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The Official Ultima Super Battle Cruise Fortress Topic Deluxe!

Metal Rabbit

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That was scary and hilarious!

I'm gonna check the toilet too before I sit on it. Never know where he'll be hiding.

imagine that! you would sit down to do your "business" and all of the sudden a hand shoots up and.......

well, you get the picture.

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imagine that! you would sit down to do your "business" and all of the sudden a hand shoots up and.......

well, you get the picture.

That's one aggresive splashback...

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I'm gonna need to buy a Lyleslayer and a Lyleguard now....

go to Bianchi's Little Shop in the Forest, there should be some in stock

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go to Bianchi's Little Shop in the Forest, there should be some in stock

I can't seem to find the store....

Oh well....Guess I'll just have to use these educational learning books.

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Lyleslayer-Instant kills anyone with 'Lyle' in their name.

10 attack-100 hit-0 critical-50 gold

LETHALITY!-Triples Lethality chance

25 attack-100 hit-50 critical-2,500 gold

Infinity-Instant kill on everything, always hits, always criticals

Infinite attack-Infinite hit-Infinite critical-100,000,000 gold

Lyle guard-negates anyone with 'Lyle' in their name from coming within 999999999 feet of the user, or the person with 'Lyle' in their name will instantly explode. Also, blocks all weapons wielded by someone named 'Lyle'.

50 gold

Infinity guard-See Lyle but replace "anyone with 'Lyle' in their name" with ALL ENEMIES. ON SALE, 50% OFF!

50,000,000 gold

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I bought a Lyleslayer and Infinity from hika's shop. Infinity is to protect myself. Lyleslayer is for if he fucks me over in the sitcom! HE WONT KNOW WHATS COMMING TO HIM! And that hideous face pic,Lyle should make that his sig and type under it:


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Well, I'm with Bianchi (as if you didn't see that coming.) She was the first one to take me in under her wing when I first came to the forest, so I owe her that much.

Plus it'll be fun to beat on Masu.

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Because you didnt humiliate and demean me in the quest enough! OHHHHH NOOOOO!

Hey, I gave you good momments to. And you asked for the whole 'Damon's seed gets inside you' thing.

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