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Nintendo NX Coming MARCH 2017/ May Be A Cartridge Based System

Captain Karnage

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You're calling an official Nintendo announcement "fake"?

Only the part about Zelda Wii U. Of course the NX thing was an official announcement, I saw it's 2017 launch mentioned on their Facebook page. But there was nothing about a Zelda Wii U delay or it being an NX launch title as well as a Wii U game.

Edited by Anacybele
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Only the part about Zelda Wii U. Of course the NX thing was an official announcement, I saw it's 2017 launch mentioned on their Facebook page. But there was nothing about a Zelda Wii U delay or it being an NX launch title as well as a Wii U game.

This is a link to an official document from Nintendo of Japan. On page 7, the launch date for Zelda Wii U is 2017 and this is an official tweet from Nintendo of Japan that states that further states that Zelda Wii U is pushed from 2016 to 2017 and that an NX version is planned to release at the same time.

The rough translation of the tweet is:

[News] had been scheduled to be released in 2016, but is the Wii U, "The Legend of Zelda: The latest", for further quality improvement, now that I am allowed to delay the release in 2017. Humbly thank you for your understanding. It should be noted that, in the Wii U version and the simultaneous release schedule, we are also developing the NX version.

Edited by LuxSpes
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Only the part about Zelda Wii U. Of course the NX thing was an official announcement, I saw it's 2017 launch mentioned on their Facebook page. But there was nothing about a Zelda Wii U delay or it being an NX launch title as well as a Wii U game.


I personally don't mind NX releasing next year and Zelda being delayed to be released with it, I'm more worried about E3 this year since Nintendo said no NX talk at this E3, that means only Wii U and 3DS games and I'm not sure they have any big surprise left for both (even if Zelda and Pokemon are really big and would please a lot of people).

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Well, I do mind. One of the main reasons I got a Wii U was for a good brand new Zelda because there's always a brand new Zelda for every console. Now that's become moot due to a fucking NX version. I might as well wait for that at this point. I feel like I've partly been fucked over here.

Edited by Anacybele
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Well, I do mind. One of the main reasons I got a Wii U was for a good brand new Zelda because there's always a brand new Zelda for every console. Now that's become moot due to a fucking NX version. I might as well wait for that at this point. I feel like I've partly been fucked over here.

Hey now, I wouldn't say "overshadowed". You're still playing the same game.

That's like saying the GCN version of TP is overshadowed by the Wii one, when the only difference is orientation of the game and controls. Beyond that, there is no advantage/extra for Wii or GCN.

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Where are you getting this from?

I can't find anything in the documents that say this, just that it'll be the focus of E3.


ther you go

Only the part about Zelda Wii U. Of course the NX thing was an official announcement, I saw it's 2017 launch mentioned on their Facebook page. But there was nothing about a Zelda Wii U delay or it being an NX launch title as well as a Wii U game.

strait from the source just for you


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Where are you getting this from?

I can't find anything in the documents that say this, just that it'll be the focus of E3.

Focus doesn't mean the only game they'll talk about.

Full statement from Nintendo:

“Nintendo changes its approach to the [E3] show every year. This June, Nintendo will focus its attention on the upcoming game in The Legend of Zelda series. The Wii U version of the game will be playable for the first time on the E3 show floor, and it will be the only playable game Nintendo presents at the show in order to provide attendees a complete immersion. Additional information about Nintendo’s E3 plans will be announced in the future.”

Of course there will be other games talked about, but Zelda is the only one that will be playable.

Edited by DavidSW
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Well, I do mind. One of the main reasons I got a Wii U was for a good brand new Zelda because there's always a brand new Zelda for every console. Now that's become moot due to a fucking NX version. I might as well wait for that at this point. I feel like I've partly been fucked over here.

I pretty much agree with what Glac said.

It depends on how you look at it. Do you have other games for the Wii U that you enjoy playing? If so, then your investment in a Wii U has not gone to waste. I would be more upset if it is definitely announce that the NX version of Zelda is the definitive version and that the Wii U people are getting and inferior version. As far as exclusive Wii U titles are concerned... they missed the mark by not having a 64/Sunshine/Galaxy styled Mario, Fire Emblem, and Metroid. So the fact that they don't have an exclusive Zelda game just adds to that list. Again, not that I necessarily think that's a bad thing. But Wii U exclusive titles or a different conversation for a different day

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slightly annoyed about this news

not the delay, no. the fact that Zelda will be ruling e3 for whatever inane reason

we still need pikmin 4 or whatever and idc when it comes out. i just need it. Sunshine HD would also be pretty cool

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I pretty much agree with what Glac said.

It depends on how you look at it. Do you have other games for the Wii U that you enjoy playing? If so, then your investment in a Wii U has not gone to waste. I would be more upset if it is definitely announce that the NX version of Zelda is the definitive version and that the Wii U people are getting and inferior version. As far as exclusive Wii U titles are concerned... they missed the mark by not having a 64/Sunshine/Galaxy styled Mario, Fire Emblem, and Metroid. So the fact that they don't have an exclusive Zelda game just adds to that list. Again, not that I necessarily think that's a bad thing. But Wii U exclusive titles or a different conversation for a different day

Yeah, but not many games I would enjoy as much as Zelda Wii U. The main reasons I got a Wii U were for Smash Bros., Mario, Zelda, and possibly FE, but I didn't get my hopes up at all for that last one. We got Smash Bros., that I'm satisfied with. We got Super Mario 3D World, but it wasn't as good as the Galaxy games to me. It was good, but not AMAZING. All I got for Zelda were HD remakes and I don't even like TWW at all. I don't know why I got it.

The only games that made the Wii U worth anything to me were Smash, Yoshi's Woolly World, Hyrule Warriors (it IS Zelda, but not traditional Zelda), New Super Luigi U, and Art Academy, pretty much. So it does feel like a bit of a waste, as awesome as the console itself is.

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Yeah, but not many games I would enjoy as much as Zelda Wii U. The main reasons I got a Wii U were for Smash Bros., Mario, Zelda, and possibly FE, but I didn't get my hopes up at all for that last one. We got Smash Bros., that I'm satisfied with. We got Super Mario 3D World, but it wasn't as good as the Galaxy games to me. It was good, but not AMAZING. All I got for Zelda were HD remakes and I don't even like TWW at all. I don't know why I got it.

The only games that made the Wii U worth anything to me were Smash, Yoshi's Woolly World, Hyrule Warriors (it IS Zelda, but not traditional Zelda), New Super Luigi U, and Art Academy, pretty much. So it does feel like a bit of a waste, as awesome as the console itself is.

bam, the console already paid for itself then. if you enjoyed those games then the console was worth it.

besides, you can just buy stuff like $20 Pikmin 3 so it's not the end of the world if you buy a nintendo selects game and don't like it

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I'm legit considering a PS4 for exactly one, maybe two games that may or may not make it out of Japan.

So I think you're good.

(The games are DQXI PS4 for looking gorgeous and being DQ, and the PS4 port of ULiL because it's ULiL)

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The only thing that surprises me is that March is a very weird release time for a new console. I knew the Wii U, being on its last legs, wouldn't have too many new games to show at E3 if the NX wasn't shown there, so Zelda Wii U being the only playable one isn't too big of a surprise. And, if the NX really is a handheld/console fusion like many rumors suggest, that means it'll probably be replacing the 3DS, too. So probably the only major 3DS release left will be Sun & Moon, which probably wouldn't have playable E3 demos. Though I'm sure will see some Sun & Moon footage, at least.

Edit: Also, I wouldn't be too worried about the joint Wii U/NX release for the new Zelda game. The Gamecube version of Twilight Princess was most certainly not a downgrade from the Wii Version (In fact, I actually liked the Gamecube one more).

Edited by ClevelandSteve
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slightly annoyed about this news

not the delay, no. the fact that Zelda will be ruling e3 for whatever inane reason

we still need pikmin 4 or whatever and idc when it comes out. i just need it. Sunshine HD would also be pretty cool

I've been wondering about Pikmin 4 for a while now. Hoping it shows up eventually! Oh, and like I've said in another thread, Sunshine HD or Sunshine 2 would be awesome! Just wonder about the original using the analog controls and if they would have to re-work some mechanics(or just use the Smash Bros. Gamecube controller). Edited by Busterman64
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All I want is for Nintendo to tell me what they're doing with the controller this time. I don't know if I can handle another uncomfortable controller. Getting a PS4 has really spoiled me. I forgot how comfortable and natural a controller can fit in my hands.

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Calling it now, With the NX being delayed till next year, they will wait until E3 next year to even talk about it. Nintendo seems to be big on the idea of not giving out information until last minute.

Sometimes a delay is a good thing for a game. I would rather they delay it if they ran into a problem rather than rush the fixing of said problem in order to get it out on time. So many games, especially in the older titles, have a large amount of cut content because they decided to rush instead of delay. Final Fantasy 7 and its extra character, Smash Bros Brawl and its extra characters, Call of Duty and its multitude of cut guns and equipment, etc. The delay for Zelda could of been to make sure it releases at the same time as the NX so that NX has some big name titles at launch, rather than risk Zelda being a failure and release it on a system that will be outdated come 3-4 months.

Im not at all bothered by the NX release because I am going to wait on it. I am actually rather worried the NX is going to be another gimmick system like the WII U was, since it was practically a Wii with a small amount of upgrades and a Tablet instead of motion controllers. I would rather wait and see what the general consensus is on the NX rather than throw 400-500 dollars on a system that might not be that good.

Edited by Tolvir
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Calling it now, With the NX being delayed till next year, they will wait until E3 next year to even talk about it. Nintendo seems to be big on the idea of not giving out information until last minute.

Uh, except that the NX is coming out in MARCH of next year, which is BEFORE next year's E3.

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I guess Nintendo will host some Space World type of event for the NX sometime in the fall. But I'm pretty disappointed at their E3 news and also that the Wii U is going to have a thin year... at least it has Splatoon, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Mario Kart 8, SSB4, Hyrule Warriors, Bayonetta 1/2, and Super Mario 3D world. That made the system worth it to me. But no Metroid, no full 3D movement Mario, no mainline Zelda, and a mixed reception Star Fox... eek. What a sad 2016 this is going to be for 1st party Nintendo.

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It doesn't really make sense to make a bunch of games for a system saying goodbye in the first half of next year. Star Fox and Zelda will be the last hoorahs of the system. (oh, and I guess Paper Jam as well)

I bet there will be a bunch of games shown off at the convention where they show off the NX, but it is kind of odd that they won't have anything at E3 for it.

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It doesn't really make sense to make a bunch of games for a system saying goodbye in the first half of next year. Star Fox and Zelda will be the last hoorahs of the system. (oh, and I guess Paper Jam as well)

I bet there will be a bunch of games shown off at the convention where they show off the NX, but it is kind of odd that they won't have anything at E3 for it.

I agree, the problem is that because 3rd party support is so weak and outside of those 2 first party games, the Wii U has nothing big to offer and will probably collect dust for the next few months ( I expect ther to be no new retail games untill color splash comes out during the holiday)(I'd say about 5 months)

they'll probably just do a Nintendo Direct in November

or maybe they'll pull a Sega and announce at E3 that you can go hame a pick up an NX now

UPDATE: Zelda Wii U will be released on March 27

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Uh, except that the NX is coming out in MARCH of next year, which is BEFORE next year's E3.

Ok, misread that then. Still, they will wait until last minute to say anything about it. Something like a December Direct or maybe even January-February. It seems like that is Nintendo's thing to do as of late.

It doesn't really make sense to make a bunch of games for a system saying goodbye in the first half of next year. Star Fox and Zelda will be the last hoorahs of the system. (oh, and I guess Paper Jam as well)

I bet there will be a bunch of games shown off at the convention where they show off the NX, but it is kind of odd that they won't have anything at E3 for it.

You would think they would want to go over what the NX is at the largest Video Game/Electronics show in the world, so much attention would be brought to the system as opposed to a Direct that far fewer people will watch, or one of the lesser conventions later in the year. Huge waste of an opportunity considering that it releases in March next year, so E3 2017 is out of the picture too. I guess they still have whatever that convention sometime in fall to use.

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UPDATE: Zelda Wii U will be released on March 27

Good news. At least we know Nintendo has prioritized getting it out as a launch title for NX rather than releasing it Holiday 2017. Of course though, this makes Nintendo look even worse considering that they stated that the delay was for quality reasons and not to coincide with the NX launch.

You would think they would want to go over what the NX is at the largest Video Game/Electronics show in the world, so much attention would be brought to the system as opposed to a Direct that far fewer people will watch, or one of the lesser conventions later in the year.

You forget that Sony and Microsoft are likely going to unveil their own new hardware upgrades, so an NX unveiling wouldn't garner as much media attention. If Nintendo holds their own press conference on their own terms, it could turn out fantastic and all eyes would be on them.

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I am sad I am going to have to wait for my Zelda fix, but I guess I am glad about NX coming out. The sad thing is that Wii U was the first home console I bought myself and I love it, but I don't know if I can keep three home consoles and since I don't have a GC I will keep my Wii over my Wii U. I hope that NX has backwards compatibility and that I can transfer all my digital games over. Though I don't plan on getting a NX right away because it will have to have more then one game for it that I want to play before I will buy it. This is good news for the people that have not bought a Wii U, because they can just get a NX. I also hope that this means that there will be many games for the NX at launch and that Nintendo has managed to get a lot more third party support.

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