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The Official Ultima Super Battle Cruise Fortress Topic Deluxe!

Metal Rabbit

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Woah, hah. I never saw this till now.

Wait, it was only posted yesterday.

How fun.

Like I say about pretty much everything:

Yeah, I say things in certain manners which people dislike, I admit that.

Though, there's little chance I'll change myself for anyone, so deal with it.

Life is unfair and a general pain. You're probably going to meet worse people than me, so deal with it or go to your corner.

I do things for the greater good as I see it (no one can convince me otherwise, unless I see the error in my point and amend it). Most of the time, I'm right; I do admit that I make mistakes, though. However, I stand by my opinion. If you don't like it then don't listen to me, just realize that I'll smugly look on if you fail. (If you succeed, I will applaud you and learn from you, simple.)

Note that under circumstances I deem serious, I will be harsh and quite blunt. Any other scenarios, I'd just be my normal self; just giving you a heads up.

Oh, one little note:

Any and all pieces of criticism are taken directly to heart with me, regardless of whether it was intended or not. I will respond accordingly in such circumstances.

Anyways, besides this little lapse, I was in a generally good mood.

Now, to spread the joy of randomness.


Oh yeah, forgot to question:

what power?

I hold no power in the matters of Serenes Emblem, I merely give suggestions. It's your choice whether to take them or not, I'm fine either way.

Oh, and feel free to say whatever you want to me through whatever means; I'll give one of a small list of responses.

1) I won't give a damn = Meh, feh, nyah, ..., etc.

2) I'll be extremely apologetic and ask for your forgiveness for my blunder.

3) I'll be a total jerk and say for you to grow up and live in the world we call a hell hole.

4) I'll be asleep.

5) I'll just be friendly and try to fix the problem.

Frankly, the response is based on a short list of factors too.

Generally, I'm in a better mood when I'm not tired.

'Nother little edit:

So, there are murmurs of distaste flying behind my back? How cowardly and disgraceful. If you're going to take a shot at someone, make sure they're looking.

On that topic, you really grind my mind sometimes, Lyle.

(But I really don't mind you at all.)

Edited by Swordmaster
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You're a very fine fellow. Insulting and bossing around and then saying that we should "deal with it"?

I'll deal with you if you decide to not be a jerk. I was kind enough not to kickban you the other day, those were some pretty harsh insults.

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You're a very fine fellow. Insulting and bossing around and then saying that we should "deal with it"?

I'll deal with you if you decide to not be a jerk. I was kind enough not to kickban you the other day, those were some pretty harsh insults.

Insulting and bossing around? Some examples would be nice; it seems that I only recall my annoyance for you at that moment.

Yes, I said deal with it, if not, feel free to kickban me. I dislike taking such simple shortcuts.

You call me a jerk and yet I vaguely remember you mirroring me. (At that, memory, I do remember saying some things like narcissist and such.)

I don't wish to be in your 'good favor' if it means not saying my mind. I say things for a reason.

Also, I'd like to point this out:

If you're being an arrogant snob, jerk, or any other such... I will be one right back to you.

Likewise, if you're a kind and generally nice person I will also be friendly.

(Note: That was directed to the general public.)

Edited by Swordmaster
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Insulting and bossing around? Some examples would be nice; it seems that I only recall my annoyance for you at that moment.

Yes, I said deal with it, if not, feel free to kickban me. I dislike taking such simple shortcuts.

You call me a jerk and yet I vaguely remember you mirroring me. (At that, memory, I do remember saying some things like narcissist and such.)

I don't wish to be in your 'good favor' if it means not saying my mind. I say things for a reason.

Also, I'd like to point this out:

If you're being an arrogant snob, jerk, or any other such... I will be one right back to you.

Likewise, if you're a kind and generally nice person I will also be friendly.

(Note: That was directed to the general public.)

You were insulting Lyle and bossing him around in one of the game topics.

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