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What do you think the ages of the characters are?


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The builds of characters don't affect my opinion much; I've known pre-teens who were over 6 feet, and many adults who could be mistaken for young teens.

Ah, thank you.

I attribute Corrin's lack of memory to a combination of PTSD and brainwashing. No way would Garon leave the chance of him remembering something about Hoshido, if he wanted him to be completely loyal to Nohr.

Also, in the JPN version, Corrin says that Sumeragi had started training him with a sword (Rev 25). Now 5 is still young to learn swordplay, but better than 3 or 4, when kids still tend to be a bit uncoordinated.

Ah yes; the sword lessons do change things slightly! And yes, I agree about the PTSD/brainwashing, especially as it's heavily implied in Corrin's supports with Silas.

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Nyx calls her body that of a teenagers in one of her supports (I can't remember which one either, sorry), but given that it still looks fairly young, I'm gonna go with 14 here, like Elise.


I've got no numbers for anyone else. Niles, Azama, Benny, and Arthur should be older based off their appearances and experiences, mid-twenties, but that's it.

In her supports with Niles, he mentions that when he was a child, he heard of "the girl who grew up as a prodigy in the dark arts" (Nyx) and that "one day she went too far and paid a terrible price". Considering he said "rumors", and not "legends", I think she has maybe a couple years on him.

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Also as a quick note to everyone saying that Elise is not a teenager because of her behavior, I believe it. I know a highschooler that in all honesty, acts a lot like Elise with her bright, chipper attitude (and that extremely surprising amount of innocence).

Anyway, here's what I think:

Xander: 26

Ryoma: 24

Camilla: 23

Hinoka: 22

Azura: 19

Corrin: 19 (~ half a year younger than Azura)

Leo: 18

Takumi: 17

Sakura: 15

Elise: 14

Shiro: 21

Siegbert: 20

Almost every other kid: 16-19

Kana, Midori, and Percy: 11-13

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It's safe to assume that Leo's comment was a localization effort to justify Elise's ability to marry and bear children in this game to Western audiences, with the added caveat that Nohr is based on medieval Europe. Given that people are still referencing and quoting said line in all discussions regarding character ages, it appears the line has served its purpose. With Japan's AoC of 14 (IIRC), and the implied medieval setting of Nohr, I'd put money on 13 or 14 for Elise.

My problem is with the inconsistent ages of the second generation, many of whom actually look, act, and sound younger than Elise (Kana, Percy, Midori). I don't understand the thought process behind those designs.

Edited by Inference
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My problem is with the inconsistent ages of the second generation, many of whom actually look, act, and sound younger than Elise (Kana, Percy, Midori). I don't understand the thought process behind those designs.

I do. I think the developers had a bit of a thing for Moe.

Corrin is probably 18. Its a neutral age for a self insert. Its also old enough to be legal while young enough not to make pairings with younger characters to creepy.

Leo: Its probably either 16 or 17. He looks like an older teen but since he's younger then Corrin he's probably under 18.

Takumi: 15 or 16. I think its very likely that Takumi is younger then Leo. The whole moody tsundere act requires a certain lack of maturity and when they stand next to each other you can see that Takumi is significantly shorter.

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Amm I see them like this:

Elise between 14-15

Shiro and Siegbert - 16 or 17

Hang on, you think Elise can be one year younger than Shinonome? Can I ask why that is? It seems impossible even by anime standards.

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Takumi: 15 or 16. I think its very likely that Takumi is younger then Leo. The whole moody tsundere act requires a certain lack of maturity and when they stand next to each other you can see that Takumi is significantly shorter.

Well, all the Broshidos are shorter than their Nohrian counterparts (excluding Sakura and Elise, where it's also pretty obvious who is younger through their respective behaviour). The height thing might just be a conscious design choice to showcase the Hoshidans' Asian ethnicity.

I can agree that Takumi has less maturity than Leo, however I don't think this would put him at 15 or anything. I wasn't much more mature than him when I was 18. We also don't know how much older than the younger bros Corrin is supposed to be. Could be anything from two years to 9 months (so the "blood-sibling" story remains plausible in Takumi's case).

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Hang on, you think Elise can be one year younger than Shinonome? Can I ask why that is? It seems impossible even by anime standards.

Yeah your right.......She's 14-15 and he's like, what, a few days old.

Anyway, as for my answers

Xander: 27

Ryoma: 25


Hinoka: 24 or 25

Corrin:19-24 (depending on selected build)

Leo/Takumi: 17-19

Elise: 14 or 15

Sakura: 15

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For the retainers, this is my guesses:

Hana - 16
Subaki - 20
Effie - 18
Arthur - 27
Oboro - 19
Hinata -19
Odin - 19
Niles - 21
Setsuna - 20
Azama - 21
Beruka - 18
Selena - 19
Kagero - 24
Saizou - 23
Peri - 19
Laslow -19

Hang on, you think Elise can be one year younger than Shinonome? Can I ask why that is? It seems impossible even by anime standards.

Nothing is impossible

[spoiler=This character is 18]fdc66c8dbb.jpg

[spoiler=And this one is 14]db197f135a.jpg

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I would guess that the characters are bit older than most of you are placing them as. Starting with the 1st gen royals:

Xander - 30

Camilla - 28 (Camilla has an extremely womanly figure. Most women who are athletic don't develop that way until their 30s, but I don't think that Xander is any older than 30 so I'm putting her close)

Ryoma - 28

Hinoka - 26

Azura - 26

Corrin - 24

Leo - 22

Takumi - 22

Sakura - 18

Elise - 17

I think they are older than most people are placing them because of their physical appearance and their parents. Sumeragi died at what looks to be his mid-40s (about 10-15 years before the game starts), Garon seems to be in his 60s now. Mikoto looks to be in her mid-40s right now.

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Hang on, you think Elise can be one year younger than Shinonome? Can I ask why that is? It seems impossible even by anime standards.

Oh wait... I think that maybe I understand your question in the wrong way... It's about you think its impossible for her to be only one year younger instead of more or because I think she is younger than him?

Anyway... I feel a bit wrong thinking in her a lot more younger than him, maybe that's why I think in only one year difference...


... I blame de Deeprealms and its weird time shenanigans haha!

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why does everyone keep guessing that Eliese and Sakura are in their late to mid teens

they obviously don't look or act the age

They both totally look and act like girls in their late teens.

To give you a real life example, look at Maisie Williams who plays Ayra Stark on Game of Thrones. She's 19. She doesn't look any older than Sakura IMO.

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It's kind of impossible to judge age by height/appearance, at least to a degree. Older people aren't always taller. I was frequently mistaken for a teen until my late twenties. From around age 14 - 25 (at least) is kind of a nebulous period in which you can look much older or much younger than you are.

Acting a certain age is also up for debate. Sakura plays with dolls? So do many 20+ year olds. Elise is the one character who's considered in-game to actually act young. Takumi's immature? Eh, I'd also argue against that. He certainly has some anxiety, but that can strike at any age.

That's why I've been judging ages by the facts we have from supports/known timeline, and relative to Corrin's age.

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It's kind of impossible to judge age by height/appearance, at least to a degree. Older people aren't always taller. I was frequently mistaken for a teen until my late twenties. From around age 14 - 25 (at least) is kind of a nebulous period in which you can look much older or much younger than you are.

Acting a certain age is also up for debate. Sakura plays with dolls? So do many 20+ year olds. Elise is the one character who's considered in-game to actually act young. Takumi's immature? Eh, I'd also argue against that. He certainly has some anxiety, but that can strike at any age.

That's why I've been judging ages by the facts we have from supports/known timeline, and relative to Corrin's age.

By that logic this entire thread is a waste of time, and we can keep chugging real life examples at each other until we're blue in the face without changing the other's opinion; I looked like the girliest girl that ever girled until I hit puberty (rather late, might I add) and if I had put even the slightest bit of effort into actually looking like one, no one would've been able to tell I was a guy.

So, how do we know the characters are the gender that we assume they are when rather few flat out say it? Because they're fictional characters created by artists and writers with a specific idea in mind, and as such several rules or tropes will either be followed or subverted - if they're subverted, there'll most likely be attention drawn to that fact. We assume that the characters that look like guys are men and the ones that look like gals are women; if we're supposed to think otherwise, like in the case of Foleo, we tend to get informed.

Feel free to disagree with me here, but I think quite a bit of planning went into creating Sakura and Elise since they play two different version of the very popular little sister trope straight, and as such when they are incredibly short, act in a certain way a child would and have more than a few conversations that make them sound like children, I get the impression that they're, in fact, children.

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I don't disagree with you; you are right. I guess what I'm querying is the definition of a child, here; I certainly don't think it's unrealistic, for example, to assume Sakura and Elise could be as old as 16, or Takumi 18. It's obvious that they're meant to be 'young', but beyond that, saying Takumi must be younger than Leo because he's shorter, or Elise can't be a teen - those are the comments I was really questioning. :)

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I don't disagree with you; you are right. I guess what I'm querying is the definition of a child, here; I certainly don't think it's unrealistic, for example, to assume Sakura and Elise could be as old as 16, or Takumi 18. It's obvious that they're meant to be 'young', but beyond that, saying Takumi must be younger than Leo because he's shorter, or Elise can't be a teen - those are the comments I was really questioning. :)

I guess we might think differently because - I'm only assuming here - you've played the English version and I only the Japanese one. Maybe that has something to do with it. But I can't see how they kept Elise's leg humping in the English version and still go "yeah no, totes adult".

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Kana has to be some sort of adolescent, probably 11 or 12, hinted at with their support with Shigure. F!Kana is obviously disgusted by the fact that Shigure is "a teenager," so that puts some speculation on his age as well. I'd assume Shigure is somewhere near 16, 17 years old, based on his bodily features.

As for the others, most of the women have obviously had to at least hit puberty, putting them anywhere between 12 and adulthood.

Rhajat mentions in a support with Hayato that she's older than him. According to Hayato himself, he's "a grown man," so that makes Rhajat an adult as well. Hayato may be early in adulthood, somewhere 18, 19 years old. I'd say Rhajat is at least 20 years old by that.

Gunter is really old, probably at least in his 50s.

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I guess we might think differently because - I'm only assuming here - you've played the English version and I only the Japanese one. Maybe that has something to do with it. But I can't see how they kept Elise's leg humping in the English version and still go "yeah no, totes adult".

You're right there - I've only played the English version.

Also, I contradicted my earlier comments - where I said there was probably a decent age gap between Leo and Elise, anyway. So I do think Elise is young given story/timeline reasons - Sakura, though, could definitely be at least 16.

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