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I think it's pretty great that you don't have a problem with your son's bodily fluids. It certainly must make parenting easier.

This is very true. I'm not sure if you've experienced anything similar. Granted, my germaphobia level is way above baseline.

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Ah, I had severe germophobia when I was younger, but now I'm way better and I don't scream and cover myself in hand sanitizer which my father doesn't even send me anymore.

I still hate being dirty though, but to be honest, who doesn't?

P.S. My phobia was so strong, I couldn't touch money because you know, passed around tens and hundreds of people.

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Ah, I had severe germophobia when I was younger, but now I'm way better and I don't scream and cover myself in hand sanitizer which my father doesn't even send me anymore.

I still hate being dirty though, but to be honest, who doesn't?

P.S. My phobia was so strong, I couldn't touch money because you know, passed around tens and hundreds of people.

I was diagnosed with OCD in 1999, so I would have been around your age. Money has always been something that I have to sanitize my hands after handling. Thankfully, I can just use a debit/credit card now, but then there's still transfer, because the cashier handled cash before handling the card.

EDIT: On the parenting front, my son spent the night at my Dad's last night. It was the first time he's spent the night away from at least one parent. He did really well, but I was nervous about him the whole time, if even just a little. It was nice to sleep in to 10:00, though.

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I was diagnosed with OCD in 1999, so I would have been around your age. Money has always been something that I have to sanitize my hands after handling. Thankfully, I can just use a debit/credit card now, but then there's still transfer, because the cashier handled cash before handling the card.

EDIT: On the parenting front, my son spent the night at my Dad's last night. It was the first time he's spent the night away from at least one parent. He did really well, but I was nervous about him the whole time, if even just a little. It was nice to sleep in to 10:00, though.

Ah, I can relate, sometimes it really is good to just pass the baton to someone else and take a break.

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I used to be skinny.

[spoiler=My fat abdomen]


It seems to look worse sitting down.

[spoiler=Side view]2KGOR9a.jpg?1

I dunno, is it really showing now? I have mixed feelings about it. On the one hand, I know what's in store, but on the other, I self conscience about it. Sometimes I just hate my body. Forgive my rambling.

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This is very true. I'm not sure if you've experienced anything similar. Granted, my germaphobia level is way above baseline.

Not personally, but I've been used to handling other people's mess for most of my life! I've lived with some... interesting people.

I feel like my son needs a haircut, but I can't bring myself to do it...

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Rezzy, you are not fat at all, I can't believe you're calling yourself that. My stomach doesn't look much different and people say I'm skinny and need to eat more. But you will gain weight when pregnant, you can't avoid it. xP

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I used to be skinny.

[spoiler=My fat abdomen]


It seems to look worse sitting down.

[spoiler=Side view]2KGOR9a.jpg?1

I dunno, is it really showing now? I have mixed feelings about it. On the one hand, I know what's in store, but on the other, I self conscience about it. Sometimes I just hate my body. Forgive my rambling.

These pics weren't loading for me before!

You're not particularly showing. I think you look fantastic!

I have a tough time, too. I haven't been as slim as you in years, but pregnancy still did a number on my body. Add in hypothyroidism (which gets particularly bad after giving birth - my levels are all over the place) and a biiiig second baby, plus a lot of stress, and I really hate how my body currently is. It's tough. :(

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And see why I NEVER want to be pregnant? xP There just seems to be way more bad things about it than good, and so many things I'd be afraid of happening (which is a reason for my pregnancy phobia. All the stuff involved that I'm REALLY afraid of). The good being that you get a "bundle of joy" to love and all.

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I had always wanted to experience pregnancy. Then I had awful pregnancies and I was done after one day, haha.

I had a second kid because I didn't want an only child, but I was dreading being pregnant again (one reason for a 3 year gap!).

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Not personally, but I've been used to handling other people's mess for most of my life! I've lived with some... interesting people.

I feel like my son needs a haircut, but I can't bring myself to do it...

My son's not even two yet, and he's had three haircuts. He was born with a full head of red hair.

Oh, by the way, some of these are extremely stupid and time consuming, but I still thought you could make some use of them: http://imgur.com/gallery/hBwys

That reminds me when I was little, we'd ride in a laundry basket down the stairs. I'm not sure if I'd let me kids do it, but it was fun back in the day.

EDIT: That diaper life hack looks interesting, but I'd be worried some good Samaritan would come by and throw away my stuff, instead of stealing it.

Rezzy, you are not fat at all, I can't believe you're calling yourself that. My stomach doesn't look much different and people say I'm skinny and need to eat more. But you will gain weight when pregnant, you can't avoid it. xP

Thanks, I know I'm a good weight. There are just good days and bad, sometimes.

These pics weren't loading for me before!

You're not particularly showing. I think you look fantastic!

I have a tough time, too. I haven't been as slim as you in years, but pregnancy still did a number on my body. Add in hypothyroidism (which gets particularly bad after giving birth - my levels are all over the place) and a biiiig second baby, plus a lot of stress, and I really hate how my body currently is. It's tough. :(

I think I'm currently somewhere between 150-155 lbs. I'm not sure exactly. We have an electronic scale that says not to use if you're pregnant for some reason. At peak condition a couple years ago, I was 135 lbs at 5'11". I had pretty much been that weight since high school. I was actually once around 165 lbs, but I dropped about 30 lbs when I was 18.

And see why I NEVER want to be pregnant? xP There just seems to be way more bad things about it than good, and so many things I'd be afraid of happening (which is a reason for my pregnancy phobia. All the stuff involved that I'm REALLY afraid of). The good being that you get a "bundle of joy" to love and all.

Yeah, I think the good generally outweighs the bad, but it can do a number on the brain. I think the mental changes are harder than the physical, to be honest.

I had always wanted to experience pregnancy. Then I had awful pregnancies and I was done after one day, haha.

I had a second kid because I didn't want an only child, but I was dreading being pregnant again (one reason for a 3 year gap!).

Ever since I was little, I always wanted to have a big family. I actually went through a period when I was worried that I'd never find someone and get to have kids of my own. I think we'll shoot for around four kids, but that's not written in stone. We're planning to pace them 2-3 years apart. I also didn't want to have my son be an only child. I went through periods when I didn't really have a lot of friends, but I always had my sister to play with, and I couldn't imagine trying to grow up without her.

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Boring update time.

Weighed in at 154 lbs today with blood pressure of 100/68 mmHg and heart rate of 80. Doing pretty healthy. Either I grew an inch or they were generous measuring 6 feet tall, though.

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Dang, can't believe I haven't shown up to say congrats. While not a woman or a parent, I can understand the joys and tribulations of being a caretaker and having a little munchkin join the pack since I'm the eldest out of nine (four siblings and five cousins) that I used to have to baby sit on an almost daily basis until I was old enough to start working. I'd love to have a huge family one day as well, but that's more up to my (hopefully) eventual wife than me since she's the one who will have to go through the harder process. Still, your little boy is adorable and I wish him good health and prosperity alongside the new blessing coming your way.

Maybe in a way I'm kinda like a pre-marriage male version of you if that makes sense and from I've read I can easily relate to the stuff not pertaining specifically to gender. My brothers made it fun even if it got hellish at some point so I want my future kid to have a sibling if they aren't so socially adept.

In any case, glad to see everything's okay and hey if you grew taller that's great too.

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Dang, can't believe I haven't shown up to say congrats. While not a woman or a parent, I can understand the joys and tribulations of being a caretaker and having a little munchkin join the pack since I'm the eldest out of nine (four siblings and five cousins) that I used to have to baby sit on an almost daily basis until I was old enough to start working. I'd love to have a huge family one day as well, but that's more up to my (hopefully) eventual wife than me since she's the one who will have to go through the harder process. Still, your little boy is adorable and I wish him good health and prosperity alongside the new blessing coming your way.

Maybe in a way I'm kinda like a pre-marriage male version of you if that makes sense and from I've read I can easily relate to the stuff not pertaining specifically to gender. My brothers made it fun even if it got hellish at some point so I want my future kid to have a sibling if they aren't so socially adept.

In any case, glad to see everything's okay and hey if you grew taller that's great too.

Thanks, although I think I've been done growing for a while now. It's hard enough to find clothes my size, sometimes, especially shoes. :P

I think it's great that you want to have kids and a nice big, family. We need more good fathers in the world, and I think the bond between father and child is just as important as with the mother.

Just make sure your Zanarkand qualities don't get the best of you, we don't need another Jecht-Tidus relationship on our hands. :D

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Yeah, I think the good generally outweighs the bad, but it can do a number on the brain. I think the mental changes are harder than the physical, to be honest.

Really? Between morning sickness, the annoyance of having to sleep on your side, epidurals, labor pains, and childbirth pains?

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Really? Between morning sickness, the annoyance of having to sleep on your side, epidurals, labor pains, and childbirth pains?

Really. I can handle pain and being sick. It's when I start getting depressed for no good reason or mood swingy that really bothers me.

I've always been a side sleeper for the most part anyway.

EDIT: Nice Ike avatar, by the way

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Boring update time.

Weighed in at 154 lbs today with blood pressure of 100/68 mmHg and heart rate of 80. Doing pretty healthy. Either I grew an inch or they were generous measuring 6 feet tall, though.

Nice!!! My blood pressure was always on the high side during pregnancy. Fortunately it was never in the danger zone, and I avoided induction.

My son was born with a good head of hair, too. My daughter was a baldie. It's unusual for red heads to be born with a lot of hair! :)

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Nice!!! My blood pressure was always on the high side during pregnancy. Fortunately it was never in the danger zone, and I avoided induction.

My son was born with a good head of hair, too. My daughter was a baldie. It's unusual for red heads to be born with a lot of hair! :)

My blood pressure's always been on the low side. I've gotten turned away from donating blood a couple times because it was too low. My blood is O-, so I used to get calls from the blood bank begging for donations all the time.

Yeah, my son's hair was red when he was born, but it's gotten yellower as he's grown. I wonder what color it's going to be when he grows up. He certainly didn't get the birth hair from me. I was pretty much bald when I was born.

Speaking of hair color, funny story a few years ago, I donated my hair to Locks of Love and the girls there were really excited about getting my hair.

Them: Is this your real color? You didn't dye it or anything?

Me: Yeah, that's mine. A bit oily, but all natural.

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My sister has strawberry blonde hair and my mom would get strangers crossing the road to ask to touch it. And this is in the UK where it's not even that unusual!

I bet your hair made someone's day!

(BTW I visited your profile earlier and we have the same first name).

Really? Between morning sickness, the annoyance of having to sleep on your side, epidurals, labor pains, and childbirth pains?

I mentioned that I hate pregnancy, but really, the year after giving birth is possibly the hardest for me for both mental and physical reasons.

Also my birth with my son was great, I mean yes, it was painful, but it was also a very positive experience. :)

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My sister has strawberry blonde hair and my mom would get strangers crossing the road to ask to touch it. And this is in the UK where it's not even that unusual!

I bet your hair made someone's day!

(BTW I visited your profile earlier and we have the same first name).

Oh really? That's neat, the first name, that is. Rachel seems to have peaked in popularity during the 80's and has been dropping since then.

I've got both Irish and Scottish blood, so that's probably where the red hair comes from.

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Well, I simply can't take so much pain. It would just be unbearable.

And Rezzy, thanks, it's RD Ike's official Cipher art. <3

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Well, I simply can't take so much pain. It would just be unbearable.

And Rezzy, thanks, it's RD Ike's official Cipher art. <3

It's painful, but the body releases so many hormones that you can strangely be euphoric after the whole experience. Every woman's different, though. I had a friend who was born in a toilet, because the whole labor was so quick, her mom didn't even realize it was time.

Here's my little guy. His current hair color is about this...


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Yes; I felt amazing after my son's birth. But I had an epidural with my daughter (my son was born at home) and felt pretty crappy after that.

And Leo's hair is a similar color to Niko's at the moment. :)


That was a couple of months ago, but shows his eye color/hair color well.

It's this length now:


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