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[FE14] Conquest Draft

General Horace

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This is another kind of test run to get a feel for the rules. If you see something you think should absolutely be changed, let me know.


1. This draft is for 4 players

2. Corrin, Gunter*, Felicia/Jakob**, Rinkah, Sakura, Camilla, and Azura are free for all

3. The game will played on Hard Classic mode

4. The remaining two units after the 6th round of drafting will be free for all.


1. Only the servant that joins you in chapter 2 is a free unit. The other is a draftable unit that joins in Chapter 15.

2. Gunter is only free for Chapter 2-3. He is not free in chapter 15!

3. Rinkah and Sakura are free in chapters 4-6. Kaze is not free! There is a reason for this, i'll explain below.

4. All units are free in chapter 6.

5. Two undrafted units may be used in Chapter 10 without penalty.

1. Undrafted units may: pair up with undrafted units and trade with undrafted/drafted units (but must not be in range of a drafted unit when battling)
2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to: pairing up with drafted units, entering batte, meatshielding, healing and supporting with drafted units.
3. NPC units may do as they please without penalty.
4. Paralogues excluding 1x are optional and are free up to 20 turns
5. Challenge battles are banned, as are any invasion battles.
6. Use of DLC and Spotpass (including Free Content) is strictly prohibited.
7. The Chapter 2 Servant is banned from reclassing to a mounted class.
8. Mozu's Paralogue must be completed before Chapter 9.
My Castle Rules
1. You may build, upgrade, and use any of the following: Armoury, Rod Store, Lilith's Temple, and Hot Springs. Using any other building is prohibited. This means forging is banned! Suck it Odin.
2. You may build and upgrade any Siege weapon for the purpose of recruiting Flora.

3. You may not trigger any conversations in my castle.

1. Corn may choose any Gender, Boon/Bane. They may also choose any Talent, but they must remain in an unmounted class (you can theoretically use this to your advantage and have a partner seal'd ally gain a mounted class, or have Kana/other kids in said mounted class)


1. Use of an undrafted unit is a 10 turn penalty.

I think Camilla should be free initially, she's obviously too strong to be banned, but I don't think she'll invalidate everything, and the game would be pretty hard in a draft setting without her. If she does invalidate everything, we'll ban her later. Kaze isn't free like he was in birthright merely because there are so many earlygame dudes (even unmounted dudes like Arthur/Effie) that save turns early on, and other dudes like Silas/Beruka? that save turns later on with mounts and such. Kaze definately doesn't save any (directly) upon returning in Chapter 12 and he only saves 3-4 turns in chapter 4/5, and if you firstpick him, you're pretty boned for earlygame. It's just a way to make the first couple picks less OP. Gunter also isn't free for 15 for this reason as well, and he's probably worse than Kaze.

[spoiler=Units Remaning]


Refa - Silas + Sophie, Elise, Leo + Forrest, Shura, Gunter, Benny + Ignatius, Flora, I Z A N A

Doesn'tKnowHowToPlay - Odin + Ophelia, Arthur + Percy, Niles + Nina, Kana, Shigure, Mozu, Flora, I Z A N A

Nobody - Xander + Siegbert, Beruka, Selena, Keaton + Velouria, Charlotte, Felicia/Jakob (Chapter 15), Flora, I Z A N A
General Horace - Effie, Kaze + Midori, Nyx, Peri, Laslow + Soleil, Dwyer, Flora, I Z A N A

Edited by General Horace
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are you going to include the extra rules you decided upon at the end of the Birthright draft? No Seals for Felicia/Jakob until c15 and no mounted classes for Corrin?

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Worth noting that you can get out of My Castle assistant conversations by using the Start button to build things instead, or just replacing them with a generic ASAP.

Edit: also echoing Josh in the other thread, prologue being entirely free would be nice since it's incredibly tedious to do fast >_>

Edited by DoesntKnowHowToPlay
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<- actually doesnt's shitposter alt

Ngl the kaze idea is cute but you can imitate all but one of his turns by rigging the unholy shit out of ch4/5 (more so than the 2% average chance of an optimal clear off an exceptionally rigged corin). Edit: possibly 2 turns depending on the exact AI movement pattern but that's not exactly "fun", just more resets.

Probably over the normal person bullshit threshold but it's a thing. Kaze is arguably a better pick in unrestricted ch1-6 due to the way he works in conquest anyways. Big Big stats+ levels on joining. Hell kaze is already a solid mid pick just due to his ability to make silias's 2-4 a thing

Edited by joshcja
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are you going to include the extra rules you decided upon at the end of the Birthright draft? No Seals for Felicia/Jakob until c15 and no mounted classes for Corrin?

They're there! I decided if you really wanted Hero Felicia, go for it.


Worth noting that you can get out of My Castle assistant conversations by using the Start button to build things instead, or just replacing them with a generic ASAP.

Edit: also echoing Josh in the other thread, prologue being entirely free would be nice since it's incredibly tedious to do fast >_>

Leaving it the way it is now. Forgot about generic castle assistants, that helps.

<- actually doesnt's shitposter alt

Ngl the kaze idea is cute but you can imitate all but one of his turns by rigging the unholy shit out of ch4/5 (more so than the 2% average chance of an optimal clear off an exceptionally rigged corin). Edit: possibly 2 turns depending on the exact AI movement pattern but that's not exactly "fun", just more resets.

Probably over the normal person bullshit threshold but it's a thing. Kaze is arguably a better pick in unrestricted ch1-6 due to the way he works in conquest anyways. Big Big stats+ levels on joining. Hell kaze is already a solid mid pick just due to his ability to make silias's 2-4 a thing

Most people don't go for absolute minimum LTC in drafts, especially when playing on console. If you wanna tig 1% crits and 7 stat levels everywhere i'm not gonna stop you, but the prologue chapters still aren't particularly hard without Kaze and I doubt people will have the attention span to constantly reset anyway.


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For some clarification, i'm going to allow you to visit other castles for dragon vein points prior to chapter 6 so if you want to Heart Seal Corn/Hero Felicia you can actually buy them equipment.

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Gunter and Shura. I have barely any earlygame units and am regretting all of my life decisions, but I'm picking Shura anyways because fuck the final chapter.

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Xander's pair up bot, aka Charlotte

For some clarification, i'm going to allow you to visit other castles for dragon vein points prior to chapter 6 so if you want to Heart Seal Corn/Hero Felicia you can actually buy them equipment.

Do you mean prior to chapter 7? I don't think you can visit another castles before chapter 6

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