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Questions about Windows 10


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OK so I know I am going to have to upgrade to Windows 10 soon ( my dad has been asking me about it everyday the past few days) and I have seen very mixed reviews of it on different sites and I was wondering what the people here thought about it. I am currently using 7 and I really like it, so I was wondering how different from 7 10 is and if 10 is good for gaming, mouse controls and how do most of the programs like Word and Paint work on 10? I know that you have a 30 day grace period where you can switch back to 7, but I don't have a lot of time to spend installing/uninstalling programs on the computer so I would rather know ahead of time if I am going to have to take a lot of time to get used to things and then more time to teach my parents how to use the new system. I also heard that they don't have solitaire any more, my dad loves all the Windows card games and I would like to know which ones 10 has so I can let my dad know. Thanks in advance and any info is welcome.

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Word/Paint are simple enough

If you don't mind, your dad can download the "Windows Solitare Collection" app and just get it right back. It's basically like a Tablet with a mostly-PC interface. It's more smooth than 10 IMO.

If you use your PC for real life stuff like SQL Data management etc, you're gonna have a bad time.

The File Explorer and Start menu are annoying to get used to. Audio Drivers and Camtasia need to either be reinstalled or scrapped entirely. Lots of software simply doesn't work with Windows 10 yet.

If you just wanna do basic work with photoshop/word/etc and some casual games, you'll be ok.

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That does not sound that good, I need to see what programs my mom uses because I don't know what all she uses. I just use basics mostly but I might want to do other things later on, I don't like hearing that programs don't work on 10 because if I upgrade I want to be able to use all the things I use now. That is one of things I have heard that programs don't work on 10 and is one of the main reasons why I have not switched yet, but I know I will have to soon. I don't think my dad will want that app but I will tell him about it anyway.

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i personally have run into a single compatibility problem with win10 (a touhou) and i found the interface to be a strict improvement (except for i can't get used to "all apps" instead of program files, rip me) after a very short learning curve.

i dunno, i get that there's mixed reviews but i love it.

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There are also some issues with going from 7 to 10 because supposedly 7 doesn't have some files from 8.1 that are used in the upgrade process. I only know this because my mother's laptop (completely new no hardware defects) which previously used 7 upgraded to 10 and it got bricked in the process. When they took it in to a shop they found that it was missing those files needed and had to put them on there in order for the upgrade to work.

I've had Windows 10 on my desktop I built and it works great for gaming, photos, office 13, and standard stuff. The file explorer is different from 7 though which is important to keep in mind if you are doing anything serious but I don't think that's the case with you. I'm not a fan of the Apps thing they have going on but it hasn't prohibited me from just running downloaded or installed software like HWinfo 64, AIDA 64, HxD, VLC etc... If you do plan to use some older programs on 7 then I would back up your projects/files on an external HDD and reinstall the software entirely to help with issues (although I haven't run into any issues with mine but that might be because I built mine with Windows 10 on it as the default OS from the get go with no upgrade or anything)

As far as Solitaire yeah you can just get it from the Apps Store (for free I believe) although you will need a Windows Account.

Edited by LordTaco42
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At first, I was worried that my programs would no longer be compatible, but I found everything right were it used to be when I upgraded. Then again, I don't have EVERY program imaginable, so there will be some checking involved on the programs you have.

The start menu looks different at first and can take some time to get used to, but it puts all your social media stuff (such as Twitter and email accounts) into one place. So it can be convenient if you use it properly.

And Cortana is a lot of fun :P:

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i personally have run into a single compatibility problem with win10 (a touhou) and i found the interface to be a strict improvement (except for i can't get used to "all apps" instead of program files, rip me) after a very short learning curve.

i dunno, i get that there's mixed reviews but i love it.

This for EoSD/PCB/IN/PoFV/StB full screen? If so:


You need to put the Direct X converter into the same folder as the game. This should fix the problem right up.

Anyway, I personally prefer Win 7 over Win 10, but eh it let me escape Win 8.1 and that's what really matters. Like anything, It's something you just get accustomed to after a while.

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My dad upgraded and his (around 5 year old) cannon printer stoped working. Apperently, Cannon does not make windows 10 drivers for old printers. THere website has a lst of what printers are affected.

Edited by sirmola
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This for EoSD/PCB/IN/PoFV/StB full screen? If so:


You need to put the Direct X converter into the same folder as the game. This should fix the problem right up.

Anyway, I personally prefer Win 7 over Win 10, but eh it let me escape Win 8.1 and that's what really matters. Like anything, It's something you just get accustomed to after a while.

i already fixed it thanks to haru but yeah that's the fix i used

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This doesn't belong in Serious Discussion.

As for your answer, I don't like Windows 10, and will resist upgrading for as long as I can. Windows 10 is automatic updates all the time, while Windows 7 gives users a choice.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's fantastic and better than Windows 7 and won't "spy" on you unless you agree to it. Faster boot, better apps (I love UWP apps), better for gaming... And if anything goes wrong there's a possibility to roll back updates.

The ability of Windows 7 to set updates manually is not a good thing because updates are crucial to the system.

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The ability of Windows 7 to set updates manually is not a good thing because updates are crucial to the system.


While updates are important, people set their systems to update manually because they want to be in control. Just imagine rendering a video and it has an hour or two remaining to finish. Or playing a video game on the PC. And suddenly, an update occurs that forces a restart before you are ready. Progress just got set back.

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While updates are important, people set their systems to update manually because they want to be in control. Just imagine rendering a video and it has an hour or two remaining to finish. Or playing a video game on the PC. And suddenly, an update occurs that forces a restart before you are ready. Progress just got set back.

You can schedule them to whatever time you want.

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It's fantastic and better than Windows 7 and won't "spy" on you unless you agree to it. Faster boot, better apps (I love UWP apps), better for gaming... And if anything goes wrong there's a possibility to roll back updates.

The ability of Windows 7 to set updates manually is not a good thing because updates are crucial to the system.

Actually, it's the other way around. Windows 10 will spy on you unless you say to it over and over and over (Because there's a big number of stuff you have to configure to prevent the information collection). You can always roll back updates on other systems, that's called having a backup.

Updates aren't "Crucial" to the system. Yeah, there's the occasional bug here and there that could cause a crash, but in a grand majority of cases those get caught in the first week or even before release because Windows will want to sell a working product. A good antivirus/antimalware setup will help you with the rest of it.

Funny thing, Windows tried to "surprise" me with an attempt at a forced Windows 10 installation on my birthday. Good thing I managed to stop it before it got underway. (And the thing reset my IE cookies apparently. I do use Chrome most of the time, but I get stuff done on IE too and it was all scrambled up).

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Actually, it's the other way around. Windows 10 will spy on you unless you say to it over and over and over (Because there's a big number of stuff you have to configure to prevent the information collection). You can always roll back updates on other systems, that's called having a backup.

Updates aren't "Crucial" to the system. Yeah, there's the occasional bug here and there that could cause a crash, but in a grand majority of cases those get caught in the first week or even before release because Windows will want to sell a working product. A good antivirus/antimalware setup will help you with the rest of it.

Funny thing, Windows tried to "surprise" me with an attempt at a forced Windows 10 installation on my birthday. Good thing I managed to stop it before it got underway. (And the thing reset my IE cookies apparently. I do use Chrome most of the time, but I get stuff done on IE too and it was all scrambled up).

And a problem cannot be found? All this stuff is configurable during install, the rest in the settings menu, and there are guides to help with the remaining ones, too. It still sends some basic telemetry to MS but everyone else does it. Go look at Google's Terms of Agreement, Valve's, etc., it's even worse! Valve has access to your chat and PC specs, possibly to your non-Steam apps as well (it's not clear in the TOS and this is a fault of the contract IMO). Google reads your emails (not literally but with an algorithm) to provide you with a "custom" experience. It's there in the TOS. If you're using a service managed by the big players, you're not free from privacy intrusions.

The worst part IMO is not that they (MS, Google, etc.) can snoop on you, but that they can share this information with third-party companies. Without your consent. That's the real game changer. As long as Google keeps sending me donut ads because I eat donuts at breakfast, I couldn't give a shit; if they share it with other companies, though, then it becomes a problem because I no longer have any control over how this info is being shared.

And no, I'm not installing anything to "shut up" Windows 10. Been there, done that, ended up with a non-functioning Start Menu because the app broke all the permissions for all the GUI folders without telling in advance that this was risky and could cause that.

For every report of people saying they had a "forced" install there are people saying it's not how it works. And, sincerely, nothing is installed in your PC unless you allow it. You must agree to the update. When Windows 10 was released, there was an icon in the taskbar that opened a window where you could tell MS to allocate an upgrade for you. If you clicked that and said "yes", tough luck, it would download the update and apply it to you, regardless of when you agreed to it.

Even if it downloaded automatically and magically installed itself, they need a "yes" from the user. But then, it's not much different from Google pestering me to install Chrome every time I use their search engine on Edge (which I don't anymore because Google has been deliberately boycotting Edge and I don't like Chrome). I get it, your browser is super duper awesome, but I like the competitors better. Except it's on a larger scale since it changes the whole OS, but people hate it because of the spy crap which is grossly overdone anyway.

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