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[FE14] Conquest Draft

General Horace

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Turns out it just ends after two turns, even if you just pick wait both times. I didn't do that though, I just thought it was funny.


+Hp corn too good. Her alt class is Oni Savage, might as well shove things.


Went up the right side and killed Kaze turn 2. The rest was easy enough.


Lost out on the archer kill because Corn missed the boss once, but such is life.


Used Gwimpage's strat from last draft.


Killed the boss with Corn. Kaze took out the right side with Rinkah. Ryoma nuked a mage.

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Prologue - 2 turns

Female +Mag/-Skill Diviner Corrin. Fairly standard I think.

Chapter 1 - 5/7 turns

SR'd here to get a good level, eventually got one with every stat but Skill.

Chapter 2 - 3/10 turns

[11:23:04] @Doesnty: hp/str/skill/speed +
[11:23:05] @Doesnty: ah fuck
[11:23:13] @Doesnty: my strat is ruined by random ai
[11:24:10] @Doesnty: except no
[11:24:18] @Doesnty: rinkah randomly went for corrin and saved the 3-turn w/max exp
[11:24:30] @Doesnty: hp/mag/skill/speed/luck/res

SR'd for a bit more but never surpassed this. Probably better approaches than throwing Corrin+Gunter up left side while Jakob does nothing but oh well.

Chapter 3 - 5/15 turns

welcome to gunter emblem, do not pass go do not collect any levels

Chapter 4 - 8/23 turns

Kaze hands over his vulnerary, hit boss's DV on turn 4 and pray

[12:59:26] @Doesnty: hp/mag/speed/luck +
[12:59:31] @Doesnty: RYOMA YOU SHIT
[12:59:33] @Doesnty: he
[12:59:38] @Doesnty: chose not to attack anything
[12:59:47] @Doesnty: when i am surrounded on all sides
[12:59:49] @Doesnty: the actual fuck
[1:00:02] @Doesnty: he moved into a position where he could hit two and just went nope
[1:00:04] @Doesnty: have fun sis
[1:00:39] @Doesnty: second level was hp/str/mag/luck/def/res
[1:00:41] +Nook: hoshido is the good side
[1:00:43] @Doesnty: but i'm missing the 8-turn
[1:00:53] @Doesnty: wait
[1:00:59] @Doesnty: ok no i didn't die anyway
[1:01:06] @Doesnty: ok now he's fighting them
[1:01:30] @Doesnty: actually i just barely get the 8-turn it looks like
[1:01:37] @Doesnty: no
[1:01:38] @Doesnty: i don't
[1:01:40] @Doesnty: hinoka died
[1:02:08] @Doesnty: ok one of them ignored sakura
[1:02:10] @Doesnty: 8-turned
[1:02:12] @Doesnty: @_@

could've 7-turned in hindsight but that relies on ryoma not actively trying to murder corrin. oh well.

Chapter 5 - 7/30 turns

Optimizing this without Kaze is a special brand of hell. I'm pretty sure it can be gotten down to 6 turns if you can somehow goad the Merc on the right to hit Corrin while also pushing left in such a way that Corrin kills the one of the left Mercs on enemy phase while also dodging a magic attack, but I got godly levels on my second attempt to pull that off so I'm just going to move on. First was HP/Str/Skill/Speed/Luck, second was perfect bar Res.

RIP Rinkah, you died for my sins. And so Kaze could stand in the corner and not contribute anything at all. Really this is quite stupid, there's 13 enemies and the only unit that can do decent damage is Corrin, and almost all of them are either ranged or holding Wyrmslayers. Not to mention that you have to be actively hiding Kaze so nobody picks a fight with him, and can't just pair him onto anyone without taking the 10-turn penalty.

Chapter 6 - 2/32 turns

2-turning this is obnoxious. Xander has to hit Ryoma three times, at 25%, 75%, and 45%. The stuff at the bottom can also go wrong very easily but it's much murkier and overall more likely than Xander doing his job, although it still ruined a bunch of attempts. Was honestly tempted to just 3-turn it out of spite since I also needed Jakob to gain Str on most of the random AI movement patterns in order for Corrin+Jakob to actually kill Takumi.

I still maintain that everything before 7 should be free, as Kaze is the only draft pick to matter here in any capacity (and IMO that's slightly bullshit).



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he was there all round 1, everyone had a chance to take him. He's also the only draft pick before chapter 7, of course he's the only one to matter. He wouldn't be free in birthright drafts probably.

Silas probably saves more turns alone anyway.


Easy. Ryoma doesn't anyone but Xander, so put him next to Camilla on turn 1. Jakob in range on Yukimura, Leo in range of Takumi. Elise uses the Freeze staff on turn 2 (it replenishes when she comes back later) and Xander hits Ryoma at 85 hit for 23 damage, Corn kills Takumi, Camilla+Leo dual attack to ORKO HInoka, Jakob+Leo Dual to get Yukimura, and Leo finishes Ryoma at 91 hit.

CORN      PRINCESS            08.22 27 11 05 09 10 06 08 04 D SWORD D DRAGON
JAKOB     BUTLER           ??/03.68 23 09 06 13 11 11 07 08 D SHURIKEN D STAFF


Man, this chapter is pretty evil without Elise. Had to make sure Corn never got speed sealed because she orko'd stuff and that was very important. The last turn was so scary, everyone had like 2hp. Thanks Savage Blow.


screw you silass

Corn his D axes, and got shove I guess.

CORN      ONI SAVAGE          12.53 30 14 04 10 13 05 11 03 D AXE
JAKOB     BUTLER           ??/06.64 25 10 08 16 13 12 08 09 D SHURIKEN D STAFF
EFFIE     THWOMP              09.46 26 15 00 09 07 11 17 06 D LANCE


Oh man, screw Flora, stoopid freeze staff. Managed to get 2 villages, but 5000g is a lot less than 10000. Effie killed the boss after Jakob did some EP work on him, his skill is so good at keeping everyone alive. I finally get another unit next chapter!


Avoided the front anyway because I needed Nyx. Effie killed most enemies with dual attacks from Corn, she got defence seal'd so enemies actually attacked her. Nyx Nosferatu'd a bit, and Jakob killed the archers from over the wall. Jakob chipped the boss on turn 6 EP, and 2/3 attacks from Corn, Effie and Nyx had to land for him to die, at pretty rough hitrates, but such is life. Azura danced Jakob to seize, he needed to heal Effie so she wouldn't die to the boss and Corn missed, meaning Nyx had to take the bosskill.

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right, forgot this wasn't lunatic where ryoma doesn't care about chivalry in ch6 and just tries to murder people lol

Chapter 7 - 10/42 turns

Went to a bunch of castles and forfeited at people to get both shops, reclassed Corrin to Diviner, and chugged Mag+Speed tonics on Corrin. This leaves me with approximately no money, but I can sell the junk Silas and Effie bring so it's not the end of the world.

Turn 1: Moved Corrin onto Jakob, ran west, switched, Corrin ORKOs two Faceless.

Turn 2: Rush back and unpair. Two useless nerds arrive.

Turn 3: Heal Corrin and move her south to bring a Faceless to 1 HP on EP. Arthur and another useless nerd arrive.

Turn 4: Pivot Corrin to chip a western Faceless on EP while Arthur finishes off the 1 HP Faceless. Corrin levels on EP and learns Magic+2.

Turn 5: Arthur finishes the chipped Faceless. Rush Corrin holding Jakob north to kill a Faceless on PP, then break up the pair on EP. Corrin needs the Mag boost from Jakob to pull this kill off, and needs to get the clean kill to dodge Seal Speed. Useless nerds position themselves to avoid threats and not accidentally aura anything.

Turn 6: Send Corrin to kill the Faceless on the west front instead of the Seal Speed one, hide everyone behind Corrin on the bridge. This part got very messy due to Corrin needing to dodge a bunch of ~40% hit attacks in one turn and due to the Faceless not always moving to the same spot. If it worked though...

Turn 7, 8, 9: Position Corrin such that two Faceless die on EP.

Turn 10: Kill boss.



(Jakob's base Str is 2 lower; I accidentally saved after drugging him in preparation for Ch8.)


Man, this chapter is pretty evil without Elise. Had to make sure Corn never got speed sealed because she orko'd stuff and that was very important. The last turn was so scary, everyone had like 2hp. Thanks Savage Blow.

Would you mind elaborating on how you did this? A friend of mine is driving himself nuts over how you got such a low turncount with only 3 units, one of them being Effie who can't ORKO things on her own yet.

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Name: Haar

Birthday: 3/18

Boon: Robust

Bane: Unlucky

Talent: Ninja

Prologue- 2/2 turns

Bows can attack from 2 range.

Chapter 1- 4/6 turns

Didn't need Xander's help thanks to the +HP Boon. Haar's first level was HP Str Mag Skl Spd Res.

Chapter 2- 3/9 turns

His second was HP Str Mag Skl Spd Def Res. That's basically the same thing but better! Felicia's first was Skl Spd Lck. Thanks, Caeda. Oh right, I actually had a strategy for this map. I sent everyone up right to kill Kaze's group, and then to the left to kill Rinkah's group.

Chapter 3- 5/14 turns

We've got trouble! Haar polished off the myrmidons near the starting position, and through some Pair Up chains, Felicia ended up at the front of the group. He activated the Dragon's Vein, which let Felicia and Gunter take care of the two enemies choking the point (well, Felicia didn't quite kill one of them so Haar had to mop him up afterwards but details). Gunter chipped at the boss, then moved to the side to give Haar that meaty +15%Accuracy +3Might which was enough to let Haar finish off the boss and let the real hero, Felica, seize the day. Fun fact, I actually beat this chapter on my first try.

Chapter 4- 8/22 turns

This chapter is stupid dumb (yeah, that's how stupid and/or dumb it is). After activating the first DV (and Rinkah going ahead to weaken the proceeding enemies, Haar needs to lose no more than 4HP (the amoulnt he'd lose from a normal attack, but he can take up to 7 damage if one of the enemies moves below Rinkah and then attack stances w/the one dude in Haar's range). Haar can't actually ORKO anything, so the next part is a bitch as well. He needs to activate the DV w/Rinkah to the side to distract the boss. Surviving the next two turns is a general pain, but after that there isn't really much to do other than ride out the 8 turn (probably could have been better if Ryoma's AI didn't suck). I also somehow ended up getting the Concotion from Hinoka, which was nice.

Chapter 5- 7/29 turns

This chapter was really easy, honesty. Didn't require any RNG manipulation and my clear was reliable as fuck (losing three turns is a bummer but the actual process didn't make me hate living like Chapter 4 did). Haar killed the Steel Sword Mercs on the left, then doubled back right to kill the Wyrmslayer Merc and the mage. He then baited the next two mages on his next turn. Killing both of them, he positioned himself at the chokepoint only to get whomped by the Wyrmslayer wombo combo. Then he uh killed the boss and killed the reinforcements on the next turn.

Chapter 6- 2/31 turns

Easy with some creative thinking. I had Elise activate the DV on turn 1 so that Leo could aggro Yukimura and OHKO him w/Camilla attack stance (Avatar just baited Hinoka/Takumi w/Felicia at his side). Then Xander paired up with Camilla and weakened Takumi enough for Haar to finish him off. Felicia paired up w/Leo so that he could OHKO Sakura. Haar then finished off Hinoka on the enemy phase w/help from Xander.

Chapter 7- 8/39 turns

This chapter was the worst. I had to buy a billion tonics for Felicia (HP/Str/Spd/Def) and an Str tonic for Haar. Anyways, Felicia paired up w/Haar went left. She ORKOed the enemies, and dropped Haar on turn 2 to wipe out everyone else on the left path. Then he re-paired w/her and she dropped him again. Haar is ridiculous and could solo the top half w/just a Vulnerary, whereas Felicia needed sidekicks such as Silas and Elise to help her clear the bottom half. Silas got a really good first level, thank fuck, because I wasn't going to redo the chapter for him.

Paralogue 1- 6/45 turns

Kind of a drain on resources (I had to sell the Goddess Icon just to afford all of the tonics that I needed), but at least I got a lot of EXP out of it. The gist of it is is that Felicia went down and to the left, ORKOing everything in her way. Silas and Haar took the top portion, with some much needed help from Elise. Their job was to mainly feed Silas, who really needed the EXP infusion after not getting all too much in the previous chapter.

[spoiler=My Units]



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I don't think draftable Kaze is OP but someone (someone lol) getting Effie and draftable Kaze might be (and it's not even the ruleset's fault ;/).

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Uh, sure. Go nuts with statues

Would you mind elaborating on how you did this? A friend of mine is driving himself nuts over how you got such a low turncount with only 3 units, one of them being Effie who can't ORKO things on her own yet.

Corn and Jakob went left right away and ORKO'd everything (str/spd tonic), allowing Silas/Elise/Arthur to run away that way. Seperated Corn/Jakob when they returned to the middle, Effie tanked the pairedup speed seal dude, and Jakob shuriken'd him allowing Effie to finish, and Corn ORKO'd the other one. Effie EP'd two dudes left up top on turn 8 and finished on turn 9 (she got strength at some point in the chapter so she 2hko'd the leftover dudes up top, and Corn ORKO'd the dude near the boss and then killed the boss over the course of two turns with Jakob's help.

The middle is kind of fuzzy but it involved Jakob not getting attacked and Corn not getting speed seal'd while doing most of the EP stuff.

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Turns out I can't actually click hard...

+NotJoshcja: where are

@Doesnty: my duo are at mid on turn 6

+NotJoshcja: elsie/silias moving to get out ofrange

@Doesnty: irrelevant nerds are on bridge

+NotJoshcja: with no corin bait?

@Doesnty: i just

@Doesnty: killed everything on the west front

@Doesnty: before going back

+NotJoshcja: the faceless downsouth

+NotJoshcja: coveres their entire rage ofmovement

@Doesnty: no they don't

+NotJoshcja: and effie isn't here yet

@Doesnty: are you on lunatic

+NotJoshcja: no

+NotJoshcja: mabey...they have gristly wound

+NotJoshcja: ...all of them

@Doesnty: >_>

+NotJoshcja: uuuuh

@Doesnty: that's lunatic you nerd

+NotJoshcja: its a reflex

+NotJoshcja: I swear

+NotJoshcja: on the bright side

+NotJoshcja: I 9 turned on lunatic?

+NotJoshcja: with arthur?

(Loaded up a file from split to mirror doesn't run and not be a worthless commentator/shittalker @ doesnt in the alt chat, no force on earth can make me rig paralouge again but it looked fun ok? x.x)

(Turns out Arthur can shave a turn over Effie on lunatic though if you set up double 10% crits via skill pot @ 80% hit. So at least knowledge was gained from this saltmine?)

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Chapter 8 - 6/48 turns

Started by selling the Iron Sword+Iron Lance to buy a bunch of tonics (Str for Jakob, Mag for Corrin, Mag+Speed for Corrin to hold for Odin) and a Concoction.

Basically just sent drugged Jakob holding Niles west to capture villages (and utterly destroy three mages), Odin holding Corrin and some tonics north to get experience and avoid Flora, while Arthur stayed put and lured a single Fighter to make Odin's life a little easier and grab the first village (someone's gotta do it).

The actual execution of this was very precise, highly subject to the whims of RNG, and took many many tries to get down. Jakob and Niles only ruined one run, in which the latter dodged Freeze thus causing Flora to freeze the former at a critical point. Every other time after I got my bearings, they managed to secure both of the west villages and enable a 3-village clear. Odin on the other hand was a magnet for axes, and I reset a few times because he refused to get good levels. Annoyingly, he wouldn't get his second level if he didn't gain Magic on the first, because he'd leave Fighters on 1 HP. The chapter probably would've been simpler if I just had Corrin lead the whole way, but that would be inefficient.

This was quite the hassle, but the game will hopefully be a lot smoother going forward now that I have Nosferatu and 6000g burning a hole in my pocket.



Chapter Mozu - 6/54 turns

Winners do drugs. It took a ton of tonics, but Jakob was able to go on a mad rush through the west side while Odin carried Corrin down south. Arthur trailed through the west part to clean up after Jakob and beat up the boss, while Corrin took over the south front after reaching Mozu (and used her to move five extra tiles).

Mozu's probably not going to amount to much since this is LTC but she can be the team's cute mascot.



Chapter 9 - 6/60 turns

Went south because screw the guard at the top, and Nyx is a nice pile of free cash. Jakob was able to smash the wall on Turn 2, and then ferried Corrin in on turn 3 to annihilate most of the map because 18 Mag and earlygame get along very well. Turn 4 Odin and Niles dual-striked off her to remove the second member of the spearman stack and a Myrmidon before she broke open the wall holding Azura, who danced her closer to the boss room. Turn 5 she moved into the boss room and offed the Spearman outside of it. Turn 6 a bunch of irrelevant reinforcements showed up, Odin and Niles smashed a wall and grabbed the Rescue staff, Corrin dispatched Haitaka and Azura enabled a seize.

No team shot because Corrin was the only one to level off that.

Chapter 10 - 11/71 turns

mlg pro speedrun strats go

Nah this was a fun chapter and took a lot of resets mostly because of my stubborn insistence on doing this to it:


Chosen free units were Effie and Beruka. Effie spent the entire battle productively stapled to Odin so he could Nostank Oboro's side effectively, while Beruka was the obvious first choice due to being a flier at a much higher level than my other choices. Selena just squated on the green zone when she showed up.

As for strategy: Niles solo'd the north-east front (thank god there's no spearmen on hard), Corrin solo'd the north-west (lol), Odin holding Effie solo'd the south-west, while everyone else focused their firepower on the south-east because Arthur is sadly not a one-man army. After killing all the Onis, Corrin broke down south and paired up with Jakob to go body Takumi and his ninja bodyguards while the others ran east to deal with the last surge of units (most of which can't even reach the green zone in time). Wound up getting a lot of levels for Mozu here too, as there were plenty of birds for her to shoot and strong wyverns to dual strike off of her.



Also where'd everyone go? Sure is quiet in here.

Chapter 11 - 4/75 turns

Really simple chapter, just have Camilla rush the boss on a wave of Ninjas lunging in just the right way and don't get blocked by the dumb Samurai stacks. Pilfered the Spirit Dust but not the Enfeeble; didn't even go in Azama's room, although Odin cleaned up Rinkah's room nicely. Also early promoted Arthur to get him started on Rally Strength and have a little more bulk going into the Archer room. Don't really expect to use him long-term when Percy exists.


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bump? you guys still here?

Chapter 12 - 5/80 turns

It took quite a long while to get a strat for opening this up with, but eventually got a method to somewhat safely kill all the generic ninjas near the DV on turn 1, kill Kagero+Saizo on turn 2, and hit the DV on turn 3. Turn 4 is spent trying to survive while Ryoma's bodyguards shuffle out (careful placement is required and variance is high due to Arthur being blind), then Turn 5 Camilla+Arthur fly in with dance support to kill Ryoma. Actually getting the kill required Arthur to get a 55% hit/35% crit with the Dual Club, which is seemingly a simple 1/6 chance one can SR for but which actually required 20 dead Arthurs at Ryoma's feet before I finally got lucky.

Ignored the chests, I have nobody to wield the armorslayer and can live without the cash. Also got Corrin/Odin support to A, so kids soon.


Chapter 13 - 3/83 turns

Nice and easy chapter. Niles, Mozu, Jakob, and Azura went west and dealt with Orochi's band in 3 turns while Corrin rode Odin as he solo'd Takumi's band. Meanwhile, Camilla and Arthur divebombed the middle, killing Reina on Turn 1 and Scarlet on Turn 3 for a rout before the outlaw even showed up. Unfortunately this meant missing all four villages, so I'm gonna be a bit poor going forward, but there's still some cash in the bank.


Chapter 14 - 2/85 turns

Camilla can get to Entrap range on turn 2 with dance support, meaning all of us should get 2 turns here. Had to pray for a 55% hit/25% crit on Kumagera this time, but the delay between attempts was much shorter due to not having to go through a wall of potential Arthur misses first. Promoted Odin so he could get 6 move here, which let him safeguard Azura from the Pass Samurai group and build support with Corrin during the only enemy phase I dealt with here. This was enough to get S between Odin and Corrin, meaning I will be getting kids next because hahaha fuck Chapter 15 without Gunter.

Also got Mozu to 10 here, which gives her a nice +4 Attack. She's turning out to be a lot more useful than I anticipated; despite her poor bases, having another person able to carry a weapon (and a bow no less) in earlygame is very useful.


Chapter Kana - 0/85 turns

Chapter Ophelia - 0/85 turns

Chapter 15 - 6/91 turns

Sorely wanted Calamity Gate to get through 15 without Gunter, so decided to pick up the kids. Kana's paralogue is pretty much just a bunch of free experience (especially for Mozu) and supports, with a side helping of Odin taking his time in Master of Arms to pick up Vantage and then "reverting" to an Onmyoji. Ophelia's is the same with more books due to the super generous free 20 turns. Promoted Corrin mid-way through destroying everything in Ch15 with Gate, and just barely finished in 6 turns by killing the boss and picking up all the stat-boosters. Had to sell some books and stuff to get the funds to buy my Master Seal though.


Chapter 16 - 3/94 Turns

9400 Gold is very welcome after all that skipping. Sold Gunter's junk steels to buy a Master Seal for Ophelia, who proceeded to divebomb the right side and kill a ton of things turn 1 thanks to Vantage. Mozu carried Niles and some drugs and ran for the upper soldier on the right side. Corrin carried Kana and went for the lower soldier on the left side. Camilla flew off the ship on her own and went around to the far left soldier. Arthur, Jakob, and Azura all assisted Ophelia in getting past the stacked Outlaws and Freeze staff to the soldier on the right side, who was forced to be Shura and killed with a 30% crit after eight tries. Missed the Master Seal on the left, but did get the Heart Seal and a ton of funds.


Chapter 17 - 3/97 Turns

This took a while to figure out. First, used the sudden windfall to reclass Arthur to Great Knight and promote Niles to Adventurer. Also bought a Killer Axe to bosskill with and gave Horse Spirit to Camilla (why is this D rank). Niles holding Azura moves 7 spaces to bolster the now 10 Move Camilla holding Arthur into lunging a Master Ninja in the middle room on turn 1. Hit a DV turn 2 to open the door, which conveniently had nobody on it because I left it closed the last turn, and parked next to some Lunge Swordmasters. Enemy phase saw Camilla consistently getting lunged to a point 10 tiles from taking a swing at Kotaro, which she did by critting at 40% hit 27% crit. This one only took two tries mercifully. In the meantime, everyone else (especially Ophelia) scrambled upwards to grab the 5000 gold chest.

No stats dump since I only killed 8 things; Camilla and Ophelia were the only ones to gain a level.

Chapter Percy - 0/97 Turns

Simple grinding chapter to get a good kid going since Chapter 18 looks daunting. Trained Arthur a little to make sure Percy got Shelter, since his skills are picked at the end of chapter despite him being the boss of his paralogue. Got 3500 gold out of dudes in places I wasn't ready to handle and spent it on Master Seals for Mozu, Percy, and Kana. (did you guys know mozu is bad in ltc???)


Chapter 18 - 3/100 Turns

Annoying difficult combat. Had to buy the Hammer for Percy so I'd have a way to kill the General stack. After several attempts came to a surprisingly simple strategy; just deploy everyone on the west side. Percy flies south with the Hammer to a magic tile from which he kills most of the things in the way, while Odin stands in the doorway to the upper part and kills every Hero in one turn thanks to Vantage and dual strikes. Turn 2, move more people in and kill folks in the way while setting up a full gauge for Camilla in the north. Turn 3, kill Zola with Camilla's Dual Club, kill the first part of the General stack with a rigged 20% Lightning crit (it had acceptable hit this time!), and kill the back General with a Hammer + Lightning dual strike. Missed both chests but don't really need them anyway, Zola himself carries the real prize.


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Corrin is a +HP -LUK female ninja named HTC because my turn counts will be high

Prologue - 2/2

Chapter 1 - 4/6
Only reason i picked +HP

Chapter 2 - 3/9
Everyone went to the right. Gunter attacked Kaze, Jakob finished him, HTC killed a samurai. On EP everyone except Rinkah and an Oni suicided on Jakob, and then I finished them on turn 3.

Chapter 3 - 5/14
HTC moved to the range of the samurais, Jakob paired up with Gunter, gunter moved below HTC and dropped Jakob below. On turn 3, HTC used the dragon vein and Jakob killed the archer. Gunter and Jakob killed the boss on turn 4 (Jakob got the kill) and I seized on turn 5.

Chapter 4 - 8/22
HTC visited the village on turn 1 and Rinkah went to the north. On turn 2, used the dragon vein and Rinkah went further north to weaken the enemies. On the next turn, HTC killed stuff and on the turn after, She used the boss area dragon vein. They managed to clear the map on turn 8, with Ryoma's and Hinoka's help.

Chapter 5 - 7/29
HTC first went to the left, then to the right. Thankfully there were only 2 reinforcements on hard, rather than the 4 that there are on Lunatic.

Chapter 6 - 2/31
Elise used dragon vein. Leo went to Takumi's range, with HTC close to him. Jakob paired up with Camilla, they went to the north and she dropped him on Yukimura's range. Xander moved close to Ryoma. On EP, Takumi attacked Leo, Yukimura attacked Jakob and Ryoma attacked Xander. On turn 2, HTC finished Takumi, Leo + Camilla finished Hinoka, Jakob finished Yukimura and Xander finished Ryoma. After getting My Castle, I gave the goddess icon to HTC


Chapter 7 - 10/41

Before the chapter, I bought STR, MAG and SPD tonics for HTC. She and Jakob went first to the left, then south and then killed the other enemies who approached. The other units never saw combat. I also realized that using the Goddess Icon rather than selling it was really, really dumb.

Chapter 8 - 6/47

Before the chapter, I gave Jakob HP, STR, SPD and DEF tonics and HTC STR, DEF and RES tonics, and I also unequipped RES+2 from jakob so the mages would attack him. Jakob visited the first village, HTC went to the north. On the next turn, jakob paired with HTC, they went to the north, I shifted to Jakob and he killed a fighter. On the EP, a bunch of enemies suicided on him. Jakob moved to the northwest, shifted to HTC and she dropped him torwards the northernmost village. Jakob visited that village, and HTC went to the west to bait some fighters so they wouldn't go after Jakob the next turn. On turn 5, HTC killed a fighter threatening Jakob, and Jakob moved to the boss. On turn 6, HTC paired with Jakob and he attacked the boss, who killed himself on enemy phase. I needed the boss to miss one of his two attacks at 50%, which is a pretty good chance.

Paralogue 1 - 6/53

Jakob needed 16 STR to 2hko the faceless. Thankfully, mine had 13 and was almost leveling up, so with a STR tonic and a rigged level up, he could one round them since he had enough speed to double them with a tonic. Before the chapter, I gave HTC a DEF tonic and Jakob STR, SPD and DEF tonics. Jakob went to the south and HTC went to the west. Both of them one rounded all the generic enemies, and HTC spend some battles killing the boss with the dragonstone.

Chapter 9 - 6/59

HTC paired with Jakob, they went towards Nyx and separated. On turn 2, HTC recruited Nyx and Jakob moved. On turn 3, HTC broke the wall and Jakob kept moving, but he stayed outside of enemy range. Then, on turn 4, I paired HTC with Jakob, and he killed the paired up soldier. On the EP, many enemies killed themselves on Jakob, and I needed him to dodge some of them, so he'd have enough HP to survive one of the boss' attacks. On turn 5, Jakob got to the boss range, and dropped HTC on the entrance to the boss room, protecting him from the enemies who just appeared. On EP, the boss attacked Jakob. On the EP, HTC finished the boss and Jakob seized. No rescue for me, but that's what I could do with only 2 units.

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BTW, is Mechanist considered a mounted unit?
Oh, and another question: Am I allowed to go to Dwyer's and Kana's paralogues even if I didn't draft them?

Chapter 10 - 11/70
My "free" units were Silas and Niles. I give all my units STR, SPD and DEF tonics. Silas went to get the northwest village and then became Selena's pair up fodder. Selena went to the east to kill the archers before they could reach the ballista. Camilla moved through the map killing whatever I needed. HTC and Jakob stayed mostly in the south. Niles started on the ballista and then killed the pegs that approached the defense point. Beruka was first Selena's pair up, and then killed whatever was left with low HP. Azura got the master seal village on turn 1 and then danced whoever needed to be danced. I couldn't get the Draconshield village. After the chapter, I reclassed Camilla to Wyvern Lord right away.

Chapter 11 - 4/74
Before the chapter, I gave Jakob STR, DEF and SPD tonics and Camilla STR, SPD, SKL and LUK tonics.
Everyone went to the left. Jakob + HTC waited on the stairs, azura danced them, and then they killed an archer. Beruka and Camilla + Selena waited just outside of the archers range. On the next turn, Camilla killed Setsuna, Azura paired with beruka, beruka moved close to Camilla, shifted to Azura and she danced Camilla. Jakob went to the Ninja room, as far as he could, and so did Camilla. The ninjas lunged them closer to the next room, Camilla moved there, equipped the steel axe and stayed as close to the next room as she could. Beruka ferried Azura to Jakob one more time, she danced him and HTC killed a samurai who was blocking camilla's path, so she could one round Hinoka.

Chapter 12 - 5/79
I bought STR, SPD and SKL tonics for Camilla, Jakob and Beruka, DEF tonics for Jakob and Beruka and a SKL tonic for HTC. I started the chapter by breaking the mid pot with azura, using Camilla + Selena to kill the ninja and put Jakob on the range of one of the samurais. On the next turn, HTC paired up with Jakob, they broke one of the pots above, Camilla killed a ninja, Azura paired with Beruka and they moved close to Jakob and danced him, who shifted to HTC, who killed a ninja. On the next turn, Camilla killed saizo, Beruka attacked kagero and Jakob killed her, while getting on the range of the next wave of samurais. Next turn, Camilla broke a pot, Jakob killed an archer and beruka danced him, so he could kill a soldier. On EP, most of the enemies on Ryoma's area suicided on Jakob. Then, on turn 5, Jakob killed the last of the enemies blocking the area (he was on his range, so he could do it even froze), Camilla moved towards Ryoma, Azura danced her and she attacked Ryoma with the dual Club, needing a 12% Crit to kill him (she doubled him with the Selena pair up, so the odds weren't that bad)

Chapter 13 - 3/82
I almost gave up on 3 turning this chapter, but then i realized it was possible if camilla got a +mov pair up, so i promoted Selena, at level 11. Camilla got all the tonics except mag, Jakob got +hp, str, mag, spd and def and HTC got +STR, SKL, SPD, LUK and DEF. I began the chapter by moving Camilla just to reina's range, pairing Bow Knight Selena to her, dancing them and one rounding Reina with camilla. HTC paired up with Jakob, who equipped the flame shuriken and went to the range of every enemy on the right, including takumi. Beruka moved to an specific tile to bait the enemies to the left, without getting in their range. On EP, all the enemies on the right suicided on Jakob, and almoat every enemy on the south suicided on camilla. Then, on the next turn, Camilla killed orochi, jakob moved as northwest as he could, dropped HTC, was danced and went to the range of the mages. On EP, all the mages suicided on jakob and the knights suicided on Camilla. On turn 3, Charlotte paired up with HTC, who killed Takumi. Jakob paired up with Beruka, who ferried him south so the wyverns would attack them on EP. Camilla went to the boss are and killed on of the wyverns. On EP, all the remaining enemies died. I couldn't get any village, but i'm still happy with this result. Camilla leveled up twice this chapter, and for this strat to work, she had to get STR both times while not getting def the first time.

Chapter 14 - 2/84 Before it, I bought a Levin Sword for HTC, a skl tonic for camilla and SPD, STR and DEF tonics for Beruka. Jakob and HTC also got a S rank. First, Camilla moved a bit to the northeast, Azura danced her and she went to the east. HTC + Jakob went to the south to get Keaton. Beruka + Charlotte went to the east for exp. On turn two, Beruka and HTC killed enemies for EXP and Camilla moved in the entrap range, while equipping the Dual Club. On the enemy phase, she critted the boss to death (she had to hit twice critting once. She doubled, had 90% display hit and 12% display crit)

Chapter 15 - 6/90

Before the chapter, I bought HP, MAG, SKL, SPD and DEF tonics for HTC. On turn 1, HTC used the DV, Azura danced her and she went to the range of the enemies, with the levin Sword equipped. Below, HTC paired up with Azura, who dropped her as far as she could. On the other turns, HTC rushed to the boss below while using healing items above. I surprisingly didn't need to promote her for the chapter, since she could just reach the boss on turn 6. After the chapter, I promoted HTC, who ended up reaching level 20.

[spoiler=my units]


Charlotte, Keaton and Felicia still have their base stats

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Uh, I'll say no on Dwyer/Kana because you weren't allowed to go to Inigo/Morgan's Paralogues in Awankening, and they're a similar deal. Mechanist counts as mounted, yeah.

Been really busy this past week, and am with FAMILY for easter, i'll make more progress come mid next week.

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Chapter 16 - 3/93
I bought STR and SPD tonics for Jakob, SPD, DEF and RES tonics for Camilla and STR tonics for HTC. I sent Jakob paired up with Beruka to the southwest and he attacked the berserker. I sent Camilla + Keaton to the northwest and she finished the other berserker with the dual club. Xander paired up with Charlotte, used a speedwing, was danced by Azura and rushed to the southeast. HTC paired up with Selena and went to the northeast. On the EP, everyone survived and many enemies died, including the master seal sorcerer. On turn 2, I sent Felicia and Azura north, and Xander attacked one of the mercenaries blocking the east green unit, who suicided on EP. I got luck and Xander critted the Heart seal Hero, which wasn't needed for the strategy to work. On turn 3, I talked to the green units, with HTC being the last to talk to them. She attacked Shura with the Yato. Felicia also attacked Shura. Azura danced HTC and she finished him.

Chapter 17 - 3/96
Before the chapter, I bought a killer axe and gave the boots (RIP Shura), HP, STR, SKL and DEF tonics to Camilla. I paired Selena to Camilla and Azura to Beruka. On turn 1, HTC used DV, Camilla moves far away, beruka moved next to her and shifted to Azura, who danced Camilla, who went to the east. Jakob + Keaton went to the north for exp. On the next turn, Corrin used the other Dragon vein, with azura's help, and Camilla moved north, killing a sword master who was using a dual katana. On the EP, some enemies attacked her and a swordmaster lunged her, which wasn't a big deal. She could reach Kotaro, and had to to get a 30% crit on a 47% hit, which is bad but not impossible.

Chapter 18 - 3/99
I sold a lot of stuff before this chapter, bought a partner seal and made Jakob a master ninja and also promoted beruka, bought a hammer for Camilla and bought a lot of tonics. Xander + Charlotte started on the right, everyone else started on the left. Camilla+Selena rushed to the generals, being danced by Azura on turn 1. Xander moved south, to a stair and dropped Charlotte above him, since he will be frozen on EP. Jakob paired with HTC and they went to the east. Next turn, Camilla attacked the general boss, Xander paired with Charlotte, and also went towards the General boss. Jakob killed the maid. Azura paired with Beruka, and stayed just below Jakob. On the next turn, Camilla killed one of the generals, Xander killed the other jakob moved towards Zola, Azura danced him, and he killed him.

Chapter 19 - 5/104
Before the chapter, I bought the beast killer and the hunter knife and made xander a wyvern lord. I gave him, Camilla and Jakob a bunch of tonics. Xander got the beast killer, Jakob got the Hunter Knife. Xander rushed to the boss, paired with Selena, Beruka ferried Jakob to the southwest, Camilla + Keaton went to the north and so did HTC + Charlotte. Felicia dropped Azura on a safe spot on turn 1 and then healed whoever needed to be healed. I got super lucky, with Xander hitting Kaden twice for 45% on my first try, without I even giving him a SKL tonic (i forgot to buy it lol)

Chapter 20 - 2/106
The only tonics I used for this chapter were a SKL and a STR tonic for Camilla. I also used a heart seal and turned HTC into a master ninja. Camilla + Keaton started on the northeast and Xander + Selena started a tile below her. Charlotte started close to the western choke point and Beruka + Jakob started on the northwest. On turn one, Camilla moved as north as she could, while staying on the wind. Beruka moved as far as she could to the northwest, staying outside of enemy range. Xander moved just above the point where Camilla started, Azura danced him and he went to the east of Camilla. The Kinshi Knights that could attack them won't move unless one of your units is also in the range of the spear masters next to them. HTC paired up with Charlotte, who went to mages range, and shifted to HTC with equipped with a bronze dagger, who dropped Charlotte equipped with the dual club above her. Felicia moved as west as she could while staying on a tile in which Azura could reach her the next turn. On enemy phase, a single enemy attacked Xander and a single mage attacked HTC, and then the wind acted up. On turn two, Camilla attacked Fuga, needing only a killer axe crit to finish him (71% display hit 26% crit and she doubled him, very good odds). Beruka could just reach the Rescue chest from above, since Master Ninja Jakob gave her +1 move, which allowed me to reach the chest and get it with Jakob. HTC finished the mage that attacked her, then Azura paired up with Felicia, who moved to HTC, shifted to Azura and danced her. HTC attacked another mage, who was finished by Charlotte. Xander seized.

Chapter 21 - 3/109
I only deployed Camilla, Xander, Beruka and HTC. I bought HP, STR, SPD and DEF tonics for both Xander and Camilla. HTC paired up with Xander and Beruka paired up with Camilla, and both rushed to the escape point, with Camilla using a dragon vein on turn 1.

Chapter 22 - 4 /103
Xander + Selena, Camilla + Keaton and HTC + Charlotte started on the left, Jakob + Beruka, Felicia and Azura started on the right. Azura used the DV, Xander and Camilla rushed to Yukimura. HTC stayed on a forest tile and baited a bunch of enemies for EXP and weapon level. On turn 4, Camilla reached Yukimura and killed him with a killer axe crit (53 hit 30 crit, she doubled), and Xander seized. Jakob spent the chapter killing stuff on the right, including Subaki.

Edit: i redid chapters 20~22 to get more exp on Xander. On chapter 20, Xander went to the right and FK Selena + Master Ninja HTC took his place. Chapter 21 was the same. On chapter 22, he reclassed to Paladin, shifted places with Jakob and Beruka. Turncounts were the same

Chapter 23 - 5/108
The enemies on this chapter were insanely strong. Camilla paired up with Keaton, HTC paired up with Felicia, Jakob paired up with Beruka and Xander paired up with Selena. Selena ferried Xander to the other side of the river, with Azura's help, and he pretty much killed everything until Takumi. His stats are insane now, and restarting from chapter 20 really helped. Jakob + Beruka followed to get the chests, and i was actually able to get both of them, since Xander baited all the enemies but the ballista sniper to the other side of the room (and most of them were killed anyway). Camilla got a couple of kills and HTC trained on the snipers with a levin sword. The boss kill was pretty reliable for a change, since Xander doubled takumi, two shotted him, had 65% display hit and had two rounds of battle to kill him, but i actually got the kill on PP4.

Chapter 24 - 3/111

Before the chapter, I reclassed Xander to Wyvern lord and gave him a boots. Charlotte paired up with Xander, Keaton paired up with Camilla, felicia paired up with HTC, Azura paired up with Selena and Jakob paired up with Beruka. Xander rushed to the north, Azura danced him and he went north again. Jakob went to the north, to kill the mages. HTC went to the west. On turn 2, Xander killed Hinoka with the beast killer, then Camilla used the dragon vein, so the fliers wouldn't reach Xander and her. Jakob and HTC continued killing enemies. On EP 2, Xander killed the enemy that was paired up with Hinoka, and then he seized on PP3

Chapter 25 - 7/118

Before the chapter, I upgraded the fire orb and hot springs to level 3, so Flora and Izana would join next chapter, and also bought a Killing edge for HTC.

On the chapter, everyone went to the east, so I could get the 10000 gold chest. Corrin rushed to ryoma, and Attacked him with the Yato/Killing edge. Without Poison Strike and a DF crit, this would have taken even longer.

Edited by Rathichu
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  • 1 month later...
Just remembered this and wanted to run through conquest again, the old save file is long gone. My initial strat of COUNTER RYOMA and shove probably wasn't worth losing a bunch of turns early on to 1-2 range corrins, and apparently Ryoma won't even attack you if you wait in range anyway, so it nullified the whole plan anyway. Did +def/-lck ninja
Prologue - 2/2
Yep. It's weird how Takumi sometimes spawns to the right of Corrin or below him/her.
Chapter 1 - 4/6 turns
beat up Xander. Got a decent level, no speed though.
Chapter 2 - 3/9 turns
(went up the right side)
Chapter 3 - 5/14 turns
This chapter is pretty dumb, ths boss is an asshat. I wish Gunter came with an Axe instead of a Lance.
Chapter 4 - 6/20 turns
Forced the boss to suicide on Ryoma on turn 5 Ep, after Rinkah tanked the strength seal.
Chapter 5 - 4/24 turns
Need Ryoma to do enough damage and not die so he can nuke a mage on NPC Phase 4.
Chapter 6 - 2/26 turns
Same strat as last time around.
Chapter 7 - 9/35 turns
For some reason, this was way easier than last time. Maybe i'm just more competant at the game, idk.
Chapter 8 - 6/41 turns
Could have 5 turned if Jakob dodged Kilma, but I wasn't going to rig that. He tonic'd up and more or less solo'd the map with Ninja Corrin pairup (Corrin has beyond awful strength, at least Ninja gives move on pairup). Did this map first because Corrin did 3 damage to the faceless in Mozu's map, and I need, uh poison strike.
Chapter Mozu - 6/48 turns
I'm pretty sure this is the only time Poison strike will ever save turns
Jacob went left and killed ORKO'd a bunch of faceless, and then with the help of poison strike, Corrin killed the boss on turn 4 Player phase while Jakob started heading south. She paired up with him and they finished the deed down south. Effie solo'd the right side of the map.
Chapter 9 - 7/55 turns
Got Rescue with Azura's chest key. Jakob is a lot better this time around so things are a bit easier.
totally broke, probably will sell Fimbulvetr.
CORRIN     NINJA              12.54 24 09 05 17 19 07 15 06 D SHURIKEN
JAKOB      BUTLER          ??/12.56 25 13 07 20 14 13 11 09 C SHURIKEN D STAFF
EFFIE      KNIGHT             11.89 23 17 00 10 08 14 17 05 C LANCE
NYX        DARK MAGE          11.11 21 01 14 05 13 04 04 09 C TOME

Chapter 10 - 11/66 turns

Niles and Selena were freebies. Nyx solo'd the right side with the occasional vulnerary, and everyone else just hung out around the middle, Corrin still failed to get strength. She's like Kaze but instead of Res she has Defence.

I think i'll do Dwyer's paralogue now for some exp and another unit.

Edited by General Horace
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  • 1 month later...

Beware, I live!

Chapter 19 - 5/105 turns

Cloudflare hates me so no fancy description today, but in a nutshell: screw this chapter.

edit: Send Ophelia on Camilla with a dance to the north-west and proceeded to vantage-kill the ring of foxes there (needed two crits or procs to kill the beastrune users w/o life and death). Percy flew up north with Arthur to axe some of the north-east foxes to go away. Lyrica dodge-tanked the south-western groups with help from Jakob. Could've gotten a 3-turn if I got three Mjollnir crits on Kaden+friends but didn't feel like fighting for it, so I used a more reliable strat in which I put Ophelia+Camilla in attack stance and had Lyrica use her newly acquired Rally Magic to push Kaden into OHKO range.


Chapter 20 - 2/107 turns

Percy and Ophelia flew north with a boost from Azura, got blown onto Fuga's platform, and blasted him into orbit with a Mjollnir crit on the second turn. Niles went and grabbed the Rescue staff while everyone else bullied some Onmyoji to try and salvage some experience.

Chapter 21 - 3/110 turns

Simple Camilla lowman. Horse Spirit and the patience to go for a 1/64ish chance meant the only resource I needed to expend was a Defense Tonic. Probably would've been easier if Corrin/Camilla C support happened before this chapter instead of after...

Chapter 22 - 3/113 turns


Threw Kana and Odin on the left side for exp while everyone else stormed right. Camilla grabbed Ophelia and flew up to the Onmyoji fort with help from a dance and lunged onto it while everyone else advanced and clogged forts. Start of turn 2 I had Camilla wield the Dual Club while Percy (with a dance) flew up and dual striked off it to get an Onmyoji out of Camilla's way so she could fly to the top of the map and seperate from Ophelia. Flora zapped a Freeze at Subaki, and Arthur provided a Rally to allow Percy to kill. Camilla then proceeded to dodge the archer doll twice and get a turn 3 Seize after Ophelia blew up Yukimura.

Edited by DoesntKnowHowToPlay
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Finally finished this, SF ate my post last time I tried to post my progress so I had to wait until I got to endgame to find my TC's.


I said I was going to do it before chapter 11 so I probably did I guess. He ended up being pretty good actually.


I assume Camilla got lunged up to Hinoka. It's been a while since I've played 11-22 since i finished Takumi wall-endgame today. Promoted Effie.


Camilla gooned Ryoma.

Got Kaze, Laslow and Peri.


I assume Camilla nuked most of the map. Nyx promtoed here too and was pretty good.

Chapter 14 - 2/79 TURNS

I forget what this chapter is but I did it in two turns.


This seems kinda high, but I guess i'm used to having mounted units in this chapter.


Peri and Laslow (both promoted) went for the far right dude, Corrin got the other guy on the right side, while Camilla+Kaze got the other two on the left side. Peri and Laslow tag teamed the boss.


idr this one

CHAPTER MIDORI - Wanted another unit


Yep. I assumed Camilla hammered the bosses and someone else killed Zola.


Camilla commited fox genocide ft. Midori and Kaze.

CHAPTER 20 - 2/100 TURNS

I'm sure the wind helped and Fuga was an asshat.

CHAPTER 21 - 3/103 TURNS

Camilla flew Corrin to victory

CHAPTER 22 - 3/106 TURNS

This is Sakura right? Uhhhh my OP combat units ran to Yukimura.

CHAPTER SOLEIL - got Soleil with Bowbreaker and Elbow Room

CHAPTER 23 - 3/109 TURNS

Camilla + Midori flew to the Takumi and Midori blew him up.

CHAPTER 24 - 2/111 TURNS


It is as bad as it sounds but it was enough let him seize after Midori and Camilla killed Hinoka and her goon.

CHAPTER 25 - 1/113 TURNS

My Corrin sucked, but was good enough to Dragon Fang Ryoma down.

CHAPTER 26 - 5/118 TURNS

I hate this chapter

Used a Rescue Charge to get Peri in range to seize.

CHAPTER 27 - 2/120 TURNS

hid in the stairs so I wouldn't get clogged up with dudes in the middle, then popped out and murdered the Candle man.


Standard clear. Flora rescued Corrin+Camilla to finish the deed.

CORN      MASTER NINJA  18 50 25 14 35 35 20 22 29
CAMILLA   WYVERN LORD   20 44 34 17 26 30 22 32 19
JAKOB     BUTLER        31 32 20 13 31 24 22 18 19
EFFIE     GREAT KNIGHT  13 37 33 00 22 20 21 27 10
KAZE      WYVERN LORD   16 44 27 00 31 32 09 18 23
NYX       DARK KNIGHT   06 28 10 22 10 20 08 12 14
PERI      PALADIN       16 34 30 07 25 31 25 22 26
LASLOW    PALADIN       07 36 23 01 24 16 27 15 12
DWYER     PALADIN       13 33 30 13 27 29 22 24 20
MIDORI    WYVERN LORD   20 45 33 10 30 33 30 24 26
SOLEIL    PALADIN       16 39 27 10 32 33 25 21 22
FLORA     STRATEGIST    12 29 16 22 29 15 16 13 30
IZANA     ONMYOJI       08 33 08 23 27 19 20 16 25   
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