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Metal Rabbit

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*Is rampaging still*

*Criticals Lyle with the Basilikos*


*Headbutts wall several times*

*Is unconscious on the floor...*

Damn it Lyle... You died before I criticalled you

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*Is rampaging still*

*Criticals Lyle with the Basilikos*


*Headbutts wall several times*

*Is unconscious on the floor...*

Damn it Lyle... You died before I criticalled you

I'm guessing Lyle was "rough in bed".

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*Activates guard. Takes blow for Bianchi. Runs out of HP*

Gah! Well....it was fun....while it lasted....Sorry..Bianchi.....

*Ties shoe and dissapears.*


*Is rampaging still*

*Criticals Lyle with the Basilikos*


*Headbutts wall several times*

*Is unconscious on the floor...*

Damn it Lyle... You died before I criticalled you

*kicks Raven*

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Even after everything we've been through?

you broke my heart, and now it is in a million tiny pieces.

you have to regain the love and trust back, lyle

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I know this is a bad time but, when i looked at the topic it looked like it said "ATTN BITCH" so i was like "WHAT THE FUCK IS LYLE THINKING!?

And now i will leave you 2 to this topic to be alone and talk.

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I'm guessing Lyle was "rough in bed".

I heard that...

*Gets up, attacks Fireman with the Regal blade*


*falls asleep from MaSu's staff...*

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you broke my heart, and now it is in a million tiny pieces.

you have to regain the love and trust back, lyle

How about how I died to protect you from Hika's mighty great axe?

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bbbalrtjelkhklsagkl aklthe wlkaslj ndlqer sgkad.bjkhwdn sm,gb wklethk n vui ohwj gnd kb, d awlek hsgn bs iowek; LATH SN LSG ,ZV .NA WE B HJL. jq na ll m, snad ;l kn, 45l erkgnd kltkq em,. dfnas ljk h.m,e n l45eh tn kl BARREL ROLL

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