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Nintendo NX Coming MARCH 2017/ May Be A Cartridge Based System

Captain Karnage

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You would think they would want to go over what the NX is at the largest Video Game/Electronics show in the world, so much attention would be brought to the system as opposed to a Direct that far fewer people will watch, or one of the lesser conventions later in the year. Huge waste of an opportunity considering that it releases in March next year, so E3 2017 is out of the picture too. I guess they still have whatever that convention sometime in fall to use.

Nintendo is in kind of a tough spot. They don't want to reveal it this E3 since at that point, the console will only be released nearly a year later. They can't push the release date to this holiday season since the system will have nearly no games on release and we saw how well that worked for the Wii U. And they can't delay the release to post-E3 2017 since the Wii U is pretty much dead at this point since they've got no release on it after Zelda.

Despite that, I'm still worried about Nintendo, since they've dug themselves into a hole and I have trouble seeing them overtaking Sony or Microsoft on the console market unless they make drastic changes.

Good news. At least we know Nintendo has prioritized getting it out as a launch title for NX rather than releasing it Holiday 2017. Of course though, this makes Nintendo look even worse considering that they stated that the delay was for quality reasons and not to coincide with the NX launch.

You forget that Sony and Microsoft are likely going to unveil their own new hardware upgrades, so an NX unveiling wouldn't garner as much media attention. If Nintendo holds their own press conference on their own terms, it could turn out fantastic and all eyes would be on them.

No matter what Nintendo said the reasons for the delay are, it was obvious for me that the main reason for it isn't quality, but instead to make sure the game comes out with the NX, even if it comes off as a 'screw you' to Wii U owners who've known about this game since 2013 and thought they would get it in 2015.

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I'm guessing the game's almost done, they just want to launch it simultaneously. It probably could've come out 2016, but the Nintendo found the NX wasn't, so it was pushed back. In a few months of time, all I can really see them doing is polishing up glitches.

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I've been thinking...and honestly, seeing how hush-hush they've been with the NX as a whole, I think Nintendo is just trying to go all out and so they rather come out with the NX with full force then partially. It's go big or bust. Especially with the Wii U having a very...difficult launch and all.

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If Zelda gets delayed for an NX release, the extra dev time will still mean more content and quality, right?

To a point. There may be more content, but more than anything it will be refining of the game's systems and designs (combat, assets, general look of the game), working out as many bugs and glitches as they can, working on any content that may of been cut for time constraints, etc.

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With how many delays its had, I really don't think "time constraints" are a significant factor any more... You know, Metroid Prime was delayed, and that was a big, sweet game. I want a new Metroid game... just wanna morph into a ball and roll around...

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With how many delays its had, I really don't think "time constraints" are a significant factor any more... You know, Metroid Prime was delayed, and that was a big, sweet game. I want a new Metroid game... just wanna morph into a ball and roll around...

And I would like a new DQ game

But SE doesn't like the NA fanbase so we probably won't get XI.

Which is a darn shame because the game looks freaking gorgeous. Moreso the PS4 version than the 3DS one though.

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Apparently Zelda U's release date was changed from 2017 March 27 to just 2017.

It could mean a lot of things.

But, honestly, this doesn't annoy me.

Things like this made me remember that 3 whole dungeons were cut from Wind Waker because it was rushed.

And how Sonic 06 could have been an amazing game if it wasn't rushed. Seriously, if only they had more time to refine it.

Sonic Boom is a different story, it was rushed, but that wasn't the only problem.

Edited by Water Mage
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Apparently Zelda U's release date was changed from 2017 March 27 to just 2017.

It could mean a lot of things.

But, honestly, this doesn't annoy me.

Things like this made me remember that 3 whole dungeons were cut from Wind Waker because it was rushed.

And how Sonic 06 could have been an amazing game if it wasn't rushed. Seriously, if only they had more time to refine it.

Sonic Boom is a different story, it was rushed, but that wasn't the only problem.

I have a feeling it's just Nintendo not wanting to put a solid release date out there until maybe E3 perhaps. It was delayed for quality reasons, so I doubt the delay would last too long anyway.

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Tbh that seems like a really weird choice, last I checked, discs can hold more data than cartridges...

But eh, if it is the case, I'm sure Nintendo has a good reason... even if everything lately seems a little out there.

...I'll still love them for putting out a relocalization for DQVII!

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Tbh that seems like a really weird choice, last I checked, discs can hold more data than cartridges...

I don't think size is the issue alone, it's just that the cost is not feasible for larger cartridges. Discs can provide more storage cheaper, but cartridges offer faster load times.

Edited by DragonLord
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Uh, except that the NX is coming out in MARCH of next year, which is BEFORE next year's E3.

I would almost put my money on it being delayed. I could have sworn that the Wii and Wii U had "release dates" that got pushed back at least once.

Apparently Zelda U's release date was changed from 2017 March 27 to just 2017.

It could mean a lot of things.

Probably just to align with the release on the Wii U as well. I think TP did the same thing.

maybe they want to cheap out on the HDD

Not if they want to learn their lesson from this generation and the growth of digital distribution. AAA games easily take anywhere from 10-45GB easy.

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Lol there's a 0% chance of this happening

everything that nintendo learned from the 64 and GameCube where they tried to be "different" backfired

xenoblade x barely fit on one dual-layered disk. does anyone actually think that cartridges wouldn't be three steps back

it's going to kill third party if it is true

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Lol there's a 0% chance of this happening

everything that nintendo learned from the 64 and GameCube where they tried to be "different" backfired

xenoblade x barely fit on one dual-layered disk. does anyone actually think that cartridges wouldn't be three steps back

it's going to kill third party if it is true

I never said I thought it was a good idea

atleast memory is way cheaper today then it was in 97

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This is a shitty rumor, carts killed the N64, they'll never go back to it. If they do, you'd better prepare to play Mario on the next iterarion of the Sony console because it'll ruin the company.

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I really doubt they'll go with flash-based memory cards - It is still costly to produce. (That kind of cards are faster than optical media but nearly everything is faster than optical media)

Maybe it will be digital-only where you could attach an external HDD and/or SSD. (With USB 3.0)

Edited by Naughx
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Cartridges can hold just as much as discs do, they just cost more. I think Nintendo's angle with this is convenience. Since hard drives read faster than optical discs, nowadays you have to spend a good chunk of your time waiting for your console to "install" the game. Nintendo would market the whole return to cartridges as a "no install times, just play!" sort of deal.

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It looks like the NX won't be replacing anything.


I am relieved since I just got my 3DS a few months ago.

they said the exact same thing about the GBA and Gamecube back in the day when I was a kid, and I believed it.

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I know it was discussed a few pages back but does anyone else find the March 2017 release date a bit...odd. Like really odd. Lifecycle wise that puts the Wii U at around 4.5 years which is a bit short but not terrible by any means but I'm more concerned about the timeframe. Spring. Normally launches are done in the holiday season for obvious reasons and historically thats what Nintendo has done so why choose an odd time in the year particularly one that usually has a dirth of games coming out?

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I know it was discussed a few pages back but does anyone else find the March 2017 release date a bit...odd. Like really odd. Lifecycle wise that puts the Wii U at around 4.5 years which is a bit short but not terrible by any means but I'm more concerned about the timeframe. Spring. Normally launches are done in the holiday season for obvious reasons and historically thats what Nintendo has done so why choose an odd time in the year particularly one that usually has a dirth of games coming out?

Considering the Nintendo 3DS launched at February/March. It might be a different test water to see if they can build a significant larger library before the holiday season.

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^ What ddd said. Basically they want to build a consistent lineup of games to impulse NX sales, and not make it bomb like the Wii U did. At least they're not doing the same. I just hope for a better library.

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