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The Official Ultima Super Battle Cruise Fortress Topic Deluxe!

Metal Rabbit

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It's why I like and hate the internet.

I meet and communicate with alot of great new people, but I'll never be able to see them in real life, which sucks...

Although, nothing is impossible, and it's possible to meet someone from the other side of the world, it just takes some money, effort and trust, I guess.

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It's why I like and hate the internet.

I meet and communicate with alot of great new people, but I'll never be able to see them in real life, which sucks...

Although, nothing is impossible, and it's possible to meet someone from the other side of the world, it just takes some money, effort and trust, I guess.

Definitely. Wouldn't want to meet some rapist in a secret part of Mexico in which you will never see the light of day....

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It's why I like and hate the internet.

I meet and communicate with alot of great new people, but I'll never be able to see them in real life, which sucks...

Although, nothing is impossible, and it's possible to meet someone from the other side of the world, it just takes some money, effort and trust, I guess.

Yeah, I know what you mean. I have a few online friends that I've known for a couple of years, but never met in real life because of cost issues and busy schedules.

I did get a postcard from one friend, though. XD

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Well, I'm pretty sure that no one here is a 40 year old psycho pervert. Though I can't be certain.

Don't look at me! I'm too in touch with my creative side to be creepy!

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Well, I'm pretty sure that no one here is a 40 year old psycho pervert. Though I can't be certain.

Don't look at me! I'm too in touch with my creative side to be creepy!

Sometimes being creepy is the same as being creative....

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I find that I'm too open with others on the internet. I gotta stop doing that.

I'm personally not bothered. It's not like I'll meet with anyone in real life, although if it's people I trust (eg. people here on SF) then I'm fine.

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I'm personally not bothered. It's not like I'll meet with anyone in real life, although if it's people I trust (eg. people here on SF) then I'm fine.

Yeah, I'd meet with Raven if he weren't half-way cross the globe.

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Good luck finding me. I have three four aliases. You'll never take me alive!

Bua ha ha ha ha ha!

(Then again I'm a weakling, he'd probably kick my ass....)

Well I'd give him a stern talking to, That's for sure.

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It's why I like and hate the internet.

I meet and communicate with alot of great new people, but I'll never be able to see them in real life, which sucks...

Although, nothing is impossible, and it's possible to meet someone from the other side of the world, it just takes some money, effort and trust, I guess.

Sometimes I feel that's better. I know a person who met someone on the internet and after a great internet relationship for a while, they met in person. They soon discovered they hated each other! I like the idea of having a friend that you know well, but may never see their face.

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Sometimes I feel that's better. I know a person who met someone on the internet and after a great internet relationship for a while, they met in person. They soon discovered they hated each other! I like the idea of having a friend that you know well, but may never see their face.

This is where the blue rose comes in.

Please excuse me, I'm just being a rose freak again....

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Sometimes I feel that's better. I know a person who met someone on the internet and after a great internet relationship for a while, they met in person. They soon discovered they hated each other! I like the idea of having a friend that you know well, but may never see their face.

Well, I wouldn't want to meet Bianchi. She'd realize I'm an ugly loser who isn't worth her time.

but I'm sure there have been relationships that have worked out on the flip side.

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*starts playing funeral music*

Since it's in a pressurized can, I wonder what'll happen if I set it on fire.

I'd imagine scraps of metal and cheese would fly everywhere!!!

I'll go get the shovels....

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