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Yeah using the open source gallery, the worst-case scenario is that two characters end up looking identical, but a quick glance at who's in the first sheet linked in the first post should confirm that the sprite you want isn't already used (I don't think anybody's using anything from there at the moment, other than a few of my own characters but prooobably don't worry too much about that)

My ideal character submission contains all of the following in some way:


Portrait (I very much prefer that it's provided and in GBA or FEXP format, but at least an appearance description)


Class(es) (base class and one promotion or promoted base class) (ideally something that uses existing sprites, be they from any of the GBA games, the Animation Resource thread, or your own creation)

Preferred inventory and equippable weapons per class (example: one character is a Knight that uses Bows and something else (I think lances) and because sprites for that exist, that's totally cool)

General join time (earlygame, midgame, lategame, or anywhere inbetween. Note that earlygame proper is filling up, but there are some spots left)

Personal Skill if desired (it's totally optional but hey they're cool)

Some description of stats
Some description of dialogue/information (R-button info, level-up quotes (planned on using 3 tiers but many people submit 4, in which case I'll just choose) recruitment and possibly some scenario/support talking, or boss quote (always death quote))

Some description of recruitment/encounter conditions (anywhere from just how they're recruited (from chapter start, red unit you talk to with hero) to a full chapter idea)

If you've got all that, it's unlikely I'll reject your character unless there's something in particular I dislike about them that you refuse to budge on (I don't think this has happened yet though, at worst it'll just result in lots of TODO stuff and a sad me)

I think I'll go ahead and add that to the first post for reference, too~
(did I forget anything that I've been bothering people about missing?)

Edited by 47948201
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Oh, right, more about Natasha

Personal Skill - Like Ewan, I'll leave this up to you in the name of game balance. Just. . .make sure it's something that's more useful than Tomefaire on a Swordmaster! :P:

Ditto with stats and all that - Natasha can fill whatever niche is necessary, and you know how the game's balanced better than I do.

Level quotes (in order):

"Am I too far gone to change?"

"This will have to do."

"To bring an end to strife, I will do whatever it takes."

Recruitment - A NPC position out of harm's way or a village visit recruit should do. She's not the type to pick fights!


Oh, you need death quotes and R button descriptions? That can be arranged~!

Death quotes

Ewan - "Sis. . .you're back. . ."

Natasha - "Death. . .the end of all wars. . ."

R button descriptions:

Ewan - A young boy who wants to avenge his older sister

Natasha - A wandering healer who desires peace for all

Ewan's got some really twisted lines, help. :P:

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I have a few character ideas(one of them being a boss!), here's my first one:


[spoiler=Portrait, from the open source gallery credit to Ghast]


Light Affinity

Paladin(Great Knight animations), if Great Knight is an already existing class then just make him that

Inventory consists of three generally decent weapons for that point in the game covering the triangle, and a vulnerary


Personal Skill: Vow: +3 damage(or strength if you can't do that) if a character of noble birth(including/and the hero) is within two or three spaces(whatever works best for balance)

Generally balanced, highest in HP, strength, and def. More speed and skill than an average Great Knight, luck is lowest.

[spoiler=Bio and more]

Sir Calenbald the Silver Rider, Hero of the Second World. A boisterous knight of great presence sent by his former(for the moment) liege from an unknown land. Will devote himself entirely to whatever cause he deems just, and never fails to tell a tale of his heroic deeds. Tends to ramble.

R-button: A traveling knight of mysterious origin. Devoted, just, and rather loud.

Level ups, worst to best:

"Have I truly reached my limit?"

"I will not rest until there is no more room for improvement!"

"Consider this a demonstration of my ability!"

"Behold the power of the Silver Rider! The greatest knight to ever walk upon these lands!"

Recruitment: Shows up a turn or two into the chapter as an NPC to fight the enemy. Can be recruited via talk with the hero or any character of noble birth.

Death quote: "At least let me know... this death isn't in vain..."

If you ever want any more dialogue or help/ideas for dialogue for him, I would be happy to help out.

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New charas~~


Class : Freemaiden --> Lady

Joins : Early Game

Bio : (16 y.o.) The last line of Valkraine family, she escaped the ultimate curse of her family it got 10 years ago with her butler, Lyallone. After the escape, she trained with his butler to be a proper lady, to ensure that her family will be flourished once more.



Light : D

Staff : E

Lv 3 :

HP : (19) 40%

Str : (2) 30%

Mag : (5) 50%

Skill : (5) 55%

Spd : (9) 60%

Luck : (1) 65%

Def : (3) 15%

Res : (6) 65%

Skill : Angelicus - Adds 10 HP for healing, and expands healing range to 2.

Death Quote : No.... Help me... Lyallone....

In-Game Description : The last child of Valkraine family. Energetic and tomboy, yet tries to be proper.

Recruitment : Either she will rush to talk with main character, or vice versa. It'll be either she'll be attacked by bandits or chased by some unknown pursuer.

Level Up Quote:

Great : "Ahem! It seems that I'll be lady-like in no time!"

Good : "One more step to be a lady, yeah!"

Average : "It's good to improve~"

Poor : "Well... One said that I should be grateful."

Awful : "D'aww~ Even I tried so hard!"

Promotion Quote : "Finally I become a lady-- Ahem! I must be proper from now on..."

Personal Weapon : Radiant Light (45 uses) - Light E, Mt 8, Rng 1-2, Hit 110, Wt 5, Crit 20

Description : Camilia's personal tome.


Class : Servant --> Butler

Joins : Mid Game

Bio : (21 y.o.) A working butler of Valkraine family, he dedicated his life on his master for 10 years since his teen. He also trained his skills both on magic and spear on his service. As time went on, the family slowly perished because of a curse. For the Valkraine family to continue on, Lyallone had to move away from the mansion of the Valkraine family with its youngest child, Camilia. He took care of his young mistress for many years until she grew up to be a proper damsel.



Spear : C

Anima : C

Lv 10 :

HP : (30) 55%

Str : (10) 60%

Mag : (10) 60%

Skill : (13) 50%

Spd : (12) 50%

Luck : (19) 25%

Def : (7) 35%

Res : (6) 35%

Skill : Faith - All units within 3-tile radius gains Luck +2 and Avoid +10.

Death Quote : But I... still have to... Mistress... C-Camilia....

In-Game Description : A butler of Valkraine family. Loyal and protective.

Recruitment : Have him by engaging a conversation with Camilia.

Level Up Quote:

Great : "I can be more useful for everyone and my mistress now..."

Good : "I have to utilize everything... for everyone..."

Average : "These should suffice..."

Poor : "My mistress surely will be sad with this."

Awful : "... Sigh."

Promotion Quote : "At last, my services will be much more desired!"

I'll post the mugs of these characters later...

@Edit : Added the promotion quotes!

Edited by Leviathein Aguamenth
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Considering that 4 skills for wilhelm seems out of the question in retrospect I'll edit my post to fit it better with everyone else, and a personal weapon I'll post them here as well.

Keeping Canto if I can but instead of Wrath Luna and Nihil, Magic Bane: Halve damage taken from attacks of a magical source.

A personal weapon though, Kriegmesser: same damage as an iron sword but a slightly higher crit rate by 10

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herp also promotion quotes when necessary but okay cool yay

Calenbald sounds cool, roger that!

Camilia and Lyallone also sound cool, though I'll probably nerf that Angelicus skill--what's more important, the increased healing amount, or increased healing range? (There's a skill that just gives +5 to healing and that's already pretty good for the level of stats in the game)

Also, what sorts of sprites would those classes use?

I haven't counted the total available skill slots, but I know there's at least space for 4 (though you probably want the Flight skill which includes the Canto effect, so 3. Magic bane would turn him into an interesting unit, since he normally has high defense but low resistance for a pegasus-type unit)

and cool yay

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I haven't counted the total available skill slots, but I know there's at least space for 4 (though you probably want the Flight skill which includes the Canto effect, so 3. Magic bane would turn him into an interesting unit, since he normally has high defense but low resistance for a pegasus-type unit)

That is true I forgot about flight, so from Flight level 1 Magic Bane Level 10, Luna Level 5 promoted, and Nihil Level 15 promoted that makes an interesting idea in my head, though I did notice you didn't have a promotion next to Wilhelm, went for the prepromote route?
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Camilia and Lyallone also sound cool, though I'll probably nerf that Angelicus skill--what's more important, the increased healing amount, or increased healing range? (There's a skill that just gives +5 to healing and that's already pretty good for the level of stats in the game)

Also, what sorts of sprites would those classes use?

As for Angelicus skill, I think it's up to you now which one is the best...

And I think Angelicus should be obtained on Level 10 Freemaiden because it'll be too OP if she gets it from the start... might as well add some other skills too for her... Continue, maybe?

And maybe Lyallone can get some other skills for his set? Nihil on Level 1 Butler, or other personal skill I have in my mind..

I'll make the sprites for both of them but I don't know how to make the insertable one somehow...

Edited by Leviathein Aguamenth
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Okay cool that sounds good


what ever could you possibly mean about him only having one class listed ~'3'~

Continue like Adept? Sure, and okay don't worry too much about insertability for battle sprites, I can do pretty much anything~

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Okay cool that sounds good


what ever could you possibly mean about him only having one class listed ~'3'~

Continue like Adept? Sure, and okay don't worry too much about insertability for battle sprites, I can do pretty much anything~

In the excel document you only have his base class of Imperial Captain listed

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Does it still or did it just before~

Anyway added lots of stuff to the TODO page! A lot of it is just simple "what affinity?" stuff. Spriting stuff that's not bolded means I think someone is working on them, while bolded things are available to be picked up. At least, I think--if you're doing a thing and it's bolded, let me know!

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Does it still or did it just before~

Anyway added lots of stuff to the TODO page! A lot of it is just simple "what affinity?" stuff. Spriting stuff that's not bolded means I think someone is working on them, while bolded things are available to be picked up. At least, I think--if you're doing a thing and it's bolded, let me know!

Still, I'll check right now though to see if that is the case though to be safe

Just checked not now, thank you.

Edited by Lord Kommissar Petitt
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Blanc LV quotes:

1-2: What happened? I was on a roll until now!

3-4: I need to do better, for everyone!

5-6: Behold! My awesome might!



1-2: Why did this experiment backfire!?

3-4: Well, THAT's new!

5-6: Note: Successful but unremarkable. Continue.

7-8: Breakthrough discovery!


1-2: Shucks.

3-4: Not good enough...

5-6: Yes... Better...


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More about Gardy:

Affinity: Water

Level up qoutes:

1-2: "Well this is underwhelming..."

3-4: "Still not what I'm after...."

5-6: "Now to do that again."

7-8: "This feels funny!!"'

Join method: Automically at start of chapter


Lone Champion(I went over this one before)



I'll add more as I think of it

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So, Fenix is done!

For a personal skill, I'd like "Don't Fear the Reaper" - avoid % increased as life is lost.

Working on Havok now.

Level Up (if this is actually a thing.) :

1-2 - "Death is catching up ... this isn't good."

3-4 - "I'll die at this rate. Must do better."

5-6 - "Another one bites the dust ... but not me."

7-8 - "Death is the debt I'm never paying!"


Edited by StWalker
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I don't see a bard/dancer yet, that needs to change.

Name: Flute

Mug: [http://i.imgur.com/RATlVu8.png] (credit to Chigai on the open source gallery)

Affinity: Light

Class: Bard

Join time: Early-mid

Personal Skill: Hyperactivity: Unit gains 40 avoid.

Base stats:

HP: 19

STR: 0

SKL: 10

SPD: 11

LCK: 9

DEF: 2

RES: 6


HP: 70

STR: 0

SKL: 40

SPD: 80

LCK: 70

DEF: 10

RES: 90

Mouse-over Desc:

A bard from a musical family

LVL: Up quotes.

0-1: Hey, at least I gained some practice.

2-3: Alright.

4-5: My parents will be jealous!

6-7: Why am I so strong...when I cant even fight?

Death quote: Mother.. Father... I-

Recruitment: From the start

Supports: Rye B-Rank

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Hmmm I wasn't sure about including more than one bard/dancer, but...

Well, what the heck, what's the worst that could happen~!

And yes, you can submit pretty much anything! But I can change the numbers, and graphically... If it doesn't get graphics, it won't be added, so if you want to add something that most people wouldn't want to sprite, and you don't want to sprite it, (or nobody can sprite it to an acceptable level, though of course in certain instances the expected level of quality might be a bit lower) it'll just be left as an idea here...

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