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Which of the new classes do you want to see continue?


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Heh, guess this goes to show I was right to be confused on Master Ninjas having swords. Honestly, it looks like it'd be fine if you just added a Str. debuff. Perhaps getting more severe the better the Shuriken is? Starts at -2 Str. for Brass Shuriken, and ends up at -8 Str. with Silver Shuriken.

Right? I promote to Master Ninja and I now have access to.... E-rank swords.... yay? Just what I needed, a 1 range weapon that has low might and can't crit or activate skills.

I'd like to see Snipers get the bonus that Marksmen got in Radiant Dawn. Let them have 2-3 range, that's the best way to buff bows without nerfing the heck out of 1-2 range weapons.

I'd be okay if they got it as a skill (so other bow users could get it too). I don't think the 1-2 range weapons need changing though.

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Yeah that actually sounds like a good combination,

I love the Basara design so much.

I actually really, really dislike Basara's outfit and especially its animations. The crit's okay, but that finishing blow animation irks me. And don't get me started on the impossibly lazy casting animations (just like Oni Chieftain).

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What irks me about Basara (the only new class I actively dislike) is that almost none of your characters who can naturally reclass into it have stats appropriate for the job. They're either too physical or too magical (Hayato might be the exception). If you want physical, go Spear Master. If you want magical, go Onmyoji. The generic blue outfit + tigerskin, and the lame tome animation make me dislike it even more.

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Here are my thoughts and hopes for the next game:

Daggers and Ninjas

If they decide to keep the weapon triangle as is, then some kind of ninja-esque class has to be there to get that S Rank proficiency. It could be an easily reworked Assassin.

Adventurer and Bows

I really liked this class, mostly because of the aesthetic. It's a Trickster knockoff, but bows fit more than swords imo. They could rework Trickster into a Sword and Tome weilder though. Tomes make more sense than staves. As for bows, I wouldn't mind a trade off with less power for a total range of 1-2, since Tomes and Daggers are ranged 1-2. Just for continuity's sake.

Master of Arms

While I am somewhat new to Fire Emblem (Awakening being my intro, with RnK and Fates being the other two I've played), I think it's nice to have (essentially) an armorless, beast-less Great Knight. Don't know if the class is new but it seems like something that should've been for a while.


I feel like this was a class that had nice potential but turned out to be meh. Going with the European motif, renaming it to Dragoon while making it more of a better mixed attacker could help it a lot. Also I'm not much of a risk taker so I dislike Quixotic :p

Class-Specific Elemental Tomes

This is something I think would be more interesting and would fit with irl lore. Its kinda diffrrent from the anima/light/dark triangle though. Dark Mages can of course weild dark tomes, but the Dragoon I mentioned above is known to have the power of a dragon, so they can have added effects if weilding a fire tome, or someone from the Ice tribe could lower enemy evasiveness while weilding an ice tome.

Flying and Beast Units

I think it'd be cool to see more kinds of fliers. Kinshi was a start, but there's griffons, manticores, giant insects (if there was ever a game that took place somewhere tropical), dragons (non-wyvern). It'd be interesting to see what they could do with those. I'd also like to see more beast races, and potentially expanding the beaststone into avianstone, aquastone, insectstone, etc. We had the Garou and Kitsune, but both used beastone and only Corrin and Kana were able to use dragonstones.

If I have more thoughts, I'll post them later.

As for the classes I liked, those would be Ninja (Assassin), Adventurer (aesthetics pls), Malig Knight (its just fun to say and an odd weapon combo :p ), Spearmaster (better Lancefaire fit than Falcon Knight), Basara (mixed attackers are always fun), Oni, Apothecary (interesting skills), and Kinshi Knight.

Edited by Vere
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i like maids because they remind me of sharon kreuger, and i could see them returning but i'd be fine with them not doing so too i guess

As far as returning classes go, Adventurer and Kinshi Knight are definitely my top two picks. Everything about Adventurer is perfect, and Kinshi is just such a fun class concept.

Also, while not strictly speaking a new class, I'm actually glad that Witch joined Dread Fighter as a random re-inclusion from Gaiden. Now we just need Baron to return. Maybe an armored version of Basara? There's precedent for it using magic and a mage class with high def/low res would be tight.

Not exactly a new class, but something that i would like to see in future games is a promotable villager class. I hated the fact that Donnel in Awakening didn't have one. When I looked at his portrait where he wielded a lance, it felt weird because no promoted class which Donnel could be in wielded lances.

clearly villager should promote into dread fighter

which also doesn't use lances, but is canon and hilarious

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What irks me about Basara (the only new class I actively dislike) is that almost none of your characters who can naturally reclass into it have stats appropriate for the job. They're either too physical or too magical (Hayato might be the exception). If you want physical, go Spear Master. If you want magical, go Onmyoji. The generic blue outfit + tigerskin, and the lame tome animation make me dislike it even more.

Funny, I found almost no reason to ever promote my Diviners to Onmyoji. It has higher tome rank and tomefaire which is nice and all but during my playthrough I never actually wanted to go with it because Basara has less magic by only a few points and has way better promotions bonuses. Magic is the only bonus that Basara has less of so I just didn't see why I should choose a little more magic this mage doesn't need over +6 defense.

Tomefaire's nice and all but tbh Onmyoji feels underwhelming ultimately.

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Funny, I found almost no reason to ever promote my Diviners to Onmyoji. It has higher tome rank and tomefaire which is nice and all but during my playthrough I never actually wanted to go with it because Basara has less magic by only a few points and has way better promotions bonuses. Magic is the only bonus that Basara has less of so I just didn't see why I should choose a little more magic this mage doesn't need over +6 defense.

Tomefaire's nice and all but tbh Onmyoji feels underwhelming ultimately.

To each their own. Basara have some more bulk but Onmyoji are faster (equal bases, higher growth) and have higher magic. I'll take E-rank staves over E-rank lances.

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To each their own. Basara have some more bulk but Onmyoji are faster (equal bases, higher growth) and have higher magic. I'll take E-rank staves over E-rank lances.

A 5% growth difference isn't ever worth hyping, as it translates to still under a 1 point difference at Level 20, and you spend a lot of the time promoted below Level 20 (if you even get there).

I do agree that staves are nice and certainly better than E rank lances, but if this were just about raw stats, Basara would win easily (you could always take a temporary dip in Onmyoji at Level 14-15 for Tomefaire).

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The appropriateness of each class (maids for example) will depend on the setting and map, so it's really up to them to make it work. I don't think we're going to have a western/eastern split again soon but there might be a smaller eastern faction in a mostly European setting.

I'm not going to factor skills into this because they can be reassigned at will, so I'll just consider aesthetics and weapon skills.

What I want to come back

Outlaws and Adventurers: Good alternate bow user to Archers. Staves and Shining Bow give nice utility.

Revenant Knights: Awesome design and concept. Magic fliers are always welcome.

Maid/Butler: Considering we often play as noblemen, servants and bodyguards feel appropriate. They are great support units.

Master of Arms: I like the design and I could see it as a joint promotion for Myrmidons and Mercenaries.

Spearmaster: Love the look, but I'd be just as happy to have Halberdiers back.

Great Master and War Maiden: I like the gender split and I could see them coming back with War Monk replacing Great Master.

Shapeshifters: Some of my favorites in the series but they aren't likely to return as they are.

What I want to come back with a new look

Apothecary and Merchants: If we have a Lance/Bow infantry unit, I'd prefer it be a alternate promotion to the Soldier class.

Golden Kite Warrior: Actually pretty cool but I could see the flying bow user being given to a Griffon rider.

Ninja and Jounin: Change to Thieves and Assassins, easy-peasy.

Mechanist: I'd rather see this weapon combo on an Assassin.


Shura and Blacksmith: Cool look and skills but I don't know where they'd fit on a new class tree.

Basara: Nice skills, but the outfit isn't my thing.

Fates classes are pretty neat. There is very few classes I don't like in some capacity.

Completely agree.

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