the case, then the timeline would be FE9-FE10-FE7-FE6-FE14-FE4G1-FE5-FE4G2-FE1-FE2-FE3-FE13 with FE8 somewhere inbetween with Archenea's dragon degeneration coming from the Scouring itself.

Edited by MCProductions
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The thing is, the Fire Emblem is a different thing in pretty much every other world. In one game it's just as symbol of a noble family, in another it's an amulet with a ealed goddess inside and in a third it's a shield with gems in it; how would a sword turn into all of that, let alone jump between dimensions?

Also, ugh, Skyward Sword...while not an awful game, one of its main flaws is that it's one of the least humble games i've ever played. "Everything you liked about the series originates from here! Even Ganondorf, who came from this...completely bland monster thing."

That is the only thing really messing with me and my theory of it all being on the same world. I thought maybe the "Fire Emblems" where really powerful artifacts of heroes from the past, but that would require some serious explanation like a cataclysm level event splitting the planet apart and sending these artifacts across the world for new civilizations to find.

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Rule#137 of Fire Emblem fan theories: Every new Fire Emblem game will be considered as the possible origin story of the entire series.

As Thane said above, each game has its unique lore, with the Fire Emblem in particular changing greatly from game to game. The games are obviously going to share common elements, like dragons and such but to suggest that means continuity between the games is pretty reaching. The 'strongest' theories tend to be based on 'lolmultiverse" which Awakening and Fates shoved down our throats to justify their cameos.

Sorry to be a wet blanket, but I find it highly unlikely the writers of any of the stories really intended for them to be part of a greater universe/world.

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Aside from the mythical kingdom reference, Fates actually has Owain referencing the Exalt as the one that defeated the Fell Dragon in the "distant future" in his A support with Ophelia (oddly that seems to have been removed from the localized support).

Still, like mentioned above, the issue is that the "Fire Emblem" has a completely different look and function from the one that would later appear in Archanea, so, even if both are in the same world, most likely they aren't related.

Edited by NeonZ
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I think Fates is the origin story for something, but not quite the whole series.

So far, Tellius is probably the earliest game in the timeline, if there is one, because it's the only story that touches on the actual origin story (where the goddess created the world). Plus dragons and beasts are able to retain their shifted forms without going berserk.

Meanwhile, Fates must take place after the same catastrophe that forced Archanea and Elibe's dragons to become Manaketes. So it's probably somewhere near the "middle" of the timeline. Whereas Awakening is right at the end.

My gut instinct tells me the First Dragons are supposed to allude to something. Perhaps they're the bridge between Dragon Laguz and the Archeanean dragons? Or do they predate even the Laguz?

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I'd like to take this opportunity to mention that, in Revelation, the Rainbow Sage mentions something about 12 dragons. I don't remember the exact details, but that number immediately caught my attention, since it's the same number as the 12 Crusaders in the Jugdral games. Also, in those games, the 12 Crusaders received dragon blood from (presumably) 12 dragons. Garon's highest ranking subordinates also had to receive dragon blood, which Gunter mentions.

So yeah, this could just be coincidence, but I think it definitely has some kind of connection to other games in the series. Although honestly, with all the outrealm/dragon's gate/astral plane shenanigans, IS can pretty much create any kind of connection they want. Heck, in Awakening, every other game's story exists as a chronicle or legend of some kind.

That's my two cents, at any rate.

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