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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Clouds of Malice Gameplay Thread

Moblin Major General

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''Adventure Pouch''?, I said to the Nidoran.

I don't know why but I think I've heard of that thing somewhere.

I look at him and give him a shy nod for ''Yes''.

He left but he told me to stay here.

While I'm eating my apple, I try to remember where did I hear of it.

I don't exactly remember but a while before the disappearance of the humans, my Mom mentionned something about the Mystery Pokémon, that they had Aventure Pouch. My Mom never really liked to share the whole story, she said that I was too young.

Could that Nidoran male be a Mystery Pokémon?

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The Piplup made a point. I gave him a short nod and unsheathed a claw to Scratch the Scatterbug.

"I've got more pressing matters than you. I apologize but I'll make this quick."

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Scatterbug group: They all attack, but your attacks hit home. Those that are not fainted flee. You both may want to talk to each other.

Caterpie: "Hold right there, there are plenty of materials nearby to make you one." Erusea found the rough canvas that his showed him was the perfect texture for the bag. He remembered many things his dad taught him.

"My son, even though we rule a forest kingdom, we have no castle, no subjects, and no allies. We forge a history on the move, with whatever we find in hand."

Erusea shook the thought from his head. This wasn't the time to be sentimental. He needed to get Nym up to the plateau.

"Here. What are you thinking about, kid?"

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I didn't know what to do, should I ask him or not? After all, the story may be just a story made by Mom but still...

The worst that could happen if I tell him is that he'll think I'm a child... I take that back, he probably does considerating my miserable escape attempt. I'm not a child, I'm just not mature yet...

I take a deep breath and ask: ''Are you one of the Mystery Pokémon?''

Edited by Nym
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Watching the Scatterbugs flee, I sigh with relief. In truth, I didn't know if I would survive that; there were a lot of them. Fortunately, I suppose, I had help. Turning to the Espurr, I introduce myself. "What may your name be? I am Prince Phillipe of the Water Empire".

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Mystery Pokemon? Erusea figured he meant Mystery Dungeon explorer. "No, actually. I'm a tribalist, even though my tribesmen probably exist as Ghost Pokémon now. I've heard of Mystery Dungeon explorers, though, so I guess that means I could be one. Come on, we're almost there."

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With a sigh of relief, I turn to Phillipe and say, "Well met Prince Phillipe, I am Zephyr, a courier for Daylight Mail." My mind unable to drift off the yellow coming from the Scatterbug, I turned towards the bush I came from. "I wasn't kidding when I said I have important things to do. Please holler if you see a Pokemon with an unusual yellow whatever on their left side. I'll be back in a moment," I remark over my shoulder.

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While she was initially excited about starting her own adventure, Fi--no Beatrix, she'll have to remember that, started to think this was not such a good idea. She's eaten all the apples she brought from home and while the berries she found were delicious, they weren't quite as filling. She had found a few seeds as well but when she tried to eat one it turned to fire in her mouth. As she was not keen on reliving the experience, she has avoided all seeds since then.

When she arrived at the plateau, she sighed. Another wasteland, she thought grimly. She should have brought a map she realized too late. For all she knew, she might have been travelling in circles. "Well, not much I can do." she said to no one in particular as she started walking around the plateau, getting hungrier with each step

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"Important things?" I ask inquisitively. "What important things, pray tell?" This could be a beneficial ally, I realize. I cannot afford to waste this opportunity.

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While following Mr Nidoran to the plateau (I forgot to ask for his name, silly me), I couldn't stop thinking about the Mystery Pokemon Dungeon explorer.

''Maybe I'll become one of them.'', I said to myself.

Well, no, I don't exactly want to be one, I just want to learn the basics about survival (like having an Adventure Pouch). I will then be able to find Mom and Dad without having to be ''baby-sit'' all the time by a kind stranger.

We reached the plateau, I run forward, I want to show how I'm independant by finding the way I came from.

However, upon arriving on the plateau, I've realized that Mr Nidoran and I are not alone on this plateau.

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"Long story short, I'm here on official business and need to keep searching for another courier. My first and only clue to his whereabouts lie under a tree with a Scatterbug you defeated. I... I'm afraid of what I'll find there after this, but it's my job."

A moment of pure worry silences me, but not for long.

"If you wish to stay out of this, I won't object."

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I shrug. "I have no specific goal here other than to return to my country and thereby prove myself as worthy to inherit the throne. Tagging along with you would be beneficial to that." I hold out one of my flippers. "Partners?"

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My, this turned out quite differently than I expected. Still, I suppose it never hurts to have company out in the wilds.

"For as long as you want." I clasp my paw with Pillipe's flipper. Wow that was an awkward way to accept. :sweatdrop:

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All 4 meet at the top of the plateau. Each side notices Pokémon that aren't the local, feral ones. Even more introductions are in order. Also, there are bountiful resources to begin tasks like clearing roads, building structures, and growing food. But those decisions are up to you.

Beatrix: you come upon a chance meeting between 4 other Pokémon, all males. How will you react?

Edited by Hylian Air Force
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I suppose that now would be a good time to make introductions, wouldn't it? Clearing my throat, I begin. "My name is Crown Prince Phillipe of the Water Empire. My father has sent me out here to gain some experience in the real world, so here I am. I do think we should stick together if we are to survive. This location would make an ideal place for a back of operations. Ah, but I digress." Oh Arceus. I hope I didn't make too much of an ass of myself.

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The pretentious Piplup had already become grating to Erusea. Who was he, an outsider, to command one of, at least how he viewed it, equal status, to make demands of the four of them? Of course, Erusea decided to remain tactful and polite. "A pleasure, most certainly. I am Erusea, leader and survivor of the Regalia tribe. I look forward to working to make this a safe crossroads for many Pokémon." Erusea hid his embarrassment at his poor attempt as stateliness.

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''Erusea...'', I said to myself.

So that's his name.

I think it's my turn to introduce myself. I'll need to hide my shyness as much as possible.

Funny thought, I could've swear that I saw another Pokémon beside those two and us, a minute ago.

Oh well, here goes nothing!

''Happy to meet you, you uhh... Highness. I'm Nym and I'm an... orphan.''

Uhh.... maybe I shouldn't have said that.

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Wandering around, Beth really wasn't going anywhere specific. She had lost her map after being attacked earlier, and she was angry about that. "(If that darn thing hadn't attacked me, I could still find my way to the nearest town...)" She saw the plateau, but initially thought nothing of it. However, she "thought" she saw someone heading up there, so she decided to go and check it out. She began to head up the plateau, preparing herself for anything that could happen.

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"I'm Zephyr. I had only intended to be here for a brief time, but something tells me greater things than one job are in the air. My pleasure to meet you all."

I could feel the same potential in the air as I'm sure the others saw in the land too. But argh! All this socializing was getting in may way at present. I should at least collect the clue I left between those great roots, if nothing else. I knew I'd look anti-social after my next move, but there'd be plenty of time to talk, and the Scatterbug might wake up!

"Excuse me."

I ran to the tree, tuning out of their world back into my own.

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Walking around randomly, Beatrix suddenly found herself at the top of the plateau. She immediately notices that she's not alone there, seeing 4 other Pokemon a little further ahead, though it looks like they haven't noticed her yet. Hiding behind a rock, she remembered her brother's stories about feral Pokemon and how they will attack anyone they come across, Beatrix was excited at the thought of meeting one back then, but now she's not so sure.

And yet when she looks at them again, they don't look like the feral Pokemon her brother mentioned. She saw one of them introduce himself and then another who left soon after. Feral Pokemon shouldn't talk, right? As she was pondering on it, her stomach began to growl. That must have pushed away all the doubts from her mind as she stepped forward, and introduced herself a little loudly to grab their attention "Hi, I'm Beatrix." She always wanted to say that. "Do any of you have some food you can share?" She might have sounded rude, but at the moment she's too hungry to care.

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Zephyr is a loner, it seems. Ah well. He'll come around eventually. Turninbg to the newcomer, I say "Unfortunately, we do not yet have food, but there is an abundance of resources in the area. Right then. The first order of business, I'd say, is to collect food. Nym, that's on you, please. Erusea, you and Zephyr begin constructing shelter. Beatrix, I guess collect food if you want, but depending on how hungry you are you can rest. I'll supervise."

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"For the record, 'Your Majesty', I must put you on notice that although you may be educated in many things, that doesn't mean you make all the rules. Once I'm done building, we'll have to sit down and make rules that ALL of us will follow. As it stands, however, I see no reason not to do as you say." Erusea held his hand to his face, realizing that he may very well have angered Phillipe.

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''Food? I'm on it!''

With my brand new Adventure Pouch that Erusea made for me, this will be a piece of cake to do.

I look at Beatrix, I could've ask if she wants to collect food with me, but I guess if she wants to rest...

I'm also happy to know that she's a girl because when I arrived in the forest (and before I got attacked by those Caterpies), I bumped into a non-feral Zangosse by accident. When I apologized, I said ''Sir'', the Zangosse became angry and tried to attack me. I panicked and used Quick Attack on her instead of just running away, she fell and her map flied into in my face, I ran away without being able to see anything. I was very happy that there was only a clear road before the forest, otherwise... yea.

I really have a big issue with recognizing a pokémon gender at first sight. If someone is something like a Pikachu, I can easily recognize if it's a boy and girl, thanks to the tail shape but others... not so easy.

Anyway, now that I learned (thanks to Erusea again) that apples are better than berries for filling your stomach. I'll collect a lot of apples and a little bit of berries.

While I was gathering apples, I found Zephyr, he seems to be busy with some kind of bug pokémon, I didn't say hi, I wasn't sure if that was a good idea to disturb him.

I wasn't sure how much food we need but, I suppose until the bag is completely full would be a good start.

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