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I havent seen any updates on this, but it seems like doing the long method (defeating the final boss to add the full unit to the logbook instead of buying an einherjar) doesn't work either, as I have two female MU's who keep trying to overwrite each other whenever I complete the game (one is Rev, the other is CQ).

Also, and this is something I didnt know, you can't have two of the same character from the same game, even if the unit is locked. Wanted to get 2 saves for each Corrinsexual (main class and dlc class, including Kinshi Knight and Songstress Azura) but it kept overwriting as well. And my logbook is only half full.

This does save me some time, but I have less will to try to 100%-as-possible my units in terms of skills and levels.

Edited by Vere
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Not sure about this, but have you given the MUs different names?

And at one point, I did have 2 different Scarlets in my Unit Logbook and they did NOT come from another player -- they're both from my own cart (one from my Birthright file via completing the game (loaded and at lv. 75), and the other via buying from the Einherjar shop in my Revelation file (base lv. 3)).

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Every MU had different names, boons, banes, appearances, traits. I didnt even keep them as nobles either. I had a Witch, Falcon Knight, and Wyvern Lord. They were all female though, as the males werent finished yet.

Edit: Purchased the Einherjar for the Falcon Knight. Overwrote the Wyvern Lord. Gonna try with Izana.

Edit: Cant seem to get to Izana in the shop yet.

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Hmm... perhaps you can try buying an Einherjar of a unit from a previous file so you can force the game to make a new entry for another new Einherjar MU. For the Scarlet thing I mentioned earlier, I already have the lv. 75 Birthright Scarlet recruited as an Einherjar in my Revelation save before buying a base lv. 3 Scarlet with Revelation bases from the Einherjar shop. You'll need some gold to do this, though.

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Yeah I have enough gold. I was able to Einherjar a male Sniper. It still seems like (although i dont have another male to test it out) you're limited to two of the same gender, and one of the opposite. I dont know why it's always the same two that keep overwriting each other though. BR Witch doesnt change, CQ Sniper didnt, but RV Falcon and CQ Wyvern are.

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Perhaps it's more like for each successive file as you build your team, you'd have to spend more gold to recruit more Einherjar MUs from the Logbook before making/buying a new Einherjar MU from the Einherjar shop.

File 1 MU saved into the Logbook via file completion or buying the Einherjar from the Einherjar shop.

File 2: You buy Einherjar of File 1 MU from the Logbook and then buy the Einherjar of File 2 MU from the Einherjar shop.

File 3: You buy Einherjar of MUs from Files 1 and 2 from the Logbook and then buy the Einherjar of File 3 MU from the Einherjar shop.

File 4: You buy Einherjar of MUs from Files 1, 2, and 3 from the Logbook and then buy the Einherjar of File 4 MU from the Einherjar shop.

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Will have to try later to powersave some money.

Hope you copy your files carefully and not overwrite carelessly. And if the process does work, save to make sure that changes in the Logbook stay.

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I think this is how it works: you can't have the same character from the same playthrough in the logbook twice. If you used the Branch of Fate option, your MU counts as the same character as your previous playthrough, and trying to save the MU into the logbook will replace the MU from whichever playthrough the Branch of Fate was based off of.

I played Conquest first, and I started a Birthright save using the Branch of Fate option, and got to the chapter where I can build the Einharjar shop and bought the Einharjar card for my new MU (different name, face, boon/bane, etc), but the Einharjar overwrites my MU from the Conquest save when I buy the card,

I started a Revelation save from scratch; when I reached the chapter where I could build the Einharjar shop, I bought an Einharjar card for my Rev MU, and she was added to the logbook as a separate unit.

So to create a team of MU, you need to start the game from Prologue every time.

Also, whoever is on your Streetpass team goes into your Einharjar shop; lvl 3 shop gives you the whole team, lvl 1 shop I think only gives the first 3.

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I don't remember which ones I branched tbh... I was thinking that was a possibility but really didn't have the motivation to speedrun more files xD

I'll try, though. Got a few open files. Just gotta powersave to make things go faster...

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