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Bit of a newer fan but loving the series


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Hi! My first FE Game was Awakening, but now I'm playing Rekka no Ken and Fayrs: Birthright, also looking for PoR and RD copies. I've been using this site for updates and transcript on FE and finally decided to join just now. Some of my other intrests include: Smash Bros, Shin Megami Tensei (Persona mostly) and all of the books, also huge Pokemon fan. Hope I will like my time here anyway, off to the forest I go!

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Hello and welcome to the forums, I too first played awakening, and ive recently gone on a crusade of sorts to play as many of the older titles as possible, just finished PoR recently now gonna take a quick break before going to Radiant Dawn.

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Welcome to Airport 1001! Look out for the Virus known as ELMA-DS. Do NOT engage it if you see it. It might be accompanied by ELMAs, too. My scouts reported that the Death Rogumer has been spotted nearby too...

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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