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[FE14 Link Arena] Nintales vs Quintessence

General Horace

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fefates-icon-setsuna_zpsz1ckvtr3.jpg?t=1 VSfefates-icon-effie.jpg_flipped_zpsqxl3w5

Setsuna @Shining Bow attacks Effie @Venge Naginata!

20 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit

Effie takes 20 damage! (24/70)

Effie counters!

32 damage, 84% hit, 0% crit


(15, 70)

Setsuna takes 32 damage! (23/55)

Effie takes 14 more damage thanks to Setsuna's POISON STRIKE (10/70)

Quint's turn.

   NINTALES                           QUINTESSENCE
HANA    45/45                        CORRIN   50/50
RYOMA   00/55                        FELICIA  50/50
CAMILLA 60/60                        ELISE    45/45
LUZ     60/60                        ARTHUR   00/70
SETSUNA 23/55                        EFFIE    10/70
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Yes! Btw is that Effie's dmg? I haven't made calcs but Venge Naginata's mt doubles on counterattack.

Edit: wait, if setsuna has less hp then Spirit Horse with Elise, else Ragnarok.

Edited by Quintessence
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Venge Naginata has 9x2 = 18 damage.

Effie has 41 strength, and assuming you gave Elise and Felicia Inspiration, 45.

45+18 + 2 (A rank)+3 (STRONK) +1 (Lily's poise) - 1 (Rose's Thorn)- 2 (WTD with Setsuna having S bow) = 66 damage.

I think Setsuna is simply supposed to take one more damage.

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Nah, she's actually supposed to take one less damage, this whole time I thought Effie's skill was +4 damage, ayyy

You don't get any weapon rank bonuses when you have WTD.

Effie's Strength+Inspiration+Lily's Poise+Puissence+Venge Naginata - (Setsuna's Defence+Camilla's Skill+Weapon triangle)

41 4 1 3 18 30 1 2

67-33 is 34.

I'll see if you wanna make a different move with that knowledge, Setsuna has 1 more HP.

Edited by General Horace
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Yeah, it probably doesn't stack, demoiselle and such doesn't.

I'm gonna edit past rounds (it shouldn't make a difference) then post the next one.

Actually, i'll wait for confirmation from Quint. Setsuna now has 23 HP, Effie is down to 10.

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If my calcs are correct:

[spoiler=Elise vs Setsuna]36 (mag) + 11 (ragnarok) + 1 (Tome B) + 1 (WTA) + 2 (Inspiration) + 4 (Trample) = 55 dmg

27 (res) + 1 (camilla) = 28

55 - 28 = SETSUNA DED (27)


56 (hit) + 80 (ragnarok) + 5 (Tome B) + 10 (WTA) = 151

68 (avo) - 20 (shining bow) = 48


Elise Ragnaroks Setsuna!

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Trample is +5, silly Quint.


fefates-icon-elise.jpg_flipped_zpsjhgapm VS fefates-icon-setsuna_zpsz1ckvtr3.jpg?t=1

Elise @Ragnarok attacks Setsuna @Shining Bow!

28 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit

Setsuna falls.

Elise's Mag/Skl drop by 2.

Nintales' turn.

   NINTALES                           QUINTESSENCE
HANA    45/45                        CORRIN   50/50
RYOMA   00/55                        FELICIA  50/50
CAMILLA 60/60                        ELISE    45/45 (-2 Mag/Skl)
LUZ     60/60                        ARTHUR   00/70
SETSUNA 00/55                        EFFIE    10/70
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Right now Savage Blow affects only the person you chose to target at 1-2 range, Inspiration and Camilla's personal affect everyone in their team. Whether this is the best and most balanced way to go about these skills remains to be discussed.

That's how it's working for now.

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fefates-icon-hana_zpsijpvscsb.jpg?t=1457 VS fefates-icon-effie.jpg_flipped_zpsqxl3w5

Hana @Calamity Gate attacks Effie @Venge Naginata!

18 damage, 85% hit, 3% crit



Hana's ASTRA activates!

(16, 82, 15)

Effie takes 9 damage!

(19, 13, 12)

Effie falls.

Quint's turn!

   NINTALES                           QUINTESSENCE
HANA    45/45                        CORRIN   50/50
RYOMA   00/55                        FELICIA  50/50
CAMILLA 60/60                        ELISE    45/45 (-1 Mag/Skl)
LUZ     60/60                        ARTHUR   00/70
SETSUNA 00/55                        EFFIE    00/70
Edited by General Horace
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uh, do weapons triangle bonuses get quadrupled? I'm not sure.

In the GBA era two reavers facing each other just ended up treating the weapon triangle like normal.

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i'll just treat it like that, too lazy to test.


fefates-icon-felicia.jpg_flipped_zpskqdq VS fefates-icon-hana_zpsijpvscsb.jpg?t=1457

Felicia @Dual Shuriken attacks Hana @Calamity Gate!

13 damage, 100% hit, 6% crit

(81) crit

Hana takes 13 damage! (32/45)

Hana counters!

12 damage, 2% hit, 3% crit


(50, 24)

Hana misses!

(Hana -2 str/mag, -4 def/res)

   NINTALES                              QUINTESSENCE
HANA    32/45 (-1 str/mag, -3 def/res)  CORRIN   50/50
RYOMA   00/55                           FELICIA  50/50
CAMILLA 60/60                           ELISE    45/45 (-1 Mag/Skl)
LUZ     60/60                           ARTHUR   00/70
SETSUNA 00/55                           EFFIE    00/70

Nintales' turn.

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Hana heals 13 HP with RENEWAL (45/45)

fefates-icon-hana_zpsijpvscsb.jpg?t=1457 VS fefates-icon-felicia.jpg_flipped_zpskqdq

Hana @Horse Spirit attacks Felicia @Dual Shuriken!

12 damage, 51% hit, 0% crit


(84, 58)


Felicia counters!

11 damage, 59% hit, 6% crit

(28, 95, 84)


Quint's turn.

   NINTALES                              QUINTESSENCE
HANA    45/45 (-1 str/mag, -3 def/res)  CORRIN   50/50
RYOMA   00/55                           FELICIA  50/50
CAMILLA 60/60                           ELISE    45/45 
LUZ     60/60                           ARTHUR   00/70
SETSUNA 00/55                           EFFIE    00/70
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