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I am abusing leanne


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Well, if you have to abuse, go to 40.

Abuse ftl, though.

And Reyson and Rafiel are much better.

Leanne=My fav FE character besides elincia so Leanne>Rafiel and Reyson.

and its part 2 chapter 1 (the cave)

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Leanne=My fav FE character besides elincia so Leanne>Rafiel and Reyson.

and its part 2 chapter 1 (the cave)

That may be your opinion on the character, but there's no way in hell she beats those two in any way. ._.

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I went all the way to 40, but I had paragon, it took me 352 turns. But I get all the herons to 40, and then take the best in the tower, which is usually Reyson for me, I took Rafiel once. But Leanne's just never worth the time for me.....=/

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I went all the way to 40, but I had paragon, it took me 352 turns. But I get all the herons to 40, and then take the best in the tower, which is usually Reyson for me, I took Rafiel once. But Leanne's just never worth the time for me.....=/


That may be your opinion on the character, but there's no way in hell she beats those two in any way. ._.

Ok and end it here. I dont wanna see Tino or SS running in here. I said i like her which is opinion. Lets leave it at that. (I may use reyson too but not rafiel. No way in hell)

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I enjoy the challenge that Leanne brings with her.

For me the Herons always turn out essentially the same, so I usually take Leanne for the support with Naesala.

But if we throw away personal effects, Reyson is probably the best. Give him Laguz gems, stones, and Olvi grass and he's as useful as Rafiel, he doesn't have the crippling effect of not being able to move anywhere, and he has the boost from RD.

Statisitically Id say Reyson>Leanne>Rafiel.

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And Reyson and Rafiel are much better.

I wouldn't say that. I haven't had Rafiel at level 40, but when I had both Reyson and Leanne at that level, Leanne had better Magic, Luck and Magic Resistance than Reyson. So Leanne had better Dodge.

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I enjoy the challenge that Leanne brings with her.

For me the Herons always turn out essentially the same, so I usually take Leanne for the support with Naesala.

But if we throw away personal effects, Reyson is probably the best. Give him Laguz gems, stones, and Olvi grass and he's as useful as Rafiel, he doesn't have the crippling effect of not being able to move anywhere, and he has the boost from RD.

Statisitically Id say Reyson>Leanne>Rafiel.

Give Rafiel Celerity and he's as useful as the other Herons. It's not like Tormod's going to use it. xP

Reyson > Rafiel > Leanne

I wouldn't say that. I haven't had Rafiel at level 40, but when I had both Reyson and Leanne at that level, Leanne had better Magic, Luck and Magic Resistance than Reyson. So Leanne had better Dodge.

Yet Magic is complete useless for a Heron, and (by those statistics) Reyson should have higher Speed and Defense, making him better against those oh-so-common physical units that may attack him. Also, your Herons shouldn't be attacked. :| Reyson, when transformed, has 1 extra movement than Leanne, as will Rafiel with Celerity. Reyson and Rafiel can both bless 4 people at the same time, which Leanne can not.

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I'd rather give Celerity to someone else. I usually give it to Volke. Plus Rafiel still can't fly. Leanne and Reyson aren't restricted by walls and gaps and stuff.

Plus Rafiel is still a lame dude.

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Yet Magic is complete useless for a Heron, and (by those statistics) Reyson should have higher Speed and Defense, making him better against those oh-so-common physical units that may attack him. Also, your Herons shouldn't be attacked. :| Reyson, when transformed, has 1 extra movement than Leanne, as will Rafiel with Celerity. Reyson and Rafiel can both bless 4 people at the same time, which Leanne can not.

Heh, Magic is NOT useless for the herons, since they can heal adjected units with it.

And as long as you keep the herons out of fights, they won't need either defence nor speed.

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Give Rafiel Celerity and he's as useful as the other Herons. It's not like Tormod's going to use it. xP

Reyson > Rafiel > Leanne

Yet Magic is complete useless for a Heron, and (by those statistics) Reyson should have higher Speed and Defense, making him better against those oh-so-common physical units that may attack him. Also, your Herons shouldn't be attacked. :| Reyson, when transformed, has 1 extra movement than Leanne, as will Rafiel with Celerity. Reyson and Rafiel can both bless 4 people at the same time, which Leanne can not.

You could always give them a Daemon for magic, My Reyson got 4 kills. XD

And no Masu. It has nothing to do with the fact that she's a girl, I really don't use her because she can only sing for up to 2 people, Which is inconvenient for me.

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if you're going to aboose of her, go all the way.

she ends up being a HUGE help in Endgame 2 if you manage to get her to learn the healing galdr, plus she'll be really hard to hit by the enemies if you decide to take risks, with her insanely high luck.

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if you're going to aboose of her, go all the way.

she ends up being a HUGE help in Endgame 2 if you manage to get her to learn the healing galdr, plus she'll be really hard to hit by the enemies if you decide to take risks, with her insanely high luck.

I love Leanne's luck, its awesome

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I'd rather give Celerity to someone else. I usually give it to Volke. Plus Rafiel still can't fly. Leanne and Reyson aren't restricted by walls and gaps and stuff.

Plus Rafiel is still a lame dude.

Volke doesn't need Celerity. He has the same amount of movement as most other units. Rafiel, on the other hand, needs to be everywhere at once.

Heh, Magic is NOT useless for the herons, since they can heal adjected units with it.

And as long as you keep the herons out of fights, they won't need either defence nor speed.

That's what we have healing units for. ;)

That's my point. Leanne lags behind the other Herons in terms of usefulness.

You could always give them a Daemon for magic, My Reyson got 4 kills. XD

And no Masu. It has nothing to do with the fact that she's a girl, I really don't use her because she can only sing for up to 2 people, Which is inconvenient for me.

But that's still pretty useless. It's not like you can counterattack.

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Transformed Reyson actually has durability, unlike the other two. He has good spd for not getting doubled and for avoid, and he has decent hp/def. And he has +2 move over Leanne, 3 over Rafiel.

For Leanne vs Rafiel.... Having neither flying nor canto and also having losing move by 1 when transformed is bad, but getting all 4 allies is nice. Hm. I dunno which is better overall, but Rafiel is better for more flat open maps, and Leanne better for maps with various obstacles since those obstacles both impede Rafiel's movement and make it harder to get all four tiles. I haven't gotten to endgame 4 or 5 yet, but 1-3 are pretty open, so Rafiel wins there.

Edited by Reikken
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