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Just planning ahead for when Fates finally releases in the UK, I plan to make Reina my Corrin's waifu and wanted to try and make her a top-class unit. Therefore, I was wondering, is it better for her to stay a Kinshi Knight or become a different class, as I want her to be a particularly offensive unit.

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Kinshi knights are the best flying units in the game imo

falcon knights don't have the best skills

also if you want, pick dark mage as your secondary class so Reina can reclass into a sorserer when she hits level 11 so she can learn the dark mage skills and bowbreaker

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Well, either Kinshi knight or Master Ninja are your best bets, but for my Rev. Lunatic run, I married her with a Magic+ Boon, and making her a permanent Onmyiogi(magic thing), because why not.

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I kept her vanilla, but also have her a Dual Yumi, Raider Yumi, and Crescent Bow alongside her regular loadout. She's a killing queen, and I love her for it. But if you're desperate for a better bow unit, go with Sniper secondary. There's really no alternative to what she can provide with her MOV, terrain ignoring and dual-range targeting.

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I... don't really care for Reina. She's a psychopathic killer who enjoys killing people and never shows any remorse or deeper character in her one support.

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