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Best Units in Your Playthrough


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Across all three routes, the only blow-everyone-away best unit I really had was Hayato in Birthright. He had something like 34 def as an Oni Chieftain after Horse Spirit and could handle entire maps on his own.

Edited by Oshimos
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Mine's probably not that surprising, but since this is my first FE game and I don't really look up strategies or tips online unless I'm stuck, I'm pretty proud of getting her to this point on my own. lol

Charlotte - Berserker - (currently) lvl 8

Str- 36, Skill-24, Spd-30

Death Blow/Certain Blow/Gamble/Axefaire/Vantage

She consistently gets 100%hit/100%crit, and 2 hits, and it's almost overkill because usually one regular hit could sufficiently kill something. XD

I'm starting to think I could do the same thing with Beruka, with her str 25 and skill 31.

Also, in both Birthright and Revelation, Hinoka seems to be the only Kinshi/Falcon Knight with any sort of defense, so that she only sometimes gets one-hit ko'ed by archers. XD

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Kagero as Master Ninja. She got Def blessed and ended up capping it, Str and Speed. Nothing could touch her, and anything that tried ended up a red smear.

Kamui!Caeldori as a Kinshi Knight. Speaking of capped stats, she ended up capping Str, Luck (despite Corrin having -Luck) and Speed before even needing an Eternal Seal.

Takumi and Ryoma, but their excellence is pretty much a given.


Camilla. I'm so sorry for all the things I said about your thirst for Kamui though I refuse to take them back, you are an amazing unit and your performance more than made up for it.

Hana, surprisingly. While I stopped using her towards the end, she carried me through a good chunk of the early parts of Revelation.

Laslow as Lodestar. Given that Marth's blood runs through his veins in my headcanon, it's appropriate.

Hinoka!Forrest, mage killer supreme.

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Current Conquest playthrough: Corrin!Forrest has Mag 32 and Res 37 (plus a fairly respectable 43 HP - he's currently level 14) means not only does he kill most things with ease, but I can send him into a fray of enemies and be relatively confident that he'll survive with most of his health.

I'm also finally using Mozu and I'm sorry I benched you in my previous games, Mozu (mainly because I do her paralogue too late and it's tough to level her up) - your stats are awesome.

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Oboro erry day. I don't count rigged Ryoma.

It's impossible for Elise to be bad. Out of tome-capable first gen units in their default class set, she packs the speed and skill Nyx, and Owain just don't get enough of.

I also remember one revelations playthrough where sakura was the first non-charlotte/non-silas unit to get 40hp as a priestess. All around, the avatar's little step sisters are always powerful.

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So, I've been giving people I overlooked during my first run of Conquest a second chance, and they have almost universally impressed. So here's most of my endgame team (not mentioned below: Felicia, who is doing well as a support Strategist but is overshadowed a bit by Elise; Keaton, unexceptional but acceptable; Leo, Nyx's chauffeur; Shura, yet another healer but with bows; Xander, who would only be an okay tank, but thanks to Seigfried he's good; and Azura, who is only useful for singing and Healing Descant, which is still really useful but doesn't go up to best-units level):

Elise: Great healer on every run, and her ridiculous amount of magic makes her an amazing Strategist (though she can't take hits, sadly).

Effie: She's amazing, although less amazing in the later chapters. Still, she was amazing in the early game and very helpful in the middle, and even as far as Ryoma there were moments where her sky-high defense was necessary to my survival (thank you for starting as a Knight). And her strength and speed are pretty great as a Great Knight as well (though Peri outsped her). She's mostly coming to endgame because I have room for her, but she served rather well for the whole game.

Mozu: First Run, I used her, because Mozu gets really good levels all the time, so she's pretty much guaranteed a spot on my team in all paths. This time I made her a Kinshi Knight so she could fly and kill things, and it has worked out awesomely (especially since Niles didn't, and Shura's only really good as an additional healer with bows for Attack Stance).

Nyx: First run, I had Odin, so she got benched in favor of a mage with more defense. This time, I decided not to use Odin, so Nyx had some time to shine before Leo came along. Which she did, since she's a magical nuke that doubles, especially once I gave her Nosferatu for enemy phase (though that doesn't double, it just lets her heal). And then she kept shining after Leo joined because Leo's speed is crap and he started getting doubled once he got to Hoshido. Also because she can Nosferatu-tank with Leo backing her up (though this strategy has led to a few resets, since Nyx's defenses aren't that good). Countercurse is a rather fun little skill too, makes mage-mashing easier.

Camilla: First Run, I saw pre-promote and benched her as soon as chapter 10 was over in favor of Beruka. Beruka failed to get good this time though, so I broke Camilla out around chapter 14 and she's ben one of my best units, holy shit she makes a great Wyvern Lord (after getting Savage Blow, of course). Made Hinoka so much easier than it would have been. Wish her luck was a little better so I didn't feel like I was fielding flying!Arthur sometimes, but that's just a minor problem on one of my best units.

Peri: First Run, I had Silas and he was doing alright, and I knew Xander was coming later, so Peri got a spot on the bench next to Laslow. This time, Silas decided that he didn't want to gain speed ever, so he got benched and I took Peri for a spin until Xander came along. And she's surprisingly great, Bloodthirst is a beautiful thing (not that she gets to use it much, I can't usually get Azura over to her), and she makes a very good Great Knight (though I just reclassed her to Paladin after she got Armored Blow, hopefully that works out). I got Xander, but I still use Peri, because she's just better than him.

Charlotte: First Run, I used Arthur instead because I'd been using him up to that point and didn't see any reason to use her, so she got benched with Benny after Uprising. This time Arthur couldn't gain speed, so he got benched and Charlotte got a chance to shine. And she did. Brightly. At first on her own, later paired up with Xander to make Xander great again once he started needing help (and even then, she's still quite great, just doesn't see as much use because she's busy inflating Xander's stats). Glad I put her in Hero for a bit to give her Sol, even if it doesn't proc very often (though she did once Sol-crit Subaki to death on a 35% hit rate, which was amazing).

Seigfried: First Run, I used Seigfried a lot because it's amazing. This time was not much different. Xander is on my endgame team primarily because no one else can use Seigfried. Otherwise, I would've trained someone else up and had them do it. Or just tossed it to Corrin if nobody worked out.

Flora: First Run, I had Felicia, so I benched her. This time... I still have Felicia, and she's still doing fairly well as a support unit, but I decided to use Flora anyway because I had a vacancy open and I wanted to see if she'd be good. Gave her a Flame Shuriken, a non-magic weapon (Jakob's Tray at the moment, mostly for the defense boost), and a couple of staves, and she's a better Maid than Felicia was (though Felicia's probably a superior Strategist), especially with Corrin support. Getting an S Support with her took a while, though.

And finally, Corrin: Used in both runs, obviously, but this time he turned out exceptionally well, and I'm fairly confident he could've beaten Ryoma by himself (but I wanted to get him to S Support with Flora, so they double-teamed him for a while instead). Would've taken a while, but he could've done it.

Admittedly, that was a bit more units-who-surprised-me than best-units (though there were a few of those up there too).

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Witch Midori with Rinkah as her mother was surprisingly effective. I started bringing her along in every battle and using her to chunk some of the hacked characters in enemy my castles.

Kagero was also very useful. Despite being a ninja she was one of my best front line units.

Ryoma.... needs no introduction.

Corrin was a mixed bag with a strength focus. He managed to shine more at the beginning and end of the story.

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I'm going to focus on Conquest only since Revelation and Birthright are so easy.


I must say that Archer!Mozu, Camilla, Ophelia, and Xander saved me a ton of trouble. Odin gets an honorable mention as well since the surprise criticals were amazing and got me out of all sorts of tight spots.

I should have invested more in Velouria than Kana, since Kana turned out horrid, oh well.

I will have to say that Mozu is meant to be a Dread Fighter or a Sniper. Master of Arms and Merchant are terrible classes for her in Conquest. She is supposed to stay out of harm's way.

Edited by Leif
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In Conquest, Effie and Xander, obviously. I was one of the few people who didn't use Camilla, apparently (She didn't seem -that- good compared to the others, though I guess I just didn't realize how good her growths were)

However one that I'm surprised not to see on this topic is Beruka. She was a godsend - got brilliant levelups all around and almost carried me along Effie. She and Xander comprised most of the infiltration strategies.

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Effie!WyvernRider!ercy - The go-to mother for Percy. He was a mobile tank as Wyvern Lord. One half of the Destruction Duo.

Camilla!General!Ignatius - Provided good strength and defense. Was a beast when paired with his partner, Percy. The other half of the Destruction Duo.

this duo right here (except beruka was ignatius's mother instead of camilla). percy paired with ignatius trivialized bottom half of chapter 26 on conquest hard.

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My thoughts from my first runs:

Birthright: Oboro why are you so OP? No one can kill you, and you half kill everything back, and seal their defense... MVP without a doubt.

Conquest: My first Elise was RNG blessed. I went back to look at her stats and I think she has like, 4 more HP and Def than she has any right having (accounting for stat boosters). But I'd say part of the rest of her utility is due to my spoiling of her, oops lol. (i.e. Replicate, +3 Thunder tome, etc)

More objectively, Effie was the real MVP. Ate hammers (well, a singular hammer) to the face. Iirc she also had the most battles fought. (Elise had the most kills)

Revelations: Kinda a dumb mode to talk about balance. Oboro and Elise joined together to kill everything. I also did more paralogues here (I say that despite only doing like 3-4 of them lol) so I had more kids and was at a higher level. (I did none in birthright and did one, Kana's, in conquest).

But then again, I've been told my opinions are odd, and I attribute that to Lunatic playing differently.

In my current playthrough I'm contemplating why Camilla!Velouria is basically a god. I reclassed her to a Malig Knight, hesitated for a second about sending her off to hit something in range of a sniper, then looked at the sniper's damage output and did it anyway. (granted, this current run is on Normal for relaxing.)

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Since most people have iterated the most of the already known greats, I'll just say the ones that really surprised me.

Hinata: I generally heard pretty bad things from this dude from more vocal sites but I liked his design and his personality and his growths didn't seem all that bad to me so I tried him out. After gaining a six stat level up and then a five stat level up consecutively I just had to freaking check if this was the same unit people were even talking about. Admittedly I got lucky but even then the guy activated Astra well, didn't die to the breeze like Hana and had decent res and high enough defense to withstand anything by himself.

Azama: Dread fighter does wonder to the guy since his growths are pretty much Ryoma levels and if you're willing to grind the guy, he is your best durable healer out of anyone. Even if he ends up with a B rank in lances as a Great Master his huge boost in strength couple with his strength growth, def and res, he's pretty much a grand mainstay.

Conquest!Laslow: He was a pretty decent merc but rally bot potential just made him awesome and even then I got lucky with his speed and defense so he only really died to mages. Pair up with Peri is nice and the resulting Soleil was pretty good even if I didn't use her that much.

Benny: I will admit Effie beats him out, but this man is a choke point master with the best defense and res growth a knight could ask for alongside a nice strength stat. His personality won me over more than Effie's body builder persona and his supports were pretty great like the ones with Elise. Love how people think he ate a volcano and then Benny humors them about it.

Welp those four dudes were pretty much good highlights on all my play through save poor Laslow who just couldn't make it early enough to the party in Rev

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Mine's probably not that surprising, but since this is my first FE game and I don't really look up strategies or tips online unless I'm stuck, I'm pretty proud of getting her to this point on my own. lol

Charlotte - Berserker - (currently) lvl 8

Str- 36, Skill-24, Spd-30

Death Blow/Certain Blow/Gamble/Axefaire/Vantage

She consistently gets 100%hit/100%crit, and 2 hits, and it's almost overkill because usually one regular hit could sufficiently kill something. XD

I'm starting to think I could do the same thing with Beruka, with her str 25 and skill 31.

Also, in both Birthright and Revelation, Hinoka seems to be the only Kinshi/Falcon Knight with any sort of defense, so that she only sometimes gets one-hit ko'ed by archers. XD

I did this with Beruka more or less accidentally when I reclassed her to pick up Axefaire, and yes it is godly... I haven't pulled it off for Charlotte, as she is too weak to get experience, that low starting skill stat :(

Also I have realized I probably bought way too many skills but it is just so addicting to buy new skills... I am honestly collecting them like Pokemon... I might need help... Gotta get them all...

Looking at units without skill hording Laslow actually has turned out pretty good after reclassing him to Ninja. The reclass gave him the needed speed with decent strength and he has leveled up nicely.

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In my Birthright run, Takumi and Saizo were my most unexpectedly powerful. Takumi destroyed EVERYTHING. His insanely high Crit rate, Hit rate, and Attack made him a serious force to be reckoned with, far exceeding my expectations for him. I mean, I know he's supposed to be a prince and all, but come on. That Fujin Yumi is just too OP. Saizo was also a bit of a shock. Going into Fates, I was under the impression that Ninja weren't good classes, like the Rogues back in PoR. When I got Saizo, I soon discovered I was very, very wrong. He could double any foe, deal plenty of damage with each hit, and could actually take more abuse if he got hit than most other Ninja, all while still getting reliable dodges. He was a beast, and I like him WAY more than I did, originally.

In my Conquest run, it would have to be Arthur and Odin. I am aware that most people would normally pick Effie over Arthur due to her excellent growths, but I didn't like Effie, and I still don't. So, I took Arthur instead, and I worked really hard to train him up. His growths and ability to land hits were shaky as I trained him, but as soon as I upgraded him into a Berserker he became an absolute MONSTER. His Skill stat went up dramatically and he could finally get reliable hits, all while getting a critical on each and every single one of them. Give him a Dual Club and a forged Killer Axe named "Fist of Justice" and watch him tear everything to pieces. Odin was a bit of a different case, due to the fact that I reclassed him. It just didn't feel right to have Odin not use a sword, and his first couple of levels as a Dark Mage gave him Str instead of Mag, which I found odd. So I made him a Samurai and gave him a forged Iron Sword called "Fatessiletainn" and he just annihilated anything and everything in his path. His high Crit rate combined with his amazing Avoid rate made him the legend on the battlefield I always knew he had the potential to be.

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