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[FE7] Free Space? And inserting voices

Avril Lavigne

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I'm just trying to confirm, is the free space from

0xD00000 to 0xE00000 ??

I'm just wondering... I usually write little things to that area but I was putting voices into the ROM (voices take up A LOT of data WTF!!) in the middle and I just wanted to make sure that I did not overwrite anything.


Also, I wrote voices (for songs) that don't originally exist in the ROM (or at least I don't think so) from FE6, and they hold a massive amount of data. I couldn't seem to find the code pattern, so I just copied and pasted large amounts (up to 0x4000 of data) and they finally sounded normal in the game.

Can someone tell me if I'm doing that correctly? Or if there is an easier way or less space-consuming way to insert voices?

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Can't help you with the voices, but from this topic: http://feuniverse.us/t/free-space-ranges/112

~~ FE 7 ~~

0x000CB51A to 0x000CB7E8 - used by FEditor auto patching system

0x00D00000 to 0x00D90000 - confirmed

0x00DA0000 to 0x00E00000 - confirmed?

So, yeah, there's a chunk in there that will brick things if you overwrite it.

Ah! Thank you.

I would mark solved, but I will just wait a bit longer to see if anyone else knows what I'm talking about.

Thanks again!

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If I understand correctly, you're trying to insert FE6 samples into FE7? Just use "Export samples" in Sappy, export them as .s files, then import them into your FE7 rom. Much easier/cleaner than copypasting in hex.

That being said, samples are just audio files (which tend to get gigantic quickly) at the end of the day, so it can happen that you have a huge sample that gobbles up several kilobytes every now and then. There's so much free space to work with that you shouldn't have to worry about running out, though.

Edited by Alusq
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If I understand correctly, you're trying to insert FE6 samples into FE7? Just use "Export samples" in Sappy, export them as .s files, then import them into your FE7 rom. Much easier/cleaner than copypasting in hex.

That being said, samples are just audio files (which tend to get gigantic quickly) at the end of the day, so it can happen that you have a huge sample that gobbles up several kilobytes every now and then. There's so much free space to work with that you shouldn't have to worry about running out, though.

Ah yes, thank you for this. I will test this out soon. You are the best!

EDIT: Damn, some of these files are gigantic....up to 55 KB!?! Damn. Haha

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You can just expand the ROM too if you want to save d00000 to e00000 for other things

True. But I use the expanded area for other, more important things! Plus because you supposedly cannot go over 32 MB, I kinda wanna make sure I'm not adding hundreds of kilobytes and limiting other features by importing audio.

I mean... not saying I'm gonna use all 16 MB of expandable data... but you know... just to be safe.

Thanks though!

Edited by Avril Lavigne
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As long as you're not importing the entire sound library from FE12 you should be fine. Which is what I did. And may get me into trouble at some point.

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Can't help you with the voices, but from this topic: http://feuniverse.us/t/free-space-ranges/112

~~ FE 7 ~~

0x000CB51A to 0x000CB7E8 - used by FEditor auto patching system

0x00D00000 to 0x00D90000 - confirmed

0x00DA0000 to 0x00E00000 - confirmed?

So, yeah, there's a chunk in there that will brick things if you overwrite it.

Our final conclusion was that D90000 is indeed free. FEditor just does weird things we think. Or at least, TLP used that free space range and it didn't brick, so.............

Results may vary.

Edit: Here's the tread discussion: http://feuniverse.us/t/fe7-d90000-range-confirmed-not-free-space/586?u=crazycolorz5

The image that's not there anymore is a screencap of a skype log with Blazer saying TLP used the space and it was fine.

Edited by Crazycolorz5
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