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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Clouds of Malice Gameplay Thread

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"Rules?" I reply, huffing as I do so. "These aren't rules, they're suggestions, and good ones, it appears. As for rules, yes, we definitely should make them. Let's sort this out after we construct a suitable headquarters, however; it wouldn't be prudent to have arguments force us to sleep outside." This one had a mouth on him, certainly.

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Erusea knew better than to call blatant commands "suggestions." He wasn't about to let Phillipe prattle on as he did on trivial matters. "Hey, Phillipe. Since your so eager to tell Daddy about your progress in uncharted territory, why don't you build a Pelipper Post Office and send him a letter? On a more serious note, I would actually like you to do that, because you might be the only one here that still has parents."

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"He'd just tell me to do my own work," I reply regretfully. "But I suppose we could easily build one to contact others. Very well, that does sound useful." I begin to gather wood to build the post office.

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After finally extracting the clue, I placed it with the letters I was carrying. I'd examine it at bedtime. For now I knew my role and saw a log ripe for construction. I focused all my psychic energy I had on moving it, but ultimately only got it 5 yards or so. Drat, this is why I always get the desk jobs. I did my best to drag it back to the clearing, even if progress was extremely slow.

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''My bag is so heavy, I gathered a lot of foods, I hope everyone will like it!''


''Huh? What is that noice?''

The noice was so powerful, I had to cover my ears with my paws and I closed my eyes.

When I opened my eyes, the bag was no longer here.

''Where did my bag go?'', I asked to myself.

''Wait a second, I remember this place.''

It was still the same forest but eveything has like a little bit of white... like something you would see in a dream. This is exactly the same thing as the last time.

A dreamworld?

Did the noise was so poweful, it made me go unconscious? I wish I had Soundproof...

Oh well, as long as I'm here, I'll explore a little bit. I just hope someone on the team will wake me up, would be a shame if we lose all this good food.

Edited by Nym
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Erusea heard the a sonic boom coming from the direction Nym was going. "Sweet Arceus of Coronet! You two, finish up. I don't think we're quite done with the feral Pokemon yet." Erusea tracked Nym's footprints and found him close to the base of the plateau, once again unconscious. He then looked up from where he was and found a Zangoose fighting off about 5 Ledyba at once. That's probably where the sound came from. Whoever they are, they probably can't think clearly due to how many Supersonics they took at once. Erusea entered the fray alongside it. "I don't know who you are, but I'm going to get you somewhere safe. As long as you stop flailing around, we can come out relatively unhurt. Alright?"

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The Ledyba that was hit flew into the other Ledyba, who all flew in Erusea's direction. With the tip of his horn, they all flew into a tree stump. Comfortable the swirls in their eyes noted their unconsciousness, Erusea picked up Nym once again, this time with his map falling out of the bag he made him. He saw the look of astonishment on Beth's face. "He said he found it on the ground, and I don't see him to be the lying sort. Was this yours at one point?"

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"Yeah, thats my map, I lost it a while ago when I got attacked in the forest by... Hey that Eevee was the one who did it!" Beth said angrily, taking back her map after it fell out of the bag, she did not look happy at all.

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"I doubt it. He's little older than a hatchling. Given your combat prowess, I doubt he would've even contemplated mugging you. Either it's a coincidence that it was an Eevee that attacked you, or he's had quite the divine intervention in the time between then and when I met him. Think what you will, I have no intention of letting you hurt him, even for a perceived offense. Besides, your seriously injured, let me get you to shelter so you can clear your head." Erusea felt that either she was quick to lay blame, given her species, or that Nym was hiding something that he didn't even know he had. This bodes ill. I feel that I'm going to have to watch both of them in the coming days, lest they come to blows over something trivial.

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There's no one on the plateau or at the place that Phillipe mentionned.

''I wonder where's everyone?'', I said to myself.

''Do you have any questions, Nym?''

I turn around, Mom is here.


She approaches me and licks my face.

''I see you already work really hard, you father and I are very proud of you.''

''Speaking of him, where is he?''

''We are in a place very dangerous so for the night, he stands guard while I sleep.''

''Wait, so you are the one who make this ''dreamworld''?''

She looks at me with a smile.

''Of course, we may be far away but I can still keep an eye on you. You see, Nym, psychic Pokémons have incredible powers. Your new friend, the Rats, also has similar powers.''

''... Mom''

I stare at her.

''Where are you?''

She looks at me with a angry face.

''No, Nym, I know what you're thinking, you are too young. You still have much to learn and when we are is again, dangerous. Stay with your new friends, they'll protect you and help you. You'll also need to learn that you have responsabilities. Speaking of which, now is a good time!


She closes her eyes and everything went white.

I woke up again on Erusea's back but this time there's someone else.

''Oh no'', I said to myself.

''The female Zangosse.''

''How am I going to explain everything to Erusea?''

Edited by Nym
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"Fine. But I'm keeping an eye on that Eevee, even with what you said, I'll play nice for now, as long as nothing like that happens again, you hear me?" Beth replied to Erusea. "Well yes, I'd very much appreciate it. I think you for helping me out back there." She added.

Edited by Blackzero
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Beatrix had no intention of resting, but she seems to have pass out from hunger. She didn't feel any less hungry upon waking (perhaps even hungrier?), but she saw a bag of fruits near her. Without so much as a second though, she dove in and ate anything she grabbed on. Most were berries, but she did grab an apple, or two, or three. Only by the time she was finished did she notice that other Pokemon were also there. She saw a Nidoran (Purple means male), a Piplup who's building a Mailbox, an unconscious Eevee, and a Zangoose. She stared at the Zangoose for a moment, big, strong, and fierce. Everything she wanted and yet will never be. Why must she be born a Ralts. Gallades are strong to be sure, but only male Ralts can evolve into one.

Brushing away the thought, she stood up and tried to recall whether or not she introduced herself. Judging from the way they're reacting towards her, she must have. Problem is, she didn't know who any of them are. She approached the nearby Nidoran and asked "You guys seem to know me. Um, who are you guys?"

OOC: Looks like I missed a lot

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Erusea found it odd that either Phillipe managed to guess the specifics of this Ralts, or that he coincidentally guessed all of it. "So Beatrix is your name? Phillipe managed to randomly guess it, as well as your gender. Do you know where you are? Or did you mistakenly Teleport here?" Erusea was now even more confused than he was at the beginning of the day.

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"I wish, I can't do that yet. Yes, my name is Beatrix (oh, most certainly), and I am female (if he already knew that, I'm not going to ask how). I recall going to the top of the plateau and hearing some Pokemon talking, but not much else." Her memory is still groggy. "Uh, who is this Phillipe? And who are you?" He looks as confused as I am, Beatrix thought.

Edited by A Random Player
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"Good idea, good idea," I agree; this Nidoran might be more suited for leadership than I gave him credit for. In any case, as we enter I turn to the Ralts. "Greetings, Madame; I am Crown Prince Phillipe of the Water Empire, and this is Erusea. Now, I suggest we agree on our future course together, as well as the rules. I also think to begin with we should appoint a leader, me. Any objections to that?"

Edited by blah the Prussian
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Look like Erusea didn't realize that I woke up, which means I'm a very good actor.

But I'll need to ''wake up'' one day. To make things worse, the Zangosse is now part of the team.

I mean, there's nothing too difficult, right? I ''wake up'', Erusea'll ask me about what happened with the Zangosse, I'll tell him that I bumped into her and apologized but I called her a male by mistake without knowing that she was a female. Simple, right?




You know, when you imagine so many lies, you sometimes think that they are true.

Well, I wish things were this simple.

Oh, I wish...

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Ugh, it's starting to rain, being a settler is hard. Luckily while I was dragging this log they built a meeting house. Hopefully one it dries out, the wood will make up for all the time it took me to get it back here. Not a huge fan of the Pelipper post, though I get that we need one. I slip into the meeting house and find a Ralts and a Zangoose with the rest of the crew. With how quickly things have grown, you'd think that we were fated to build this outpost.

"I suppose I wouldn't mind Phillipe as our leader, but you reeeealy shouldn't nominate yourself." I said casually as I sat down.

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