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About to start Fates. Anything particular I should know?


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More specifically anything that's DRASTICALLY different from all other FE entries. I've played all but 1, 2, 3, so... I just want to know specific details that will be unknown to do some research about it. I want to go as blind as possible into it, so I don't want to browse the entire wiki in risk of spoilers or something.

Also if any of these things are present please tell me, I'd love it:

  • Terrain Differences FE10
  • Multiple win conditions including defending, kill count, etc FE10
  • Japanese voice option (In in México, but I think we're NTSC, so...)
  • Halberdier or similar FE9-10
  • Nephenee (Just kidding, I'd love her, tough)
  • Special content if you own both copies (digital or physical)
  • Multiple armies FE10 FE8 FE2
  • Special Interactions FE10
  • Kills per unit screen at the end

Things I hope are not in the game are underwhelming storylines, stereotypical protagonists, the Viktor and other weird dude twins, and god. damn. Jagens.

I do love FE10, so sorry if I sound like I just want the gam to be FE10, I don't really, but that game was so unique. Also, I'm getting both copies on physical and plan on getting Revelations if it's already available on Mexico, which it should be.

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You're stuck with English, no terrain difference, multiple/varied win conditions are only in Conquest, Halberdier is here different name though, you can get bonus items in my castle for having more than one route, and Special interactions. I thought battle count was standard in every FE.

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- Birthright almost all chapters are Rout the Enemy. Conquest has much more variety (although my playstyle means I rout everything anyway) but it has a Defend chapter that's probably better than 3-13 of FE10. The rest of the game has excellent gameplay and difficult. Birthright, depending on your experience with the series, can be easy.

- Spear Fighter/Master (the Lancer/Halberdier) is a Birthright exclusive class, although your avatar can choose it in the character creation. Through marriage and the use of a Partner Seal, you can make your spouse become one as well, and your child inherits it too even if you choose Conquest.

- I love Nephenee too.

- Special content goes to extra save slots, extra rewards (like 2 Dread Fighter Scrolls, etc).

- Multiple armies: Birthright and Conquest have characters exclusive to them, with a few shared characters. In BR you will fight and kill the characters you played with in Conquest, and vice-versa.

- Special Interactions FE10: Don't remember what those are, but the third path joins everyone from both sides in one big group similar to part 4 of FE10.

- Kill per unit... I think there are number of battles and victories, I'm guessing victories are kills.

- In Birthright you can battle outside the main story, like in Awakening or Sacred Stones. You also gain EXP in other player's castles and from DLC. Even farm a bit of gold.

In Conquest there's no such thing. You can only gain EXP through the main story and it's paralogues and the dedicated EXP DLC. Nothing else will give you EXP or Weapon Ranks.

- Things you don't want: Conquest have an atrocious story. Birthright is more coeherent, but nothing memorable either so far (I'm at chapter 21). Haven't played Revelations yet.

The villains are cartoonish evil. The protagonist in decent in Birthright and a complete moron in Conquest. Also is a big Gary Stu (unique transformation, unique sword, unique ears, etc).

There's a Jagen and he's older and worse than Jagen. You can even marry him too!

I think the twin weird dudes reappear, but in DLC I think.

Edited by Lanko
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I really really wish Halberdiers were here. I mean based on stats I suppose they're here but I just liked the PoR and RD designs more.

Yea, me too. I wanted a more "knightly" appearance as well. Oboro looks cool, but so far the only one.

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If you'd like, you can choose 'Spear Fighter' as your talent in character creation, and make a lady Halberdier of your own.

Expecting this game to mimic the art style of your favorite game is going a litle overboard, though. Did you look up any of the art for this game? It's a clear hodgepodge of early Japanese and European-style designs. The music is the same way, and it's pretty awesome. Perhaps top 5 for FE soundtracks.

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Conquest's maps are fun, if sometimes annoying. It is rather hard, even on Normal. It's defend chapter is still easier than FE10 3-13 IMO because you actually have an averagely good team (unlike the perpetually underleveled Dawn Brigade). Birthright was ridiculously easy (the only time I had problems on Hard is when I Leroy Jenkinsed the last two levels.) All of its chapters are Rout or kill boss (maybe a few seizes). Revelations is generally Rout the Enemy or beat boss, but there are sometimes other interesting things (on one of the first chapters, there's darkness that operates like locked rooms from earlier games. There are some other interesting mechanics as well).

For seize levels, anyone can do it and not just your lord.

None of the maps have the elemental affinity things from FE10 if that's what you meant. Terrain is still there, of course, and there are some new ones.

The credits have Battles and Victories, but don't record losses. Also they can't be seen mid-game.

I don't know if the few bonus items are available if you have physical copies of Birthright and Conquest, but its cheaper to get the other path as DLC, so unless you're SD card isn't big enough, its probably better to get it as DLC.

There are not multiple armies. You recruit different units in the first two paths, and almost all of them are available in Revelations. They are never split up mid-game like in FE10. It just means you have more units to let rot on the back burners of your roster.

The music is good. The story is average in both of the first two paths (IMO, but others seem to dislike Conquest a lot. I haven't finished Revelations yet.)

Reclassing is here again, but be warned that units don't change level when they reclass (there are level cap upgrade items to compensate). Its obvious if you read the description, but I didn't on my first playthrough and had problems as a result.

The normal level cap is still 20 except for non-promoting classes and Felicia and Jakob (the pre-promoted healers you start with depending on your avatar gender.) Their base level cap is 40.

Main issues: The Jeigan is really bad. Don't use him unless it can't be avoided. Other characters have flaws as well, but he tops them all.

The protagonist is frustratingly standard. There are different twins, but they only appear briefly once in a Paralogue and in the dialogue for the gold DLC.

And sadly, no Neph.

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I suggest you make your own opinion of the story before you let what other people think of the plot color your view.

Regarding your other questions, I think the other members did a good job on that front.

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Pretty hard to go into a game without preconceived notions when you're actively seeking them before you've had a chance to play. I don't see why we can't just be frank about admitting the story being a source of mass controversy, especially when every other thread is still talking about it.

I know you didn't quote me or anything, but that was a pretty clear callout.

Edited by Inference
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More specifically anything that's DRASTICALLY different from all other FE entries. I've played all but 1, 2, 3, so... I just want to know specific details that will be unknown to do some research about it. I want to go as blind as possible into it, so I don't want to browse the entire wiki in risk of spoilers or something.

Also if any of these things are present please tell me, I'd love it:

  • Terrain Differences FE10
  • Multiple win conditions including defending, kill count, etc FE10 (Most Chapters in Birthright are Rout's, but in general are much better designed than Awakening. Conquest's Maps are much more varied and feature Escape, Defend and Seize objectives among others. Revelation's Maps are much more gimmick driven and usually end with Seizing a certain point)
  • Japanese voice option (In in México, but I think we're NTSC, so...) (English only I'm afraid)
  • Halberdier or similar FE9-10 (The Spear Fighter Class tree and it's Promotions are essentially that.)
  • Nephenee (Just kidding, I'd love her, tough) (You can make a female Corrin with Teal hair and a Spear Fighter Talent ;))
  • Special content if you own both copies (digital or physical) (You get access to some cool Promotion Items that let you use Dread Fighter and Dark Flier depending on how many Paths you own digitally. You get all of them if you own the Special Edition.)
  • Multiple armies FE10 FE8 FE2 (Sort of? None in the same story, but each Route has certain characters exclusive to it. Think of Revelation like Act 4 of RD, where you can use anyone)
  • Special Interactions FE10 (Not quite sure what you mean.)
  • Kills per unit screen at the end (It's a standard FE thing, but yes, you see kills during the credits)

Things I hope are not in the game are underwhelming storylines (Ayy!), stereotypical protagonists (Ayyy!), the Viktor and other weird dude twins (Ayyyy!), and god. damn. Jagens (Ayyyyy!).

I do love FE10, so sorry if I sound like I just want the gam to be FE10, I don't really, but that game was so unique. Also, I'm getting both copies on physical and plan on getting Revelations if it's already available on Mexico, which it should be.

Responses are in parenthesis. Hope you have fun!

Edited by Avalanche
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  • Special content if you own both copies (digital or physical)

Also, I'm getting both copies on physical and plan on getting Revelations if it's already available on Mexico, which it should be.

I don't think anyone mentioned it, but you won't get the path bonuses if it's 2 different physical copies, you have to buy one and get the other 2 as DLC (Revelations is DLC only anyway though). There's bonuses for having 2 of the paths and some others for having all 3.

Edited by Ehrzeth
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You're stuck with English, no terrain difference, multiple/varied win conditions are only in Conquest, Halberdier is here different name though, you can get bonus items in my castle for having more than one route, and Special interactions. I thought battle count was standard in every FE.

I really only remember battle count FE8 onwards, but I might be wrong, thanks for the answer!

Fates probably has the worst story of any Fire Emblem game. Don't expect much on that front.

Oh boy, lol. I keep my hopes up for at least some interesting character interactions, maybe some cool moments

- Birthright almost all chapters are Rout the Enemy. Conquest has much more variety (although my playstyle means I rout everything anyway) but it has a Defend chapter that's probably better than 3-13 of FE10. The rest of the game has excellent gameplay and difficult. Birthright, depending on your experience with the series, can be easy.

- Spear Fighter/Master (the Lancer/Halberdier) is a Birthright exclusive class, although your avatar can choose it in the character creation. Through marriage and the use of a Partner Seal, you can make your spouse become one as well, and your child inherits it too even if you choose Conquest.

- I love Nephenee too.

- Special content goes to extra save slots, extra rewards (like 2 Dread Fighter Scrolls, etc).

- Multiple armies: Birthright and Conquest have characters exclusive to them, with a few shared characters. In BR you will fight and kill the characters you played with in Conquest, and vice-versa.

- Special Interactions FE10: Don't remember what those are, but the third path joins everyone from both sides in one big group similar to part 4 of FE10.

- Kill per unit... I think there are number of battles and victories, I'm guessing victories are kills.

- In Birthright you can battle outside the main story, like in Awakening or Sacred Stones. You also gain EXP in other player's castles and from DLC. Even farm a bit of gold.

In Conquest there's no such thing. You can only gain EXP through the main story and it's paralogues and the dedicated EXP DLC. Nothing else will give you EXP or Weapon Ranks.

- Things you don't want: Conquest have an atrocious story. Birthright is more coeherent, but nothing memorable either so far (I'm at chapter 21). Haven't played Revelations yet.

The villains are cartoonish evil. The protagonist in decent in Birthright and a complete moron in Conquest. Also is a big Gary Stu (unique transformation, unique sword, unique ears, etc).

There's a Jagen and he's older and worse than Jagen. You can even marry him too!

I think the twin weird dudes reappear, but in DLC I think.

Yeah a lot of people here agree in that Conquest's story is really bad. Long live Nepehenee, death to all Jagens.

If you'd like, you can choose 'Spear Fighter' as your talent in character creation, and make a lady Halberdier of your own.

Expecting this game to mimic the art style of your favorite game is going a litle overboard, though. Did you look up any of the art for this game? It's a clear hodgepodge of early Japanese and European-style designs. The music is the same way, and it's pretty awesome. Perhaps top 5 for FE soundtracks.

Same opinion here. I got really tired of the GBA FE games having all the same sprites real quick, ,and got pretty happy when FE13 changed the design of classes a little bit, so hopefully art style delivers, haven't research for it yet, tough, I'll wait till I can play the game. And I do appreciate sincerity when stating your opinions, I think we all know FE tends to be a little lackluster story wise.

I don't think anyone mentioned it, but you won't get the path bonuses if it's 2 different physical copies, you have to buy one and get the other 2 as DLC (Revelations is DLC only anyway though). There's bonuses for having 2 of the paths and some others for having all 3.

This is interesting tough. Didn't knew that. I was hoping to get the special edition but I didn't had money at the time, so, basically, could I just sell one of the copies I get and just purchase it digitally, along with Revelations? I guess I should. I got them physical cause I get nerd boners when I see all my game boxes neat and ordered but oh well.

Also, for all, by Special Interactions I mean when for example you could make Ike battle the BK and it triggers special cutscenes which involve Soren, and then he or Ranulf will leave with Ike, etc. Those kind of interactions.

Thank you all for answering, I got some nice insight and expectations, just really wanna play now, freakin' slow Amazon.

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Also, for all, by Special Interactions I mean when for example you could make Ike battle the BK and it triggers special cutscenes which involve Soren, and then he or Ranulf will leave with Ike, etc. Those kind of interactions.

As far as I know, there's nothing nearly that involved or significant, but I think there's at least one case of defeating a certain boss with a specific character triggering extra dialogue. And of course, it has the usual pre-battle boss conversations that sometimes vary based on the character.

I disagree with Fates' story being the worst of the series (and Conquest's being the worst of Fates), but... that horse has been beaten well to Risenhood and back already. I thought it had problems but none of them ruined it for me, so your mileage will vary, I guess.

Two major gameplay changes you should know: weapons now have infinite durability (but staves and items still don't), and the pair up system works differently from Awakening's, and enemies can make use of it too. In a nutshell, characters get stat boosts and are protected from some attacks if they're paired up in the same space, and if they're standing next to each other, the support partner will instead support with an attack in every combat . A character can only benefit from one form of support at a time, and defense takes priority over offense.

Also, if you're going to play Conquest: pay attention to enemy skills and weapons. Most of that game's difficulty comes from tricky enemy placement and skill distribution, and it's easy to lose a character because you forgot some detail. Birthright and Revelation are more straightforward in their difficulty.

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For spoilers sake, I'd rather not research this, right? I'm planning on going female MU, btw, so... Idk if that matters

You probably want to avoid looking into it if you want to avoid spoilers, yeah. The gender of your MU doesn't matter, though.

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Good tip: A rank support with Kaze with MU. What happens if you don't, may not be to your liking.

For spoilers sake, I'd rather not research this, right? I'm planning on going female MU, btw, so... Idk if that matters

You only have to worry about this in Birthright. And it doesn't matter if it's female/male MU.

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I'm sure this was said before but as far as terrain differences go, I think there are, they added a new mechanic to the game that has to do with terrain and personalky I love it :) it adds more strategy to the game.

And yes, Kaze is best husband!!!

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