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An odd favor


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Ok I have an odd favor to ask. I have been looking for a particular skill for a few hours and haven't been able to find it. I found a user on reddit who had posted a few days ago that they had the skill I wanted so I visited their castle hoping it'd still be there. However I was out of luck. I commented on his post requesting if he'd add it back up and he did! However since I just visited his castle I have to wait 24 hours, and more than likely he will cycle it out before the 24 hours is up.

Could someone by any chance visit his castle, learn the skill I'm after, and then put it on their castle for me to learn from them? I know it's weird but I'm super desperate. Just leave your castle code and I'll give you an accessory!

The castle is 02013-31637-04055-98568 and the skill you'd learn for me is Tomefaire on Caeldori. I really appreciate it!!

I'll visit your castle for a week and give you accessories everyday if you help me out!

Edit: Someone helped me out! Thanks guys!

Edited by flaredare911
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No I did not miss it. In fact I looked all through that thread and didn't find the skill I was looking for. I requested this skill twice and no one has it. I found it elsewhere, but in an attempt to not miss the one chance I have at it, I'm hoping someone could help me out. Hence the separate completely different thread I have created.

Edited by flaredare911
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No I did not miss it. In fact I looked all through that thread and didn't find the skill I was looking for. I requested this skill twice and no one has it. I found it elsewhere, but in an attempt to not miss the one chance I have at it, I'm hoping someone could help me out. Hence the separate completely different thread I have created.

You could have, I don't know, post a request on that thread.

EDIT: Didn't see some of the post; tired.

Edited by Roflolxp54
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I did? Are you even reading my comments? haha. As I said earlier I requested it twice and no one has it. I already found it, now I just need someone to help me out since I can't visit the castle for another 23 hours.

Edited by flaredare911
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Fun fact, if you visit enough other castles (I think it's like 30 something) then the game will start to "forget" its list of castles you've visited, letting you re-visit the earlier ones before the 24-hour rollover. If you're particularly crazy, you could probably visit the same castle 3 times in an hour.

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Fun fact, if you visit enough other castles (I think it's like 30 something) then the game will start to "forget" its list of castles you've visited, letting you re-visit the earlier ones before the 24-hour rollover. If you're particularly crazy, you could probably visit the same castle 3 times in an hour.

Wow I definitely didn't know that! Thanks for the tip!

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Fun fact, if you visit enough other castles (I think it's like 30 something) then the game will start to "forget" its list of castles you've visited, letting you re-visit the earlier ones before the 24-hour rollover. If you're particularly crazy, you could probably visit the same castle 3 times in an hour.

So that's how that works. I've noticed when going back through my accessory log and visiting people, that I'm able to go back and revisit castles in the same sitting.

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