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How long has Xenoblade Chronicles (wii) been on the WiiU eShop? (US)


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I got this when it went up, finally after so long wanting to play it but not wanting to pay ridiculous prices for a physical copy.

Just finished with the beginning stuff at Colony 9, I'm enjoying the characters and setting more than XCX so far. It feels like a classic JRPG story which I'm looking forward to. The quests though... I've just been taking all of them and letting the conditions be filled as I go. I'm glad it automatically gives you the reward without having to go back to the NPC.

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My favorite quote from GamesRadar+'s review of Xenoblade Chronicles 3D -

"It’s as if Monolith created a giant list of everything you hate about JRPGs and banned it outright. You can save anywhere, anytime. You can warp to any landmark, instantly – the impressive loading-free jumps of Wii are intact on 3DS. You can pick your fights and run away from any battle. You don’t have to return to a quest giver for a reward, as it’s gifted to you the second the task is complete. Even better, your Mystic Meg-like sword will warn you if a random object will be used in a future side-quest, so you don’t accidentally bin it. That sound you hear is the Final Fantasy XV team desperately rifling through Monolith’s bins. And if they’re not, they should be."

But in their review of the original, they also said this -

"But the game’s most egregious flaw is its distinct lack of difficulty. We spent 10 hours in just the first town (not hard to do), seeking all the quests and increasing our popularity. This was a mistake. Performing anything more than the bare minimum of quests rapidly leveled up our characters to the point that the game lost all semblance of challenge by the second major area. This state persisted for most of the game, which often turned the formerly enjoyable questing into going-through-the-motions tedium. Sure, you could skip all the optional stuff, but who wants to do that? The balance is so lopsided that we felt punished for simply consuming the game’s seemingly never-ending content."

Is Xenoblade gonna be a super-easy game if I try to complete all the sidequests?

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Is Xenoblade gonna be a super-easy game if I try to complete all the sidequests?

I dunno, I only did a minimum of sidequests and the game was still pretty difficult to me, I had to do a lot of grinding at places where few sidequests were available. Getting a handle of the combat system is also an essential part. I will say that you'll wanna stick in the level range of the enemies you encounter, if enemies are too easy for you, the game tells you by highlighting their nametags blue, and if they're kinda tough, yellow, and if super tough, red. I'd recommend, instead of doing all the sidequests in an area upon entering it, return to it later and complete them at your leisure, as although they won't reward you much experience by then, you'll still get some neat stuff.

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The game doesn't have a postgame, and a lot of the quests lategame will have you fighting Level 95+ monsters (the final boss is Lv.82).

It depends on how you do the quests. If you do them as soon as they're available, they're plentiful enough to overlevel you. But if you do them in handfuls (and by handfuls, I mean like 10ish), you're level will be fine.

Edited by Squid Lord Doof
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lol if they said that all difficulty was gone they lied

I did every single quest available at all times until a certain point where a ton all open up at once, and the last quarter of the game was really hard anyway

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