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Does Fire emblem hate old people?


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Im kinda new to the Fire emblem games (not the franchise tho) and one thing ive noticed when looking into the older games, whenever you recruit an old person, they start off a monster then kinda suck real quick. Especially in Fates where we get Reina (ok not that old but you see some wrinkles near her mouth), Gunter and Shura. outa the 3, Shura was the only one i used and thats b/c he has a niche of being both a healer and a bow user. I used Reina a lil bit but after a few lvls with only a skill or 2 raising, i tossed her aside for scarlet in birthright. And then theirs Gunter. I really like Gunter, hes a power house who could handle the first few chapters on his own. Then he eventually he gets replaced by Rinkah, Benny, Silas, ect.

So besides slapping aptitiude on them to bandaid their aweful growths, is their anyway to make them useful?

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Don't know about that... While I agree with the recruitable characters, some NPCs or the villains are old and extremely powerful.

Gharnef, Nergal, Vigarde, Valter, the priest enemy from FE8, Ike's father, Deghinsea, Validar, Walhart, Garon, etc.

There's Athos for the player, but I guess he would be an exception for... special circumstances. I think Gunter should have at least more SKL,but I'm ok with the rest of the stats.

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Gunter is a Jagan, and his excuse for being the worst character in the game is that he is old.

Reina is one of those units who starts promoted and has all the benefits of a promoted unit, but once you begin promoting all of your other units they begin to fall behind others.

Shura has the benefit of, for the most part, being a unit who joins with stats that reflect a 20/## unit, unlike Reina and Gunter.

Gunter has literally no long-term viability. Early on he has a few benefits as mentioned, but once he is removed you don't miss him. Felicia and Jakob have just as good Avatar support skills, and their growths aren't atrocious.

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Im kinda new to the Fire emblem games (not the franchise tho) and one thing ive noticed when looking into the older games, whenever you recruit an old person, they start off a monster then kinda suck real quick. Especially in Fates where we get Reina (ok not that old but you see some wrinkles near her mouth), Gunter and Shura. outa the 3, Shura was the only one i used and thats b/c he has a niche of being both a healer and a bow user. I used Reina a lil bit but after a few lvls with only a skill or 2 raising, i tossed her aside for scarlet in birthright. And then theirs Gunter. I really like Gunter, hes a power house who could handle the first few chapters on his own. Then he eventually he gets replaced by Rinkah, Benny, Silas, ect.

So besides slapping aptitiude on them to bandaid their aweful growths, is their anyway to make them useful?

Gunter - He's not a growth unit, so don't count on it. He does make an excellent pair-up bot, and can snipe things with a Javelin if you absolutely need it.

Reina - Her HP growth isn't that bad (relatively speaking), her Strength/Skill are on par with Hinoka, and everything else. . .yeesh. She's got Ninja in her class set, so she can attempt to do something about her bad Skill growth. I'd probably run her as a Master Ninja with Poison Strike/Rend Heaven/Warding Blow/Shurikenfaire/Replicate, and have her murder mages.

Shura - Sexy Speed mod is sexy. Unfortunately, his growths are highly questionable. You can either take advantage of his Speed, and turn him into a questionable 'zerker (Heavy Blade, Aggressor, Axefaire, Gamble, Sol), or use his personal ability to its fullest, and make a long-ranged nightmare (Master Ninja with Shurikenfaire, Heavy Blade, Aggressor, Lucky 7, Poison Strike).

Yukimura - Dude's got nothing but Skill to his name. Maybe he can be a semi-terrible Ballistician, and attempt to gouge things with Life or Death? Regardless, his class set is all sorts of weird. My headcanon is that he marries Reina, and they have a kid that has not-sucky growths.

Fuga - His growths are better than Gunter, but it's still pretty bad. I guess you can make an idiotic Swordmaster build with Swordfaire, Deathblow, Magic Counter, Astra/Aether, and Renewal? Not too fond of having him use Vantage, due to awful Def/Res growths.

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Isn't this kind of realistic though? As much as I find a lot of Fire Emblem characters to be improbably young, most of them are in (or at least nearing) the physical prime of their lives while characters like Gunter, Reina ETC are over the hill in terms of physical performance. I mean shit, most professional sports players are considered to be past their prime by the time they hit mid-30's and it seems to me like Reina, Yukimura and Fuga would be somewhere in their fourties while Gunter is easily 50+.

Edited by Phillius
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Reina's growths aren't terrible, but starting as a promo class usually is a bad sign.

I wouldn't say it's a bad sign to be prepromote.

The list of good prepromotes is actually pretty long.

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Fire Emblem is actually ridiculously kind to old units since they start useful and have several niche that make them amazing in the long run, and the historically strong figure tend to be old

Which is cool because hey are living to the old man Wendell legacy, and Wendell is probably one of the most broken FE unit of all time to the point that he went through 4 games and is nerfed consecutively in all of them

Seriously the only unit that i think IS hated as much as Wendell is Marth

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If we're bringing up units from other games, I have to say Niime (FE6 Druid) was pretty awesome; sure, she has terrible growths, but she's nearly capped in terms of levels and her bases are good enough to last her for the rest of the game.

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Niime has a pretty awesome A rank staves

Athos is the Fire Dragon killer.

Never used Duessel

...Did FE9/10 even have recruitable old guys? Besides Centuries old Laguz and branded.

Wendell blows.

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Wendell only blows in like Shadow Dragon H5 (and beyond). He's reasonably useful in the original NES/SNES games, or even Shadow Dragon on the lower difficulties.

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Jagen sucks, Wendell is god, Boah sucks pegasus ass, Lorenz is kinda ok, Gotoh isn't as good as his archetype, Wallace is pretty shitty, Renault is only pretty good as a staffbot, Athos is god, Duessel can be good, and Basilio is as good as any character in Awakening.

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Wendell wasn't just reasonably useful in NES. He's arguably the second best character

The difference between Wendell and Merric was stupid in a really dumb way

For what it worth Boah is actually better than Merric, because of FE1 being stupid

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Shura's old?

I mean, I never thought he was in his twenties or anything, but I didn't think he looked old... Is it because he has white hair? Then I guess default Corrin is an old man/woman too.

Reina looks like she's in her thirties to me as well.

Edited by Anacybele
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-FE7 Marcus









10 =/= a lot



-almost every prepromote in FE1 actually













-Every member of the Greil Mercenaries in RD if we want to be acurate

-Queen Elincia

And probably more I can't think of right now.

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I don't think people are counting the RD "pre-promotes" since there are so many there. Geoffrey would count in PoR, but he's quite outdone by Titania, Oscar, and Kieran there. And even if RD Geoffrey did count, he sucks for the reason that he has shitty availability.

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Shura's old?

I mean, I never thought he was in his twenties or anything, but I didn't think he looked old... Is it because he has white hair? Then I guess default Corrin is an old man/woman too.

Reina looks like she's in her thirties to me as well.

I think "oldER" would be a good term. Plus I believe there's some dialogue in his supports that, well, supports him being one of the older characters.

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Shura is one of the older characters; I think he has slight laugh lines. While not a definite indicator, some medias use laugh lines around the mouth or eye wrinkles to indicate age or to indicate said character has been through some dookie.

I agree that FE doesn't hate old people. While there are some character that happen to be older and kind of doodoo in stats, there are even more that are older and their stats are golden.

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