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How's the 2DS?

Ema Skye

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Long story short, I had to sell my 3DS due to having some rough financial times. It was pretty easy to decide actually since my 3DS playtime is, on average, less than half an hour a month and it was a necessary decision, but that's not terribly important.

However, now that I'm able to afford games again, I'm looking into getting a 3DS again, specifically the 2DS. I don't play handheld games enough to justify the extra costs of a NEW 3DS, so I'm looking into getting an used 2DS for the occasional times that I find myself looking for a handheld game (which right now, is just going to be Gen 1 Pokemon). From my time as a 3DS owner, I never bothered with the 3D so it's nothing important to me.

Anyone here have one? It seems like a smart move in terms of saving me a /lot/ of money since I'll barely use it, but feedback is a cool thing.

tl;dr version: Considering 2DS because it saves me money and will only be used (probably) a few times a month. Is it a good idea?

Also as a sidenote, is there any way for me to link up my NNID when I get the new console? I'm cool with losing save files; I just don't want to buy everything again.

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Yeah, I'd imagine it's tough to carry around. I have my phone though so it's not really going to be travelling.

Mainly, I want to know if you like it, or if you regret purchasing it.

re: NNID. I didn't unlink it, but I'm assuming the guy that bought it from me did.

Edited by Squid Lord Doof
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I like it. The small-ish screen doesn't bother me since the only game I've played on it is FE14, and I don't miss the 3D feature at all. I hear battery life is marginally better than that of a regular 3DS (~30 min extra). If you're mainly using it for Pokemon, it should be fine.

edit: According to the thread I linked, you'll have to call Nintendo to transfer the NNID, assuming the guy who bought your 3DS hasn't deleted its system data. Unlinking =/= deleting, so if he's deleted it, then it should not be possible to regain your old games.

Edited by Redwall
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How the NNID worked out was that I had an original 3ds, had a nnid linked to it (the nnid exists and my Wii U has it) then formatted the 3ds to sell it. Then I bought a new one but it wouldn't link up to the old nnid so I made a 2nd nnid. I just sold the 2nd system without unlinking it. But I want the NNID from the 1st 3ds I had.

Thanks for the recomendation on the handheld!

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Hmm... well, the 2DS is definitely weird when it comes to storing it in pockets, so storing it in a backpack is much more ideal. I personally bought an official Nintendo 2DS case for it (the square looking cloth case with the zipper) and my 2DS is still in really good condition, in terms of little to no scratches and such. Also, the button and screen layouts have never proved to be a problem to me, even with games that heavily use the stylus like Dillon's Rolling Western.

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Storage wouldn't be a problem because it'd probably leave the house less than 3 times a year.

I'm glad the button layouts aren't problematic; they're my main concern, but it doesn't seem like anyone has had problems with it (I've been told its comfier than normal 3DSs).

Ended up placing an order for a Nintendo refurb one and saved 40 bucks from MSRP. That's cool!


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since its built on the original 3DS's hardware it doesnt have the upgraded processing power of the new 3DS

so load times for some newer 3DS titles will be slower and you wont be able to play some games properly

you cant play xenoblade chronicles 3D and hyrule warriors legends runs at a slower speed on the 3DS compared to the new 3DS which in my opinion that game should have been made an exclusive game like xenoblade chronicles since how slower the game runs on the older hardware

and download speeds off the eshop is slower

so thats the major down side to it

but other then that its not bad, its alot sturdier of a system which is a good thing

so its up to you pretty much.... i personally got the new 3DS because i like smash bros on my handheld and i hated the load times on the old hardware

but thats my opinion :)

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WARNING: There is a puzzle in Zelda: Phantom Hourglass that REQUIRES you to close the DS. I assume this doesn't work with the 2DS, rendering the game unbeatable. I could be wrong though; you'll have to look into it.

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WARNING: There is a puzzle in Zelda: Phantom Hourglass that REQUIRES you to close the DS. I assume this doesn't work with the 2DS, rendering the game unbeatable. I could be wrong though; you'll have to look into it.

I've never played the game, but perhaps sleep mode would work? The 2DS has a switch that turns it to sleep mode.

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Anyways, I have a 2DS. It was cheaper than the 3DS by quite a bit near it's launch, but I think the prices are similar now. The only real problem with the console is that it probably won't fit in your pocket but I usually carry mine around or don't bring it places, so it's not really a big deal for me. I don't know how you'd find that aspect of it however.

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By the way, why did your 3DS have so little playtime?

Nothing on the console interested me and there were no games to play.

The most played title I have is Smash 3DS and I haven't played it since Smash Wii U came out.

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Its very solid. Doesnt feel awkward to use either. I dont think there are any major problems with it other than the screen might get dirtier than a regular 3ds's one. If you dont use it at all i dont see the point though, but i guess thats not really what this thread is about. There are some neat games for 3ds but if its just older handheld games you might be better with an emulator on your phone

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Nothing on the console interested me and there were no games to play.

The most played title I have is Smash 3DS and I haven't played it since Smash Wii U came out.

There's plenty of games to play you just got a very narrow margin of games you like. Unless you're just talking about recently in which case yes there not too many great games besides fates, but really the major reason that I would say to get the new 3DS XL is for the super nintendo games that you can get on it, nothing quite like having donkey kong country and link to the past on your 3DS. That and the new 3D is sublime and also faster loading times are awesome. I like it so much that I find myself trying to find games to play on it. Coming from a person who previously only owned a launch 3DS.

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In that case, you should try Bangai-O Spirits. It's super fun, and pretty cheap too.

is that game the only game you think about?

the game isnt really fun for new players, its pretty much a game where you have to have played an earlier entry in the series or are used to the genre to like it

the game's difficulty is extremely high right off the bat... there is a reason why its so cheap... because of its difficulty the game was a hard sell...

for pete's sake the game was in bargin bins everywhere for the longest time...

i have nothing against the game... its still really good... but its not really a game thats a great recommendation game for everyone

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It's not that hard you know... In fact, most stages are really easy once you understand the mechanics, which are all detailed in the tutorial. Not all games have to be cake walks.

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Downside: you will not be able to play the SNES games that are available on the 3DS eshop now. That means you will miss out on portable EarthBound. RIP. If you arent arsed about that or slower load times for lots of stuff, have at it.

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