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The Official Ultima Super Battle Cruise Fortress Topic Deluxe!

Metal Rabbit

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Yeah, seriously, for a long period of time sometime ago, quite a number of SF people made it seem like it was "cool to be an ass"(someone said something along these lines, I think).

Yeah. Hika was the first. Let him be the only one. It works for him. It doesn't work for others.

*shoots self for even having this cross my mind... and it isn't Rick Roll or porn or anything stupid or disgusting! It's a little something to remind ourselves "we're all in this together"*

.....I'm going to kill you CGV. Rick Roll would have been preferable.

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*reads that line*


*doesnt click link*

*shoots self for even having this cross my mind... and it isn't Rick Roll or porn or anything stupid or disgusting! It's a little something to remind ourselves "we're all in this together"*

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Things are starting to head into that direction.

If people can just stay in the forest and have faith, we'll be fine eventually.

People have stayed here and had faith for months, and the fights continue. Faith alone isn't going to solve the problem, people should REALLY make a TRUE effort to just be nicer a little at a time.

Just because someone's a newcomer doesn't mean they are lower than you, and just because someone isn't popular doesn't mean you should encourage others to harass them.

Honestly we should GUIDE these people in a polite manner while giving them respect at the same time. Yes some won't get it, but obviously better than the methods we use already, as only SOME of the people here actually make an effort to guide them.

And people need to just STOP using loopholes in the rules really.

"Oh it's in the far from the forest section!" Really it needs to stop, although more is allowed, people abuse this too much. We all really should think a little before we post something. It doesn't take much out of your day to think for a moment, "hm, will this offend anyone? If so who, and what could offend them?" You find yourself determines what are petty reasons, and what are obvious.

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People have stayed here and had faith for months, and the fights continue. Faith alone isn't going to solve the problem, people should REALLY make a TRUE effort to just be nicer a little at a time.

Just because someone's a newcomer doesn't mean they are lower than you, and just because someone isn't popular doesn't mean you should encourage others to harass them.

Honestly we should GUIDE these people in a polite manner while giving them respect at the same time. Yes some won't get it, but obviously better than the methods we use already, as only SOME of the people here actually make an effort to guide them.

And people need to just STOP using loopholes in the rules really.

"Oh it's in the far from the forest section!" Really it needs to stop, although more is allowed, people abuse this too much. We all really should think a little before we post something. It doesn't take much out of your day to think for a moment, "hm, will this offend anyone? If so who, and what could offend them?" You find yourself determines what are petty reasons, and what are obvious.

I know. And we're getting there. Look at the stuff that happened with me and Masu. Look at the recent topics in questions and suggestions.

People are naturally making suggestions to help fix the forest. We'll get there.

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